History remembers leaders for two reasons, the good that these people did and the bad reputation they obtained through their actions are reflected in their life history.Aaron Burr was no different in this case. Although he was a great vice president, his presidency rule is not what made him more famous in history as his life was a series of ups and downs.He is most well-known for killing Alexander Hamilton in a duel when he was the vice president of the United States. At that time, the president of the United States was Thomas Jefferson. Moreover, in the year 1807, Burr was arrested in Alabama on charges of treason, and the case was tried in the United States Court. Let us see what made Aaron Burr significant in American history. Afterward, also check Andrew Jackson facts and facts about Samson in the bible.Aaron Burr Life HistoryThe life history of Aaron Burr began in 1756. Aaron Burr was born in New Jersey in 1756. In the college of New Jersey, he studied and graduated theology but studied law later.Aaron Burr went on further in this field but in 1779, Burr resigned from the role stating that he was leaving due to his health issues. Then he went on to study law. In 1782, Burr married Mrs. Theodosia Bartow Prevost who was a widow. Aaron Burr and Theodosia had a daughter who was also named Theodosia. In 1789, the New York governor at the time, George Clinton made burr the attorney general.The political career of burr began with that. In 1791, burr was elected as the US senator. He won this place against the father-in-law of Alexander Hamilton, which marks the beginning of enmity between these two. Aaron Burr ran for president two times, one in 1796 and another in 1800. John Adams became the president in 1796 with vice president Thomas Jefferson. In 1800, both Burr and Jefferson tried for the presidential role. In the end, they became president Jefferson and vice president Aaron burr. In 1804, Burr ran for the role of New York governor but lost. Then came the Burr-Hamilton duel which eventually ruined his political career. Aaron Burr died in 1836 with many dreams unfulfilled.Aaron Burr Known ForAlthough Aaron Burr had a successful law career for a while, Aaron Burr’s significance in history is not for this. Burr is known for his enmity with Alexander Hamilton mainly. Here are some of the most famous and infamous things for which Aaron Burr was well known: -His treason charge under president Jefferson is also something else that he is infamous for. The good things that Aaron Burr did fade in comparison to this news.George Clinton Burr was a very successful attorney. He moved to New York City in 1783 and shared a practice with Alexander Hamilton.The enmity between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr started long before the duel. Burr blamed Hamilton for the setbacks that happened in his career. Burr challenged Hamilton for a duel at Weehawken in New Jersey. The duel between these two happened in New Jersey on July 11, 1804. The details of the duel are not exactly clear but Hamilton was seriously wounded while Burr was not harmed at all.The duel ended up killing Alexander Hamilton. Burr was considered responsible for the death of Hamilton. In history, a big red mark came to the reputation of Aaron burr. This was the first time a sitting vice president shot and killed someone else. But he served as Jefferson’s vice president till 1805. Another major reason for Aaron Burr being famous is the treason charges against him. President Jefferson started to lose trust in Aaron Burr and doubted his intention. Jefferson planned to remove Burr as the vice president from the democratic republic party.Aware of this outcome happening, Burr tried to enter New York politics by being a governor, but he was defeated by Morgan Lewis. During this time, Hamilton made the mistake of vocally denouncing Burr which eventually led to the duel between the two. After he was charged for the death, burr became aware that New York City was not safe for him anymore and left for Georgia but later came back to capitol hill.After he left his vice presidency, there was a conspiracy against him for trying to cause a war against the United States with the help of Spain. President Jefferson already had trust issues with Aaron Burr so this conspiracy triggered him to charge burr for treason. With that, Aaron Burr became famous in history, unfortunately for the wrong things.Aaron Burr Role As Vice President Of AmericaWhat many people know about vice president Burr is not all that is of him. Did you know that Burr was described as ‘one of the best presiding officers that the senate had seen’? But due to the scandals associated with him, history forgets to remember this good side of vice president Aaron Burr.The main duty of a vice president is to preside over the senate. Even though electoral votes put him in a tie, he wasn’t elected president of New York. But that didn’t stop him from doing his job as the vice president. He was efficient and charming in his role of vice president. The house of representatives favored Jefferson as president but Jefferson was not very fond of his vice president Burr.Although Aaron Burr did a wonderful job as the vice president, he was highly marginalized by President Jefferson himself. Jefferson believed that Burr had the intention to take over the presidency from him. He believed that Burr was engaged in secret dealings to do this. This belief and the negative incidents that happened during his vice president role put him in a very unfavorable position among party leaders.That is precisely why Burr was not chosen to be elected again for the role. Aaron Burr served as the vice president for only one term that extended from 1801-1805.Was Aaron Burr charged for killing Hamilton?The duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton happened. Hamilton died. What were the after-effects of this duel? What consequences did Aaron Burr face due to the death of Hamilton?After the death of Hamilton in a duel, both new York and new jersey issued for burr’s arrest. People considered burr a murderer now. He was charged for two reasons. One for dueling which was considered illegal and another for the murder of Hamilton. He was pronounced as a murderer in the state of New Jersey also.Hamilton had mentioned in a letter to his daughter that the two states are disputing over who gets to hang the vice president. with the public against him, Burr went to Georgia to escape the whole issue. But being a vice president, he couldn’t stay outside for long. So, Burr came back to fulfill his role as the vice president. with the help of some Republican senators, the arrest charges of Burr were dropped later. Burr wasn’t tried for the murder of Hamilton.After three years Aaron Burr was again charged, but this time it was for treason. Afraid of the arrest, Burr fled to Philadelphia and contacted his friend James Wilkinson. Unfortunately, Wilkinson betrayed burr and informed president Jefferson about the incident. Thus, Burr was arrested while he was trying to escape the Spanish territory. In 1907, after a trial, he was found not guilty and freed from charges.In 1808, Burr went to England but was ordered out of the country. Later he traveled throughout Europe and ended up with nothing. On his way back home in a French ship, Burr was captured and detained in England from 1811-1812. Finally, he returned back to New York to restart his law career. He remarried since his wife was dead but that relationship didn’t go well. All the glory that Aaron Burr had at the beginning of his career was turned to nothing by the end of his life.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Aaron Burr significance: curious facts on the vice president revealed then why not take a look at Vietnam culture facts: their traditions, beliefs, symbols and more, or Virginia facts: famous residents, exports, geography and more?

History remembers leaders for two reasons, the good that these people did and the bad reputation they obtained through their actions are reflected in their life history.