Barry Morris Goldwater was born on 2 January 1909.Barry Goldwater was not only a Republican Party nominee for the United States President. He was also a serviceman, conservative politician, statesman, businessman, and author.Even though senator Barry Goldwater lost the United States presidential election in 1964, he is still credited for sparking the American conservative political movement’s resurgence. The impact he had on the movement for liberty in the United States cannot be ignored. The pursuit of justice he had and the way he cared about the defense of liberty as a Republic Senator is commendable and can be widely appreciated.Below, you can find lots of quotes from Senator Barry Goldwater. The Republican Party nominee had lots to say about politics in the United States and more, and we have collected them all. You might find Barry Goldwater quotes about Russia, Barry Goldwater quotes on Soviet Union policies and politics, and Barry Goldwater quotes about the government, defense of liberty, and extremism here. Read on to know what the Republican had to say about the United States through his quotes.For more great quotes, have a look at these Shirley Chisholm quotes and these ‘The Prince’ quotes too!‍Famous Barry Goldwater QuotesHere you will find some famous sayings and Sen. Barry Goldwater quotes on the United States, extremism, Russian, and more. Read on.1. “My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.”- Barry Goldwater.2. “I’m the most underdog underdog there is.”- Barry Goldwater.3. “The Constitution is an instrument for limiting the functions of government and as binding today as when it was written.”- Barry Goldwater.4. “Surely the first obligation of a political thinker is to understand the nature of man.”- Barry Goldwater.5. “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!”- Barry Goldwater.6. “We Americans understand freedom; we have earned it, we have lived for it, and we have died for it.”- Barry Goldwater.7. “To disagree, one doesn’t have to be disagreeable.”- Barry Goldwater.8. “While I am a great believer in the free enterprise system and all that it entails, I am an even stronger believer in the right of our people to live in a clean and pollution-free environment.”- Barry Goldwater.9. “It’s a great country, where anybody can grow up to be president… except me.”- Barry Goldwater.10. “We [Americans] have earned it [freedom], we have lived for it, and we have died for it.”- Barry Goldwater.11. “Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!”- Barry Goldwater.12. “It is the fashion these days to say that responsibility for education ‘traditionally’ rests with the local community.”- Barry Goldwater.13. “The American taxpayer, I think, has lost confidence in his claim to his money.”- Barry Goldwater.14. “Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed.”- Barry Goldwater.15. “The champions of freedom will fight against the concentration of power wherever they find it.”- Barry Goldwater.16. “We have forgotten that the proper function of the school is to transmit the cultural heritage of one generation to the next generation.”- Barry Goldwater.17. “The only summit meeting that can succeed is the one that does not take place.”- Barry Goldwater.18. “When I’m not a politician, I’ll be dead.”- Barry Goldwater.19. “We shall return to proven ways—not because they are old, but because they are true.”- Barry Goldwater.20. “If we take from a man the personal responsibility for caring for his material needs, we take from him also the will and the opportunity to be free.”- Barry Goldwater.Barry Goldwater Quotes About FundamentalsYou can find Barry Goldwater quotes on rights, Barry Goldwater quotes on Civil Rights Act clauses, and more here.21. “This country has grown great and strong and prosperous by placing major reliance on a free economy.”- Barry Goldwater.22. “I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom.”- Barry Goldwater.23. “Accounts of the Federal Reserve operates outside the control of Congress and manipulates the credit of the United States.”- Barry Goldwater.24. “The graduated tax is a confiscatory tax.”- Barry Goldwater.25. “Most Americans have no real understanding of the operations of the international moneylenders.”- Barry Goldwater.26. “I am a conservative Republican, but I believe in democracy and the separation of church and state.”- Barry Goldwater.27. “Right-to-work laws derive from the natural law: they are simply an attempt to give freedom of association the added protection of civil law.”- Barry Goldwater.28. “Private property, free competition, hard work-these have been our greatest tools.”- Barry Goldwater.29. “To suggest that the Conservative philosophy is out of date is akin to saying that the Golden Rule or Aristotle’s Politics are out of date.”- Barry Goldwater.30. “Artificial devices for enforcing equality among unequal men must be rejected if we would restore that charter and honor those laws.”- Barry Goldwater.31. “Unlimited campaign spending eats at the heart of the democratic process.”- Barry Goldwater.32. “In our anxiety to ‘improve’ the world and insure ‘progress,’ we have permitted our schools to become laboratories.”- Barry Goldwater.Barry Goldwater Quotes On GovernmentRead Barry Goldwater quotes on small government in this section.33. “Government represents power in the hands of some men to control and regulate the lives of other men.”- Barry Goldwater.34. “Government can, instead of extending freedom, restrict freedom.”- Barry Goldwater.35. “A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away.”- Barry Goldwater.36. “The utmost vigilance and care are required to keep political power within its proper bounds.”- Barry Goldwater.37. “I have little interest in streamlining the government or in making it more efficient, for I intend to reduce its size.”- Barry Goldwater.38. “The legitimate functions of government are actually conducive to freedom.”- Barry Goldwater.39. “If everybody in this town connected with politics had to leave town because of chasing women and drinking, you would have no government.”- Barry Goldwater.40. “Politics and governing demand compromise.”- Barry Goldwater.41. “Government should stay the hell out of people’s business.”- Barry Goldwater.42. “The conservative movement is founded on the simple tenet that people have the right to live life as they please as long as they don’t hurt anyone else in the process.”- Barry Goldwater.43. “You’ve got to forget about this civilian. Whenever you drop bombs, you’re going to hit civilians.”- Barry Goldwater.44. “Many of the leading proponents of the graduated tax frankly admit that their purpose is to redistribute the nation’s wealth.”- Barry Goldwater.45. “The income tax created more criminals than any other single act of government.”- Barry Goldwater.46. “Throughout history, government has proved to be the chief instrument for thwarting man’s liberty.”- Barry Goldwater.47. “Release the holders of state power from any restraints other than those they wish to impose upon themselves, and you are swinging down the well-traveled road to absolutism.”- Barry Goldwater.48. “To insist on strength… is not war-mongering. It is peace-mongering.”- Barry Goldwater.49. “The State is competent to do all things and is limited in what it actually does only by the will of those who control the State.”- Barry Goldwater.50. “I could have ended the war in a month.”- Barry Goldwater.Barry Goldwater Quotes On ReligionIn this section, you can find Barry Goldwater quotes about religious rights.51. “On religious issues there can be little or no compromise.”- Barry Goldwater.52. “Religious factions will go on imposing their will on others unless the decent people connected to them recognize that religion has no place in public policy.”- Barry Goldwater.53. “Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can’t and won’t compromise.”- Barry Goldwater.54. “If and when these preachers get control of the Republican party, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem.”- Barry Goldwater.55. “There is no position on which people are so immovable as their religious beliefs.”- Barry Goldwater.56. “We are all equal in the eyes of God but we are equal in no other respect.”- Barry Goldwater.57. “The material and spiritual sides of man are intertwined.”- Barry Goldwater.58. “I am frankly sick and tired of the political preachers telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in A, B, C, and D.”- Barry Goldwater.59. “Like any powerful weapon, the use of God’s name on one’s behalf should be used sparingly.”- Barry Goldwater.Barry Goldwater Quotes On DiscriminationHere you can read Barry Goldwater quotes on racism, and Barry Goldwater quotes on race and women.60. “The big thing is to make this country quit discriminating against people just because they’re gay.”- Barry Goldwater.61. “I am an even stronger believer in the right of our people to live in a clean and pollution-free environment.”- Barry Goldwater.62 “From where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me?”- Barry Goldwater.63. “Freedom depends on effective restraints against the accumulation of power in a single authority.”- Barry Goldwater.64. “Social and cultural change, however desirable, should not be effected by the engines of national power.”- Barry Goldwater.65. “I’d rather see a woman elected.”- Barry Goldwater.66. “I have a deep faith in the manhood of American men—and in American women.”- Barry Goldwater.67. “I’ve always said I have nothing against a woman doing anything a man can do…”- Barry Goldwater.The Best Barry Goldwater QuotesRead some of the great Barry Goldwater quotes here.68. “Utilities are huge giants.”- Barry Goldwater.69. “I wouldn’t trust Nixon from here to that phone.”- Barry Goldwater.70. “Freedom of association is one of the natural rights of man.”- Barry Goldwater.71. “Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth.”- Barry Goldwater.72. “American business has just forgotten the importance of selling.”- Barry Goldwater.73. “The Conservative knows that to regard man as part of an undifferentiated mass is to consign him to ultimate slavery.”- Barry Goldwater.74. “Train the minds of the new generation to make them capable of absorbing ancient learning and applying it to the problem of its own day.”- Barry Goldwater.75. “As the public grows more and more cynical, the politician feels less and less compelled to take his promises seriously.”- Barry Goldwater.76. “We Americans understand freedom.”- Barry Goldwater.77. “If you don’t mind smelling like peanut butter for two or three days, peanut butter is darn good shaving cream.”- Barry Goldwater.78. “There’s no greater service to this country than the defense of its freedom.”- Barry Goldwater.79. “Small men, seeking great wealth or power, have too often and too long turned even the highest levels of public service into mere personal opportunity.”- Barry Goldwater.80. “The enemy of freedom is unrestrained power.”- Barry Goldwater.81. “The Conservative also recognizes that the political power on which order is based is a self-aggrandizing force.”- Barry Goldwater.82. “The best thing Clinton could do – I think I wrote him a letter about this, but I’m not sure – is to shut up… He has no discipline.”- Barry Goldwater.83. “Equality, rightly understood, as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences.”- Barry Goldwater.84. “We have been led to discount, and often to forget altogether, the bearing of taxation on the problem of individual freedom.”- Barry Goldwater.85. “The Republicans have a positive talent for self-destruction.”- Barry Goldwater.86. “Utilities have got more money than God, and they are not afraid to part with it.”- Barry Goldwater.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 86 Barry M. Goldwater quotes for politics students, then why not take a look at these Vaclav Havel quotes or William F Buckley quotes too?

Barry Morris Goldwater was born on 2 January 1909.