The size of the Moon is fixed; whatever change we see in its shape and size is because of the distance and direction at which the moon resides during that time in respect to the Earth.A moon illusion takes place as it moves around the elliptical orbit. Minor differences can be noticed in the sky as the Moon rotates around the planet in its elliptical orbit.This movement of the Moon is also believed to be responsible for the changes in tidal force. The Moon is the one natural satellite of the Earth and is known to deflect light that it receives from the sun.As children, we all have heard about various stories of the Moon and, even in our science classes, discovered the mysteries behind its appearances and phases. In the natural order of things, there are many phenomena that occur, such as a new moon, full moon, supermoon, and even eclipses.It is the job and hobby of astronomers and research scientists to understand these phenomena and reveal the causes behind them for all people to know and increase their knowledge.Those who have knowledge and understanding of the celestial bodies and their functions make great strides as they focus their attention on a single event and try to get into the depths of that event. Answering questions of what, when, why, and how are of extreme importance when making new discoveries and searching for relevant information.There is much calculation and mental and physical stress that the researchers go through before being able to make even a single breakthrough in their work or about the event that they are concerned with.Read on to know more about the changes in the size of the lunar disk. Afterward, be sure to also check out Blood Moon Facts and Blue Moon Facts.Introduction To The SupermoonA supermoon occurs when the Moon makes its closest approach to Earth, and at the same time, it is also in its full moon phase when seen from this planet. This is because the Moon’s orbit is not a simple round path. Instead, it is somewhat shaped like an egg or an oval.That is why there will always be instances of the Moon having its closest approach as well as its farthest approach. Not only is the supermoon larger than its regular size, but it is also much brighter and more beautiful. The supermoon phenomenon takes place at least three to four times within a year.Every time the supermoon occurs, researchers and media personnel take pictures and recordings of it, right from the time the Moon rises until it is no longer visible. Such detailed accounts provide the needed data for scientists to continue their work and build theories for explaining the event.Interestingly, scientists and researchers have named the closest approach and the farthest approach for their references. Perigee is the closest, while apogee is the most distant point.It was back in 1972 that this phenomenon was noticed, and seemingly bigger, the moon was labeled as the supermoon.The term perigee has meaning attached to it. Peri refers to near, and gee is used to denote the planet Earth. It is also amazing to know that a rising moon is slightly smaller in size than the Moon viewed during the early morning at around 6:00 a.m., just before the sun starts taking over the sky.When at perigee, it is not necessary for the Moon to be a supermoon. In order for this unique and beautiful phenomenon to occur, it is important that the combined effect of distance and position takes place to make the ideal conditions for the supermoon to be visible. It is the average full moon itself that brings forth the supermoon phenomenon.It was Richard Nolle who came up with this name and recorded this kind of full moon at the perigee.A supermoon is also sometimes referred to as perigee-syzygy. Though perigee-syzygy is not a very common name and is seldom used among common people, the term perigee-syzygy is widely heard in the scientific community and among those who study and understand this phenomenon.Richard Nolle observed that when compared to the Moon at the farthest point, the Moon at perigee was about 25% brighter. Nolle’s definition included the occurrence of a full or new moon at the perigee.Richard Nolle stated that there is a chance of a supermoon creating disasters like an earthquake. However, evidence for this was never found.Causes Of A SupermoonThe supermoon is caused due to its movement along the Moon’s orbit. This full or new moon appears brightest and largest when making its closest approach in the Moon’s orbit.As discussed earlier, since the Moon’s orbit is oval, there are bound to be times when it is at its farthest point and when it is closer. The Sun also seems to play a role in the brightness of the Moon. It is believed that when the supermoon occurs, it is also closer to the sun.It is because of the gravity influence from the Sun that the perigee appears to be closer sometimes than on others. The illusion created by perigee-syzygy changes considerably with the given orbit.This is why differences in size have been recorded when the lunar disks of subsequent supermoons were studied and analyzed. It is the combined effect of the Sun’s gravity and the positions of the planet and Moon that contribute to these small differences in size and brightness.The differences between a supermoon and the everyday Moon are not always clear to the general population; regular sky-watchers might understand the small difference.It is only when the gravity of the Sun is such that the perigee is at its closest possible location that a supermoon noticeable by all occurs. As the Sun continues to exert its influence on the new or full moon, such changes are bound to occur.Thus, it can be stated that there are two main causes of this phenomenon. One is, of course, the Moon’s orbit, and the other is the effects of the Sun.Apart from this natural cause, there has been no evidence of any other events leading to the rising of the supermoon. Studying the Moon’s orbit and understanding the work of gravity from the Sun exerting itself on the Moon took a lot of research and in-depth knowledge about the subject matter.The last supermoon was visible in May 2021.  Supermoon 2021 was named the strawberry moon and was recorded to be slightly bigger than the full moon we normally see.Each year the supermoon is given a different name as slight differences in its characteristics or causes and effects are observed.Some examples are the red moon, blue moon, the strawberry supermoon, and so on and so forth. This helps scientists and researchers to keep in mind the differences that they register so that further analysis of the same can take place as and when evidence is found for these small differences.Negative Impacts Of A SupermoonEven though a supermoon is lovely to look at, there are instances of it causing disturbances in the natural cycle. It has been found that the tides change inconsistently during perigee full or new moon nights.They become unpredictable and have been found to cause great destruction on the coastal regions of the planet. The tidal force is increased at the same time as the rising moon. Lunar effects on the tidal force are not a new concept.However, the effects increase on this particular night, causing trouble for local people and animals. It causes greater tidal waves than an average full moon. It is predicted that the next supermoon might occur in May, June, July, or August 2022, but these may or may not be the exact months.There are several facts about the Moon that have been discovered ever since interest was taken in the subject. It’s believed that according to the evidence, the Moon came into existence only after Earth was hit by a rock, which broke into a relatively small piece, the Moon.The evidence shows that the Moon is the second most dense among all the natural satellites known to humans. Even though it might not always appear so, the side of the Moon that we see is always the same; nobody has seen the other side, called the far side or the dark side, except a few astronauts and scientists.The natural surface of the Moon is very dark. Although the tides are affected by the occurrence of a supermoon, not all disasters are caused by it. Many believe that the horrific Katrina hurricane struck Earth because of lunar changes.However, this never received any proper evidence. Another adverse effect that did not find much evidence is the effect of this full moon on the way humans behave. It is, therefore, safe to conclude that the popularly-known effects of the supermoon are much more exaggerated than the actual effects.The scale at which a supermoon affects us is shallow. There is more of a psychological effect because of our astonished response to seeing a larger moon (which is actually the same size as always but only looks bigger) than any actual physical impact.Importance Of A SupermoonAs the new moon rises above the horizon and becomes visible in the sky, people start associating different phenomena with it.Most of these are fiction and not facts. The supermoon has slight important effects on the Earth and the people on it. In some cultures, it is believed that the rising moon, especially the supermoon, is a sign of death, birth, and rebirth, thus, completing the entire cycle of life.Some even feel that as the Sun and Moon are closer sometimes during this phenomenon, and that their clashes might reflect in people feeling anger and frustration more than regular.These are, however, beliefs that have little to no scientific evidence to back them.All the above were quite interesting supermoon facts for kids. The importance of a supermoon is in the understanding of the Moon’s orbit.There is no other significant effect attached to it, according to the evidence found. The combined effect of the Sun and Moon give out the bright light whenever the Moon is closest to the Earth.Since you cannot always identify a supermoon, it would be best to keep a telescope around or keep an eye on the news for related updates. Facts about the supermoon also include that this phenomenon might even take place on no moon days as even if we are unable to see the Moon, it is always present in the sky.The occurrence of supermoons every year is of scientific importance as it gives scientists a chance to study another natural phenomenon to discover more about the infinite universe.A phenomenon that occurs on a regular basis is easier to study and understand while making comparisons and testing theories, as every scientist interested in doing so has the chance of viewing the phenomenon themselves and making observations. They do not have to rely on secondary data, that is, data taken from someone else’s recordings. The data they collect and understand is much deeper and purer. It increases the ability to make new concepts and then even test them along with the existing theories to compare and contrast which theory is better and more accurate.There are obviously some constraints regarding the available resources to collect data but once an understanding of what kind of tools are needed is developed, those tools can be acquired before the next supermoon in order to complete reports and fill the blanks. However, questions are still left unanswered.To conclude things, it can be stated that the supermoon is a highly significant phenomenon leading to great scientific discoveries. The myths that revolve around its occurrence have yet not found any concrete evidence and are, therefore, considered to be bogus.This beautiful moon appears to shine brightly and is most considerable in its appearance whenever the gravity of the Sun allows it to be at its closest to us. For most supermoons, the phenomenon goes unnoticed by many.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Supermoon Facts then why not take a look at Facts About The Moon, or First Quarter Moon Facts.

The size of the Moon is fixed; whatever change we see in its shape and size is because of the distance and direction at which the moon resides during that time in respect to the Earth.