High concentrations of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and black carbon have been found in the Hong Kong air.The reason behind an increase in the levels of roadside pollution is an increase in vehicle emissions due to idling engines. Another factor that is contributing to the increase in air pollution is the increasing use of heating and cooling solutions in private buildings.Hong Kong has been facing severe air pollution for the last few years. In fact, as per the news reports and Hong Kong observatory, in 2004, for around 30% of the year, the visibility to the naked eye was less than 4.9 mi (8 km). Due to the air quality, the people of Hong Kong face many cardio-respiratory issues such as asthma and bronchial infections, which is why the cardio-respiratory mortality rate has been high.But now, the mortality rate has lessened, according to the data analysis done by various broadcasting stations. The air quality in Hong Kong has improved since the SARS epidemic. During the spread of this epidemic, the government took significant measures and made massive investments to help improve the health care system.The problem of rising pollution in Hong Kong has become so serious that the Danish Chamber of Commerce stated that many of their prospective employees have turned down the offer to work in Hong Kong as they were worried about the health risks associated with living and working in such a polluted environment for longer periods. But the situation was not so bleak a few years ago, so what has changed in Hong Kong, leading to the present situation? Read on to find out.Here we will learn some interesting facts about Hong Kong’s pollution that might shock the world. After reading about the problem of increasing air pollution in Hong Kong, also check out Los Angeles pollution facts and air pollution facts.Historic Air Quality For Hong KongThe level of air pollution degrading Hong Kong’s air quality remained at the same levels for about 27 years before eventually being updated in 2014. But still, Hong Kong is not entirely following and implementing WHO’s guidelines.People have already seen the ill effects of pollution from mainland China. The need for better air quality is a must and, lately, has been realized by the Hong Kong government.Steps should be taken by the government as well as by individuals. Some of these steps could include switching diesel vehicles to cleaner fuel like natural gas.People need to curb the use of such products whose higher concentrations can lead to a severe increase in pollution levels, for example, plastic and fossil fuels. Residents must also avoid long-term exposure to such pollutants by working in mines for long hours.Reasons For PollutionAir pollution is caused by sources like motor vehicles that run on fossil fuels and are owned by almost all of the population. These vehicles’ exhaust gases, like carbon monoxide, and methane, pollute the air. The result of air pollution is regional smog and acid rain. The pollutants from marine vessels, container ships, and industrial power plants are from mainland China.Landfill waste is caused by the increased use of delivery boxes, plastic service, throw cutleries, and single-use masks, the usage of which has massively increased due to the pandemic. This waste pollutes the atmosphere by releasing landfill gases (carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and methane) during the decomposition of organic waste, which heavily contributes to global warming.Plastic pollution is caused by the generation of billions of plastic food and drink containers every year. The lack of an efficient recycling infrastructure adds to the leading causes of plastic pollution.Hong Kong is famous for its international cuisines as it offers an affordable and stunning variety of cuisines. This results in the generation of revenue, but also a lot of food waste. This waste contributes to over a hundred thousand tons of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.Intense use of microplastics from single-use masks, industrial toxicants discharged into bodies of water, and marine life infections reduce oxygen levels in the water while increasing bacteria levels that cause water pollution. Since Hong Kong is a unique city surrounded by the South China Sea, the delta is home to a wide range of different marine environments severely affected by pollution.Air Quality In Hong KongAir quality is one of the most important parameters at present when it comes to monitoring the environment. Increased usage of fossil fuels for energy, an increasing number of vehicles on the road, and the increasing use of electronic gadgets all contribute to air pollution.Hong Kong is now reeling under the increasing problems caused by a rise in the pollutants in the air. Hong Kong has only a small land area and, as such, has one of the highest population densities in the world. This also aggravates the problem of pollution further. The primary pollutants that are a cause of the poor quality of Hong Kong air are sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons, organic gases like methane, carbon monoxide that affects the ozone layer, ozone; and PM10 and PM2.5 fine particles that contaminate the air.These pollutants are motor vehicles running on diesel and fossil fuels, power plants, and marine vessels. The Environment Bureau has released the Clean Air Plan for Hong Kong. The plans set out the various measures to be adopted to tackle air pollution.Hong Kong’s Air Quality ObjectivesHong Kong Air Quality Objectives (AQO’s) are mainly the goals set up by the Hong Kong government to devise plans and ideas and implement them to improve the air quality. Few existing methods have been benchmarked under the World Health Organization’s Air Quality Guidelines.The Environment Protection Department checks the air quality health index and the rise and fall of the pollution rate. The department releases the Air Quality Health Index to the public every hour to inform them of the short-term health risks of air pollution. They can take immediate action to reduce the problem and take preventive measures to safeguard their health and immunity.The index is reported on a scale of 1-10 and is grouped into five health risk categories. Alongside these categories, health advice is also provided. This was extremely beneficial to people who were at high risk of developing heart and lung diseases. The forecasts and indexes also advise the public before increasing health risk categories due to pollution episodes.Initiatives like installing an Air Quality Monitoring Network to Improve the Air Quality of the Pearl River Delta are being taken up to provide information to the public about the level of air pollution in the region, the risks it poses, and management. To improve the poor air quality of the delta region, the governments of Hong Kong and Guangdong are working together.The government shows concern for clean air quality so that IAQ, the Indoor Air Quality Index, is maintained and Hong Kong’s competitiveness is enhanced over other cities. This assumes greater importance in light of the fact that expats are now avoiding relocating to the city as they are worried about their health. In the long run, this could have an adverse impact on the thriving economy of Hong Kong, which is heavily dependent on expats from across the world.Health Issues Due To Air QualityAir pollution causes cardio-respiratory diseases and infections that can get serious. Asthma and bronchial infections are the most common ones people face in such conditions.As per in-depth research in the Netherlands, it has been noted that the mortality rate near heavily used roads is generally the highest. High pollution levels at Hong Kong roadside stations are a significant reason for thousands of patients being admitted to hospitals and premature deaths. Local air pollution in Hong Kong needs to be tackled at the local level by promoting electric vehicles and energy-efficient methods.The research was done by comparing the people living 164 ft (50 m) away from the roads with those living 328 ft (100 m) away from the streets. This cleared up a lot of facts about the mortality rate in Hong Kong, as the majority of the locals reside near highways. They are most likely to develop the risk of cardio-respiratory deaths, lung cancers, and infections. People living in Hong Kong have no escape when it comes to pollution. Even healthy people can be easily affected by it. People there are skeptical about carrying out any simple outdoor activities. Almost all houses have air purifiers installed to keep the air indoors fresh.If not, then respiratory illnesses can make the lungs and heart highly stressed, and they will need to work much harder to maintain an adequate supply of oxygen in the blood.The body cells in the respiratory system get severely damaged due to the micro-fine pollutants in the air.The lungs age prematurely, so they lose capacity and become dysfunctional. The exact causes are mainly asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, and even lung cancer.The heart also catches the toxicants, leading to heart failure or coronary artery disease.Children under 14 years of age, the elderly, pregnant women, and people who engage themselves in constant outdoor activities like playing or walking are particularly vulnerable to the risks caused by air pollution.Biggest Environmental Issues In Hong KongAs discussed earlier, air pollution in Hong Kong is the biggest environmental issue prevailing. Air pollution, landfill pollution, water pollution, and plastic pollution, add up to it and become a significant cause of environmental degradation that spreads deadly diseases.Coal-fired power stations and power plants cause pollution that severely impacts public health. The toxic substances released by them cause health implications like impairing lung function. The use of electric vehicles can help the local government and local sources with a civic exchange for a better quality of life.Considering the disasters being caused and those that could be generated later, the government is also undertaking several initiatives to improve it.Waste management is a critical problem and is one of the most significant environmental issues in Hong Kong. Improper waste management will cause Hong Kong to run out of landfill space later, while air pollution will take many lives away.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Hong Kong pollution facts, then why not take a look at diesel pollution facts, or car pollution facts.

High concentrations of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and black carbon have been found in the Hong Kong air.