Air pollution is not a new term for us as we are causes and victims of this at the same time.The presence of pollutants in the atmosphere that is harmful to the health of humans and other living beings and mutilates the climate is termed air pollution.The increased concentration of gasses like ammonia, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides, methane and chlorofluorocarbons, and other organic, inorganic, and biological molecules aggravate the pollution levels. A major cause of diseases like cancer, respiratory disorders, allergies, and even the death of living beings are from the major impacts of air pollution.Climate changes, ozone layer depletion, and habitat degradation are the other serious implications of air pollution. Have you ever been bothered by how much air travel can cater to air pollution? Read further to know the environmental impacts of aviation that you never cared about. A thought-provoking read will definitely ask you to rethink your holiday plans!Air Travel And Climate ChangeEuropean governments are also taking initiatives so as to reduce air pollution. Governments are favoring rail travel and making it easier and cheaper to attract people.They have already developed relatively fast and dense rail networks and are moving ahead of time to offer reasonable alternatives to short-haul air routes. A study organized by the environmental group Greenpeace threw light onto some facts that would shake you. It stated that over one-third of the busiest short-haul flights in Europe have viable train options as alternatives that would reduce pollution.The aviation sector has been expanding since the early-20th-century and since then, it has become indispensable to the economy for imports, exports, tourism, and business. However, the greenhouse gas emission and effect on the planet’s climate is nothing less. They add to the added crisis of global warming and pollution.Transportation emissions, mainly greenhouse emissions during domestic flights due to the aviation fuel, consists of carbon pollution and carbon offsets. The airline emissions during international flights by the international aviation use jet fuel that are mainly fossil fuels. Fossil fuels provide better efficiency as compared to sustainable aviation fuels that act as renewable energy. Climate pollution is increasing due to negligence as said during the clean air act and it is important to use fuels that reduce emissions.Other industries are taking steps to contain pollution while the aviation industry has failed to do so. Instead, there is a stark expansion. Between 1990 and 2012, the aviation industry has propelled carbon emissions by 75%. Researchers are predicting that by 2050, the industry would be domineering a quarter of all emissions. Being one of those industries with increasing affiliation, the global population relying on the aviation industry has also escalated. From 5% to 10% earlier, the number of global passengers touched 3.7 billion in 2016.These airplanes are running on kerosene fuel, which is burnt down to emit carbon dioxide and other poisonous gases into the atmosphere, taking a huge toll on the climate system. With a high rate of combustion, the carbon emission increases and leaves a significant carbon footprint causing an erosion of the ozone layer and gradually paving the way to global warming.Carbon Emissions From International AviationEvery other thing that gives us comfort is accompanied by some implication that severely hampers the environment. The carbon emission caused by the aviation industry is beyond our imaginations.The aviation sector conducting flight operations does not use alternative fuels since it does not provide good fuel efficiency among cirrus clouds. Transportation modes such as direct flights still help in lower emissions of greenhouse gases and hence will have lesser climate impacts, even when it does emit soot particles.The aviation industry is a chief contributor to air pollution and resultant climate change. As it is developing at a break-neck pace, it has also become one of the rapidly soaring generators of carbon dioxide in the environment. The consequence it has is so huge that the amount of carbon footprint left on the planet by a single flight stays in the atmosphere for long and warm the atmosphere for centuries to come. These aircraft emissions trigger chemical reactions causing the atmosphere of the planet to heat up and have a potent climate impact.Apart from the carbon emissions are the nitrogen oxides, water vapor, contrails, and cirrus that leave deep imprints on the environment of the planet. When these gasses combine with the carbon emissions of airplanes, the percentage amounts to 5%. The 2019 report of the UN’s World Tourism Organization, has predicted that the carbon emissions are likely to grow 25% by 2030 as compared to the emission levels of 2016.Regulating Aircraft EmissionsCountries are coming up with legislation and regulations to reduce greenhouse gasses. The obes imposed by the US are notable in this regard. Take a glance into key regulations.The Environment Protection Agency (EPA), has finalized the greenhouse gas emission standards for commercial and jet airlines. This aligns with Carbon dioxide emission standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organisation. Aviation emission standards have also been set for aircraft gas turbine engines with an efficiency of 26.7 kilonewtons.This would help reduce the emission of nitrogen oxides. The EPA is also working to reduce lead emissions from the piston-engine aircraft that operate on leaded aviation gasoline. The Federal Aviation Administration has tied up with aircraft engine manufacturers, industries, and fuel producers to reduce lead emissions.Optimizing fuel economy in aircraft or air traffic control and flight routes are all measures to lower greenhouse gas emissions. Emissions trading, aviation biofuel, and carbon offsetting are other means that aim at reducing harmful emissions. Short-haul flight bans, train connections, aviation taxation and subsidies, and personal choices have their impact on aviation usage. Replacing fuel-powered aircraft with hydroelectric aircraft can make a huge difference as they have reduced fuel consumption.Advocating For Climate-Conscious Air TravelTo contain increasing levels of air pollution, here are some methods that we can adopt to advocate climate-conscious air travel as responsible global citizens.For the past year and more, there is declining carbon emissions from the aviation industry. You have already guessed the reason! The Covid-19 pandemic has been a huge blow to our lives but not to the environment! However, with the pandemic gradually retrieving, tourism is gaining pace once again. Here are some tips to imbibe climate-consciousness in each of us before opting for air travel. Here are some tips to imbibe climate-consciousness in each of us before opting for air travel.The idea of ‘staycation’ was uncommon until Covid hit us all. The pandemic taught us to restrict ourselves to homes and to take holiday in our own countries. This would not only increase our dependence on rails over the air but also help the local hotels, restaurants, and shops.Explore the countryside and romanticize the train travel. Once your backpack to explore your country islands by train, there will be no going back! You will soon realize that the contentment rail travel gifts us cannot be replicated in any other. Rely on airplanes only if it’s an emergency or if you are traveling across continents when they are indispensable.While you travel by airplane, make sure you don’t carry plastic. According to the UN Environment, 300 million tonnes of plastic are produced every year. Did you know that this is equivalent to the weight of the entire human population? Plastic is a challenge not only to marine habitats but also adds to carbon emissions.As per IATA estimates, the airlines generate around 14,771 million lb (6700 million kg) of cabin waste every year, out of which a large percentage is of plastic. As steps to reduce the use of plastic, avoid buying bottled waters and instead carry your own water bottles throughout the trip.Fly smart! The newer aircraft have more fuel efficiency and therefore reduced emissions. Though the emissions per plane are gradually declining, the air travel emissions are soaring uncontrollably with increased passengers. The rate has increased by 32% between 2016 and 2018! Even your choice of seats could have an impact! The business class and first-class seats take up more space and therefore spawn emissions by three to nine times.Throughout your journey, from the mode of transport to stay, opt for eco-friendly means. This would have a deep impact on the environment. Did you know that you can explore the world and volunteer at the same time? While traveling across, you can volunteer for beach cleaning, reforestation projects and can tie up with such organizations, to play your part in environmental conservation.Environmental Effects Of AviationThe environmental effects of aviation are many. The long list of environmental impacts would leave you aghast.Fossil fuel combustions produce gasses, noise, and other pollutants raising environmental concerns over global effects and local air quality. The modern jet engines emit more greenhouse gasses and the attempts between 1967 and 2007,  have helped reduce the emissions and make them more fuel-efficient.Aircraft noise pollution is a major challenge that increases the chances of cardiovascular risk. The use of jet fuel and chemicals generates water pollution, contaminating the freshwater resources. The ozone and ultrafine particles they emit are causes of health hazards. The airline engines burn Avgas, which release toxic lead particulates into the atmosphere.

Air pollution is not a new term for us as we are causes and victims of this at the same time.