John Newton was an English cleric who went from being a slave ship owner to becoming one of the leading proponents for the abolishment of slavery.He formulated many renowned published works, such as ‘Thoughts Upon The African Slave Trade’, and ‘Out of Depths’. Amazing Grace is Newton’s best-known hymn, and it first made its appearance in Olney hymns, which was published in 1779. We have a list of some great John Newton quotes for you!If you liked these quotes, you should check out Lucretia Mott quotes and John Witherspoon quotes.‍Best John Newton QuotesHere are the best John Newton quotes!1. “Self-righteousness can feed upon doctrines—as well as upon works!”- John Newton.2. “Whoever is truly humbled — will not be easily angry, nor harsh or critical of others.”- John Newton.3. “But that we are so totally depraved, is a truth which no one ever truly learned by being only told it.”- John Newton.4. “Another lawful use of the law is, to consult it as a rule and pattern by which to regulate our spirit and conversation.”- John Newton.5. “Our work is great; our time is short; the consequences of our labors are infinite.”- John Newton.6. “Not only the guilt, but the love of sin, and its dominion, are taken away, subdued by grace, and cordially renounced by the believing pardoned sinner.”- John Newton.7. “How unspeakably wonderful to know that all our concerns are held in hands that bled for us.”- John Newton.8. “So dress and conduct yourself so that people who have been in your company will not recall what you had on.”- John Newton.9." As to myself, if I were not a Calvinist, I think I should have no more hope of success in preaching to men, than to horses or cows."- John Newton.10." The art of spreading rumors may be compared to the art of pin-making."- John Newton.11. “Zeal without knowledge is like expedition to a man in the dark.”- John Newton.12. “My heart is like a highway, like a city without walls or gates: nothing so false, so frivolous, so absurd, so impossible, or so horrid, but it can obtain access, and that any time, in any place.”- John Newton.13. “When I see Thee as Thou art, I’ll praise Thee as I ought.”- John Newton.14. “I am content to observe that there is evil, and that there is a way to escape from it, and with this I begin and end.”- John Newton.15. “We can easily manage if we will only take, each day, the burden appointed to it.”- John Newton.16. “Of all people who engage in controversy, we, who are called Calvinists, are most expressly bound by our own principles to the exercise of gentleness and moderation.”- John Newton.Amazing John Newton Quotes About God and ReligionHere are some of his best quotes about god and religion.17. “We judge things by their present appearances, but the Lord sees them in their consequences.”- John Newton.18. “Although my memory’s fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.”- John Newton.19. “They are the happiest Christians, who have the lowest thoughts of themselves, and in whose eyes Jesus is most glorious and precious.”- John Newton.20. “How many times has He delivered me! Yet, alas! How distrustful and ungrateful is my heart even until the present!”- John Newton.21. “I am not what I ought to be, I am not what I want to be, I am not what I hope to be in another world; but still I am not what I once used to be, and by the grace of God I am what I am.”- John Newton.22. “Here is the humble confidence of faith - that what God begins shall not miscarry and those whom He leads shall not be lost.”- John Newton.23. “If the Lord be with us, we have no cause of fear.”- John Newton.24. “God works powerfully, but for the most part gently and gradually.”- John Newton.25. “God sometimes does His work with gentle drizzle, not storms.”- John Newton.26. “What to others are disappointments are to believers intimations of the will of God.”- John Newton.John Newton Quotes About SlaveryHere are some John Newton quotes on slavery.27. “I fear the African trade is a national sin, for the enormities which accompany it are now generally known.”- John Newton.28. “There is a cry of blood against us; a cry accumulated by the accession of fresh victims, of thousands, of scores of thousands, I had almost said of hundreds of thousands, from year to year.”- John Newton.29. “The Slave Trade was always unjustifiable; but inattention and interest prevented, for a time, the evil from being perceived.”- John Newton.30. “Usually, about two-thirds of a cargo of slaves are males.”- John Newton.31. “Diseases often break out and I believe nearly half of the slaves on board have sometimes died.”- John Newton.32. “Sometimes, when the slaves are ripe for an insurrection, one of them will impreach the affair…”- John Netwon.33. “I have seen them sentenced to unmerciful whippings, continued till the poor creatures have not had power to groan under their misery, and hardly a sign of life has remained.”- John Newton.34. “When the women and girls are taken on board a ship, naked, trembling, terrified, perhaps almost exhausted with cold, fatigue, and hunger, they are often exposed to the wanton rudeness of white savages.”- John Newton.35. “They are considered as people to be robbed and spoiled, with impunity.”- John Newton.Thought-Provoking Quotes About Death By John NewtonHere are some thoughts on death by John Newton.36. “Again, a sense of these evils will (when hardly anything else can do it) reconcile us to the thoughts of death!”- John Newton.37. “The hour of death shall free us from the enemies.”- John Newton.38. “If you believe the Scriptures, you acknowledge, that after death there is an appointed judgment, followed by an unchangeable, everlasting state.”- John Newton.39. “Death is unwelcome to human nature.”- John Newton.40. “Death will soon sweep away all which the philosophers, the scientists, the mathematicians, the antiquarians, and other learned triflers, are now weaving with so much self-applauded address.”- John Newton.41. “As to our death — let it suffice us that it is precious in his sight.”- John Newton.42. “If youth has no security against death — then old age has no possibility of escaping the grim monster.”- John Newton.43. “Before long, death shall be swallowed up of life, and the concerns of time will be lost in eternity — as a pebble sunk in the depths of the ocean.”- John Newton.44. “At present, while I am in health, the when, the how, and the where and the when of my death — does not cost me a moment’s anxiety!”- John Newton.45. “To a believer, death is a messenger to open the gate into eternal life!”- John Newton.46. “Through mercy, I do not feel myself afraid or unwilling to die.”- John Newton.47. “Death is a great, unknown, untried transition.”- John Newton.Best John Newton Quotes About LifeHere is a list of quotes on life by John Newton.48. “I am invited to take the water of life freely — yet often discouraged, because I have nothing with which to pay for it.”- John Newton.49. “Were I in private life, I do not know that I should think it sinful to hunt partridge or a rabbits; but, as a minister, I no more dare do it than I dare join in a drunken frolic….”- John Newton.50. “My heart wishes you the possession of those principles which would support you in all the changes of life, and make your dying pillow comfortable.”- John Newton.51. “Look forward to what he has provided for you—a crown of life, and a kingdom that cannot be shaken.”- John Newton.52. “This, my lord, is only a faint sketch of my depraved heart; but it is taken from the life!”- John Newton.53. “But the life of this life, if I may so speak, its manifestation and exercise, is subject to great changes.”- John Newton.54. “Covetousness, or the love of the world, is one great cause of the many trials we meet with in life.”- John Newton.55. “If therefore, my dear reader, you wish to avoid trouble, and to pass through life as smoothly as possible, take heed and beware of covetousness!”- John Newton.56. “Nor are we at liberty, much less are we enjoined, to renounce the duties of relative life, so as to become careless in the discharge of them.”- John Newton.57. “Do you not know that your life, your health, the peace of your family, and the success of your labor—all depend upon Him?”- John Newton.58. “When I came to this church, not being altogether a stranger to what is called the world, and to the maxims prevalent in genteel life, I could not promise myself very genteel acceptance as a preacher.”- John Newton.59. “Life is not only short— but highly precarious.”- John Newton.60. “In our way of little life in the country, serious people often complain of the snares they meet with from worldly people, and yet they must mix with them to get a livelihood.”- John Newton.61. “But faith is likewise of great use and importance in the daily concerns of life.”- John Newton.62. “Our judgments may be quickly satisfied that his favor is better than life, while yet it is in the power of a mere trifle to turn us aside.”- John Newton.63. “In what they say of or to others, the tongues of believers are bridled by a heart felt regard to truth, love and purity.”- John Newton.Remarkable John Newton Quotes About LoveThis is a list of quotes on love by John Newton.64. “Though sin wars in us — it shall not reign in us. And though it breaks our peace — it cannot separate from his love.”- John Newton.65. “They act from a principle of love. They aim at no less than his glory.”- John Newton.66. “Love is the clearest and most persuasive indicator…”- John Newton.67. “Again, there are people not chargeable with the love of money for its own sake—for they rather squander it—than hoard it.”- John Newton.68. “In whatever degree the “love of the world” prevails—the “health of the soul” will proportionably decline.”- John Newton.69. “While we are in the world—it is our duty, privilege, and honor, to manifest that grace—which has delivered us from the love of the world.”- John Newton.70. “Where grace is in the heart, the tongue will be likewise bridled by the law of LOVE.”- John Newton.71. “The law of love being thus written in his heart, and his soul set at liberty from the low and narrow dictates of a selfish spirit, his language will be truth, and his dealings equity.”- John Newton.72. “Hence the general characteristics of young converts are zeal and love.”- John Newton.73. “Acting from love, and walking by faith, they can neither be disappointed or discouraged.”- John Newton.74. “Love sweetens labor, and blunts the sting of sorrow.”- John Newton.75. “It is the duty, no less than the privilege, of husbands, to love their wives, even as their own selves.”- John Newton.76. “Thus we may love, and we ought to love, our husbands, wives, children, parents, and friends…”- John Newton.Memorable John Newton Quotes From ‘Amazing Grace’If you’re looking for some John Newton grace quotes, then these quotes from ‘Amazing Grace’ should help!77. “I once was lost, but now am found; Was blind, but now I see.”- John Newton.78. “Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home.”- John Newton.79. “Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound!)”- John Newton.80. “I shall possess, within the veil, A life of joy and peace.”- John Newton.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for John Newton Quotes then why not take a look at John Paul Jones, or [Harriet Beecher Stowe]

John Newton was an English cleric who went from being a slave ship owner to becoming one of the leading proponents for the abolishment of slavery.