The word STEM may be expanded to read as the disciplines of education, such as Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.STEM education is pursuing or learning these science subjects through a holistic approach. It may be defined as the process of learning technology, science, math, and engineering as one.There are uncountable notable people from the educational field of STEM, both real, fictional, and mythological. Since the beginning of discoveries like fire, there have been many people who were involved in the science field or in the technology field, helping humans evolve. If you’re looking for mathematical baby names, science girl names, names from technology, engineering, and the like, here’s a list of wonderful tech names for babies inspired by STEM.For more STEM-related names, take a look at Celestial Space Names and Elemental Names.Names After Famous Women In STEMHere’s a list of female science names or math-related names for your baby girl.1. Ada (German origin), meaning “nobility,” was the name of Ada Lovelace, who created the first functional computer algorithm.2. Agnes (Greek origin), meaning  “pure”.  Agnes Robertson Arber, one of the first woman botanists.3. Alice (German origin) meaning “of the nobility”. The first woman faculty at Harvard University.4. Annie (origin Hebrew), meaning “grace,”  was one of the first women of color working for NASA.5. Athena (Latin origin), meaning “Goddess Of Wisdom & War”, is the goddess of wisdom, war,  math, engineering handicrafts, and courage.6. Augusta (English origin), meaning “great,” from computer scientist Augusta ‘Ada’ Lovelace.7.  Beatrice (Latin origin), meaning “she who makes happy”, Beatrice “Tilly” Shilling is a famous name in aeronautical engineering, science and technology.8. Caroline (Italian origin), meaning “strong,” Caroline Herschel, the first woman German astronomer.9. Cori (English origin), meaning “round hill,” Gerty Cori, first woman to win a Nobel Prize in medicine.10. Elena (Italian/Spanish origin), meaning “light,” Elena Piscopia, a noted math lecturer at Padua University, a great choice for math baby names.11. Emmy (German origin), meaning “universal,” Emmy Noether contributed to abstract algebra in math.12. Hedy (English origin), meaning “Battle,” Hedy Lamarr, known for her contributions to Bluetooth technology.13. Henrietta (French origin), meaning “the keeper of the hearth,” Henrietta Swan Leavitt, an American astronomer.14. Jane (English origin), meaning “Jehovah is merciful,” a notable modern-day scientist and anthropologist, Jane Goodall.15. Jewel (English origin), meaning “precious stone”. Jewel Plummer Cobb. an American biologist.16. Jocelyn (Old German origin), meaning  “a member of the German tribe, the Gauts,” Astrophysicist Jocelyn Bell Burnell, won the Nobel Prize in Physics.17. Lera (French origin), meaning “strength, health,” Cognitive scientist Lera Boroditsky, a contributor in the Theory of Linguistic Relativity.18. Mae (Portuguese origin) meaning “mother”  NASA astronaut, Mae Jemison, the first black woman in space.19. Margaret (Persian origin), meaning “pearl”. A famous name in computer science (technology) and systems engineering, Margaret Hamilton, who coined the term ‘software engineering.‘20. Marie (Biblical origin), meaning “lady of the sea,” pioneer of radioactivity, Marie Curie.21. Mileva (Bulgarian origin), meaning “dear,” Mileva Marić, a notable physicist.22. Rosalind (Latin origin), meaning  “beautiful rose,” one of the founders of genetics, Rosalind Franklin.23. Ruth (Hebrew origin) meaning “friend”; Ruth Rogan Benerito who helped modify cotton.24. Tiera (Latin origin), meaning “earth,” Tiera Guinn Fletcher, famous in the field of rocket structural analysis engineering.25. Tilly (German origin), meaning  “strength in battle,”  Beatrice Tilly, notable in aeronautical engineering.Names After Famous Men In STEMFor the bright son of your life, here’s a list of STEM-related names that you may give as a name for your child.26. Alan (Irish origin), meaning  “handsome,” Alan M. Turing, a math genius, a logician, and computer scientist.27. Albert (Germanic origin) meaning “noble” is a science-inspired name belonging to Nobel Prize winner Albert Einstein, a famous theoretical scientist.28. Apollo (Greek origin), meaning “Destroyer,” Greek name of the planet Mercury and the God of the sun. He was also associated with math.29. Aristotle (Greek origin), meaning “Best,” A legendary scientist, Greek philosopher, and polymath, Aristotle.30. Carl (Germanic origin), meaning “a free man,” Carl Sagan, an astronomer and the creator of the TV series ‘Cosmos’.31. Charles (Germanic origin), meaning “warrior,” the creator of the first mechanical computer, Charles Babbage.32. Dalton (English origin), meaning “From The Valley Town,” John Dalton after whom the unit of atomic mass was named.33. Darwin (Old English origin), meaning “dear friend,” Charles Darwin, who was a naturalist, biologist, and geologist known for his theory of evolution.34. Edison (English origin), meaning “Son Of Edward” Thomas Edison, who was known for his invention of the lightbulb.35. Edmond (English origin), meaning “Rich Protector,” Edmond Halley, who had discovered the Halley’s Comet.36. Edwin (Old English origin), meaning “rich friend,” American astronomer, Edwin Hubble, who was noted for his breakthrough in extragalactic astronomy.37. Francis (Old French origin), meaning “Frenchman,” is a prevalent STEM name. Examples include Francis Crick, Sir Francis Galton, or Francis Collins.38. Galileo (Latin origin), meaning “from Galilee,” Popular Italian astronomer who discovered Jupiter’s moons and the many phases of the planet Venus.39. Gates (Old Norse) meaning “road or pass”. Bill Gates, a technology giant who founded Microsoft.40. Gregor (Greek origin), meaning “vigilant,” The founder of modern genetics, Gregor Mendel.41. Harvey (English origin), meaning “blazing” William Harvey, who made his contributions in anatomy.42. Herschel (Hebrew origin), meaning “deer,” English physician Sir William Herschel, who had made valuable contributions in anatomy and physiology.43. Isaac (Hebrew origin), meaning “he will laugh,” Isaac Asimov, a professor of biochemistry and an important science fiction author.44. James (Anglo-Saxon origin), meaning “supplanter,” James Watt, played a major role in the industrial revolution by inventing the steam engine.45. Jobs (Hebrew origin) meaning “one who tends to weep”. Steve Jobs is a famous name in technology and is the co-founder of Apple.46. Kelvin (Scottish origin), meaning “a river of Scotland”, is a great scientist Lord Kelvin and a unit of measurement for temperature.47. Larry (English origin) meaning “crowned with a laurel”. Linked to Larry Page, one of the creators of Google.48. Leo (Greek origin), meaning “lion,” is the short-form of the name of Leonardo da Vinci who a geologist, math expert, and inventor, also considered to be the father of paleontology.49. Louis (French origin), meaning  “a renowned warrior,” is the name of the father of microbiology, Louis Pasteur, a man of science, who was a French microbiologist and chemist.50. Mark (Latin origin) meaning “war-like”. The name is linked to Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook and a visionary in the field of technology.51. Max (Latin origin), meaning “greatest,” is the name of Max Planck, a German theoretical physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of energy quanta.52. Maxwell (Scottish origin), meaning  “Mack’s spring,” is James Clerk Maxwell, who was a Scottish maths expert and physicist.53. Mendel (Hebrew origin) meaning  “comforter” is the surname of the father of genetics, Gregor Mendel.54. Newton (Old English origin), meaning “settlement,” is widely recognized as one of the most influential names in science. Sir Isaac Newton played a crucial role in the scientific revolution with his breakthrough in the discovery of gravity and also in math, inventing calculus.55. Niels (Greek origin) meaning “victory of the people” is the name of Niels Bohr, a Danish physicist and a member of the science community who made valuable contributions in understanding the structure of atoms and quantum theory,56. Nikola (Greek origin), meaning “victory of the people” is Nikola Tesla, a Serbian-American inventor, who also engaged with electrical and mechanical engineering, known for his priceless contributions to electrical supply.57. Sundar (Indian origin) meaning “handsome”. It is associated with technology innovator, Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google and creator of Google Chrome.58. Wozniak (Polish origin) meaning “an official of the city”.  Steve Wozniak is a famous name in technology and engineering and has co-founded Apple.STEM Related Non-Binary NamesExcellence requires genius and not gender. Here’s a list of non-binary names from STEM:59. Clarence (Latin origin) meaning “bright”. Name of the founder of the technique of food freezing and the founder of the modern industry of frozen food, Clarence Birdseye.60. Eureka (Greek  origin), meaning  “I had found it,” is an exclamatory word that the famous Greek physicist Archimedes said when he had discovered the law of hydrostatics, also known as the ‘Archimedes’ principle.‘61. Halley (English origin), meaning “hall,” surname of Edmond Halley, discoverer of the Halley’s Comet.62. Linus (Greek origin), meaning “son of the Apollo”. Associated with Linus Pauling, a notable name in chemical engineering.63. Pascal (Christian origin), meaning “one born on Easter Day,” is a unit of pressure named after Blaise Pascal.64. Tycho (Greek origin), meaning  “fortune,” is Tycho Brahe, a Danish astronomer, known for his astronomical observations.Celestial Names Related To STEMThere are many fascinating celestial names that can be used as a stem name. Here are such names of constellations:65. Altair (Arabic origin), meaning “bird,” is the brightest star in the constellation of Aquila.66. Andromeda (Greek origin), meaning “a ruler or man,” is the closest galaxy to the Milky Way.67. Aquila (Latin origin), meaning “eagle,” is the name of a constellation.68. Atlas (Greek origin), meaning  “to carry,” is a Greek Titan of astronomy and navigation.69. Aurora (Latin origin) meaning “dawn” referring to the polar lights shining in the sky.70. Bellatrix (Latin origin), meaning “warrior,” is the third brightest star in the Orion constellation.71. Cassiopeia (Greek origin), meaning “Unknown,” is the name of a constellation.72. Corvus (origin) meaning “constellation”.73. Luna (Latin origin), meaning  “moon” is the name of Earth’s only satellite.74. Lyra (Greek origin), meaning “lyre,” is the name of a Constellation.75. Mars (Greek origin), meaning “God Of War,” is the fourth planet from the sun in the solar system.76. Nash (Middle English origin), meaning “at the ash tree,” is a star in the constellation Sagittarius.77. Norma (Latin origin), meaning “precept,”  is the name of a Constellation.78. Nova (Latin origin), meaning “new,” is the name of an astronomical event when a new star appears suddenly and fades over a few months.79. Orion (Greek origin), meaning “Son of fire” is the name of the constellation containing three conspicuous stars.80. Pyxis (Latin origin), meaning “mariner’s compass,” is a faint constellation in the southern sky.Kidadl has lots of great baby names articles to inspire you. If you liked our suggestions for STEM Names then why not take a look at Moon Related Names, or for something different take a look at Boys’ Middle Names.

The word STEM may be expanded to read as the disciplines of education, such as Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.