Popcorn goes a long way back in history as it is one of the cheapest snacks with good nutritional value.The process to make popcorn has evolved and now it has become a crucial part of the movie theater experience. If you are curious to learn more about the process and its evolution we have got you covered in this article.It is amazing to think how the kernels have the ability to pop and become double their size. It is a delicious snack that is consumed all over the world. Although the exact era during which popcorn came into existence is not evident yet the fossils suggest that it may be around 4700 BC. Later in the 19th century, it was being sold in America and was called ‘nonpareil’ or ‘Pearl’. ‘Popcorn’ was coined by John Russell Bartlett in 1848. The technology during that period was not advanced hence popcorn was made on the stove. Now, with changing times machines have replaced human beings. Popcorn kernels can be traditionally made, it can be air-popped (the healthiest way), it is popularly made in popcorn machines now. Instant popcorn can be made at home with the help of a microwave or air fryer. However, not all kinds of corn can pop. Out of sweetcorn, dent corn, flint corn, pod corn, and flour corn only one variety has the ability to pop which is popcorn. Zea mays everta is a variant that is specially harvested as popping corn. The popped corn is primarily two types and it is called flakes. If it is ball-shaped with a fewer number of wings it is called ‘mushroom flakes’. The other type has more wings and it is shaped like a snowflake or butterfly thus it is called ‘butterfly flakes’.To learn more about the process keep reading. Also, check out other interesting articles on how is margarine made and how is maple syrup made.The Process Of Making Microwave PopcornBefore getting into the process let us first learn about the popcorn kernels and what makes them pop. The popcorn kernels have a hard coating outside called a hull. Inside the kernel, a tiny water droplet is present along with the plant embryo. When heat is provided the steam creates pressure and the popcorn pops.Instant popcorn is a popular thing now because the recipe is easy and it takes relatively less time in a microwave. The popcorn kernels are dried and mixed with cooking oil before they are packed in bags. The popcorn may come in different flavors like butter, caramel, salted, cheese, and others. The ideal temperature required for popping corn is 400-600 F (204.4- 315.6 C ). Therefore, the bag of popcorn is placed in the microwave and the temperature is set above 300 F (148.9 C) and it takes about three to four minutes for the kernels to pop. The popcorn is ready once the popping sound stops. The method of popping is the same, it is when the kernel is heated, which creates pressure, and the kernel pops. However, we often notice the unpopped kernels in the bags. The unpopped kernel is called a spinster or an old maid. The number of calories may differ from air-popped popcorn or from the popcorns that are traditionally made in a pot. Although the instant popcorn goes through quality checks and has an incredible taste yet it is not very healthy.The Methods Involved In Making Popcorn From CornPopcorn is a quick snack, however, the process that involves making popcorn can be quite elaborate. It is a prolonged process that encompasses the right methods of plantation, harvesting, drying the seeds, and finally distributing.There are primarily six types of maize but to make popcorn there is one variety that is grown and harvested particularly. Otherwise, it cannot be made from other varieties including sweet corn or field corn. The Zea mays everta is a common variety that is widely cultivated. The two types of popcorn that are grown by the farmers include rice popcorn and pearl popcorn. The kernels of the rice popcorn are elongated while the kernels of pearl popcorn are round. After the maize is harvested it is not immediately popped because of high moisture content. To reduce the moisture level the kernels are dried. The approximate rate of moisture should be around 14-15% by weight. It is not overdried as it will reduce the yield. After the seeds go through all the vital processes they are ready to be packed or distributed. The moisture inside the kernel when heated creates pressure, the hull ruptures, and the kernel eventually pops. Nevertheless, if the kernels are heated rapidly the steam that is present in the outer layer can surpass the high pressure and burst which may lead to partly popped kernels. Popcorn is available everywhere, the method of making and selling them may vary. The movie theater popcorn is primarily machine-made has high saturated fat content as it contains coconut oil and excessive butter. However, in movie theaters, popcorn is served since the first half of the 20th century. Other than movie theaters popcorn is served everywhere and it is easily available. At home, it can be made in a heavy bottom pan, air fryer, or microwave. One can incorporate different seasonings like salt, pepper, and flavor such as caramel, butter, cheese, chocolate, and others.Quantity Of Popcorn That Can Be Yielded From A BagPopcorn is initially seeds that are processed and distributed. Also, the expansion of the kernels plays a vital role. Therefore, when packed in bags the manufacturer needs to put the right amount of corn kernels.A bag of popcorn is widely available in many flavors. The large chunks of popcorn are chiefly associated with better quality. Almost 4.5 cups of popcorn are yielded from a bag of regular-sized popcorn. It contains cooking oil that enables the kernels to pop under heat. The popcorn is ready when the popping sounds cease. It takes around four to five minutes for the kernels to pop then you can add any flavor of your choice before eating.Process Of Making Popcorn Without KernelsWhile eating popcorn we may notice plenty of kernels left in the bowl.Various factors are involved in leaving the unpopped kernels behind. A kernel consists of a tiny droplet of water, starch, embryo, and hull. The kernel will pop under a certain temperature and pressure. When cooked in a large quantity the heat is not evenly distributed through each of the kernels and hence popping of the kernel may vary. To avoid this situation one needs to be careful with the method that they follow. If the popcorn is being made in a pan it is important to cover the bottom with oil evenly and maintain a temperature between 400-600 F (204.4- 315.6 C ). After adding the kernels keep shaking the pan so that the heat can be distributed evenly. High temperature can cause hardening of the center because the steam will rupture the hull. The corn kernels will not pop evenly some will partially pop. It becomes difficult eating such popcorn. If it is prepared in a microwave it is relatively difficult because it cannot be shaken therefore stop the microwave if the popping sound is three or more seconds apart. This will not eliminate the unpopped kernels but somehow minimize them. Once it is done enjoy your delicious snack with any flavor of your choice.Puffed corn, another corn snack is made by the process of extrusion cooking through an extruder. Many salty and seasoned varieties of puffed popcorn exist.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for how is popcorn made then why not take a look at why do football players wear eye black or how often do cats poop?

Popcorn goes a long way back in history as it is one of the cheapest snacks with good nutritional value.