Why Santa Names From Around The World?In a world divided by borders, Christmas tends to bring everyone together. The legend of Santa Claus upholds the great responsibility of unifying children from all over the world as they wait for their gifts. He represents everything good around the world as he unifies the whole world with joy, excitement, and zeal. The origins of Santa Claus lie deep in world history, and thus, there are many different names associated with him, Father Christmas and Saint Nicholas. Originating from the Dutch legend, ‘Sinterklass’, the concept originated from St. Nicholas, a saint known for giving gifts to the poor. Let us look at the many different stories as we list all the names of Santa Claus.Names For Santa Claus From Around The World1. Aba Chaghaloo - The equivalent of Santa Claus’s name in Afghanistan.2. Aghios Vassilis - The Bishop of Caesarea who was hot-blooded but kind and generous to the poor.3. Aya Nicolo - A saint in Demre who used to help the poor in Demre by anonymously leaving money in their homes.4. Baba Noel - The bearer of gifts in Iraq.5. Babadimiri - Santa Claus’s equivalent in Albania.6. Babbo Natale - The name means ‘Father Christmas’ and is a Santa Claus’s equivalent in Italy.7. Bellsnickle - This is a Christmas gift-bringer equivalent to Santa Claus in the folklore of Southwestern Germany.8. Burklaas - The German name for Saint Nicholas.9. Bullerklaas - The German name for Saint Nicholas.10. Bozic Bata - Is a Serbo Croatian equivalent to Santa Claus.11. Christkind - The Austrian name for Santa Claus, who delivers gifts to good children. On the other hand, St. Nikolaus delivers gifts on St. Nicholas Day, 6th November.12. Christkindl - A traditional gift-bringer in Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, etc.13. Christkindle - A German name for the traditional gift-bringer in southern and western Germany.14. Daidina Nollag - Santa Claus’s equivalent in Ireland.15. Weihnachtsmann - Means Christmas Man16. Ded Moroz - The name which means ‘grandfather frost’ is a Russian equivalent to Santa Claus.17. Deda Mraz - The Santa Claus equivalent in Serbia. His name literally translates to ’the chilling grandpa’ or ‘old man winter’.18. Deda Mraza - The name under which Santa Claus is famous in Bosnia.19. Dedo Mraz - A legendary figure in Macedonia similar to Saint Nicholas. He has roots in Slavic paganism mythology.20. Dedt Moroz - One of the many names for Santa Claus in Russia.21. Diado Coleda - Equivalent to Santa Claus in Bulgaria.22. Dun Che Lao Ren - The name under which Santa Claus appears in China. Other equivalent names for Father Christmas are Nice Old Father, Christmas Old Man, or Lan Khoong-Khoong.23. Dyado Koleda - The Bulgarian name for Santa Claus that lacks Christian connotations. It was popular during the Communist rule.24. Dyed Moroz - The equivalent to Santa Claus in Russia.25. El Niñito Dios - The name under which Santa Claus is known in Mexico. 26. El Nino Jesus - A wooden statue of the child Jesus that is of Christmas importance from Columbia.27. Father Christmas - The Jamaican Santa Claus. He is also known as Kris Kringle.28. Gaghant Baba - Santa Claus’s equivalent in Armenia.29. Grandfather Frost - Santa Claus’s equivalent in Russia.30. Gwiazdor - Santa Claus’s equivalent in Poland.31. Hagios Nikolaos - The Bishop of Caesarea helped poor women who needed dowry money.32. Hoteiosho - A Buddhist monk equivalent to Santa Claus in Japan.33. Jolasveinn - Santa Claus’s equivalent in Iceland.34. Jólasveinar - The Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas equivalent in Iceland who arrives on the December 12th morning and places gifts in the shoe on the virtual windowsill.35. Joulupukki - The “Yule goat” is the Santa Claus name used in Finland. It was associated with a spirit who went to each house and asked if there were any excellent children before handing out gifts.36. Julemanden - Santa Claus’s equivalent in Denmark, which means ‘Yule-Man’.37. Julenisse - One of the Santa Claus names that appear in Scandinavian folklore. He is a short, plump creature with a long white beard and a red hat.38. Julgubben - Santa Claus’s equivalent in Finland.39. Jultomten - Also known as Tomte, it is a part of Swedish folklore. These are dwarf-like creatures who deliver presents to children.40. Kaledu Senis - Lithuanian Santa’s equivalent.41. Kaledu Senelia - Santa Claus’s equivalent from Lithuania, walks around the yards on Christmas and wishes everyone a good harvest.42. Kanakaloka - The Hawaiian Santa Claus. He wears flowery Hawaiian clothes instead of the corporate red and white suit.43. Karacsony Apo - The name is Santa Claus’s equivalent from Hungary.44. Kerstman - Santa Claus’s equivalent in Belgium and Netherlands.45. Klassbuur - The German name for Saint Nicholas.46. Klees’chen - Nicholas’s equivalent in Luxembourg.47. Kris Kringle - The name for Santa Claus in Europe’s German-speaking parts. Kris Kringle is the US synonym for “Christkind”.48. La Befana - A good witch who flies on a broomstick and is a part of Italian folklore. On the Eve of the Epiphany, 5th January, she delivers coal to naughty children and gifts to good children.49. Los Reyes Magos - The name for Santa Claus in Spain, who delivers presents on El Dia De Reyes.50. Mar Nkoula - Santa Claus’s equivalent in Arabic.51. Mikulás - St. Nicholas or Father Christmas equivalent in Hungary. Children leave a boot on their windowsill and hope Mikulás will bring them gifts.52. Miss Cracium - The Santa Claus’ equivalent in Romania.53. Nicolo - Saint Nicholas’s equivalent from Austria.54. Noel Baba - The bearer of gifts in Turkey for the New Year. He leaves the gifts under the pine tree for New Year’s eve.55. Pai Natal - The Santa Claus’ equivalent in Portugal.56. Papa Noël - The name under which Santa Claus is known in Egypt.57. Papai Noel - The Santa Claus’ equivalent in Brazil. Children put their shoes outside and hope they are filled with presents on Christmas morning.58. Père Noël - Santa Claus’ equivalent in France who gives presents to well-behaved children.59. Rauklas - A German name for Saint Nicholas.60. San Nicola - The Italian name for Saint Nicholas.61. San Niklaw - The name of the gift-bearer in Malta. His feast is celebrated on June’s last Sunday instead of Christmas.62. San Nikola - The Maltese name for Saint Nicholas.63. San Nicolás - The Spanish name for Saint Nicholas.64. Saint Nicholas - A Christian Bishop of Greek descent, later known as Santa Claus.65. Saint Nick - A shortened word for Saint Nicholas used in Australia, Canada, and America.66. Saint Nikolaas - The equivalent of Saint Nicholas from the Netherlands.67. Samichlaus - The equivalent of Santa Claus from the Netherlands. He doesn’t fly with reindeers but walks across the land with a donkey in tow.68. Sinterklaas - Originating from the Dutch settlers in New York, the name resulted from intermingling of two cultures.69. Sanctus Nicolaus - The Latin name for Saint Nicholas.70. Sankt Nicolai - The German name for Saint Nicholas.71. Sankt Nikolai - The Norwegian name for Saint Nicholas.72. Sankt Nikolaus - The Swedish name for Saint Nicholas.73. Sant Nicolau - The Catalan name for Saint Nicholas.74. Santa Kurohsu - Santa Claus’s equivalent in Japan.75. Santy - Santa Claus’s equivalent in Ireland.76. São Nicolau - The Portuguese name for Saint Nicholas.77. Sint Nikolaas - The Dutch name for Saint Nicholas.78. Sinterklas - Santa Claus’s equivalent in Indonesia.79. Sinterklass - It is the Dutch colonial name for Saint Nicholas.80. Sunnercla - The German name for Saint Nicholas.81. Sfântul Nicolae - The Romanian name for Saint Nicholas.82. Svätý Mikuláš - The Slovakian name for Saint Nicholas.83. Svatý Mikkuláš - The Czech name for Saint Nicholas.84. Svaty Miklas - The name for Saint Nicholas from Czechoslovakia.85. Svetnik Miklavz - The Slovenian name for Saint Nicholas.86. Sveti Mikalojus - The Lithuanian name for Saint Nicholas.87. Sveti Nickola - The Serbo-Croatian name for Saint Nicholas.88. Sveti Nikola - The Macedonian, Croatian and Bulgarian name for Saint Nicholas.89. Sviatyij Mykolai - The Ukrainian name for Saint Nicholas.90. Sweti Mikolaj - The name of Saint Nicholas from Poland.91. Swiety Mikolaj - The name of Saint Nicholas from Poland.92. Svyatoy Nikolay - The Russian name for Saint Nicholas.93. Svyatoy Nikolskay - The Russian name for Saint Nicholas.94. Svyatoy Nikolsky - The Russian name for Saint Nicholas.95. Szent Miklós - The Hungarian name for Saint Nicholas.96. Szent Mikulás - The Hungarian name for Saint Nicholas.97. Tsminda Nikolozi - The Georgian name for Saint Nicholas.99. Viejo Pascuero - Meaning ‘Old Man Christmas’ is a name for Santa Claus from Chile.100. Weihnachtsmann - Meaning ‘Christmas Man’ is a name for Santa Claus from Germany.101. Swiety Mikolaj - Santa Claus equivalent in Poland who visits people’s homes dressed in his bishop’s robes.102. Vader Kersfees - The gift-bearer in South Africa.103. Viejo Pascuero - The Santa Claus’ equivalent in Chile.104. Weihnachtsmann - The name of Santa Claus in Germany, who gives presents to children.105. Klaus - The name of Santa Claus in Germany106. Niglo - The name of Santa Claus in Germany107. Nickel - The name of Santa Claus in Germany108. De Sint - Means ‘The Saint’ in Dutch109. De Goede Sint - Means ‘The Good Saint’ in Dutch110. De Goedheiligman - Dutch name for Sain Nicholas111. Sontgaclau - Name of Santa Claus in Romansch112. Jólnir - Meaning ‘Yule figure’ in Old Norse113. Langbarðr - Meaning ’long-beard’ in Old Norse.114. Shën Nikollië - Saint Nicholas in AlbanianNames Related To Santa115. Amu Nowruz - Also known as Baba Nowruz, is a fictional figure popular in Iranian folklore. Some historians symbolize him as the father of Rostam and the hero of Shahnameh, Zal.116. Baboushka - The name which means ‘grandmother’ in Russian is also famous for a Christmas story of a grandmother who meets three wise men on the way to see Jesus.117. Badalisc - Also called Badalisk, is a mythical creature who lives in the southern central Alps in Val Camonica, Italy. He is represented by a big head, goatskin, glowing eyes, and two small horns.118. Befana - The name of an older woman in Italian folklore who used to deliver gifts to children in Italy.119. Belsnickel - The punisher of naughty children and a gift-giver in Germany.120. Christmas Elf - A diminutive elf who lives at the North Pole with Santa Claus and works as his helper. He often makes toys for children and takes care of the reindeer.121. Ded Moroz - Also known as Father Frost, is quite similar to Santa Claus.122. Jack Frost - A personification of ice, snow, winter, sleet, cold, and frost. He is known to be responsible for the frosty weather.123. Korvatunturl - A fall between the borders of Russia and Finland, also known as the home of Santa Claus.124. Krampus - A horned figure who punishes misbehaving children during the Christmas season. He is a part of the German-speaking Alpine folklore. 125. Menino Jesus - The name for baby Jesus in Portuguese is important for Christmas.126. Mikulás - A figure popular in Romania, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic for bringing treats before Christmas.127. Moș Gerilă - A character made popular from Romanian communist propaganda.128. Mrs. Claus - Wife of Santa Claus. Her first name is Anya. She wasn’t in the original legend story but has become an important part of the Christmas culture.129. Old Man Winter - A figure derived from Old World pagan and Greek mythology. He is the personification of winter. 130. Olentzero - A Basque character derived from Roman traditions.131. Pancho Claus - Also known as the ‘Tex-Mex’ version of Santa Claus. He is the Mexican equivalent of Santa Claus, created during the 1970s Hispanic civil rights movement.132. Queen Mab - A mischievous and benevolent figure.133. Saint Nicholas of Myra - Also known as the Nicholas of Bari, is an early Christian bishop from Mura during the Roman empire. Saint Nicholas had a habit of giving gifts in secret.134. Saint Basil - A figure who brings gifts to children during Christmas in the Greek orthodox tradition135. Shaggy goat - A one-horned goat helper for Santa Claus.136. The Three Kings - The biblical three wise men who bring gifts for children on 6th January in Spain tradition.137. Tomte - A Scandinavian mythical character from Nordic folklore which is not associated with the Christmas season and the winter solstice. 138. Tooth Fairy - A fantasy figure who replaces a child’s lost tooth with money.139. Yule Lads - A group of figures in Icelandic folklore who leave gifts or rotting potatoes on Christmas Eve.140. Yule Tide - A festival observed by German people that later became Christmastide141. Dasher - Santa’s reindeer.142. Prancer - Santa’s reindeer.143. Vixen - Santa’s reindeer.144. Comet - Santa’s reindeer.145. Cupid - Santa’s reindeer.146. Donner - Santa’s reindeer.147. Blitzen - Santa’s reindeer.147. Rudolph - Santa’s reindeer.You Might Also LikeChristmas Names For Your Festive Bundle Of JoyFabulous Fairy Names For Girls From Around The WorldTooth Fairy Names For Your Children To Write To 

In a world divided by borders, Christmas tends to bring everyone together. The legend of Santa Claus upholds the great responsibility of unifying children from all over the world as they wait for their gifts. He represents everything good around the world as he unifies the whole world with joy, excitement, and zeal. The origins of Santa Claus lie deep in world history, and thus, there are many different names associated with him, Father Christmas and Saint Nicholas. Originating from the Dutch legend, ‘Sinterklass’, the concept originated from St. Nicholas, a saint known for giving gifts to the poor. Let us look at the many different stories as we list all the names of Santa Claus.