Huey P Newton was born in Monroe, Louisiana on 17 February 1942 and died on 22 August 1989.His parents moved to Oakland, California where he spent his later years. He joined an African American Association in college and stood for the inclusion of African American History in the curriculum.  Huey P Newton along with Bobby Seale founded the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPP). The party believed, in the Black struggle for justice, violence may be necessary. Here are Huey Newton quotes. For more, visit Howard Thurman quotes and civil rights quotes. Huey P Newton Quotes About LifeHere are some Huey Newton quotes based on life and education.1."…Survival is not a simple matter or something to be taken for granted."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'2.“Existence is violent, I exist, therefore, I’m violent….in that way."-Huey Newton3.“If you stop struggling, then you stop life."-Huey Newton4.“While life will always be filled with sound and fury, it can be more than a tale signifying nothing."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide ‘5.”…I wanted freedom and possessions meant nonfreedom to me."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'6.“There is an old African saying, ‘I am we’. If you met an African in ancient times and them who he was, he would reply, ‘I am we’. This is revolutionary suicide: I, we, all of us are the one and the multitude."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'7.”…I wanted most of all to before from the life of a servant forced to take those low-paying jobs and looked at with scorn by white bosses."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'8.“I began to read. What I discovered in books led me to think to question, to explore, and finally redirect my life."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'9.“I know sociologically that words, the power of the word, words stigmatize people."-Huey Newton10.”…After the Black Panther Party was formed, I nearly fell into this error, I could not understand why people were blind to what they saw so clearly. Then I realized that their understanding had to be developed."-Huey Newton11.“Youths are passed through schools that don’t teach. Then they are forced to search for jobs that don’t exist and finally left stranded to stare at the glamorous lives advertised around them."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'12.“I didn’t get trained by the school system like other kids, and when I did concentrate on learning, my mind was cluttered and locked by the programming of the system."-Huey Newton13.“I knew right there that reading had changed forever the course of my life. As I see today, the ability to read awoke inside me some long dormant craving to be mentally alive…."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'14.“I read ‘Plato’s Republic.’ I read it through about five times until I could actually understand it."-Huey Newton15.”…these brothers had the sense of harmony and communion I needed to maintain that part of myself not totally crushed by the schools and other authorities."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'16.“You can only die once, so do not die a thousand times worrying about it."-Huey Newton17.“I expected to die. At no time before the trial did I expect to escape with my life. Yet being executed in the gas chamber did not necessarily mean defeat. It could be one more step to bring the community to a higher level of consciousness."-Huey Newton18.“So play life like it’s a game."-Huey NewtonHuey P Newton Quotes On Revolution And ActivismHuey Newton was a social revolutionist who was firm in his beliefs and also a pioneer for the Black Panther Party.19.“You can jail a revolutionary but you can’t jail the revolution."-Huey Newton20.“The first lesson a revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed man."-Huey Newton21.“Sometimes if you want to get rid of the gun, you have to pick the gun up."-Huey Newton22.“revolutionary suicide does not mean that I and my comrades have a death wish; it means just the opposite."-Huey Newton,23.“You can kill my body and you can take my life but you can never kill my soul. My soul will live forever."-Huey Newton,’ Revolutionary Suicide'24.“We have such a strong desire to live with hope and human dignity that existence without them is impossible….even at the risk of death."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'25.“I knew how to influence people, but it’s really just one vote."-Huey Newton26.“The revolution has always been in the hands of the young. The young always inherit the revolution."-Huey Newton27.“Misfortune is a test of people’s fidelity. Those who protest at injustice are people of true merit."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'28.“One of the first things any black child must learn is how to fight well."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'29.“My fear was not death itself, but a death without meaning."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'30.“It’s better to oppose the forces that would drive me to self-murder than to endure them."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'31.“I have the people behind me and the people are my strength."-Huey Newton32.“The nature of a panther is that he never attacks. But if anyone attacks or backs into a corner, the panther comes up to wipe that aggressor or that attacker out."-Huey Newton33.“I think what motivates people is not great hate, but great love for other people."-Huey Newton34.“There will be no prison which can hold our movement down."-Huey Newton35.“What I’m really trying to say is that I believed an armed insurrection could work. After I was shot and went to prison, that ended that illusion. I had time to think."-Huey Newton36.“I’m not ruling. I never ruled. I have one vote and I’m the leader of the party… I always had more influence than that one vote. I’ll admit that."-Huey NewtonHuey P Newton Quotes On Racists And InequalityAs a young child, Newton was deeply interested in knowing about African American history and worked toward making sure it was implemented in the American curriculum. Here are Newton’s views, including Huey P Newton quotes on education.37.“I do not expect the white media to create positive black male images."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'38.“Black men and women who refuse to live under oppression are dangerous to white society because they become symbols of hope to their brothers and sisters, inspiring them to follow their example.-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'39.”…the remedy is to gain security in ourselves and therefore have respect and feelings for all oppressed people."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'40.“The racist policemen must withdraw immediately from our communities cease their wanton murder and brutality and torture of black people, or face the wrath of the armed people."-Huey Newton41.“Marriage, family, and debt in a sense is another kind of slavery."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'42.”….Time is money to poor people. To go to Sacramento means loss of a day’s pay often a loss of a job. If this is a democracy, obviously it is a bourgeois democracy limited to the middle and upper classes. Only they can afford to participate."-Huey Newton43.“The policemen or soldiers are only a gun in the establishment’s hand. They make the racist secure in his racism."-Huey Newton  44.“IQ tests are routinely used as weapons against Black people in particular and minority groups and poor people generally. The tests are based on white middle-class standards, and when we score low on them, the results are used to justify the prejudice that we are inferior and unintelligent."-Huey Newton45.“Black power is giving power to people who have not had power to determine their destiny."-Huey Newton46.“We’ve never advocated violence; violence is inflicted upon us. But we do believe in self-defense for ourselves and for the black people."-Huey Newton47.“Any unarmed people are slaves, or are subject to slavery at any given moment."-Huey Newton48.“I have no doubt that the revolution will triumph. The people of the world will prevail, seize power, seize the means of production, wipe out racism, capitalism."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'49.”…On the other hand, people who work hard and struggle and suffer much are victims of greed and indifference, losers. This insane reversal of values presses heavily on the black community ."-Huey Newton50.“To die for the racists is lighter than a feather, but to die for the people is heavier than any mountain and deeper than any sea."-Huey NewtonHuey P Newton Quotes On Growth And AmericaHere are some Huey Newton quotes on America, growth, Huey P Newton quotes against capitalism and Huey P Newton quotes on change.51.“Laws should not be made to serve the people. People should not be made to serve the laws."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'52.“In the metaphysical sense, we based the expression,‘All power to the people’ on the idea of man as god. I have no other God but man and I finally believe that man is the highest or chief good."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'53.“No longer dependant on the things of the world, I felt really free for the first time in my life. In the past, I had been like my jailers. I had pursued the goals of capitalistic America. Now I had a higher freedom."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'54.“Bourgeois values define the family situation in America, give it certain goals. Oppressed and poor people who try to reach these goals fail because of the very conditions that the bourgeois has established."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'55.“My opinion is that the term ‘God’ belongs to the realm of concepts, that it is dependant upon man for its existence. If God does not exist unless man exists, then man must be here to produce God."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'56.“This country especially does not know what to do with its young Black men."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide'57.“Looking back, I see that my friends and I were all in the same boat- heading for hell on  earth and trying to reach heaven in church."-Huey Newton, ‘Revolutionary Suicide58.“To us power is, first of all, the ability to define phenomena and secondly the ability to make these phenomena act in a desired manner."-Huey Newton, ‘The Huey P Newton Reader'59.“White America has seen to it that Black history has been suppressed in schools and in American history books. The bravery of hundreds of our ancestors who took part in slave rebellions has been lost in the mists of time…."-Huey Newton60.“We have two evils to fight, capitalism and racism. We must destroy both racism and capitalism."-Huey Newton61.“You can tell the tree by the fruit it bears. You see it what the organization is delivering as far as a concrete program. If the tree’s fruit sours or grows brackish….-bury it and walk over it and plant new seeds."-Huey Newton62.“The walls, the bars, the guns, and the guards can never encircle or hold down the idea of the people."-Huey Newton63.“There is no need for the establishment to fear me. But it has every right to fear the people collectively- I am the one with the people."-Huey Newton64.“The rest of the third world people are seeing, that the country can really make a change. No changing or trading one master for another."-Huey Newton65.”…It’s hard to get the masses of people to believe or accept that a socialist government will relieve them of most of the problems."-Huey Newton66.”…Our party is important because our party works for the people and no individual is important in our party, including myself."-Huey Newton67.”…you can murder a liberator, but you can’t murder liberation."-Huey Newton68.“You can run a freedom fighter around the country, but you can’t run freedom fighting around the country."-Huey Newton69.“By surrendering my life to revolution, I found eternal life."-Huey Newton70.”…the gun in the establishment’s hand makes the establishment secure in its exploitation."-Huey Newton71.“We felt that the police needed a label, a label other than that fear image that they carried in the community."-Huey Newton72.“We have to realize our black heritage in order to give us strength to move on and progress."-Huey NewtonHere at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! f you liked our suggestions for Huey P Newton quotes then why not take a look at Stokely Carmichael quotes or activism quotes.

Huey P Newton was born in Monroe, Louisiana on 17 February 1942 and died on 22 August 1989.