On October 24, 1632, Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek was born in the Netherlands in the city of Delft or Oude Kerk.Antony Van Leeuwenhoek is given the title of the father of microbiology. Before the age of 40, Anton Van Leeuwenhoek worked as a businessman with his own textile shop.The scientific career of Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek started after the age of 40, where he made his own lens. There is no specific information that is recorded in history about what piqued Antony Van Leeuwenhoek’s interest in lens making, but this man had an extraordinary talent for this as at that time, making a microscope was not easy, and it incurred a lot of technical difficulties. His simple microscopes were so extraordinary to the scientists that nobody to date knew how he made them as he never told anyone and took this secret to his grave. It is said that he ground his glass for a long time in order to make lenses for his simple microscopes.As you already know, Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek’s microscope making technique is a secret, but the scientific community studied and came to the conclusion that he definitely used to heat the middle area of a glass with a hot flame until its molten for his entire instrument, which was a microscope. After this process, he used to pull the ends of the molten glass in different directions as a result forming a thin thread of it, and when it breaks, he placed it again in the flame, and finally the thread’s end form a sphere-like structure which he then used in his extraordinary microscope so that he could study tiny objects.If you like reading about the facts of Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek and are curious to know more about similar scientists, then do read our other articles on Albert Einstein facts and facts about Cuba here on Kidadl.What is Antonie van Leeuwenhoek famous for?Antony Van Leeuwenhoek was a Dutch businessman until the age of 40 when he pursued his dream of being a scientist. If we look at Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek’s education in his early life, we see that he was not educated much. He didn’t even know any other language apart from Dutch. He just followed his hobby of scientific dogma which led him to craft and create his own microscope that in turn helped him to discover microorganisms.Antoni van Leeuwenhoek was known to be the first to see and characterize single-celled organisms, which he called animalcules at that time and which we now call microorganisms or microbes, by using his homemade microscopes. By noticing small insects like maggots, houseflies, and fleas, Leeuwenhoek proved that not only humans but these small insects also go through a lifecycle, and thus, he discovered the process of parthenogenesis in insects. He was also known to be the first to observe muscle fibers, spermatozoa, bacteria, and blood flow in small blood arteries at a microscopic level. Van Leeuwenhoek didn’t publish books; instead, he wrote letters to the Royal Society of London. The letters were published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, which is a magazine of the Royal Society. And later, after that letter, Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek was called to the Royal Society and was soon elected as a member of both the Royal Society as well as French Academy. There he met other famous scientists like Henry Oldenburg and Robert Hooke.What did Antonie van Leeuwenhoek discover?Despite the fact that Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek’s skill and investigation lacked a traditional scientific inquiry structure, his keen observation talents enabled him to make important discoveries. Leeuwenhoek created microscopes with a single high-quality lens with a relatively short focal length; at that time, such simple microscopes were preferred over compound microscopes that have more than one lens, which exacerbated the problem of chromatic aberration.For the first time, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek saw protozoa in 1674, then bacteria a few years later. He was able to isolate those ’extremely little animalcules’ from a variety of sources, including the pond, rainwater, and well water, and from the human intestine and mouth. He also measured their dimensions. In 1677, he described the spermatozoa of insects, canines, and humans for the first time. Leeuwenhoek found parthenogenesis in aphids by studying the structure of the optic lens, muscular striations, insect mouthparts, and plant fine structure. In 1680, he discovered that yeasts are made up of tiny spherical particles. He also added to Jan Swammerdam and Marcello Malpighi’s demonstration of blood capillaries in 1660 by describing red blood cells for the first time.Antonie also discovered that granary weevils (once thought to be bred from the grain of wheat) are actually grubs that hatch from eggs laid by winged insects. Some theorists claimed that the flea was made of sand, while others claimed that it was made of dust or something similar, but Leeuwenhoek established that it bred like other winged insects. Thus, his letter on the flea, which he wrote to the Royal Society, there in which he not only described the structure of flea’s cycle but also traced the entire history of its metamorphosis, is quite fascinating, not so much for the precision of his observations but also for an illustration. Leeuwenhoek also researched the ant’s history and was the first man to demonstrate that what had been thought to be ants’ eggs were actually their pupae, which contained the perfect insect almost ready for emergence, and that the true eggs were considerably smaller and gave rise to larvae or also known as maggots. Furthermore, he claimed that the sea mussel and other sea shellfish were not created from muck found in river beds at low water levels nor sand found on the beach, but rather from spawn produced by the natural process of creation. He argued that the same thing happened with the freshwater mussel embryos, which he inspected so closely that he was able to see how ‘microorganisms’ wholly consumed them.Why was van Leeuwenhoek’s discovery so important?By introducing the science of microbiology to everyone, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek altered the world. By discovering microorganisms and bacteria, Leeuwenhoek proved that even the smallest living entities could have a significant impact on human life. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was a very curious person. His curiosity was so insatiable that he used his microscopes to examine anything he could, from samples of nearly 200 living species to mineral items. He even made an effort to see a gunpowder explosion.The discovery of Van Leeuwenhoek was significant because it shifted the focus of scientific observations from large things to small things. He drew attention to microscopic organisms like bacteria, cells, and microbes, and this shifted the attention entirely. His findings set the groundwork for protozoology and bacteriology. He was the first one who discovered and looked more into bacteria, protists, capillaries, blood corpuscles, spermatozoa, the cell vacuole, and the anatomy of nerves and muscles. There are many famous Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek quotes that got famous when he was recognized. They are the proof that everything which he does is to complete his curiosity. One of the quotes is, ‘My work, which I have done for a long time, was not pursued in order to gain the praise I now enjoy, but chiefly from a craving after knowledge, which I notice resides in me more than in most other men.‘How did Antonie van Leeuwenhoek die?For Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, childhood was not an easy one as he faced many difficulties at a young age. He came from a small family where his father was a poor man and a basket maker, while his mother was from a successful family. When Leeuwenhoek was just five years old, he lost his father, and his mother remarried and left Leeuwenhoek with his uncle. As his uncle was a good lawyer, he educated Van Leeuwenhoek well and gave him a job.Later, Leeuwenhoek married a girl named Barbara de Mey and had five children, but soon Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek’s wife died, and he remarried again after five years. After the death of his second wife, Leeuwenhoek gave his life to scientific discoveries. When Antonie was 90 years old, he got a rare disease in which he started to have uncontrollable movements in his body. Van Leeuwenhoek’s disease was very rare and new and the disease got his name after his death. Antonie died in August 1723 at the age of 90, just after getting that disease, and he was then buried in his native town of Oude Kerk.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek facts then why not take a look at Barack Obama facts or facts about Rosa Parks.

On October 24, 1632, Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek was born in the Netherlands in the city of Delft or Oude Kerk.