People picture deer differently; poets see it as a form of beauty, hunters as a game, and little girls and boys as another animated character in Disney movies.The range of beautiful deer species thrill nature lovers, poets, photographers, and wildlife enthusiasts alike. Deer are special because they represent gentleness and are very demure.Despite this peaceful exterior, some deer can be dangerous. It is best not to get too close to them as this can make them feel threatened and could lead to aggressive behavior (from either a girl or boy deer).Here we have a great collection of beautiful and funny deer quotes and sayings, buck and doe quotes (doe is the name for a girl deer), deer captions for Instagram, and funny deer quotes. If you love nature, check out these funny animal quotes, forest quotes and ‘Bambi’ quotes too!‍The Best Deer QuotesThe best deer quotes provide a mix of sentiments about the animal, giving a picture of how people visualize them in their minds. These quotes about deer provide many different sentiments about the animal.1. “An army of lions commanded by a deer will never be an army of lions.”                        - Napoleon Bonaparte.2. “Deer are like dogs. Except for Bambi, they’re pretty personality-less.”                                          - Judd Apatow.3. “I ask people why they have deer heads on their walls. They always say because it’s such a beautiful animal… I think my mother is attractive, but I have photographs of her.”- Ellen DeGeneres.4. “Everything pales in comparison to deer.”- Bill Vaughan.5. “How can a deer tell when a leaf falls silent in the forest? She hears it breathing differently.”- Richard Bach.6. “My feet will tread soft as a deer in the forest… My heart will be strong as a great oak…”- Juliet Marillier.7. “They do have a deer out here but I haven’t seen it here. I just hope the deer (will be) alright.”- James Dean.8. “… the deer to the wholesome world;And the heart of a man to the heart of a maid,As it was in the days of old.”- Rudyard Kipling.9. “… the perfect archer calls the deer his own while yet the shaft is whistling.”- George Elliot.10. “Swift as a deer. Quiet as a shadow… Calm as still water.”– George R. R.Martin.11. “We’re like a deer caught in the headlights.”- Charles Jenkins.12. “Twilight, a timid, fawn, went glimmering by, and Night, the dark-blue hunter, followed fast.”- George William Russell.13. “Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion.”-  Gen H Norman Schwartzkopf.14. “A wounded deer leaps the highest.”- Emily Dickinson.15. “You can learn more about hunting deer with a bow and arrow in a week than a gun hunter will learn in his entire life.”                                      -  Fred Bear.16. “I once loved a girl… she was gentle like a fawn…”- Bob Dylan, ‘Ballad In Plain D’.17. “She told them… the meadow was a place of peace and beauty, where… the animals would not be disturbed… there are lovely birds… and sometimes deer.”- Kathryn Lasky.Beautiful Deer QuotesWhen someone wants to write captions for a deer picture, deer quotes are the first choice. Find the most beautiful deer quotes here.18. “The more I see of deer, the more I admire them as mountaineers.”– John Muir.19. “He’s 6-feet-4, runs like a deer and can jump like Kobe Bryant.”- Rodney Harrison.20. “Coming Home had been made before and Apocalypse Now and Deer Hunter, different kinds of movies."– Oliver Stone.21. “If you are a friend, why do you bite me so hard? If an enemy, why do you fawn on me?"– Aesop.22. “We are part of the earth and it is part of us… the deer, the horse, the great eagle: these are our brothers.”– Chief Seattle.23. “Follow the deer? Follow the Christ the King. Live pure, speak true… Else, wherefore born?"– Alfred Lord Tennyson.Cute Deer QuotesSomeone once said words are worth a thousand pictures and these deer quotes will show you how.24. “Deer hunting would be fine sport, if only the deer had guns.”- W. S. Gilbert.25. “I like deer. They’re kinda cool.”- Forrest Griffin.26. “I grew up in New Hampshire… The deer and the raccoons were my friends.”- Steven Tyler.27. “A pine needle fell in the forest… The deer heard it…”- Edith Pattou.28. “Live bold, without fear. This is life amongst the deer.”― Katelyn S. Bolds.29. “My heart ’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here; My heart ’s in the Highlands a-chasing the deer.”– Robert Burns.Funny Deer QuotesBring a smile to someone’s face with these hilarious deer quotes. Funny deer quotes will definitely crack you up, especially if you’re someone who likes wildlife jokes.30. “They run like deer, jump like deer and think like deer.”-  Charles Barkley.31. “A small deer came into my camp and stole my bag of pickles. Is there a way I can get reimbursed?”- Dave Barry.32. “A lot of webinars want us deer to become lions.”― Vineet Raj Kapoor.33. “I love things made out of animals. It’s just so funny to think of someone saying, ‘I need a letter opener. I guess I’ll have to kill a deer.’”― David Sedaris.34. “A bambiraptor is a savage baby dear.”― Alan Davies.35. “I saw a giraffe with a short neck that was sad or a deer."– Bo Burnham.36. “People always say he can run and he can jump. So can a deer and you wouldn’t put a deer in the game.”- Charles Barkley.37. “If a wolf can take down a deer from either flank, does that make him bambidextrous?”–Unknown*.38. “I love running cross-country… You come up a hill and see two deer going…”- Robin Williams.39. “Greta Garbo: A deer in the body of a woman, living resentfully in the Hollywood zoo.”- Clare Boothe Luce.40. “Fishing too long a fly rod on a small trout stream is like driving a greyhound bus down a deer trail.”- Jimmy Moore.41. “If you want to save a species, simply decide to eat it. Then it will be managed - like chickens, like turkeys, like deer, like Canadian geese.”– Ted Nugent.42. “If I wasn’t making music, I would probably be in the woods with a big deer… Talking to myself.”- Jared Leto.43. “The Deer don’t dine when a wolf’s about, and the Porcupine sticks his quill-points out.”-  Arthur Guiterman.44. “I used to look like a deer in headlights on the red carpet…”-  Emily Blunt.45. “I basically grew up in the woods. There were deer on my lawn. It was totally awesome.”- Kat Dennings.  46. “If you depend on where the chestnuts are going to be, and where the deer are, you have to be attuned to the outside world.”- Howard Rheingold.Thoughtful Deer QuotesDo you picture all deer as Bambi? Some deer quotes explain that too! Find some funny Bambi movie quotes here among more great deer quotes that can also be used as Instagram picture captions.47. “People think of deer as Bambi, cute and cuddly, but they can be extremely dangerous in certain circumstances.”    - Steve Martarano.48. “I felt like a deer with a hundred hunters after me.”- Deion Sanders.  49. “Until the Donkey tried to clear the fence, he thought himself a Deer.”- Arthur Guiterman.50. “The sorrowful spirit finds relaxation in solitude. It abhors people, as a wounded deer deserts the herd and lives in a cave until it is healed or dead.”- Khalil Gibran.51. “My dad would take me deer hunting with him, which was pretty traumatic ‘Bambi’ was one of my favorite movies.”- Haley Bennett.52. “Envy, like the worm, never runs but to the fairest fruit; like a cunning bloodhound, it singles out the fattest deer in the flock.”- Francis Beaumont.53. “A reindeer is a deer with antlers…”-  Scott Michael Foster.54. “Wolves go after a wounded deer, it is the nature of the beast.”- Barbara Delinsky.55. “Truth is a hard deer to hunt. If you eat too much truth at once, you may die of the truth.”- Stephen Vincent Benet.56. “It is the lion, not the deer, that hides in the grass!”- Vineet Raj Kapoor.57. You shouldn’t have to settle for rabbits if what you want is deer.”- Daniel Quinn.58. “The fabled musk deer searches the world over for the source of the scent which comes from itself.”- Ramakrishna.59. “A deer that knows all the hunting techniques of a lion will never fall prey to a lion!”- Mehmet Murat İldan.60. “The man who hunts a deer does not gaze at the mountains.”  - Takeda Nobushige.61. “The musk is inside the deer, but the deer does not look for it, it wanders around looking for grass.”– Kabir.62. “Though large herds of deer do much harm to the neighbourhood, yet the injury to the morals of the people is of more moment than the loss of their crops.”- Gilbert White.63. “I often have deer on my property and there’s a fox and owls. You’re not going to see that in the city.”- Billy Corgan.64. “A forest - the word dates back to the Norman occupancy, when it meant an area set aside for England’s violent new masters to hunt boar and deer - is necessarily larger than a wood.”- John Burnside.65. “A deer’s cry never spooks the tiger.”― VKBoy, ‘Shambala Sect’.66. “We saw a beautiful deer, and I told Jay ‘Whatever you do, don’t go into the clearing,’ and then I made venison sounds and hopped like a deer.”- Alison Pill.  67. “This isn’t about deer hunting."-Jeff Duncan.68. “From Vietnam’s ‘Deer Hunter’ to Iraq, films are never about the person who has had his house destroyed.”- Mira Nair.69. “You know, if you need 100 rounds to kill a deer, maybe hunting isn’t your sport.”- Elayne Boosler.70. “Like a deer in the headlights, frozen in real time and I’m losing my mind, it’s time to move on."– Tom Petty, ‘Time To Move On’.Deer Proverbs To Use As CaptionsDeer proverbs are as thoughtful as deer quotes and teach wise life lessons. Looking for a caption for an Instagram picture of a deer? You can use these as captions for your most recent picture too!71. “Deer-hunter, waste not your arrow on the hare.”- Chinese proverb.72. “An army of deer would be more formidable commanded by a lion, than an army of lions commanded by a stag.”- Unknown*.73. “Serve as a serf or fly like a deer.”- French proverb.74. “To go safely through the world, you must have the eye of a falcon, the ear of an ass, the face of an ape, the mouth of a pig, the shoulders of a camel, and the legs of a deer.”- Italian proverb.75. “Lions in time of peace; deer in war.”- Latin proverb.76. “The dog that is forced into the woods will not hunt many deer.”-Danish proverb.77. “A new servant can catch a running deer.”- Afghan proverb.78. “If you are hunting for a red deer, then ignore the hares.”- Chinese proverb.79. “A monkey that amuses me is better than a deer astray.”- Arabic proverb.80. “A deer tethered with a golden chain can escape to the forest to eat grass.”- Malawian proverb.81. “Tigers and deer do not stroll together.”– Albanian proverb.Deer Quotes From Poems By Famous PoetsExpressive and beautiful, which deer quotes from poems are your favorites?82. “Where are you O Wild Deer? I have known you for a while, here. Both loners, both lost, both forsaken…”-  Shams al-Din Hafiz Shirazi, ‘Wild Deer’.83. “The deer’s a mighty useful beastFrom Petersburg to TennysonFor while he lives….”– Ellis Parker Butler.84. “Still then shall the beautiful wild deer drink from the coolness of great pools in the leaves’ shadow.”– Sri Aurobindo, ‘The Tiger And The Deer’.85. “He was born on a warm Spring day in April… the little fawn lay against the warmth of his mother.”–  Lora Hollings,  ‘Poem For A Little Deer’.  Insightful Deer QuotesRead on to know some of the most insightful and thought-provoking deer quotes.86. “I don’t have to take a trip around the world or be on a yacht in the Mediterranean to have happiness. I can find it in little things, like looking out into my backyard and seeing deer in the fields.”- Queen Latifah.87. “Cleave to the footprints of the deer and advance with care that you may reach the musk-gland.”- Rumi.88.  “God made us walking animals - pedestrians. As a fish needs to swim, a bird to fly, a deer to run, we need to walk, not in order to survive, but to be happy.”- Enrique Penalosa.89. “The deer hovered by the trees beyond as the sounds of the ravening wolves came to them across the grass, their own senses almost frozen in impotent horror.”- David Clement-Davies.90. “We must forget bodily consciousness like a deer which is infatuated by music.”- Tukaram.91. “There is a poignancy in all things clear, in the stare of the deer, in the ring of a hammer in the morning.”- Richard Wilbur.92. “I went hunting, I shot a deer, and it mortified me. I just couldn’t do it again.”- Channing Tatum.93. “We humans will never know how meadows or mountains smell, but deer and horses and pigs do.”- Jean Craighead George.94. “The probability that the bowman’s arrow hits the deer does not lie in the arrow or the deer. It lies in the bowman’s mind.”- Bart Kosko.95. “Somehow, having a deer preside over the ceremony of a werewolf and a girl seems oddly appropriate."― Maggie Stiefvater, ‘Shiver’.At Kidadl, we have created lots of family-friendly quotes for everyone! If you like these beautiful deer quotes, why not take a look at these nature quotes or wildlife quotes too?*Do you know where this quote originated? Please email us to let us know at [email protected]‍

People picture deer differently; poets see it as a form of beauty, hunters as a game, and little girls and boys as another animated character in Disney movies.