Every person wants to think that they have achieved great things in life one way or another.However, you will never see greatness achieved in one day. In order to be great, the one and only way is hard work every day, and hope that the hard work pays dividends in life!Yet, we must never take shortcuts and always adhere to our principles. Hence, only then will the others want to call us great and unique and amazing! So, without further delay, let us take a look at these be good quotes, inspired short quotes, ‘you are doing’ great quotes, be the best quotes from writers and singers, and many others that will always make you ready to face any problems in the future. We hope you find these beautiful quotes helpful for you and your favorite friend!If you like these amazing quotes, you might want to check out you are awesome quotes and quotes about greatness. Beautiful And Inspirational Quotes To Live ForThese quotes about inspiring yourself and your friend are something that you’ll always need to read. These also contain quotes about goodness.1. “Your strength doesn’t come from winning. It comes from struggles and hardship. Everything that you go through prepares you for the next level.”- Germany Kent.2. “Sometimes, what you want is already waiting for you, alongside the person that you are capable of becoming. Alongside the destined you. So in between here and there, you have that journey, that process, of becoming that person. Wiser, stronger, gentler.”- C Joybell. C.3. “If you chase anything in life chase the things that get you excited about living. Chase the things that give you hope, happiness, and a glimpse of a better life. Chase the things that make you want to be a better person.”- Shannon L. Alder.4. “I am proud of the man I was yesterday, and very happy with the man I am today. However, I am gladly looking forward to the man I will become tomorrow. Just like a red wine, I dare to get better with age.”- Edmond Mbiaka.5. “I’m a role model now. … I want to be a better person because I don’t want to disappoint those girls. I stop and think about my actions more. I tip great, I try not to swear too much, and I remember to thank people and be grateful. And all that stuff I do to ‘appear’ better has actually made me a better person. I wish I had always acted like I was a little bit famous.”- Mindy Kaling.6. “The problem with most of us is we are not who we think we are! When you understand that, you can be better every day.”- Hadi Farnoud.7. “You are amazing simply for hanging in there and holding on, no matter how hard things get! And for moving forward no matter how scared you are or how anxious you feel. Yep, you are awesome.”- Karen Salmansohn.8. “Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do.”- Nelson Mandela.9. “You are amazing person with unique talents. Have faith in your abilities.”- Lailah Gifty Akita.10. “Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.”- Margaret Mead.11. “A good person can make another person good; it means that goodness will elicit goodness in the society; other persons will also be good.”- Bhumibol Adulyadej.12. “Think back to when we were younger, before we were so easily influenced by adults. We rebelled against everything that we now believe is impossible. Super Heroes still existed and we didn’t hold grudges because ‘sorry’ was okay and as long as you still wanted to share your toys with me, nothing more needed to be said. Be 10 years old today everyone.”- D’Andre Lampkin.13. “We think that to attain what we want, means simply to achieve what we wish to attain. But if we could only see ourselves- our destined selves- already there in the future, standing hand-in-hand with our desires, we would always know that our worthy desires are objects that call us unto a higher calling, a higher state of existence.”- C. JoyBell C.14. “Be around people that make you want to be a better person, who make you feel good, make you laugh, and remind you what’s important in life.”- Germany Kent.15. “We must become the person who is ready to accept the thing/s that we want.”- C Joybell. C.Inspiring Quotes About God Is GreatTake a look at these inspirational quotes from scriptures, texts, and people that tell you about the things that make God great. These quotes are something that will always give you a boost!16. “Humble yourself the more the greater you are, and you will find grace with God…”- Sirach 3:18.17. “Do you want to be great?  Become little.”- St Augustine, Sermon 142.18. “Do you want to know if a man is really wise, learned, generous, or noble?  Observe if his talents tend to make him humble, modest, and submissive.  If he tends to brag, his talents will be less true in the same proportion as they appear evident.”- St Francis of Sales, ‘Introduction to Devout Life’.19. “A dispute arose between them about which should be reckoned the greatest, but Jesus said to them, ‘Among pagans it is the kings who lord it over them, and those who have authority over them are given the title of benefactor.  This must not happen with you.  No; the greatest among you must behave as if he were the youngest, the leader as if he were the one who serves.  For who is the greater, the one at table or the one who serves?  The one at table, surely?  Yet here am I among you as one who serves!’”- Luke 22:24-27.20. “Every one that exalts himself shall be humbled; and he that humbles himself shall be exalted.”- Luke 18:14.21. “When I see that God led a life filled with abasement and ignominy, from his Incarnation up to the Cross, can I be afraid of humbling myself?  God seeks lowliness; I, a worm, should exalt myself?  My God, destroy my pride, which separates me so much from you!”- St Augustine.22. “We have no less reason to humble ourselves if we consider the grace of God in us.  The few gifts and talents we have, all come from the generous hand of the Lord.”- St John M. Vianney, Priest Of Ars, ‘Homily On Humility’.23. “All creation gives you praiseYou alone are truly greatYou alone are God who reigns for eternityGod is great and his praise fills the earth fills the heavens”-  Hillsong Worship, ‘God Is Great’.Inspirational Quotes About Being A Great ObserverThese are some motivational quotes about those people who always need to have meticulous attention to things. You may find a quote for life that can be very inspiring to you and your friend for future actions.24. “…the greatest thing a human soul ever does in this world is to see something, and tell what it saw in a plain way. Hundreds of people can talk for one who can think, but thousands can think for one who can see. To see clearly is poetry, prophecy and religion – all in one.”- John Ruskin, ‘Modern Painters’.25. “There is an unexplored side to everything, because instead of looking at things with our eyes we look at them with the memory of what others have thought.”- Gustave Flaubert.26. “I am like a scavenger. I observe closely, storing some details for as long as 18 years in my memory.”- Sir Laurence Olivier.27. “A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.”- William Blake.28. “Here is a great observer, and looksQuite through the deeds of men.”- William Shakespeare, ‘Julius Caesar’.29. “If a man looks sharply and attentively, he shall see Fortune; for though she is blind yet she is not invisible.”- Francis Bacon.30. “We do not know people – their concerns, their loves and hates, their thoughts. For me the people I see around me every day are more extraordinary than any characters in my books.”- Iris Murdoch.Amazing Quotes From Amazing Songs About GreatnessLook at some beautiful songs about being great that can act as motivational quotes for you. You never know when you might start to hum these songs.31. “When I am down and, oh my soul, so wearyWhen troubles come and my heart burdened be…You raise me up, so I can stand on mountainsYou raise me up, to walk on stormy seasI am strong, when I am on your shouldersYou raise me up to more than I can be.”- Josh Groban, ‘You Raise Me Up’.32. “You are greatGreater than the world, has ever seenHigher than the heavens over meYou are greatNo one in this world, can have Your fameSo let the earth declare Your holy NameJesus!”- Darlene Zschech, ‘You Are Great’.33. “I know you’re differentI know you’re scaredAnd when you stop cryingMaybe I will stop lying.”- Alex G, ‘You Are Great’.34. “You are great, yes You areHoly OneWalked upon the seaRaised the deadYou reign in MajestyMighty GodEverything written about You, is great!”- Steve Crown, ‘You Are Great’.35. “No matter what I do no matter what I sayYour love remains the sameIt’s all because of you and because of who you areMy life’s no longer the sameOh how I love you, love you in you I stand amazedOh how I love you, love you and your amazing graceOh how I love you, love you because you are great!”- Richard Antonio, ‘You Are Great’.36. “You are great, You do miraclesSo great, there is no one else like YouThere is no one else like You!”- Juanita Bynum, ‘You Are Great’.37. “I don’t care if the world try to swallow meI turn my back to ’em, tell ’em all ‘follow me’I know you gon’ label me a haterBut inside you are greater than the songs you creating, man!”- Lecrae, ‘Nuthin’“38. “I’m not gonna be afraidI’m not gonna fear the stormYou are greater than its roar.”- The Belonging Co, ‘Peace Be Still’.39. “Cause even when the world cavesEven when the fight callsEven when the war’s wagedI’ll take heartI know You are greater!”- Hillsong Young & Free, ‘When The Fight Calls’.40. “You’re my courage when I worry in the dead of nightYou’re my strength ‘cause I’m not strong enough to win this fightYou are greater than the battle raging in my mind!”- The Afters, ‘I Will Fear No More’.41. “Now it’s grave, now it’s plightI regret all of the fightI spent milking every ounce of truthYou are great, you are brightStrictly radiant insideI should’ve worshipped every ounce of you!”- Gus Dapperton, ‘Medicine’.42. “You will have many friendsThey will call you many namesThey will say they love youThey will say they need youAnd will say you are greatAnd so on and so forthBut when the going is toughMost of them will disappear!”- William Onyeabor, ‘When The Going Is Smooth & Good’.43. “You are great, you are magnificentYou can do whatever you want to do in this worldPut your mind to it, put your grime to itAnd you can do itGet up, get outGet motivated, get inspired!”- Born Dirty, ‘Get Up, Get Out’.44. “I see a beautiful visionOf what we can createIf we just master loveA world without war, hunger or hateYou are greater than my dreamsAnd my dreams are greater than I can doSo dream makerMake my dreams come true!”- Janet Jackson, ‘Dream Maker/ Euphoria’.45. “You are thunder but you are my friendYou are perfect, you are greatWhy do you care for me this way?”- Duendita, ‘Thunder’.Becoming A Great Chef QuotesHere are some quotes from the best chefs that talk about all things related to the culinary arts.46. “You can tell everybody how great your passion is, you can tell your boss how special it is, you can tell your fellow chefs how great it is, but they will all see through it if your own professional values are not as high as the ones you are preaching. You can’t fake it!”- Charles Caroll, ‘Leadership Lessons From A Chef’.47. “If you want to become a great chef, you have to work with great chefs. And that’s exactly what I did.”- Gordon Ramsay.48. “I tell a student that the most important class you can take is technique. A great chef is first a great technician.”- Jacques Pepín.49. “The discovery of a new dish does more for the happiness of mankind than the discovery of a star.”- Anthelme Brillat-Savarin.50. “If you do not have passion for life it is difficult to have passion for anything else… Culinary passion is important…”- Charles Caroll, ‘Leadership Lessons From A Chef’.Becoming A Great Writer QuotesThese are a collection of quotes from writers that you surely need to read.51. “The use of reading is to aid us in thinking.”- Edward Gibbon.52. “I love to lose myself in other men’s minds. When I am not walking, I am reading; I cannot sit and think. Books think for me.”- Charles Lamb.53 “I like the vagueness of the printed word.”- John Fowles.54 “A writer’s task is not to spell everything out. It is really to imply and infer and hint, to give the reader the opportunity of total involvement by encouraging him or her to contribute his or her own reflections and imagery.”- Francis Clifford.55. “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.”- Francis Bacon.56. I am not a speed reader. I am a speed understander.”- Isaac Asimov.57. “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”- Sir Richard Steele.58. “Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours…”- John Locke.59. “Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to drop back.”- Chinese Proverb.Becoming A Great Boss QuotesTo be a boss, you need to manage a lot of things. Here are some quotes on how to have your colleagues thinking you are a great boss.60. “When delegating, you must communicate openly.“- ‘How To Be A Great Boss’, Joel A. Garfinkle.61. “The myth of the Lone-Ranger type of manager, who can handle everything and anything on his or her own, continues to dominate the imagination of many executives. In the end, however, that method can lead you down a dead-end path.”- ‘How To Be A Great Boss’, Joel A. Garfinkle.62. “Think of your industry as a resource for you and your team. Where else will you learn of the newest ideas, the brightest solutions, and the smartest practices to take back to help your staff?”- Catherine Hakala-Ausperk, ‘Be A Great Boss’.63. “It’s true. It’s lonely at the top. You’re going to be making a lot of unpopular decisions. You’re going to be introducing ’new’ services that many staff members won’t like. You’re going to have to champion change in a culture that often prefers the status quo (because they know how to succeed in it). And you’re going to have to discipline everyone’s favorite employee, at least once… Either way, you and your library can still be successful.”- Catherine Hakala-Ausperk, ‘Be A Great Boss’.64. “It’s not about money. It’s about the people you have, and how you’re led.”- Steve Jobs.Amazing ‘You Are Great’ Quotes And WishesThis is a list of beautiful quotes that include ‘you are a great mom’ quotes, ‘you are a great person’ quotes, ‘you are a great man’ quotes, and other things that you can say to your loved ones, be it your mom or dad or even your partner or best friend! Some of these lovely quotes are unknown and we would love to know where they came from, so if you know, let us know too!65. “A mothers’ joy begins when new life is stirring inside…when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone!”- Unknown.*66. “You are amazing because you always do the best you can do even though life is very hard.”- Unknown.*67. “For a mother is the only person on earth who can divide her love among ten children and each child still have all her love.”- Unknown.*68. “Do you realize how amazing you are?You are special. You are unique. You are amazing.Remember that!”- Izey Victoria Odiase.69. “You must know that you are great. Never forget that.”- Gurumayi Chidvilasananda.70. “One of the greatest things in life is finding someone who knows all your flaws, mistakes and weaknesses and still thinks you are amazing.”- Unknown.*71. “I believe in you, I believe that you are amazing and that is one of the things I love about you.”- Unknown.*72. “Don’t allow other people’s opinion to dictate who you are supposed to be. Look within yourself and discover the amazingly unique, beautiful and strong person you actually are.”- Sandra Cooze73. “You always enjoy your life, you don’t compare or judge yourself you just enjoy the time you have and I think it is amazing.”- Unknown.*74. “The more you love, the greater the risk and the more amazing you become when you take it.”- Unknown.*75. “With all the sweet gestures that one could imagine, you are an amazing woman that I know.”- Unknown.*76. “You have been able to move on from your past without hurting anyone else for it; that’s great.”- Unknown.*77. “When I see your love for me, I just thank God for creating you and sending you in my life. And I feel, I just can’t thank the almighty enough. You are an amazing woman and my greatest blessing.”- Unknown.*78. “I can see your potential to be great and with your amazingness, it exceeds everyone else’s!”- Unknown.*79. “You always told me that you don’t need to do anything crazy, you just need to find what you like and just start doing it and one day you will see how great you have become.”- Unknown.*80. “You believe in miracles, in the fruit of labor and in the meaning of life and that is amazing.”- Unknown.*81. “One day, you will be celebrated all over the world. You will be a well of inspiration from which others pull their strength. Don’t give up now. Just get back to work.”- Chinonye J. Chidolue.82. “You are amazing just as you are. More beautiful than you can see, stranger than you feel, and more worthy than you will ever know.”- Unknown.*83. “For me, you are my amazing mentor because when I lost my path, you guided me from the darkness to the light.”- Unknown.*84. “Don’t listen to people, who tell you that you’re worthless because in this world you only know what is your worth.”- Unknown.*85. “You are special individual. Never envy others. You never know what they go through. Seek and be inspired by the works of others. Learn their secrets for success.”- Lailah Gifty Akita.*Do you know where this quote originated? Let us know at [email protected]!Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for you are great quotes then why not take a look at you are my sunshine quotes, or [positive energy quotes].

Every person wants to think that they have achieved great things in life one way or another.