Whales are fascinating marine animals.‘A whale of a time’ is a common phrase we use to describe a great time. Even whales have a whale of a time while breaching.Killer whales, blue whales, porpoises, and dolphins are among the 93 species in the Cetacea Infraorder of marine creatures. These marine mammals rely on the ocean and its ecosystems. Breaching is a form of communication among whales and dolphins.A breach also helps whales avoid drowning and expel water from their lungs. Being a marine animal, inhaling water while being underwater can cause them to drown. So they breach frequently to let out as well as take in air. Breaching can also be seen as a form of play with whales and dolphins. Mainly breaching is done by them to communicate with their group. They might even communicate about a nearby food source with their species by breaching. Whales sometimes indulge in spy hopping and breaching to keep an eye on their surroundings. They look out for predators or any danger and alert other whales by breaching. To breathe air, they come out of the water.To know more fun facts about aquatic animals, you may also read why do whales explode and when do catfish spawn?What does the term ‘whale breaching’ mean? What does it look like?Humpback whales are often spotted breaching in the sea and ocean. Breaching is a term used to define how whales jump from below the water and splash as they return. Splashing sounds of water when a large whale breaches can be heard from a distance. Humpback whales are easily spotted during breaching and lobtailing.Humpback whales must be quite acrobatic to breach so high and make loud splashing sounds. A breach or a lunge out of the water is called cresting. Breaches are intended to clear water, whereas a lunge could result from a fast upward sloping swim.A humpback whale breach looks like it’s flying above the water, slapping its tail and fins on the surface on its way down. It is believed that breaching is a way they communicate with each other. They could also be showing playful behavior. Whales might breach to remove parasites. The humpback whale can breach for communication, dislodging barnacles, for a good view of the ocean, to stun prey, to drive off predators, or as a simple matter of playing and having fun. The primary reason for breaching or tail slapping, as per a study published in the Marine Mammal Science Journal, is communication.Behavior Whales Exhibit Out Of The Water and WhyThe behavior exhibited by whales out of the water is called breaching or lunging. It is a part of the Cetacean surfacing behavior of whales and other marine animals. These surface traveling behaviors shown by whales are mainly to give out signals. It could also be linked to having fun and being part of their play. Theories found by scientists explain their behavior as ‘honest signaling.’ According to many researchers, it only takes about 0.075% of a whale’s energy for them to breach. A breach shows how physically fit a whale is.This spectacular scene of whale breaching can be quite a wonderful display for humans. How the whale launches itself up and then falls back, twisting its body, is a huge task. They love to play like this, going up and falling back to the water. It sometimes gives them a good high view of the path in front of them.Another surface behavior seen with whales is porpoising, also known as running, which is how they swim at high speeds near the water’s surface.Stationary surface behavior seen within whales is called spyhopping. By spyhopping, they stay in a vertical position with their entire rostrum and head exposed. Spyhopping may be seen as a sport when seen during whale tours. Lobtailing and slapping is something that whales do, positioning their body vertically downwards and slapping their tails on the water’s surface, which makes a loud noise.Why do whales breach near boats?A name coined for whales breaching near boats is wave-riding.They jump on the waves produced by the boats. Cetaceans are known to use fluke propulsion while swimming. Whales might breach near boats to show sociality or alertness.These marine mammals’ boat-approaching behavior could also mean they love to feel the vibrations given off by boats. As a general fact, cetaceans are known to be more compassionate and bond as they touch and rub each other from birth.Whales and other marine fishes are caught by humans during their aerial stunts. Sometimes it breaches to attract people’s attention. Sometimes due to loud boat or ship noises, whales tend to breach near them to signal and communicate with other whales. With its display, it could be asserting its dominance. Otherwise, it could be a signal of danger to its fellow mates.Different types of whales that breach and why?Whales breaching is commonly seen in humpback whales leaping out of the water, twisting their backs, and slapping the water with their tails and fins repetitively. Even during mating seasons, it is spotted more frequently. If there are loud, disturbing noises of vessels or other boats or harsh weather in their marine surroundings or environment, whales breach to communicate and send messages to other whales. They also breach letting others know about a source of food nearby. Breaching is also possible to get rid of barnacles.It is proved that the sound waves created by breaching can travel underwater and communicate messages to other whales.One distinguishing feature of whales is their spouts. A spout spray is the air exhalation of whales through its blowhole when it breaches the water surface. Also, dorsal fins and flukes can serve the purpose of identifying them.Just like humpback whales, gray whales are also energetic breachers. These whales love when the sea is rough.Killer whales, being highly social animals, are mostly found in groups with their family. But killer whales in the wild are only visible when they come to the surface to breach. This makes it difficult for the scientists and researchers to study them staying above the water.A reason for humpback and Baleen whales to breach can be to remove pesky hitchhikers. A jump could pretty much serve the purpose of cleaning these whales. Orca whales are seen doing spyhops more often. However, the most spotted whale is the humpback whale which is said to be so lumpy and bumpy.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for why do whales breach, then why not take a look at how often to feed fish or 15 Fang-tastic facts about blainville beaked whales for kids.

Whales are fascinating marine animals.