A list of mammals species names is of great use for students looking to improve their vocabulary.You may also use this list of mammals’ names to understand more about this animal group. Mammals are one of the most common animal species found in the open world and can be found living in a variety of habitats.Read on for a list of mammals’ names which will offer you detailed insights into their world.Six Letter Mammal NamesLooking for a list of mammals with six-letter mammals names? Mentioned below are the mammals, whose name consists of six letters which also feature some large land mammals’ names.Alpacas are often confused with llamas but they’re rather small in size.Aye Aye is a peculiar lemur with extensively long fingers and rodent-like teeth.Beavers are quite large rodents they are the second-largest rodents after capybara. You may find them only around North America.Bobcats are medium wild cats, also known as red lynx. You may find them living in open forests.Coyotes are native to North America and are a species of canines. They are wild animals whom you may find very dangerous.Donkeys are mostly domesticated. They are hoofed mammals, rather close to horses.Ferrets are rather tiny and domesticated.Jaguar is considered one of the big cats!Mink Mole is one of the most uncommon mole species. This mole is a surface-dwelling species that may get aggressive to protect itself from predators.Monkeys are commonly known as Simians whom you may find near human settlements.Ocelots are relatively small spotted wild cats.Rabbits are also called bunnies. Their name might give one an idea of a cute little creature.Sifaka is a kind of lemur found only on the Islands of Madagascar. Their name resembles one of their major traits which is the ‘shi-fak’ alarm call.Uakari is the common name for new world monkeys. The unusual short length of their tail sets them apart from other new world monkeys.Walrus are large marine mammals. They are flippered as well and can weigh up to 2200 lb (1000 kg)!Five Letter Mammal NamesA list of mammals names is of great use for students who want to improve their vocabulary. Here is a list of mammals names with five letters:Camels are mostly known for their special trait, which is a fatty deposit, called ‘humps’. You can find them only in open desert environments.Koalas are marsupials and as mentioned before are found only in Australia.Moose is the largest species in the new world deer family and must feature on every list of mammals names.Sheep are domesticated animals. You may find that are mostly kept as livestock.Sea Mammals NamesMarine mammals rely on the ocean or other aquatic ecosystems for their existence. Let’s dive into the depths of the uncharted water and find out about them!African Manatees are found in the regions of Western Africa.Blue Whale is the largest mammal to ever exist on earth!Bottlenose Dolphin also belongs to the same family as Oceanic dolphins, which is Delphinidae.California Sea Lions are eared-seals native to the coasts of Western North America. The name California sea lion is featured on almost every list of mammals.Dugong is a marine mammal that people back in the day used to confuse for a mermaid.False Killer Whales are deep diving dolphins with razor-sharp teeth.Harbor seals are the most common types of seals. They are found in the northern hemisphere. More specifically, in the North Atlantic Pacific oceans.Harbour Porpoise is one of the smallest of the eight species of porpoise that are found mostly near the coastal area.Iniidae is the only living genus of river dolphins.Leopard Seals are the natural enemies of the killer whale species. They’re the second-largest species of seals to inhabit the regions of Antarctica.Oceanic Dolphins are largely found in oceans as their name suggests.Orca is also known as killer whales. This mammal species is the largest member of the oceanic dolphin family.Polar Bear is the largest land carnivores that are mostly found in the Arctic regions. The polar bear is one of the largest bear species that people always want to learn more about.Sea Mink is a species of marine mammal that have recently become extinct. These mammal species were found around the rocky coasts of New England.Sea Otters are the smallest marine mammals but are the heaviest member of the weasel family.Sperm Whales are the largest toothed predators. This mammal species is also the largest whale with teeth.Steller’s Sea Cows are found in the Northern Pacific. This mammal species is a threatened species.Vaquita is the smallest species of porpoise. These mammal species are found only in the Gulf of California.Flying Mammal NamesNot only have mammals conquered oceans and land, but the skies as well. Over so many years of evolution, certain mammals have achieved the ability of aerial locomotion. Though, in the case of mammals flying won’t be the correct term to use. Rather, this mammal species glide through the air. Listed below are some of the flying mammals’ names for your perusal.Common Pipistrelle is a type of microbat. This mammal species is the most common species of bat in the British Isles.Common Vampire Bat is as their name suggests, feed on blood. This mammal species have a special dietary trait called hematophagy. Bats are the only mammals that can truly fly.Flying Lemur is a very ironic creature. Even though its name suggests, it’s neither a lemur nor can it fly. Rather it leaps from tree to tree and glides along the way.Indian Flying Fox is considered among one of the largest bats in the world. This mammal species is mostly found in the Indian subcontinent and can transmit disease to humans.Large Flying Fox their diet mostly consists of fruits and is considered among the greater flying foxes.Long-legged Myotis is a species of vesper bat.Northern Flying Squirrels are only found in the coniferous and mixed regions of Northern America.Spectral Bat is large leaf-nosed bats that are often called great false vampire bats as well.Sugar Gliders are small nocturnal possums. Since its name is mentioned here, this mammal species can glide through the air.Sunda Colugo, also known as the Sunda Flying Lemur, is native to South-Eastern Asia. This also isn’t a lemur, nor does it fly.Large Land Mammal NamesMost of the common mammals that people know about can be considered under this category. Land mammals or terrestrial mammals are mostly limited to their existence on the land.Let’s know about a few of the land mammals which are listed below!African Elephants have large ears shaped like the continent of Africa itself!American Bison are near-threatened species. As their name suggests, they are found in North America.American Black Bears are medium-sized bears found in Northern America.Asian Black Bears have a characteristic white crescent-shaped spot on their chest.Asian Elephants are endangered as well. The population of these mammals is constantly decreasing.Bengal Tigers are the largest species of tiger. The animal may be found on every list of mammals.Capybara is the largest rodent animal species.Cheetahs are the fastest land mammals. Their acceleration is faster than modern world supercars.Elk are the largest species among the deer family.Giraffes are the tallest land mammals. One of the common names to find on the list of mammals!Grey Wolf is a species of mammal that can grow as large as an average adult male in length.Grizzly Bears have a bite force strong enough to crush a bowling ball!Hippo is a semi-aquatic mammal. These mammals are featured on almost every list of mammals.Lions are one of the apex predators among felines. A lion is also known as the ‘King of the Jungle!’ They are examples of apex predators.Musk Ox are furred mammals native to the Arctic.Pandas are characterized by their white and black fur.Platypus is a mammal, but it lay eggs instead of giving birth to its younger ones.Red Foxes are the largest mammals among foxes.Rhinoceros have a thick coat of skin on them, making these mammals difficult prey.Sloths are often considered the laziest animals due to their slow locomotions.Sumatran Tigers are a species of decent-sized tigers found in the regions of Sumatra. These mammals are critically endangered.The Malayan Tapir is an example of endangered species of animal.White-Tailed Deer can run at a speed of 30 mph (48 kph).Zebras are striped species of ungulates. They are examples of common mammals.Ice Age Mammal NamesThe last ice age began about 70,000 years ago and lasted for quite a long period. It ended about 10,000 years ago. Even in cold and harsh conditions like that, mammals continued to exist. But they were nothing like the mammals people know today. Listed below are some of the ice age mammals names who roamed on the surface of the Earth.American Mastodons were prehistoric elephants. Their fossils were found in the region between Central and Northern America, along with Alaska and Mexico.Andrewsarchus was a mammalian predator.Baluchitherium was also called Northern Hirn Beast. It’s one of the largest mammals to have ever walked on Earth.Camelops are an extinct genus of camels.Castoroides were large beavers found in North America.Cave Bear has the word ‘cave’ in its name because most of the fossils were found in caves.Cave Lions were large feline predators with retractable claws.Chalicotherium was a species of odd-toed ungulates.Dinohyus as its name suggests is ‘Horrible Pig’. They were one of the largest known entelodonts (pig-like creatures) to ever exist.Dire Wolf is an extinct canine. They were one of the oldest predators in North America. They were similar to Grey Wolves in terms of size.Elasmotherium was large rhinoceros with an enormous horn.Equus Lambie was also called Yukon Horses.Giant Ground Sloths as their name suggests were large sloths. They reached the size up to ten times the size of sloths.Glyptodons were roughly armored mammals. They can be considered the relatives of modern-day armadillos.Irish Elk grew about 7 ft (2.1 m) tall at their shoulder height. Their antler spanned a massive length of 12 ft (3.6 m)!Mammoths were gigantic creatures who are considered ancestors of Elephants in the modern world. They had elongated curved tusks and the species in the north were also known to bear hair.Moeritherium could be considered a distant relative of modern elephants.Peccaries were decent-sized pigs like hoofed animals.Saber Tooth Tiger got their name from the fact that their long canines protruded from their mouth even when closed. These were sort of large carnivorous cats.Saiga Antelopes were found in dry grasslands in central Asia.Short-faced Bears had a vertical reach of more than 13.2 ft (4 m) when standing on their hind legs.Stegodon could also be considered an ancestor of the modern world elephants.Steppe Bison grew quite large. They stood at a height of 6.6 ft (2 m) and weighed nearly a ton.The American Lion had a long and slender body. They were mostly found in the regions of Alaska to Mexico.Woolly Rhinoceros had a thick fur coat and could reach up to heights of 6.6 ft (2 m).

A list of mammals species names is of great use for students looking to improve their vocabulary.