Be it common white flowers or dark black flowers, wildflowers require a little sun, ample shade, and moist soil.The mere appearance of wildflowers is enough for one to appreciate the beauty of these flowers. Some of the popular colors for wildflowers are pale red, dark black, carrot red, purple, blue, yellow, green, and rich redRead on for the names of popular wildflowers.Wild Pink Flowers NamesPink flowers add beauty to wedding decorations and bouquets and can be used for table decors. Pink is often related as a universal color of self-love, and it best suits celebratory events. Some of the wild pink flower names are:-Azalea – It is a special genus of the Rhododendron plant that blooms from spring through summer.Begonias – It comes from the genus Begonia, and it has 1800 unique species that come under three main categories semperflorens, perennials, and tuberous.Butterfly Bush Pink Delight - This variety blossoms in mid-summer and symbolizes new beginnings. This wildflower tends to attract butterflies, so it is named after that.Carnation – The scientific name for carnation is Dianthus Caryophyllus. It comes in different colors like rich red, white, green, and blue, and blossoms in late spring.Cherry Blossom – Also called Prunus, and symbolizes early beauty of life. This annual flower can be seen in the spring season with some grass.Chrysanthemum – Symbolizing happiness, this flower comes from the genus Chrysanthemum. It originates from China and the green herb is said to have medicinal properties.Dahlia – It originates in Mexico and blossoms in early to late spring. It has 42 different species, that require ample shade to grow. The plant always accompanies some grass.Hibiscus – This annual variety blooms in early summer and symbolizes femininity. The scientific name of hibiscus is Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis.Hyacinth – This can be seen in the Mediterranean region, and the most important thing is that the bulbs of these flowers are poisonous. It blossoms in the spring season.Lotus – Nelumbo Nucifera is the scientific name of lotus. They can be seen floating on ponds, and they usually bloom during the summer season. It does not need a ground to grow.Orchid – It is one of the most popular wildflowers that come in more than 25,000 different species. The scientific name of the orchid is Orchidaceae.Petunia – Symbolizing anger, it comes from South America. This variety generally blooms on the ground during winter.Primrose – Oenothera is the scientific name of primrose. It is also called pink ladies. These pale flowers blossom during the early spring season as they need minimal shade and water for growing.Snapdragon – The blooming of this variety of wildflowers resembles the snout of a dragon. An old flower species that grow along with the water bodies.Spider Lily – This first variety of species can bloom during the late summer season and comes from the genus Lycoris.British Wild Flowers Common NamesThe British wildflowers serve as the food source for insects, butterflies, and varieties of pollinators. Some of the British wildflowers are:Columbine – This is the state flower of Colorado and is from the family buttercup. The botanical name of this flower is Aquilegia.Cornflower – Centaurea Cyanus (botanical name), which blossoms from June to September, is considered a particular variety for lovers. The cornflower is a perennial flower. Cornflower grows along with rich foliage.Dog Rose – It was the best medicine for treating bitten dogs in the 18th and 19th centuries. Scientifically, the dog rose is called Rosa Canina.Enchanter’s Nightshade – The botanical name of this flower is Circaea Lutetiana, which is named after an ancient Greece witch, who magically used to turn men into animals.Forget-me-not – This first name is based on a German romantic tragedy love story, and the botanical name of this flower is Myosotis.Honeysuckle – Caprifoliaceae is the scientific name. It is a belief that growing this plant at the entrance of your home keeps away the witches from entering your house.Kingcup – Another name is Marsh Marigold, and the scientific name is Caltha Palustris. The flowering period of this flower is from March-August.Ragged Robin – The botanical name is Lychnis Flos-cuculi, which means, ‘the flower of the cuckoo’.Scarlet Pimpernel – The flowering period of this flower is from May to August, and the scientific name is Anagallis Arvensis.Water Avens – Geum rivale is the botanical name of this water wildflower. It is one of the highly medicinal plants, the root of the plant has a high number of tannins in it along with water.Wild Yellow Flowers NamesYellow colors brighten up the space and are also known to be a unique pop-up color around the world. The yellow wildflowers that are found worldwide are:Bear’s Ear – Scientifically called Primula Auricula, it resembles the ears of a bear. This annual plant will grow even in dry weather conditions.Black-eyed Susan – This variety of flowers is often confused with daisies. The botanical name of this black and yellow flower is Rudbeckia.Busy Lizzie – This is one of the rapidly growing varieties of yellow flowers and is also called impatiens. It is one of the quickly growing varieties of plants.Calendulas – This variety of flowers has many powerful medicinal values and is scientifically known as Calendula OfficinalisCanna Lily – Scientifically known as Canna, this variety of wildflowers has a close relationship with both banana and ginger plants.Carnation – It is one of the smallest varieties of flowers, and the botanical name is Dianthus Caryophyllus.Carolina Jasmine – It is scientifically called Gelsemium Sempervirens. It will grow in dry to moist soil.Coreopsis – This annual plant will grow in any soil. The botanical name of this flower is Coreopsis Lanceolata. This plant requires little water to stay healthy.Craspedia – It is one of the most exotic varieties of flowers, that looks similar to a tennis ball. Mostly found in warm areas, the botanical name of the flower is Craspedia Globosa.Dutch Hyacinth – It is one of the unique flower varieties that will be in a ball-shaped structure.Freesia – This flower is famous for its vibrant yellow color. Also, this variety of flowers has an amazing scent when compared to others.Gold Yarrow – If you need a perennial wildflower that requires less or no watering, then this dry flower will suit you the best.Goldenrod – Solidago is the scientific name for Goldenrod. This kind of golden flower starts blooming at the end of golden summer and will continue to grow till the beginning of fall.Heliopsis – This variety of flowers belongs to the general category of sunflowers, but the bloom time will be shorter than sunflowers. Heliopsis Helianthoides is their botanical name.Iris – Scientifically called Iris pseudacorus, this variety of beautiful flowers blossoms in two seasons. One is at the beginning of spring and the other during the summer (late).Prarie Coneflower – It is another annual variety of yellow coneflower. The scientific name of this flower is Ratibida Pinnata. This variety of gorgeous flowers can grow to a maximum of 4 ft (1.21 m).St. John’s Wort – It is known to be the best medicinal plant whose foliage can grow quite tall.Yellow Butterflyweed – This variety of flowers attracts monarch butterflies and offers many other benefits. The botanical name of this flower is Asclepias Tuberosa.Yellow Coneflower – The scientific name of this annual flower is Echinacea Paradox. It will grow well in dry conditions.Yellow Violets – It grows well both in the shade and sunny areas. Viola Odorata is the botanical name of this flower.Wild White Flowers NamesWhite color is known for its purity, and also symbolizes perfection. Here is a list of white wildflowers that are grown in the wild.Bog-orchid – The scientific name of this common variety of flowers is Platanthera Leucostachys. These flowers are more commonly found in wet meadows.Brown-eyed Evening Primrose – This variety of flowers is mostly seen in the desert regions like Mojave, Sonoran, and Great Basin. The scientific name of this flower is Camissonia Claviformis.Bunchberry – It is also called Dwarf Dogwood. It is common in forest regions and can be found in white color or green color.Candyflower – It is mostly found growing in regions of the moist forest. It also has another name, miner’s lettuce.Desert Lily – Desert Lily is mostly found in the desert regions of Sonoran. The scientific name of this flower is Hesperocallis Undulate. It is generally white in color and is common in sandy soil.Desert Pincushion – Chaenactis Stevioides is the scientific name of these flowers. It is found in the desert regions like Great Basin, Mojave, Sonoran, and Chihuahuan.Desert Star – Scientifically, it is known as Monoptilon Bellioides. This variety of flowers is common in sandy regions like Sonoran and Mojave.Devil’s Club – It is one of the shrubs like plant varieties, scientifically called Oplopanax Horridus. This variety of flowers is used for medicinal purposes.False Bugbane – Trautvetteria Caroliniensis is the biological name of false bugbane. These flowers are mostly seen growing in forest regions.Foamflower – These flowers are mostly found growing in moist forest regions.Ghost flower – This beautiful wildflower variety is mostly seen in the desert regions of Mojave and Sonoran. The scientific name of this flower is Mohavea Confertiflora.Inside–out flower – It is mainly found in the forest with the lowest elevation.Popcorn flower – Scientifically, this variety of flowers is named Cryptantha Angustifolia. These flowers are more common in sandy regions.Prickly Poppies – Found mainly in the common desert regions like Great Basin, Sonoran, and Chihuahuan.Queen’s Cup – Scientifically called Clintonia Uniflora, it should be cut in the spring season.Rock Daisy – Originates in the Mojave Desert region, the botanical name of this flower is Perityle Emori. They are commonly found in sandy regions.Sacred Datura – Scientifically, it is known as Datura Meteloides. It is seen in the regions like Mojave, Sonoran, and Chihuahuan deserts.Salal – This flower looks bell-shaped, and the scientific name of this flower is Gaultheria Shallon.Sand blazing Star – This beautiful variety of flowers is mainly found in the Sonoran Desert regions. Also, scientifically, it is called Mentzelia Involucrata.Thimbleberry – This variety of flowers is mainly found in moist woods and needs to be cut prior to the spring season.Vanilla Leaf – Achlys Triphylla is the scientific name of this flower. It is present mostly on the roadsides.Western Trillium – It is the only easily recognizable variety of flowers that can be found throughout the parkWhite Wooly Daisy – It is one of the dessert region flowers found mainly in the Mojave region.Wild Strawberry – These flowers are mainly found in the open woods and in trails.Yarrow – These flowers are mainly found in the northern hemisphere. Scientifically, it is named Achillea Millefolium.Strange Names For Wild FlowersThere are several strange flowers around the world, like orchids, that resemble similar to monkey vampires. Are you excited to know about strange wildflowers? Below is the list of some strange wildflowers.Bee Orchid – This flower looks like the bumblebee, and so it is named bee orchid. It is mostly found in the regions of North Africa and in the Middle East of Europe.Corpse Lily – The scientific name of Corpse Lily is Amorphophallus Titanum.Dancing Girls – Scientifically, it is named Impatiens Bequaertii. It is said to be one of the rarest flowers around the world.Fly Orchid – Ophrys Insectifera is the scientific name of this great flower. It is one type of European orchid.Flying Duck Orchid – Originates from Australia, this has a unique shape, and it helps increasing pollination.Hooker’s Lips – Psychotria Elata is the biological name of Hooker’s Lip.Monkey Face Orchid – These flowers can be seen only in cloud forests.Naked Man Orchid – It is also called a Hanging Person Orchid and is found in the Mediterranean regions.Parrot Flower – These flowers originate in Thailand, and the scientific name of this flower is Impatiens Psittacine.Passionflower – It is called the Clock flower and is seen in the regions of India and Japan. Scientifically, it is named Passiflora Incarnata.California Wild Flowers NamesMore than 7000 types of shrubs, plants, and trees are found in the region of California. Some of them are:California Poppies – This variety belongs to the Poppy family, and the scientific name of this flower is Eschscholzia Californica.Chocolate Lily – Fritillaria Biflora is the scientific name of this flower. This flower comes from the Lily family.Desert Five-spot – It belongs to the Hibiscus family, and it is scientifically called Eremalche Rotundifolia.Devil’s claw – Devil’s claw is from the Martynia family, and the scientific name of this flower is Proboscidea Althaeifolia.Mesa Mint – It is one of the rare wildflowers found in San Diego County. It is from the Mint family.Pygmy Poppy – It is also one of the poppy families, and the biological name of this flower is Canbya Candida.Scarlet Locoweed – These flowers belong to the Pea family, and the scientific name of this flower is Astragalus Coccineus.Southern Bitterroot – Lewisia Brachycalyx is the scientific name of this variety flower. It is from the Purslane family.Weed’s Mariposa Lily – It is also one of the flowers from the Lily family, and the scientific name of this flower is Calochortus Weedii.Wild Flowers Names In IndiaIndia is a home to amazing wildflower species. Some of the wildflower names found in India are:Chickweed – It is seen mostly during the winter season. Scientifically, it is named Stellaria Media.Datura – In Europe, these flowers are called Thornapple, and in America, it is called Jimson’s Weed. Datura Metal is the scientific name of this flower.Dutch Clover – Trifolium Repens is the scientific name of this flower. It is mainly found in the regions of the Northern hemisphere.Globe Thistle – Echinops Cornigerus is the scientific name given to globe thistle. It is mostly found in the western Himalayas.Himalayan Musk Rose – The scientific name of this flower is Rosa Brunanii. These exotic flowers are found in the northern hills.Mazus – Mainly found in the northern plains, this variety of flowers has a scientific name called Mazus Japonicus.Sweet Snow – These flowers can be seen on the hillsides of the Himalayas, mainly in the month of July and August. Hedychium Spicatum is the scientific name of this sweet flower.Tridax – Tridax Procumbens is one of the common varieties seen in the northern parts of India.Wild Delphinium – These flowers can be seen in the regions of Kashmir and Nepal. Delphinium Denudatum is the scientific name of this flower.Windflower – These flowers are mainly found in the Himalayas, and scientifically, they are named Anemone Vitifolia.

Be it common white flowers or dark black flowers, wildflowers require a little sun, ample shade, and moist soil.