The Stono Rebellion revolt began on September 9, 1739, when the native Africans led this uprising.This rebellion took place on the banks of the Stono River. As a result of this slave rebellion, almost 60 slaves lost their lives, and 20 colonists died.There were times when most slaves resisted the harsh slave code, and this took on enormous or more significant forms with slave uprisings and revolutions. There are some rebellions that rebellious slaves organized and that have taken on noteworthy historical substance. Let’s discuss some Stono Rebellion facts in this article.If you like to read more about history, then why not check out the Shay Rebellion facts and First Battle of the Revolutionary War articles here on Kidadl.Facts About The Stono RebellionIn South Carolina, the colony was created to meet the then-popular cash crop production demands. Rice and tobacco demand gave rise to the plantations. The plantations, therefore, needed more labor than anything else, which led to the slave importation of African slaves. Many slaves went through this tyranny, and to stop it, Jemmy and 20 Africans marched to the Stono River. Numerous slaves acquired guns and ammunition by raiding a warehouse. Being a literate slave, Jemmy held a banner that plainly read, ‘Liberty’.By nightfall, the crowd swelled to nearly 100 enslaved Africans willing to give everything for their freedom. They hoped to make their way to Saint Augustine to gain their freedom. But just 10 mi (16 km) later, near the Edisto river, white people killed 30 rebels. Slaves who escaped were ultimately captured and executed. The Stono River Rebellion involved white colonizers and the slave population.The attacks were not haphazard and indiscriminate. A local tavern owner who was kind to his slaves was intentionally left alone. One group of laborers even chose to shield their own enslaved from the violence.Historical Facts About The Stono RebellionAs the number of enslaved black people grew in the colony, in August1739, South Carolina passed a security act requiring all white people to carry any sort of firearm to church every Sunday. Plantation owners were scared that the enslaved people might turn on them. The Spanish people were believers in slavery, but their main intention was to unsettle the colonial life in the English territory. The Spanish proclaimed that for those who converted to Catholicism, Spain would grant freedom (of course, keeping in mind some other stipulations) to any black person who escaped, fought, and went to Saint Augustine, Florida. Many escaped slaves coming to Charleston were slaves who escaped from areas located in West and Central Africa where the Portuguese had infused the language and religious beliefs of those slaves.The increasing number of literate African natives who were completely accustomed to the plantation culture and the boost of the Spanish freedom grant offer created a hurricane and led to the Stono Rebellion. This interaction would become the biggest and worst one that the colony would ever face in the whole of United States history. The Causes That Led To The Stono RebellionAfter the rebellion, South Carolina’s house of assembly passed an act that was meant for the better ordering and also the better governing of slaves. They created a policy that was horrible and made it illegal for any of the enslaved people to become literate throughout their time as slaves. Let’s look at some of the causes that led to the largest slave society rebellion.Plantation owners wanted to prevent slaves from becoming literate and educated for a variety of different reasons. In this case, Jemmy and the group’s display of the so-called ‘Liberty’ banner was one of the reasons. The other reason was that black people knew about the Spanish freedom grant policy that said they would be free if they reached St. Augustine, but proved that there were harmful consequences for the plantation owners of slaves escaping if they were literate. Many laborers were forced to attend church services. They were made to listen to sermons that interpreted scripture that said God intended for Africans to be enslaved to European slavery as necessary for them to get to heaven. Some literate enslaved people learned about this tyranny and how the white people prohibited slaves from having basic human rights. These factors contributed to the Stono Rebellion, demonstrating how slaves in the 18th century were brutally treated and how they deserved to be treated liberally.Facts About Stono Rebellion’s SignificanceIn order to imbibe the combined explanation of Christianity, schools were established for black people. The school meant for black people was used to impose the thought that God ordained the institution called slavery, and anyone who challenged this might be punished by God and would go to hell. The plantation owners hoped that this imposition would prevent any further harmful and violent rebellions.Authorities based in South Carolina initiated some new (so-called ‘helpful’ for black people) policies that they hoped would help in shifting their demographics. According to a historian, slave importations in South Carolina were stopped by nearly 90% after this rebellion. Policies were executed to increase European immigration and the white people’s population in the colony. There were also some half-hearted trials that the authorities organized to improve the behavior of the white people towards the poor and enslaved people. Plantation owners could be penalized (according to these so-called laws) for any brutal punishment given to the slaves or if an excessive or impossible amount of work was imposed on them. Legislators hoped that improved conditions might reduce the chances of another rebellion. Although less brutal or less work was imposed, it does not make slavery in South Carolina any more humane.The Stono rebellion tells us the bravery and courage of the black people who were enslaved and yet were willing to do anything to obtain their freedom. It can be noted here that the Stono rebellion was not the first outcry against slavery, but certainly stands out as an important part of history. This rebellion is significant because it is symbolic of a revolt that will occur in the history of colonial slavery.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 71 Stono Rebellion facts to learn more about the Civil War, then why not take a look at American Revolution facts or American Civil War facts.

The Stono Rebellion revolt began on September 9, 1739, when the native Africans led this uprising.