‘Lilo and Stitch,’ a 2002 American animated movie by Walt Disney, has all elements of love, comedy, science, fiction, action, and emotion.The plot of the movie revolves around Stitch and Lilo. Lilo is a broken little girl raised by her elder sister ‘Nani.‘Lilo is left behind by her friends. She finds her love in her newly adopted male dog, named ‘Stitch.’ Stitch is an alien who is a result of an experiment by an extraterrestrial scientist, he escapes from the research station. Jumba and Pleakley are assigned the job of getting Experiment 6-2-6 (Stich) back. Cobra Bubbles is a social worker who has concerns over Nani raising her younger sibling. Nani and David are friends, and both try their best to raise Lilo.In his journey with Lilo and Nani, Stitch learns that “‘Ohana’ means family and family means no one gets left behind.” When Stitch says goodbye to the aliens he tells them “This is the family I found” and asks if he can get back Lilo and live with this new family. An emotional and happy ending of all living together is a great moment in the movie.The quotes below are the best of ‘Lilo and Stitch’ quotes. Are you interested in more such quotes? Check out our articles ‘Lilo and Stitch’ quotes and cartoon quotes.‍Quotes By StitchStitch is a naughty fluffy alien who made us laugh throughout the movie. Below are few playful and emotional quotes by Stitch.1. “Aloha."-Stitch.2. “Ok, ok."-Stitch.3. “Oh, ahh. Haaaiii."-Stitch.4. “Blue punch buggy!"-Stitch.5.“This is my family. I found it, all on my own. It’s little, and broken, but still good. Yeah. Still good."-Stitch.6.“Stitch not bad. Stitch fluffy!"-Stitch.7.“No punch-back!"-Stitch.8.“Nobody gets left behind."-Stitch.9.“Does Stitch have to go in the ship?"-Stitch.10.“Oh good! My dog found the chainsaw!"-Stitch.11.“Poocha Chubugga Oom Chickee!"-Stitch.12. “My name, Stitch."-Stitch.13. “Also cute and fluffy."-Stitch.14. “Lost. I’m lost."-Stitch.15. “Stitch: Waiting.Jumba: For what?Stitch: Family.”-‘Lilo and Stitch’.16. “Uh-oh. Badness coming on.”-Stitch, ‘Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has A Glitch’.Funny Lilo And Stitch QuotesLilo and Stitch share a great bonding and have some exciting moments throughout the movie. Enjoy reading a few of the best quotes between Lilo and Stitch, and quotes about little fluffy Stitch.17.“I know, Stitch is the best. I wouldn’t trade him for anything or anybody."-Lilo.18.“Stitch is troubled. He needs desserts."-Lilo.19.“You know, you wreck everything you touch. Why not try and make something for a change?"-Lilo.20.“Hey! Three days ago, I bought Stitch at the shelter. I paid two dollars for him. See this stamp? I own him. If you take him, you’re stealing."-Lilo.21.“I know that’s why you wreck things and push me."-Lilo.22.“Don’t worry. She likes your butt and fancy hair. I know. I read her diary."-Llio.23.“Our family’s little now, and we don’t have many toys… But if you want, you could be a part of it. You could be our baby, and we’d raise you to be good."-Lilo.24.“My room’s pretty messy… but it’s not my fault! Stitch is the one who messes it up. Well, mostly."-Lilo.25.“Aloha ahi’ahi! Look how dark it got! Why do the funniest days seem to end the fastest?-Lilo.26.“You rotten sister, your butt is crushing me! Why do you act so WEIRD?!"-Lilo.27.“This is your badness level. It’s unusually high for someone your size. We have to fix that."-Lilo.28.“That’s The Ugly Duckling. See, he’s sad because he’s all alone and nobody wants him. But on this page, his family hears him crying and they find him. Then The Ugly Duckling is happy because he knows where he belongs."-Lilo.Best Quotes By LiloLilo gives us goosebumps throughout the movie with her quotes. Find below are a few of the best quotes by Lilo.29.“Your knuckles say ‘Cobra’, ‘Cobra Bubbles.’ You don’t look like a social worker."-Lilo.30.“Wanna play Battle of the Greek City-States? Stitch and me can be the fierce Spartans, and you can be the decadent Athenians."-Lilo31.“I’m adjusted. I eat all four food groups, and look both ways before crossing the street, and take long naps, and get disciplined?"-Lilo.32.“Stitch, for one. He’s a royal pain, but he’s loyal, and he’d never ever do anything that would hurt you. That’s a true friend."-Nani.33.“I’m sorry I bit you… and pulled your hair… and punched you in the face…"-Lilo.34.“Yeah, she disciplines me real good. Sometimes five times a day. With bricks."-Lilo.35.“Elvis Presley was a model citizen. I’ve compiled a list of his traits for you to practice. Number one… is dancing!"-Lilo36.“I was late because I had to feed my pet fish a peanut butter sandwich."-Lilo.37.“We’re a broken family, aren’t we?"-Lilo.38."‘Ohana’ means ‘family’. ‘Family’ means ’no one gets left behind’. But if you want to leave, you can. I’ll remember you though. I remember everyone that leaves."-Lilo.39.“He was an orphan and we adopted him! What about ‘ohana’?"-Lilo.40.“Lilo: Can’t you go any faster?      Nani: Oh no! Gravity is increasing on me!”-‘Lilo and Stitch’.41.“A falling star… I call it! Get out, get out! I have to make a wish!"-Lilo.42.“It’s sandwich day. Every Thursday I take Pudge the fish a peanut butter sandwich…And today we were out of peanut butter. So I asked my sister what to give him, and she said a tuna sandwich. I can’t give Pudge tuna!"-Lilo43.“If I gave Pudge tuna, I’d be an abomination! I’m late because I had to go to the store, to get peanut butter, because all we have is, is stinking tuna!!"-Lilo44.“I got a new dog. His name is Stitch."-Lilo.45.“It’s nice to live on an island with no large cities."-Lilo.46.“And you like me better as a sister than a rabbit, right?"-Lilo.47.“It’s me again. I need someone to be my friend. Someone who won’t run away. Maybe send me an angel! The nicest angel you have."-Lilo.The Famous Quotes From ‘Lilo And Stitch’All characters from this movie have great words and sayings to give us enough reason to watch this movie again. Follow us below with a few of the best Lilo Stitch quotes.48.“Thus far, you have been adrift in the sheltered harbor of my patience."-Mr. Cobra Bubbles.49.“So, tell me, my little one-eyed one – on what poor, pitiful, defenseless planet has my monstrosity been unleashed?"-Jumba.50.“Calm yourself, Captain Gantu. Perhaps it can be reasoned with. Experiment 626. Give us some sign you understand any of this. Show us that there is something inside you that is good."-Grand Councilwoman.51.“I think it might be a koala. An evil koala. I can’t even pet it, it keeps staring at me like it’s gonna eat me!"-Nani.52.“Very good, your highness. I… I didn’t quite. Uh, you’re not joking."-Pleakley.53.“Lilo, if they only liked you because you had a cute pet, then who needs them? You have to trust your real friends."-Nani.54.“He’s not an angel, Lilo. I don’t even think he’s a dog. We just have to take him back."-Nani.55.“We’re looking for something that can defend itself… something that won’t die, something sturdy, you know?"-Nani.56.“Take note of this. This creature has been sentenced to life in exile, a sentence that shall be henceforth served out here on Earth. And as caretaker of the alien life form, Stitch, this family is now under the official protection of The United Galactic Federation. We’ll be checking in now and then."-Grand Councilwoman.57.“B-b-but it’s a delicate planet! Who’s going to control him?"-Pleakley.58.“You?! You’re the cause of all this! If it wasn’t for your Experiment 6-2-6, none of this-"-Grand Councilwoman.59.“Hold it! Hold everything! Earth is a protected wildlife reserve. Yeah, we were using it to build the mosquito population, which, need I remind you, is an endangered species!"-Pleakley.60.“Oh good! I was hoping to add theft, endangerment, and insanity to my list of things I did today!"-Pleakley.61.“I’ll tell you what. If you promise not to fight anymore, I promise not to yell at you, except on special occasions."-Nani.62.“Starving yourself won’t bring him back, Lilo."-Nani.63.“Look at him, Lilo. He’s obviously mutated from something else! We have to take it back!”- Nani.64.“Former. Saved the planet once. Convinced an alien race mosquitoes were an endangered species."-Mr.Cobra Bubbles.65.“Hiding behind your little friend won’t work anymore! Didn’t we tell you? We got fired this morning. New rules."-Jumba.66.“Look at the bright side. You won’t have to yell at anyone anymore."-Pleakley67.“Lilo! She’s a little girl this big, she has black hair and brown eyes and she hangs around with that THING!"-Nani.68.“Okay, that’s enough sugar for you! Why don’t you run along now, you little cutie. The other social workers just thought she was a scream. Thirsty?"-Nani.69.“Oh, can’t complain, Mom. I’m camping out here with a convicted criminal. And, uh, oh; I had my head chewed on by a monster!"-Pleakley.70.“I’ll put you back together again, I’ll make you taller… and not so fluffy!"-Jumba.71.“I like you better as a sister than a mom."-Lilo.72.“No! You can’t take her! I’m the only one who understands her! If you take her away, she won’t stand a chance!"-Nani.73.“I may not be a doctor, but I know there’s no better cure for a sour face than a couple of boards and some choice waves. Whatcha think?"-David.74.“Do you often leave your sister home alone?"-Mr. Cobra Bubbles.75.“You are built to destroy. You can never belong."-Jumba.76.“Let me illuminate to you the precarious situation in which you have found yourself. I am the one they call when things go wrong, and things have indeed gone wrong."-Mr.Cobra Bubbles.77.“Aliens are all about rules."-Mr.Cobra Bubbles.78.“I’m a special classification."-Mr. Cobra Bubbles.79.“The manager’s a vampire. He wanted me to join his legion of the undead."-Nani.80.“His destructive programming is taking effect."-Jumba.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Stitch Quotes then why not take a look at [funny cartoon quotes] and [Moana quotes].‍

‘Lilo and Stitch,’ a 2002 American animated movie by Walt Disney, has all elements of love, comedy, science, fiction, action, and emotion.