‘Dungeons And Dragons’ is a playacting game all about storytelling in worlds of the weapon system and black magic.‘D&D’ shares components with popular childhood make-believe games. This ties up the game to become one of the most played tabletop games in the world.In ‘Dungeons And Dragons’, every player creates an adventurer (also known as a character) and groups up with different adventurers (played by friends). It was initially designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. It was released in 1974 by Tactical Studies Rules, Inc., and then re-released by Wizards of the Coast in 1997.In ‘Dungeons And Dragons’ you can inspire others by mixing words or music. To do so, you employ a Bonus Action on your Communicate Opt for one creature apart from yourself within sixty feet who will hear you. That creature gains one Bardic Inspiration die.According to Wizards of the Coast, the creators of ‘Dungeons And Dragons’ since the late ’90s, over forty million individuals are said to have played ‘Dungeons And Dragons’. That is the approximate size of New Jersey, Washington, Arizona, Massachusetts, Nevada, Colorado, and Vermont all combined together!‘Dungeons And Dragons’ has become much-adored and as a result of it being injected into the mainstream, isn’t a niche any longer. ‘The Big Bang Theory’, ‘Stranger Things’, Vin Diesel, Joe Manganiello, ‘Critical Role’, the list goes on of shows and people that enjoy ‘Dungeons And Dragons’ as much as we do! Its newest edition (known as ‘Dungeons And Dragons 5E’) is a fun game that the cool kids play, not just the conventional gamer.‘Dungeons And Dragons’ left a lot of Bardic Inspiration quotes for the characters. Want to know how to write a bard song? Then look at these 81 Bardic Inspiration quotes. If you like these then you should definitely read these Zamasu quotes and Vegeta quotes if you want to find more first-class gaming quotes.We hope you enjoy these quotes! As these are Bardic inspiration quotes, they are largely player-submitted quotes, so we are unable to attribute many of them, however, we love the quotes and would love to attribute them if we can, so please do get in touch if you know who wrote these! ‘D&D’ Bardic Inspiration Ideas List Of QuotesA Bard is a character in ‘Dungeons And Dragons. Here is a list of quotes about combat for ‘D&D’ fans across the world.1. “You shall remember this victory forever.”- Unknown*.2. “One day, your grandchildren shall tell the tale of this moment.”- Unknown*.3. “You know your worth. It’s time to show it.”- Unknown*.4. “Your success shall be all our success.”- Unknown*.5. “We are relying on you. You must believe you can do it.”- Unknown*.6. “Once, I made the decision to stand by your side, and I make that same choice again now.”- Unknown*.7. “You were born for greatness.”- Unknown*.8. “Cast aside all your doubts, my friend.”- Unknown*.More ‘D&D’ Bard QuotesThere are some good ‘D&D’ Bard quotes for our readers here.9. “There is no greater companion than you.”- Unknown*.10. “I am with you, from now until the end.”- Unknown*.11. “You have a gift unlike any other. I am proud to be your companion.”- Unknown*.12. “I have never been more certain about what must be done now.”- Unknown*.13. “I believe in you, not because you are infallible, but because you never give up.”- Unknown*.14. “Everyone else is watching you, doubting you. That is why they will not succeed, and you will.”- Unknown*.15. “The sweetness of victory shall be like divine honey. Can you already taste it?”- Unknown*.Bard Quotes On CombatHere are some bard inspiration combat quotes for the ‘Dungeons And Dragons’ fans.16. “Let them cower before our fury!”- Unknown*.17. “Let them taste our might.”- Unknown*.18. “Your strength is a dragon’s roar!”- Unknown*.19. “Our foes are gnawing vermin! Scatter them before you!”- Unknown*.20. “Summon your courage from deep within!”- Unknown*.21. “No wall is too high, no sea too vast!”- Unknown*.22. “The fire burning within you is as great as a thousand suns!”- Unknown*.23. “Even the gods shall be awestruck by your deeds!”- Unknown*.Bardic Inspiration On Self QuotesHere are some Bardic Inspiration on self quotes that will help you to achieved Bardic Inspiration on your own character.24. “Hesitate not, my comrade! Onward!”- Unknown*.25. “This is the moment we change the course of history.”- Unknown*.26. “Look death in the eye and tell him, ‘Not today.’”- Unknown*.27. “The heart of a lion beats within your chest!”- Unknown*.28. “Do not listen to the critics and complainers! You are the one reaching ever closer to glory!”- Unknown*.29. “Let your passion set the world on fire!”- Unknown*.30. “Give up and die, or fight and live!”- Unknown*.31. “The darkness is full of everything you fear, yet everything you seek!”- Unknown*.32. “Do you fear this monster? You should. But even more, it should fear you!”- Unknown*.33. “Strike them down. We may not be in the right, but I don’t care. In battle, It doesn’t matter who’s right, it matters who’s left.”- Unknown*.Famous Bards QuotesSome famous ‘D&D’ Bard quotes for the readers.34. “By the end of this, we just might have to eat a bucket of worms. Well, better that than be eaten by worms.”- Unknown*.35. “This might end in disaster.”- Unknown*.36. “In goblin cities, they don’t throw out their garbage. They turn it into more goblins. Let’s clean this place up.”- Unknown*.37. “Worry not, when I tell this tale of this moment one day, I’ll leave out how you would have failed spectacularly without my help.”- Unknown*.38. “They say it’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness. I say it’s better to light your foe on fire and let him do the cursing.”- Unknown*.39. “After you die you melt away to nothing and spare us the trouble of cleaning up your dead body.”- Unknown*.40. “You’re always dressed to kill. You use magic the same way too.”- Unknown*.41. “There is no sweeter music than the screams of our enemies. Now, go compose.”- Unknown*.42. “As much as I would enjoy looting your dead body, I truly do want you to succeed here.”- Unknown*.More Bard Lines For Bardic InspirationHere are some ‘D&D’ Bard inspiration quotes in their full glory, you could even turn these into ‘D&D’ Bard songs!43. “If reckless shenanigans got us into this mess, then why can’t they get us out?”- Unknown*.44. “If it weren’t for a foolish attempt at glory, then nothing would ever be accomplished.- Unknown*.45. “You might fail, die even. But at least it won’t be boring.”- Unknown*.46. “They say laughter is the best medicine. Your face must be curing the world.”- Unknown*.47. “Your roar didn’t scare me. The stench of your breath did though.”- Unknown*.48. “This a special occasion. I didn’t typically engage in mental combat with the unarmed.”- Unknown*.49. “You’re proof that even the gods make mistakes sometimes.”- Unknown*.50. “As it turns out, stupidity is a crime, and you have been sentenced to death.”- Unknown*.51. “You will never face an opponent as great as I. In fact, you will never face anyone again.”- Unknown*.52. “This isn’t going to hurt for long. But oh damn is it going to hurt.”- Unknown*.53. “We’re not going to simply stand here poking fun at you. We’re also going to poke swords and arrows at you.”- Unknown*.54. “People told me you were terrible. It’s not true. You’re actually far worse than that.- Unknown*.55. “Some babies get dropped on their heads. You obviously were thrown against a wall.”- Unknown*.Bard One Liners QuotesSome Bard voice lines for our ‘Dungeons And Dragons’ fans.56. “At first I thought that you were brave. Then I realized you’re actually just stupid.”- Unknown*.57. “You run about whacking things with a piece of metal. Truly, what an advanced being you are.”- Unknown*.58. “You remind me of an ape in armor.”- Unknown*.59. “Typically I have to pay to see a freak show like you.”- Unknown*.60. “As an outsider, how does it feel to have humanoids slaying you?”- Unknown*.61. " You fiends are most courteous.”- Unknown*.62 .“You are full of malevolence, wickedness, and evil. Soon you are going to be full of our weapons and spells.”- Unknown*.63. “Fiends have been trying to take over the world for thousands of years, and you’ve failed every time. Are you noticing a pattern here?”- Unknown*.64. “You’re probably too stupid to understand this, but worry not, the confusion will be over soon.”- Unknown*.65. “If you shave a dwarf, all that’s left is a nose and a beer gut.”- Unknown*.66. “Elves live ten times longer than humans and accomplish ten times less.”- Unknown*.67. “The only thing lucky about halflings is how they don’t get crushed to death by real people walking around.”- Unknown*.68. “I am not certain what it is that makes you so stupid, but it really works.”- Unknown*.69. “Is this your first battle ever? Well, it’s certainly your last.”- Unknown*.More Inspirational ‘D&D’ QuotesHere are some ‘D&D’ Bard poems and other quotes that will definitely inspire you.70. “Blade with whom I have lived, blade with whom I now die, serve right and justice one last time, seek one last heart of evil, still one last life of pain, cut well old friend, and then farewell.”- Paladine, ‘Dungeons And Dragons’.71. “I do not study the divine to imitate what they do. I study the divine to imitate what they are.”- Monk, ‘Dungeons And Dragons’.73. “The PCs aren’t for the wine or storytelling, they are here for the gnome tossin’ and dwarf wresslin’!”- Tavern Brawl.74. “The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don’t need any rules.”- Gary Gygax.75. “In the far reaches of the world, under a lost and lonely hill, lies the Tomb Of Horrors. This labyrinthine crypt is filled with terrible traps, strange and ferocious monsters, rich and magical treasures, and somewhere within rests the evil Demilich.”- Ernest Cline, ‘Ready Player One’.76. “I was once a man, not a great man, not a saintly man, but a good man, and a man nonetheless.”- Barbara T. Cerny, ‘The Tiefling: Angel Kissed, Devil Touched’.77. “I did not choose to be a monster—a shell of a man—half-human, half-fiend. I am a tiefling. I am what I am.”- Barbara T. Cerny, ‘The Tiefling: Angel Kissed, Devil Touched’.78. “If it has walked these lands, I can track it. If it hasn’t I will find it anyway.”- Ranger, ‘Dungeons And Dragons’.79. “Because the wizard will eventually need a personal audience when slaying gods.”- Fighter, ‘Dungeons And Dragons’.80. “That perfection is unobtainable is not an excuse not to strive for it.”- Paladine, ‘Dungeons And Dragons’.81. “Words carry weight. Mine far more so than yours.”- Bard, ‘Dungeons And Dragons’.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 81 Bardic inspiration quotes then why not take a look at these Veigar quotes or [dragon quotes] for more great lists of quotes?*Do you know where this quote originated? Please email us to let us know at [email protected]

‘Dungeons And Dragons’ is a playacting game all about storytelling in worlds of the weapon system and black magic.