Morgana the fallen is an iconic character of the game ‘League Of Legends’.Though she is a human, she also has godly powers in her. Like an angel she has wings on her back but when she was in a conflict to choose among mortals or celestials, she decided to bound her wings and thus accepted humanity.While attacking her opponent she usually says, “They are not ready for the reflections within my darkness…” She has a variety of attacks up her sleeve and attacks her opponents with a variety of devastating attacks like Ascended Wings, Celestial Dark Magic, Spirit Magic, Earth Magic and others. While fighting she can also use special powers using dark magic which will work while fighting a pool of monsters and minions. So if you are a game fanatic and love ‘League Of Legends’ be sure to check this lovely article which will make you want to play this game again and again!If you find our content interesting then do check out Taliyah and Teemo.Early Game Quotes Of MorganaEnlisted below are some of the best quotes of Morgana from the game ‘League Of Legends’ which are spoken by the character during the early part of the game. Usually a multiplayer game can be divided into different parts based on the gameplay. These quotes are spoken by the character in the early part of the game. You fill find battle ‘League of Legends’ Morgana quotes along with game quotes of Morgana when she makes her first move and has her first encounter with her rival.1. “I am bound, but I will not break.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.2. “I have seen liars choose virtue and I have seen the divine cheat. Perhaps today I will see a Yordle sneeze.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.3. “Whether by chains or by wings, we are all bound.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.4. “Kayle: Why have we wings, sister, if not to fly?Morgana: Why do we have feet if not to tread upon the soil.”- ‘League Of Legends’.5. “Do not run from your shadow!”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.6. “Some call me evil. Shall I prove them right?”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.7. “Those who wear armor fear death, Garen. And that’s a lot of armor.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.8. “Morgana: Feel something, anything!Kayle: Why do you think I wear armor, sister?”- ‘League Of Legends’.9. “True grace is beautiful in its imperfection, honest in its emotion, freed by its own frailty.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.10. “There is darkness in everyone, Lux. Even you.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.11. “Kayle: Still playing with little human pets, sister?Morgana: At least, I haven’t smited all my friends.”- ‘League Of Legends’.12. “Did someone send you here as a joke, Yordle? Did Kayle send you.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.13. “Only those you love, can break your heart.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.14. “Humans are inherently flawed, and yet I trust them more than the divine.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.15. “Righteousness. A splintered shield that I will shatter.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.16. “Mortal comforts make immortality bearable.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.Mid Game QuotesIn this category you will find quotes about Morgana from ‘League Of Legends’ which are spoken by the character during the middle phase of the game. These quotes usually depict the battle which has taken place or occasionally involves taunts which are spoken by the character to enrage their opponents. Taunts can be said to the opponent but one must wait for their turn to come.17. “My wings are heavy, but not as heavy as my heart.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.18. “My flaws are a badge of honor.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.19. “Morgana: Sister, here to break my heart anew?Kayle: Better a broken heart than a shackled soul.”- ‘League Of Legends’.20. “You demean yourself to fight amongst the mortals, Kayle.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.21. “Kayle: Your sword is with me. Do you want it back?Morgana: I need no blade.”- ‘League Of Legends’.22. “Morgana: Remember strolling together in the woods, when we were girls?Kayle: Hmph. You never had any fear…Morgana: Funny, I remember it differently.”- ‘League Of Legends’.23. “I move with mortals while she languishes with her lofty ideals.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.24. “Only death can break my bonds. And I… am immortal.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.25. “Morgana: Attacking me with my own blade, sister?Kayle: No mercy!Morgana: Not even for your twin? What’s new?”- ‘League Of Legends’.26. “You mask your feelings, Kayle, because you have none.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.27. “Kayle: Today, it seems we must put our animosity aside.Morgana: We’ve never been enemies, sisters.Kayle: How beautiful your mind must be to think such things.Morgana: How tragic must be yours, to believe them.”- ‘League Of Legends’.28. “Justice is a lie of the powerful. I have truths of my own.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.29. “Some pray to faith. I forge my own path.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.30. “Morgana: Mother must be so proud of all the murders, Kayle.Kayle: Not murder. Justice.”- ‘League Of Legends’.31. “Loves me, loves me not. Loves me, loves me not. Loves me!”- ‘League Of Legends’.32. “Wings bound and feet earthly tethered, I move against the false promises of order and justice.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.End Game QuotesHere in this category you will find the quotes that are spoken by Morgana of ‘League Of Legends’ during the latter or the last phase of the game. These Morgana LOL quotes usually depict the end of the battle and occasional taunts related to the first encounter with respect to the enemy. Usually after getting defeated by Morgana, the other characters often beg for mercy, unlike during the first encounter they taunt Morgana.33. “They are not ready for the reflections within my darkness.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.34. “I know what my enemies feel. They are right to be afraid.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.35. “The trials I endured were seared into my soul, they drive me forward even after my wounds have healed.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.36. “They wanted a villain, I gave them a villain!”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.37. “Those who judge condemn themselves.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.38. “Kayle: Are yordles small children?Morgana: Or large… squirrels?”- ‘League Of Legends’.39. “To walk barefoot, skin to soil, is true grace.”- ‘League Of Legends’.40. “I saw you in your cell, Sylas. Heard your cries. Felt your anguish.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.41. “Kayle: I am your salvation.Morgana: Oh spare me.Kayle: Redemption in the light.Morgana : Preach later.”- ‘League Of Legends’.42. “Nothing makes you feel alive like knowing you might die.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.43. “To see the world in black and white is to blind yourself to all of life’s colors.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.44. “I will not forsake the land that shaped me. Nor the mistakes.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.45. “Morgana: It takes a cold heart to abandon your family.Kayle: My cold heart is the reason we are alive.”- ‘League Of Legends’.46. “Morgana: You hide behind your laws in arrogance, Kayle.Kayle: My laws have more merit than your whims ever will.”- ‘League Of Legends’.47. “The world is a beautiful place. Do not let it be hidden.”- Morgana, ‘League Of Legends’.Quotes About Morgana From GamersIn this category, you will find some cool quotes about Morgana from ‘League Of Legends’ from gamers. These quotes are exclusive from the gamers and YouTubers who often conduct live commentary with game streaming or often upload gaming videos with walkthroughs so that new players and gamers can benefit from these knowledge-enriching videos.48. “Use Q cannon. You will heal. Useful at the line stage if you are low on HP. Same applies to monsters. Do this while roaming.”- LOL Tips.49. “Cannon and Q will give you a chance to heal. So line up the energy with the cannon. You will be fine even if the enemy avoids Q.”- LOL Tips.50. “If she doesn’t start a Doran’s shield she’s not gonna heal back too fast.”- TC Zwag.51. “For me following a guide has been rough. I love to adapt my build a lot. One thing of Morgana that I like really is Rylais.”- Hanjaro.52. “She usually takes a turret shot. Very Aggressive katarina. It puts the point in the shield.”- TC Zwag.53. “The Q hit rate is really important. Try to line up as many enemies. This will greatly increase the chance of reaching Q.”- LOL Tips.54. “Whenever a monster or minion stands in her pool, it reduces the cool-down of the pool. As they are funneling a bunch of champions to you they’re all gonna be walking through your W.”- Hanjaro.Other Character Quotes From ‘League Of Legends’A multi-player video game has numerous characters and ‘League Of Legends’ is no exception. There are over 200 champions and characters in ‘League Of Legends’ and here we have made  a list of some of the finest quotes from the other characters of the game. These include a wide range of characters each exclusively distinct from one another in terms of temperament, personality, power and traits.55. “In a world without love, death means nothing.”- Viego, the Ruined King, ‘League Of Legends’.56. “One day, the music will stop. Better dance while you can.”- Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress, ‘League Of Legends’.57. “I will rip her from the jaws of death. Fate cannot stop me. Nothing can.”- Viego, the Ruined King, ‘League Of Legends’.58. “I can’t stop from hiding, from being alone, but maybe, possibly dream, someone will be alone with me.”- Lillia the Bashful Bloom, ‘League Of Legends’.59. “I don’t like hurtin’ people. I like the money I get from hurtin’ people.”- Sett the Boss, ‘League Of Legends’.60. “If you can’t keep up don’t step up. I don’t have time for fools.”- Samira the Desert Rose, ‘League Of Legends’.61. “Wear a mask long enough, and you forget the face beneath.”- Yone the Unforgotten, ‘League Of Legends’.62. “She was the star that lit my path. Without her… darkness.”- Viego, the Ruined King, ‘League Of Legends’.63. “Humans cast a spell every night. Every time they fall asleep.”- Lillia the Bashful Bloom, ‘League Of Legends’.64. “I don’t bother with jabs; if you’re throwing, throw it hard!”- Sett the Boss, ‘League Of Legends’.65. “Fight like you mean it. Die for something that matters.”- Rell, the Iron, ‘League Of Legends’.66. “I’ve got two rules for every fight. Don’t ask for permission, don’t ask for forgiveness.”- Samira the Desert Rose, ‘League Of Legends’.67. “Dreams are funny things. Sometimes they have feathers, sometimes they are wooly, sometimes they lift me up like a bubble.”- Lillia the Bashful Bloom, ‘League Of Legends’.68. “Isolde was my life. Viego died when she did and the ruined king was born.”- Viego, the Ruined King, ‘League Of Legends’.69. “No fate, nor destiny. Only tomorrow.”- Yone the Unforgotten, ‘League Of Legends’.70. “Moods are like melodies. They go up, they go down and sometimes, they surprise.”- Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress, ‘League Of Legends’.71. “She waits for me beyond the mist. My queen. My love. My black and broken heart.”- Viego, the Ruined King, ‘League Of Legends’.72. “They say you learn a lot from a beating. If that’s true, I’ve made the whole world smarter.”- Sett the Boss, ‘League Of Legends’.73. “Long before blades and sorcery are needed, words… can save a soul.”- Yone the Unforgotten, ‘League Of Legends’.74. “Do you think we’ve met before, in a dream we’ve both forgotten? Wouldn’t that be wonderful?”- Lillia the Bashful Bloom, ‘League Of Legends’.75. “I’d rather break rules than people, but I can make exceptions.”- Rell, the Iron Maiden, ‘League Of Legends’.76. “We get as close to death as we can to feel alive.”- Seraphine, the Starry-Eyed Songstress, ‘League Of Legends’.77. “I am the beauty and the beast.”- Samira the Desert Rose, ‘League Of Legends’.78. “Her eyes were portraits of a world without my cruelty.”- Viego, the Ruined King, ‘League Of Legends’.79. “I have risen from the filth and muck. I am the lotus blossom. I am beauty.”- Jhin, ‘League Of Legends’.80. “It is by my will alone I set my mind in motion.”- Jhin, ‘League Of Legends’.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Morgana quotes then why not take a look at Veigar quotes, or Sylas quotes.

Morgana the fallen is an iconic character of the game ‘League Of Legends’.