Aeschylus (525-456 B.C.), a Greek playwright, is the first/oldest European dramatist whose works have been preserved to date.Aeschylus was born in Eleusis, a town northwest of Athens. He was most concerned with man’s connection with the gods.Aeschylus was born in Eleusis, in the valleys of Attica. His father Euphorion was from a rich Athens family. Aeschylus wrote his first play around 499 B.C. and is said to have fought in the Persian Wars.As Aeschylus wrote for the Greek theater when it was in its infancy, he is credited with introducing many of the characteristics that have come to be identified with traditional Greek drama. Rich clothing, adorned cothurni (a type of footwear), serious dances, and intricate stage technology are among them.Aeschylus is credited with the invention of drama as we know it, where he added parts for a second and third actor since plays were written for only one actor and a chorus before his time. He is said to have written and directed his own plays, as well as choreographed his own choral dances.If you have liked reading about Aeschylus thus far, you should read on to know about him in detail. The answer to ‘what is Aeschylus most famous for?’ lies below! There is a lot of information available on Aeschylus, and lots of curious questions have been answered for you. After reading this, you could also check out our other facts articles on Aristotle facts and Antoninus Pius facts.Fun Facts About AeschylusAeschylus was born at Eleusis, a small town a little away from Athens, Greece, in the year 525 BC. The date is based on his first triumph in the Great Dionysia, an annual drama contest at a festival for the god Dionysus. His family were wealthy, and Euphorion, his father, belonged to Attica’s ancient nobility.According to Pausanias, Aeschylus labored in a vineyard until the deity Dionysus visited him in his sleep. He was given the task of writing the first tragedies by a god. His first play was performed in 499 B.C. and he was just 26 years old at the time.In the 470s B.C., Aeschylus visited Sicily twice. Hieron, the tyrant of Syracuse, a prominent Greek city on the island’s east coast, invited him. On one of these journeys, he penned The Women of Aetna in honor of Hieron’s city.By 473 BC, Aeschylus had established himself as Dionysia’s yearly favorite, earning first place in practically every competition. He visited Sicily for the final time in 458 BC, visiting Gela, where he died in 456 or 455 BC. He was allegedly killed by a tortoise that fell from the skies after being dropped by an eagle. This is most likely just a legend.The Athenians held Aeschylus’ work in such high regard that his tragedies were the only ones permitted to be reenacted in future competitions after his death.Facts About Aeschylus’ PlaysOnly seven of Aeschylus’s estimated 70-90 tragedies have survived intact:Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, and The Eumenides (which together form the Oresteia trilogy), The Persians, The Suppliants, Seven Against Thebes, and Prometheus Bound (whose authorship is now disputed).With the exception of Prometheus Bound, all of these plays are known to have received first prize at the City Dionysia, which Aeschylus won a total of 13 times. That being said, Aeschylus was most famous for Prometheus Bound, which was about the myth of Zeus punishing a Titan named Prometheus for granting humanity the ethereal gift of fire.The theater in Greece had just begun to evolve at the time Aeschylus began writing, with most performances featuring only a single actor and the chorus. Aeschylus introduced the concept of a second actor, allowing for more dramatic diversity and slightly reducing the importance of the chorus.He is also credited with introducing scene decoration (though this distinction is also frequently attributed to Sophocles) and more elaborate and theatrical costumes. In general, however, he stuck to the rigorous rules of Greek drama: his plays are all written in verse, no violence could be enacted on stage, and the works had to have a solid moral and religious message, which they all do.Facts About Aeschylus’ InfluenceThe theater was new when Aeschylus began writing.Some playwrights, such as Thespis, expanded the cast to include an actor who could converse with the chorus. The chorus became slightly less significant as Aeschylus added a second actor, allowing for more drama.He is credited by some as being the first to use skenographia (skene/scene decorating). However, Aristotle claims Sophocles was the first. Aeschylus also enhanced the clothes by having his actors wear cothurni or platform boots to enable the audience to see them better.His plays were written in a classic Greek drama style. They were performed in verse, and there could be no violence on stage; all violent acts like murder and war always occurred off stage and were informed about rather than shown to the Greeks who sat in the audience.These plays had to be set away from Athens’ everyday life, either by narrating stories about the gods or by being set in a far-away location, as in The Persians.The works of Aeschylus are marked by a strong moral and theological emphasis. The Oresteia plays dealt with man’s place in the universe in regards to the gods, as well as the gods’ laws and retribution.Facts About Aeschylus’ EducationAeschylus is credited with inventing many aspects that are now considered standard because he was writing for the Greek theater while it was in its infancy.Studying the writing of the Greeks during his childhood, the Greek poet Homer is assumed to be Aeschylus’ biggest influence.His lofty thoughts corresponded to Aeschylus’ grand style. His stage was filled with tremendous topics and mighty men. Due to his literary focus on the workings of the Greek gods, Aeschylus has been referred to be a great theologian (a specialist in the study of faith).The Persians was Aeschylus’ debut play, according to modern scholarship. It is also the only play in Greek drama that deals with a historical theme. This play is viewed through the eyes of a Persian. His purpose was to demonstrate how a nation might suffer as a result of its pride. Only seven of his assumed 90 plays have survived.Did You Know?Greek poet and playwright Aeschylus’ The Persians continues to be a valuable primary source of information about this period in Greek history.One of the most famous of that time, Greek playwright Aeschylus wrote in such a way that the chorus and around three actors almost always performed his Greek plays. The plays were dramatized in an outdoor theater with the performers wearing masks. Aeschylus’ plays were famous for separate dramas, nascent art, and grand ideas.The first competition in which Aeschylus competed would have consisted of three playwrights presenting three tragic plays and a shorter humorous satyr play.Only seven of his tragedies have survived in their entirety: The Persians, Seven Against Thebes, The Suppliants, and The Oresteian Trilogy, which includes the three tragedies; Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, and The Eumenides, as well as the famous Greek tragedy, Prometheus Bound.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 85 Aeschylus facts: Learn everything about the father of tragedy, then why not take a look at Antonin Dvorak facts or Antonio Vivaldi facts.

Aeschylus (525-456 B.C.), a Greek playwright, is the first/oldest European dramatist whose works have been preserved to date.