Alexander Hamilton is one of the foremost and prominent figures of the founding of the United States of America.Hamilton was one of the founding fathers who sculpted and nurtured the shape of the American constituency and financial system. Author of all the major federalist papers, founder of the New York newspaper, and United States Coast Guard, Hamilton also played a significant role as promoter and interpreter of the United States Constitution.Of course, his accomplishments under the federal government are not just limited to these arenas, Hamilton was also responsible for the establishment of the banks of North America and the first bank of the United States.Born in the Caribbean islands of Charlestown, Nevis on January 11, 1755, Hamilton never actually saw his parents who conceived him. But all of his childhood and education were taken care of by a wealthy merchant in the region. So Hamilton received education in New York City where his flair as a writer soon reached the ears of important political figures.During his time as a fellow student, Hamilton was one of the most precious and well-articulated writers who mainly wrote in support of the continental congress, however, most of his articles were published under a pen name. This future founding father of the United States also took part in the army during the American Revolution. Serving under the command of George Washington in 1777 Hamilton was promoted as the senior aide who answered to the Commander in Chief General George Washington.In the early 1790s, he founded the Federalist Party which was a coalition of his supporters to promote his fiscal policies. This was the first American Political Party. As a countermeasure, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison formed a political faction under the name of Democratic-Republicans.Alexander Hamilton did not share a great relationship with Aaron Burr and even worked to deny his election for the New York governorship. Alexander Hamilton married Elizabeth Schuyler in 1780. She was the daughter of one of the wealthiest men of New York, Philip Schuyler.However, the accomplishments and contributions of the great Alexander Hamilton are not just restricted to these aspects. When you are finished reading these facts, you will get to know more about this important historical figure, so come on then without any delay let us dive into it! Afterwards, also check facts on the accomplishments of Rosa Parks and facts about Rosa Parks.Development Related Accomplishments Of Alexander HamiltonAlexander Hamilton, born in Charlestown, spent most of his childhood there. Since he was raised as an orphan boy along with his siblings, Hamilton’s life was not short of obstacles and hardships.His mother was Rachel Faucette, a mixed-race woman having both French and British heritage and his father was James Hamilton who was a Scotsman.Another interesting fact about Hamilton’s birth is that the date and year are often debated by historians, some argue he was born in 1755 and some say his birth happened in 1757, nevertheless both of these dates are widely accepted. However, after losing his mother to yellow fever and being abandoned by his father, Hamilton was left to fend for himself, but not for long. He was eventually taken by one of his relatives at a young tender age, Hamilton began to work as a clerk at an import firm. During this time, he developed the habit of reading and writing, he also taught himself basic education.After many hardships during his time in America, Hamilton was accepted into King’s College, now known as Columbia University in New York City in 1773, there Hamilton authored his first-ever well-articulated letter about a full vindication of the measures of Congress where it was published anonymously. Eventually publishing various other 15 installments for the New York Journal.But fate was harder for him, he had to discontinue his studies owing to the British occupation during the time, but he studied by himself and passed the bar exam, Hamilton was officially permitted to argue cases in the supreme court. One can easily grasp that although life was hard for Hamilton, Hamilton always came through. This is one of his early life instances. Now let us take a look at the development related accomplishments of Alexander Hamilton:One of the earliest accomplishments of Alexander Hamilton was noted when he wrote a letter to the local gazette about the hurricane that had devastated the town. The gazette was so impressed with his writing that it was published locally.George Washington and Alexander Hamilton’s companionship lasted outside of the revolutionary war as well; when Washington became president, Hamilton was appointed as the first United States Secretary of the Treasury.Did you know that Hamilton once has an extramarital affair with a married woman, Maria Reynolds?Hamilton was also responsible for the establishment of the Naval Police Force which came to be known as the US Coast Guard.Another significant earliest accomplishment of Alexander Hamilton was his series of essays and letters promoting the ratification of the constitution also known as federalist papers where his letters were published anonymously.Hamilton was instrumental in the establishment of the Bank of New York in the year 1784. He was of the belief that finding a bank will improve the credit line of the country.Alexander Hamilton is regarded as founding the first political party. Numerous people regard him to be one of the founding fathers of the Federalist Party.Hamilton also served as the Inspector General for the United States Army in the years 1798-1800 and while serving the country as the Secretary of the Treasury, he established the United States Mint. He was also one of the important responsibilities for the Coinage Act of 1792.Alexander Hamilton admired the flair of rendering useful information and at the same time, he loved the act of writing so he established a New York evening post. Hamilton also contributed a lot to shape the policies of John Adams, the second US President.Alexander Hamilton was one of the main authors of the economic policies under the government of the first president of the USA, George Washington. So in terms of his influence as the founding father Hamilton was right up there with Washington, Franklin, and Jefferson.The Defence-Related Accomplishment Of Alexander HamiltonThe first-ever association with the American military happened to Alexander Hamilton during his college days when he and his fellow classmates joined a military company known as Corsicans or which later came to be known as Hearts of Oak.This seemingly new military company saw its first success under the control of Alexander Hamilton when he achieved the raid against the British cannons in the battery park. Hamilton did most of the studying by himself, he taught history, strategies, and tactics on his own, which eventually led to his promotion.In the year 1776, Hamilton established the New York Provincial Company of Artillery which possessed 60 men in total for the sake of campaigning against the British, especially at the Battle of White Plains.The New York Provincial Company of Artillery also participated in the battle of Trenton (another American revolutionary battle). Hamilton’s avid participation in the battle of Princeton was one notable bit of information as he was undoubtedly instrumental in securing the victory against the British.Witnessing all of this, George Washington was immensely impressed with the actions of Hamilton, he was issued an invitation to become lieutenant colonel, serving under the side of Washington. This job mainly involved dealing with state governors, Congress, and generals of armies and at the same time issuing and writing the important letter to the same.During the American Revolutionary War when the times were tough, Hamilton played a crucial role in securing the victory for his country. This war also brought him close to numerous friendships with Hamilton which would stay long and meaningful in his life. Some of these friendships were with Marquis De Lafayette and John Laurens. Here is a comprehensive list of the defense-related accomplishments of Alexander Hamilton:Hamilton got his first-ever taste of life on the battlefield when he joined the New York Provincial Artillery Company. Hamilton’s immense interest in the war was nurtured by his admiration towards George Washington for his leadership and bravery. The uniforms which they wore unmistakably were designed in such a way that it was complete with words liberty or death on students’ hairbands.His actions in the Provincial Artillery Company proved him to be a valuable asset to the military. Hamilton impressed numerous during the battle some of them were Knox and Greene who in turn recommended the young man to George Washington.Washington appointed Hamilton as the lieutenant colonel during which he served four years under the command of George Washington.Hamilton helped secure a victory in the battle of Yorktown against the British. The surrender of the British general Lord Charles Cornwallis helped secure the victory for the Americans.This battle is also regarded as the last crucial battle in the American Revolutionary War.Alexander Hamilton also served as the de facto head of the American army from the period of 1798-1800.So the contribution of Alexander Hamilton during the crucial battle of the American Revolutionary War shaped the nation it is today. However, there is no doubt that the long military service sculpted the thinking of Hamilton. Most of his biographers even go as far as to say that without the immense military contribution of Alexander Hamilton, it is impossible to ascertain that victory would have been of the Americas.Years of constant self-study, patriotism to the nation, and unwavering tactical and military thinking with a hint of bravery made Alexander Hamilton one of the prominent figures etched into the history of the United States of America.The portrait of Alexander Hamilton by John Trumbull is used for most official purposes.The Economic Growth-Related Accomplishment Of Alexander HamiltonAlexander was appointed as the first Secretary of the United States Treasury in the year 1789 by president George Washington. During his five years of service Hamilton transformed the functionalities of the US treasury, structuring the cabinet and overseeing the actions of his subordinates.Hamilton was also fluent in the intricacies of the financial aspects, he submitted various letters and financial reports to the congress, he was one of the individuals responsible for the first Coinage Act. Some of his letters are reports on a national bank, the first report on the public credit, operations of the act laying duties on imports, and more.The aftermath of the Revolutionary War was not simple, on the contrary, it was fresh chaos, the newly formed was already debt-ridden. But of course, the talented Alexander Hamilton came to the rescue with all his deep knowledge and learning about the financial and military, and law systems he was able to figure out how the resources must be allocated and the process of generating income for the nation of the United States. Hamilton, whether consciously or not, became one of the prominent advocates for a modern capitalist movement in the economy during the early times of the United States.Hamilton’s single most vision after the war was to repair the financial damage. He founded the Bank of the United States, which in turn helped the country in keeping the nation’s economy in check.Alexander Hamilton also advocated the mercantilist economy which he believed would render protection to the American manufacturers in respect to the import and export taxes levied on them.Hamilton was one of the first people to issue a significant bold proposal in respect to the federal government, he said the confederation must be paid off at full value. This action he believed would increase the credibility and legitimacy of the new central government.Apart from setting up the bank, Hamilton was also credited with founding the United States Mint (a system to charge taxes on expensive and luxury goods). This plan was made to develop internal manufacturing which in turn would boost the overall economy.So the accomplishments of Alexander Hamilton are as fascinating as his life story. A self-made man with unwavering convictions with an utmost thirst for knowledge. This founding father of the United States was an army officer, legal representative, and economist.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Alexander Hamilton accomplishments you have to read and understand! then why not take a look at interesting facts about Teddy Roosevelt, or Teddy Roosevelt presidency?

Alexander Hamilton is one of the foremost and prominent figures of the founding of the United States of America.