If you are looking to adopt pets related to Germany, then you need to learn the German word which pertains to your pet.In the German language, a distinct word is assigned to every animal to help with its identification. You need to improve your vocabulary to be able to master the words used for these animals.Some of the most popular animal names in Germany are (der Esel) donkey, (der Elefant) elephant, (der Eisbär) polar bear, (der Delfin) dolphine, (der Dachs) badger, (der Bär) bear, (der Fuchs) fox, (der Affe) monkey, (die Ziege) goat, (die Taube) pigeon, (die Spinne) spider, (die Schlange) snake, (die Schildkröte) turtle, (die Ratte) rat, (die Qualle) jellyfish, (Tiger der) Tiger.Read on to know more about the world of German animals.Funny German Animal NamesThe best ways to see more animals in Germany are hiking and walking. There are more parks and protected places in Germany for the sightseeing of animals. Some popular German animal names are (die Maus) mouse, (die Kuh) cow, (die Krabbe) shrimp, (die Giraffe) giraffe, (die Gans) goose, (die Fledermaus) bat, (die Eule) owl, (die Ente) duck.Das Faultier (German origin), meaning ‘sloth,’ is called the lazy animal of the class Mammalia.Das Gurteltier (German origin), meaning ‘armadillo,’ is called the belt animal that has short legs can move fast quietly.Das Meerschweinchen (German origin), meaning ‘guinea pig,’ is also called a sea pig.Das Nilpferd (German origin), meaning ‘river horse,’ is also called hippo, spends 16 hours a day submerged in rivers and lakes.Das Schnabeltier (German origin), meaning ‘platypus,’ is called the beak animal of the family Ornithorhynchidae.Das Seeschwein (German origin), meaning ‘sea pig,’ is called dugong that belongs to the family Dugongidae.Das Stachelschwein (German origin), meaning ‘porcupine,’ has spikes in it, and it is called a spiky pig.Das Stinktier (German origin), meaning ‘skunk,’ is a sting animal that belongs to the family Mephitidae.Das Wasserschwein (German origin), meaning ‘capybara,’ is a variety of water pig that belongs to the family Caviidae.Der Hamster (German origin), meaning ‘hamster,’ is most commonly kept as pets by humans.Der Mistkafer (German origin), meaning ‘dung beetle or garbage beelt,’ belongs to the German variety of animals.Der Nasenbar (German origin), meaning ‘nose bear,’ is one of the bear varieties that have big noses.Der Pottwal (German origin), meaning ‘pot whale,’ is also called a sea whale that lives in the sea.Der Seehund (German origin), meaning ‘sea dog,’ is an animal of class Mammalia that feeds milk to its young.Der Truthahn (German origin), meaning ‘turkey,’ is called the threatening rooster or chicken.Der Waschbar (German origin), meaning ‘wash bear,’ used to wash their food before eating.Die Fledermaus (German origin), meaning ‘bat,’ belongs to the class Mammalia and has the order Chiroptera.Die Schildkröte (German origin), meaning ‘turtle/tortoise,’ and the literal translation of turtle/tortoise is shield toad.Cool German Animal NamesHere are a few animals that are listed to be the native animals of Germany.Das Esel (German origin), meaning ‘donkey,’ is a hoofed mammal that belongs to the family Equidae.Das Gurteltier (German origin), meaning ‘armadillo,’ is called the belt animal that has sharp claws used for digging.Das Katzenbaby (German origin), meaning ‘kitten,’ generally depends on their mother for survival.Das Leopard (German origin), meaning ‘leopard,’ is one of the cat family has a lifetime of about 12 to 17 years.Das Murmeltier (German origin), meaning ‘groundhog,’ is called the mumble animal that belongs to the family Sciuridae.Das Panther (German origin), meaning ‘panther,’ is mostly found in tropical forests.Das Pferd (German origin), meaning ‘horse,’ Das Pferd is a domesticated mammal that belongs to the family Equidae.Das Schwein (German origin), meaning ‘pig’, is a German word used for pig.Das Stinktier (German origin), meaning ‘skunk,’ is also called the Stink animal that belongs to the family Mephitidae.Das Wasserschwein (German origin), meaning ‘capybara,’ belongs to the family Caviidae and the class Mammalia.Das Zebra (German origin), meaning ‘zebra,’ belongs to the family Equidae.Der Gepard (German origin), meaning ‘cheetah,’ is one of the largest cat varieties and is the fastest land animal.Der Hund (German origin), meaning ‘dog,’ is a descendent of the wolf. Der Hund belongs to the class Mammalia.Der Hundewelpe (German origin), meaning ‘puppy dog,’ especially refers to young dogs.Der Schweinswal (German origin), meaning ‘porpoise,’ belongs to the family Phocoenidae.Der Stier (German origin), meaning ‘bull,’ is called a male cow usually will be larger in size and has big horns in it.Der Tiger (German origin), meaning ‘tiger,’ is one of the largest living cat varieties (species) that belongs to the family Felidae.Der Tintenfisch (German origin), meaning ‘squid,’ is also called the ink fish (der Fisch) that belongs to the order Cephalopod.Die Antilope (German origin), meaning ‘antelope,’ belongs to the family Bovidae.Die Elefanten (German origin), meaning ‘elephant,’ is one of the largest existing animals on land.Die Gamse (German origin), meaning ‘chamois,’ is found in the mountain regions.Die Haie (German origin), meaning ‘shark,’ belongs to the kingdom Animalia and class Chondrichthyes.Die Kuh (German origin), meaning ‘cow,’ is Taurine cattle that belong to the family Bovidae.Die Nacktschnecke (German origin), meaning ‘slug,’ is also called a naked snail slow-moving creature that has no legs.Die Schlangen (German origin), meaning ‘snake,’ has a lifetime of nearly about nine years and belongs to the order Squamata.Grobe Hufeisennase (German origin), meaning ‘horseshoe bat,’ is one of the largest of all the bat varieties.Roter Fuchs (German origin), meaning ‘red fox,’ is one of the native animals that can be seen roaming in all the places of the country.Common German Animal NamesGermany is home to more than 50,000 different varieties of animals. Some common names are (die Ente) duck, (der Adler) eagle, (das Zebra) zebra, (das Tier) animal, (das Schwein), pig (das Schaf) sheep, (das Pferd) horse, (der Hund) dog, (der Hahn) rooster, (das kaninche) rabbit, (das Huhn) chicken. Likewise, the German name of the lion (der Löwe) is equally interesting. Some of the common german animal names are listed below.Das Eichhörnchen (German origin), meaning ‘squirrel,’ belongs to the family Sciuridae.Das Frettchen (German origin), meaning ‘ferret,’ belongs to the class Mammalia and the family Mustelidae.Das Reh (German origin), meaning ‘deer,’ generally refers to the female species in the forest.Das Wildschwein (German origin), meaning ‘wild boar,’ is otherwise called wild swine.Der Bär (German origin), meaning ‘bear,’ Der Bär belongs to the family Ursidae.Der Elch (German origin), meaning ‘moose,’ belongs to the class Mammalia and family Cervidae.Der Hase (German origin), meaning ‘hare,’ belongs to the genus Lepus and family Leporidae.Der Hirsch (German origin), meaning ‘deer,’ generally refers to the male variety deer in the forest.Der Igel (German origin), meaning ‘hedgehog,’ belongs to the family Erinaceidae and subfamily Erinaceinae.Der Otter (German origin), meaning ‘otter,’ is one of the carnivores’ animals that belong to the family Lutrinae.Der Wolf (German origin), meaning ‘wolf,’ has a lifespan of nearly 16 years is also called gray wolf.Die Biene (German origin), meaning ‘bee,’ belongs to the order Hymenoptera.Die Feldermaus (German origin), meaning ‘bat,’ belongs to the kingdom Animalia.Die Spinne (German origin), meaning ‘spider,’ has eight legs that can inject venom.Die Spitzmaus (German origin), meaning ‘shrew,’ has a lifetime of about 2-3 years.Weird German Animal NamesThe majority of German animals belong to feminine or masculine types. Some of the masculine animals are polar beer (der Eisbär), bunny (der Hase), stag (der Hirsch), koala (der Koala), and more. If you are an animal lover, Germany is home to many varieties and unique animals. The coolest animals on the planet, like penguin, polar bear, and such, are called cold-weather animals. Some of the cold weather weird German animal names are listed below.Das Ei (German origin), meaning ‘eggs,’ in the English version.Das Entchen (German origin), meaning ‘duckling,’ is a young duck belonging to the class Aves.Das Erdferkel (German origin), meaning ‘aardvark,’ belongs to the class Mammalia and orders Tubulidentata.Das Flusspferd (German origin), meaning ‘hippopotamus,’ is one of the largest herbivorous animals that has a lifetime of about 40 to 50 years.Das Kalb (German origin), meaning ‘calf,’ is a young cow or bull.Das Kamel (German origin), meaning ‘camel,’ is said to have a minimum life of about 17.8 years.Das Karibu or Der Karibu (German origin), meaning ‘caribou,’ is otherwise called reindeer, found mostly in the mountain regions.Das Küken (German origin), meaning ‘chicks,’ is a bird (der Vogel) that has not reached its adult stage.Das Lamm (German origin), meaning ‘lamb,’ is a young sheep.Das Nashorn (German origin), meaning ‘rhinoceros,’ belongs to the family Rhinocerotidae.Das Warzenschwein (German origin), meaning ‘warthog,’ is from the pig (das Schwein) family belongs to the Suidae family.Der Eisbar (German origin), meaning ‘polar bear,’ belongs to the family Ursidae is found in sea and landmasses.Der Gecko (German origin), meaning ‘gecko,’ is another common variety found in the household.Der Kafer (German origin), meaning ‘beetle,’ belongs to the order Coleoptera.Der Mungo (German origin), meaning ‘mongoose,’ is a carnivorous mammal and has two subfamilies.Der Narwal (German origin), meaning ‘narwhal,’ is otherwise called nar-whale (der Wal) belongs to the class Mammalia.Der Papagei (German origin), meaning ‘parrot,’ is otherwise called psittacines.Der Pavian (German origin), meaning ‘baboon,’ belongs to the family Cercopithecidae from the kingdom Animalia.Der Pinguin (German origin), meaning ‘penguin,’ der Pinguin belong to the class Aves and order Sphenisciformes.Der Schneeleopard (German origin), meaning ‘snow leopard,’ is otherwise called ounce, belongs to the family Felidae.Der Vogel (German origin), meaning ‘bird,’ is most commonly found in the households of Germany.Die Ameise (German origin), meaning ‘ant,’ belongs to the order Hymenopterans. Die Bettwanze (German origin), meaning ‘bedbug,’ belongs to the genus Cimex.Die Bremse (German origin), meaning ‘horsefly,’ belongs to the family Tabanidae and order Diptera.Die Eidechse (German origin), meaning ‘lizard,’ belongs to the order Squamata and Kingdom Animalia.Die Giftschlange (German origin), meaning ‘poisonous Snake,’ belongs to the kingdom Animalia.Die Hornisse (German origin), meaning ‘hornet,’ is one of the largest varieties of wasps that belong to the family Vespidae.Die Kuchenschabe (German origin), meaning ‘cockroach,’ belongs to the class Insecta and kingdom Animalia.Die Qualle (German origin), meaning ‘jellyfish,’ is one of the marine animals found all over the world.Die Schlange (German origin), meaning ‘snake,’ belongs to the order Squamata.Die Wespe (German origin), meaning ‘wasp,’ belongs to the order Hymenoptera and class Insecta.Die Zecke (German origin), meaning ‘tick,’ belongs to the class Arachnida and kingdom Animalia.

If you are looking to adopt pets related to Germany, then you need to learn the German word which pertains to your pet.