Water deities and sea gods are believed to have control over the seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, springs, water nymphs, and dangers of the deep.Ancient sea gods and water deities have had an important role to play in the mythology of the world. The deities of rivers and seas, therefore, find an important place in religion. Some of the most well-known water deities are Aegaeon (god of violent sea storms) and ally of the Titans, Neptune (king of the sea or god of the sea), Thetis who was the daughter of Nereus and Doris and leader of the Nereids, Achelous (Greek god of the river or god of fresh water and saltwater) who was the son of Oceanus and Tethys, and Carcinus (a giant crab).Read on for some more information on different sea deities and sea gods’ names.Greek Water Goddess NamesSome of the popular Greek water deities are Leviathan (sea serpent), Anapos (water god of eastern Sicily), Tlaloc (god of rain, fertility, and water), Glaucus (fisherman’s sea god), Amphitrite (personification of the sea), Oceanus (Titan god of the Earth), Telchines (Sea Daemones native to the island of Rhodes), Gorgones(three monstrous sea daemons), Potamoi were the three thousand deities of rivers and sons of Oceanus and Tethys. Here are some more water goddess names in Greek.Aphrodite (Greek origin), meaning ’the goddess of love and beauty who rose from the seafoam’, symbolizes passion, pleasure, and perfection. One of the wonders of the sea and a prophetic sea god.Argyle (Greek origin), meaning ‘silvery one’, is also one of the sea nymphs who loved an Achaean man named Selemnus who was transformed into a river.Benthesikyme (Greek origin), meaning ‘deep wave’, was the daughter of Poseidon, hence, a sea nymph, she was also the wife of Enalos ’the man of the sea’. As she was the daughter of Poseidon and Amphitrite, she inherited some qualities of Poseidon as well.Bolbe (Greek origin), meaning ‘a beautiful lake goddess, nymph’, dwelled in the beautiful lake named Macedonian.Brizo (Greek origin), meaning ’to slumber’, is known as the protector of mariners, fishermen, and sailors. She is the goddess of sailors and fishermen.Cairo (Greek origin), meaning ‘a sea nymph native’, lived near the shores of the island of Lemnos.Calliste (Greek origin), meaning ‘most beautiful or lovely’, was the sea nymph of the Island of Calliste.Capoeira (Greek origin) meaning ’the sea nymph nurse’ of the god Poseidon.Ceto (Greek origin), meaning ‘Goddess of the dangers of the ocean’ and offered protection from a sea monster.Charybdis (Greek origin), meaning ‘a spirit of whirlpools, a female monster’, was also said to be the daughter of Greek God Poseidon.Cymopoleia (Greek origin), meaning ‘goddess of giant storm waves’, was a sea nymph and water nymph and the daughter of the god Poseidon.Echidna (Greek origin), meaning  ‘a monstrous she-dragon’, is extremely important in greek mythology when it comes to dangers of the deep.Galatea (Greek origin), meaning ‘goddess of the calm seas’, was one of the fifty Nereides who was loved by the Cyclops Polyphemus.Galena (Ancient Greek origin), meaning ’tranquility’, was one of the fifty Nereides, and the goddess of calm seas.Halia (Ancient Greek origin), meaning ’the dweller in the sea’, was the mother of the Daemones of Rhodes.Harpies (Greek origin), meaning ‘a pair, or three, winged sea Daemones’, daughters of the sea-god Thaumas, were spirits of whirlwinds, water spouts, and violent storm gusts.Helle (Greek origin) meaning ’the nymph Goddess’, of the Hellespont sea was a sea goddess present in the ancient sea.Ichthys (Greek origin), meaning ‘a pair of divine fish’, brought Aphrodite ashore following her sea-birth.Ino (Greek origin), meaning ‘mortal queen’ is another name for Leukothea, a deity who aided sailors and protected them from sea monsters.Lamia (Greek origin), meaning ‘a monstrous shark-shaped sea Daemon’, was a devourer of men.Leucothea (Greek origin), meaning ‘a protector’, originally used to be a princess whose name was Ino and lived in the ancient sea.Nereids (Greek origin), meaning ‘female spirits of seawater’ were also known as the sea nymphs.Oeolyca (Greek origin), meaning ’the lone wolf ‘, was a sea-nymph daughter of the stormy sea-gods Briareus and Cymopoleia. Briareus was the father of Aegaeon, the Greek god of violent sea storms.Psamathe (Greek origin), meaning ‘goddess of sandy beaches’, was one of the fifty Nereids.Rhode (Greek origin), meaning ‘goddess of the island of Rhodes’, was a sea-nymph who was also the daughter of the young sea god Poseidon. Being the goddess of the island of Rhodes, she was responsible for the region.Skylla (Greek origin), meaning ‘sea monster’ represents two equally awful alternatives. She is fierce, beloved, and dutiful.Styx (Greek origin), meaning ‘river that separates the living from the dead’, implies that not all river Goddesses are associated with the life-giving qualities of water.Tethys (Greek origin), meaning ‘goddess who aided sailors’,  can break chains and manipulate water as an act of self-defense.Thalassa (Greek origin), meaning ’the primeval goddess of the sea’, was the mother of the fishes by her male counterpart Pontus, primeval sea god. The primeval god of the sea was one of the first-born gods.Thoosa (Greek origin), meaning ‘a sea nymph’, is the mother of the Cyclops Polyphemus by Poseidon.Triteia (Greek origin), meaning ‘a militant sea nymph of the Achaean coast’. She was the daughter of Triton and was a companion of Ares and later gave birth to Melanippus.Singing Water Goddess NamesAs the subheading clearly suggests, this section comprises names of ancient singing sea Goddesses:Amphitrite (Greek origin), meaning ‘goddess-queen of the sea’, Amphitrite is an ancient deity who seeks power and has high ambitions and status. She was the loud moaning singing sea goddess.Ap (Hindu Vedic origin), meaning ‘group of water goddesses’.Danu (Hindu Vedic origin), meaning ‘goddess of primordial waters’, is the mother of Vritra and the Danavas.Ezili (African origin), meaning ‘goddess of sweet water, beauty, and love’.Ganga (Hindu Vedic origin), meaning ‘goddess of the Ganges’, symbolizes purity and forgiveness. Ganges river houses many hidden dangers and water nymphs.Juturna (Germanic origin), meaning ‘goddess of fountains, wells, and springs’.Longmire (Chinese origin), meaning ‘goddess related to Xijiang River’Makara (Hindu Vedic origin), meaning ‘mystical creature of waters’.Matsya (Hindu Vedic origin), meaning ’the fish avatar of Hindu Lord Vishnu’.Mazu (Chinese origin), meaning ‘protector of the seafarer, goddess of the sea’.Nehalennia (Germanic origin), meaning ‘goddess of the North Sea’.Nerthus (Germanic origin), meaning ‘Earth goddess who is also associated with the water bodies’.Nix (Germanic origin), meaning ‘spirits who can appear in human form’.Nāmaka (Hawaiian origin), meaning ‘old sea Goddess or a water sprint’, was an older sister of Pele- honua-mea.Ràn (Germanic origin), meaning ‘sea goddess of death’, who collects the drowned in a net.Saga (Germanic origin), meaning ‘goddess who lives near water’.Salacia (Germanic origin), meaning ‘goddess of saltwater, also known as Neptune’s consort’. Neptune was known as the king of the sea or god of the violent sea.Saptasindhu (Hindu Vedic origin), meaning ‘seven holy rivers’.Sarasvati (Hindu Vedic origin), meaning ‘goddess of knowledge, music, and the Sarasvati river’.Sedna (Greek origin), meaning ‘goddess of the sea and its creatures’.Sezibwa (African origin), meaning ‘goddess of the river Sezibwa’.Sirens (Greek origin), meaning ’evil sea creatures’, who would lure the sailors through their magnificent voices and then kill them.Tapti (Hindu Vedic origin), meaning ‘goddess of Tapti River’.Tiberinus (Germanic origin), meaning ’the genius of the river Tiber’.Tungabhadra (Hindu Vedic origin), meaning ‘a tributary of Krishna worshipped as a Goddess’.Yami (Hindu Vedic origin), meaning ‘goddess of Yamuna river’.Yeongdeung (Korean origin), meaning ‘goddess of the wind and sea’.Caribbean Water Goddess NamesHere are some unique Caribbean water goddess names from the region:Chalchiuhtlicue (Caribbean origin), meaning ‘goddess of water, lakes, river, and seas’.Doris (Greek origin), meaning ‘goddess of the sea’s rich bounty and wife of Nereus’, was the daughter of Titans Oceanus and Tethys. She was brave, talented, and enchanting.Eidothea (Greek origin), meaning ‘prophetic sea nymph’, was the daughter of Proteus’ the old man of the sea. She changed her name to Theodore. Proteus was the herdsman of Poseidon’s seals.Electra (Greek origin), meaning ‘amber’, an Oceanid, consort of Thaumas. She was always shining. Thaumas was the god of the wonders of the sea.Eurybia (Greek origin), meaning ‘goddess of the mastery of the seas’, was powerful and responsible for controlling external factors.Japanese Water Goddess NamesHere are some Japanese sea goddesses and some interesting facts about them. Suijin (Japanese origin), meaning ‘water deity’, specifies the heavenly and worldly embodiment of Shinto divinity of water.Coventina (Roman origin), meaning ‘goddess of the sacred spring’, is sited next to Hadrian’s Wall.Juturna (Roman origin), meaning ‘goddess of fountains and wells’.Ryūjin (Japanese origin), meaning ‘Japanese dragon’, was associated with water, also known as Dragon King.Suit (Japanese origin), meaning ‘water lord’.Suiten (Japanese origin), meaning  ‘water heaven’ is a synonym of Suijin itself.Susanoo (Japanese origin), meaning ’the Japanese god of sea and storms’.Celtic Sea Water Goddess NamesHere are some Celtic water goddess names related to religion:Acionna (Celtic origin), meaning ‘a water goddess of the Orleanais region’.Anuket (Egypt origin), meaning ‘goddess of the Nile and nourisher of the fields’.Belisama (Celtic origin), meaning ‘goddess of lakes and rivers, fire, crafts, and light’.Boann (Celtic origin), meaning ‘goddess of the River Boyne’.Brigantia (Celtic origin), meaning ‘goddess of flowing water’.Damona (Celtic origin), meaning ‘water goddess’, is associated with healing and rivers.Danu (Irish origin), meaning ‘Continental Celtic river goddess’.Ehuang (Chinese origin), meaning ‘goddess associated with river Qiantang’.Hapi (Egypt origin), meaning ‘god of the annual flooding of the Nile’.Isis (Egyptian origin ), meaning, ‘Queen of the throne’, was a famous goddess.Lí Ban (Irish origin), meaning ’the water goddess’.Lir (Irish origin), meaning ‘god of the sea’.Nantosuelta (Celtic origin), meaning ‘of winding river’, besides being associated with water, she is also the Goddess of the earth, fire, and nature.Nephthys (Egypt origin), meaning ‘goddess of rivers, sceptre mourning’, the dead, and night.Sat (Egypt origin), meaning ‘goddess of the Nile River’s floods’.Selkie (Celtic origin), meaning ‘sea folk’,  can shred skin and transform from seal to human body.Sequana (Celtic origin), meaning ‘goddess of the mighty River Seine’.Sinann (Celtic origin), meaning ‘goddess of the River Shannon’.Sobek, (Egypt origin), meaning ’the god of the Nile river’, is depicted as a crocodile.Tefnut, (Egypt origin), meaning ‘Egyptian goddess of water, moisture, and fertility’.

Water deities and sea gods are believed to have control over the seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, springs, water nymphs, and dangers of the deep.