As per the ‘World of Warcraft’ lore, Yogg Saron is one of the 4 Old Gods of Azeroth whom the Titans defeated during the primordial ages of Azeroth.This Old God of death is one of the most feared in Azeroth, having caused a lot of suffering to its people. Apart from being called the Old God of death, Yogg Saron is also referred to by other titles in use such as, “The Beast With A Thousand Maws”, “The Prime Evil”, “That Which Must Not Be Named”, “The Lucid Dream”, “Fiend Of A Thousand Faces”, “The Beast”, and “Hope’s End”.The name was inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s ‘Cthulhu Mythos’. The titles, “The Beast with a Thousand Maws,” or “Fiend of a Thousand Faces” refer to ‘Shub Niggurath’, the one who resembles Yogg Saron.  According to the game lore, Yogg Saron was subjected to eternal imprisonment in a Titan complex within the depths of the continent of Northrend. Its first ‘World of Warcraft’ appearance was in the raid dungeon ‘Ulduar’ as the final boss. The Yogg Saron voice in the game was by Jamieson Price.This Old God of Death can be encountered in the game in the ‘Ulduar’ raid dungeon. The encounter is a DPS race requiring situational awareness. The fight requires that you use one healer for every 3 raid members and proceeds in 3 phases: first through an engagement of Sara and her guardians, then attacking the brain and tentacles of the Old God, and finally its head and body.According to game lore, this Old God was killed by the Titan Keepers at the ‘Ulduar’ raid and only its echoes continue to permeate the world. Its gibberish utterance at the time of its death has been included in our list.The Puzzle Box of Yogg Saron is a good mage spell card in the game Hearthstone. Its good to use as a last option play effort and could potentially give you a favorable outcome in the game.  The whispers of Yogg Saron can be heard in Whisper Gulch, the 5 man Ahn’kahet instance in the Ymirheim Saronite Mines, as well as in the Cataclysm expansion, where the Old God whispers things to players as they’re trying to solve the Puzzle Box.  We’ve put together a list of Yogg Saron quotes Hearthstone, Puzzle Box of Yogg Saron Quotes among the Old Gods, as well as quotes by other characters in the ‘World of Warcraft’.  For more inspiration on game quotes, check out our articles on [Zed Quotes] as well as [Video Game Quotes].  War Time QuotesAs one of the Old Gods in the game lore, the “The Beast With A Thousand Maws” whispers several utterances every time to players. Here’s a little list of Old Gods quotes that you can use. These quotes can be heard at the time of encounter, while trying to solve the puzzle box, and at other instances in the game.      1. “Give in to your fear."-Yogg Saron2. “His brood learned their lesson before too long, you shall soon learn yours!"-Yogg Saron3. “What can change the nature of a man?"-Yogg Saron4. “The tortured spirits of your ancestors cling to you, screaming in silence. Apparently they are quite numerous."-Yogg Saron5. “Death is eternal."-Yogg Saron6. “Your petty quarrels only make me stronger!"-Yogg Saron7. “Weak minded fools!"-Yogg Saron8. “I will devour the world."-Yogg Saron9. “You will be alone in the end."-Yogg Saron10. “They have turned against you… now, take your revenge…"-Yogg Saron11. “All places, all things have souls… All souls can be devoured."-Yogg Saron12. “Even death may die."-Yogg Saron13. “I leave their fate to you."-Yogg Saron14. “Destroy them minion, your master commands it!"-Yogg Saron15. “There is no escape… not in this life… not in the next."-Yogg Saron16. “The silent, sleeping, staring houses in the backwoods always dream… It would be merciful to tear them down."-Yogg Saron17. “They are coming for you."-Yogg Saron18. “Eternal suffering awaits!"-Yogg Saron19. “Look upon the true face of death and know that your end comes soon!"-Yogg Saron20. “The void sucks at your soul. It is content to feast slowly."-Yogg Saron21. “Kill them all… before they kill you…"-Yogg Saron22. “Look around… They will all betray you… Flee screaming into the black forest."-Yogg Saron23. “The giant rook watches from the dead trees. Nothing breathes beneath his shadow."-Yogg Saron24. “A thousand deaths… or one murder."-Yogg Saron25. “Trust, was your failure."-Yogg Saron26. “It WAS your fault…"-Yogg Saron27. “They are coming for you."-Yogg Saron28. “You resist… You cling to your life as if it actually matters… You will learn."-Yogg Saron29. “There is a little lamb lost in dark woods."-Yogg Saron30. “I am destiny."-Yogg Saron31. “Your will is no longer your own."-Yogg Saron32. “Beneath the shadow of the darkened spire, there is no light, no mercy, only void, and the chaos within."-Yogg Saron33. “The stars sweep chill currents that make men shiver in the dark."-Yogg SaronWOW Yogg Saron God QuotesWar time quotes aren’t the only Old Gods quotes you can use from the game lore. Here’s a little list of Yogg Saron quotes you can use from one of the most ominous Old Gods in the game.  34. “I am the lucid dream, the monster in your nightmares, the Fiend of a Thousand Faces, Cower before my true form! BOW DOWN BEFORE THE GOD OF DEATH!! MADNESS WILL CONSUME YOU!!"-Yogg Saron (at Ulduar when it reveals its true identity)35. “In the land of Ny’alotha there is only sleep."-Yogg Saron36. “Your fate… is bound to ME."-Yogg Saron37. “You are a pawn of forces unseen."-Yogg Saron38. “The drowned God’s heart is black ice."-Yogg Saron39. “He will learn - no king rules forever! Only death is eternal!"-Yogg Saron40. “There is no sharp distinction between the real and the unreal."-Yogg Saron41. “Bow down before the God of Death."-Yogg Saron42. “At the bottom of the ocean even light must die."-Yogg Saron43. “All that you know will fade."-Yogg Saron44. “In the sleeping city of Ny’alotha walk only mad things."-Yogg Saron45. “ALL, will be laid BARE."-Yogg Saron46. “Open me…Open me…Open me! Then only will you know peace."-Yogg Saron47. “Do you dream while you sleep or is it an escape from the horrors of reality?"-Yogg Saron48. “It is standing right behind you… Do not move… Do not breathe…"-Yogg Saron49. “Your fate is sealed. The end of days is finally upon you and ALL who inhabit this miserable little seedling. Uulwi ifis halahs gag erh’ongg w’ssh."-Yogg Saron (uttered at death)50. “That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die."-Yogg Saron (in the Cataclysm expansion when players are obtaining the Nerubian puzzle box)51. “Hope is an illusion."-Yogg Saron52. “Have you had the dream again? A black goat with seven eyes that watches from the outside."-Yogg Saron53. “Tell yourself again that these are not truly your friends."-Yogg Saron54. “Trust is your weakness."-Yogg Saron55. “Ny’alotha is a city of old, terrible, unnumbered crimes."-Yogg Saron56. “In the sunken city, he lays dreaming."-Yogg Saron57. “The fish know all the secrets. They know the cold. They know the dark."-Yogg SaronOther WOW Character QuotesThere are several other characters in the ‘World of Warcraft’. Here’s a little list of quotes from other characters in the game.  58. “No more Ner’zhul, no more Arthas—only this one glorious being."-Ner’zhul59. “I have failed… All that, and I have failed you."-Iridi60. “Give Timeless one more time? How droll! I will not let dour Nozdormu leave without pressing him on that jest!"-Malygos61. “Prisoner? Ha! With its bindings shattered, its influence unchecked, it’s gonna come after us…and WE’RE gonna be the prisoners."-Brann Bronzebeard (commenting on Yogg Saron)62. “Ah, my wayward pet, Garithos! I see you’ve grown a spine since we last met!"-Balnazzar63. “You dare disturb my resst? You dare disssturb my peace?"-Nozdormu64. “For so long you have wrestled with the last dregs of goodness, of humanity in you, but no longer. The boy held you back, and now you are free. We are one, Arthas."-Ner’zhul65. “I’ve been reading through Medivh’s spellbook. His knowledge on demons alone is staggering. I suspect that he was far more powerful than anyone ever realized."-Kel’thuzad66. “You would reject this gift? And did you bring these mongrels here, just… to watch you… die?"-Mannoroth (addressing Grom Hellscream)67. “Let the echoes of doom resound across this wretched world, that all who live may hear them and despair.”-Archimonde (on defeating Dalaran)68. “I love it when a plan comes together."-Varimathras69. “Azeroth is a world of marvels… but I miss… I find I miss Outland… even with so much struggle."-Iridi70. “It’s been months since we last heard from Lord Archimonde. I grow tired of watching over these rotting undead! What are we still doing here?"-Detheroc71. “Compared to all elssse that has happened, it isss a sssmall change to the time line and one of which I approve. The bluesss will fly the skies again, even though their numberss will not be great even after ten thousand yearsss. But better sssome, than none."-Nozdormu72. “You have failed me, Varimathras!"-Sargeras73. “Tremble, mortals, and despair! Doom has come to this world!"-Archimonde74. “Fleeting are the moments , these days, in which I may truly be myself… That I may rend flesh, shed blood, and shiver bone."-Balnazzar75. “Sorry, I don’t do interviews."-Varimathras76. “I have lost much in my time, mortal, too much in fact. Your lesser intellect could not possibly begin to understand the pain that infernal disk can impart on its victims, Now begone from my realm before I show you a piece of what I have suffered!"-Malygos77. “Brothers they may not in blood, but they are truly brothers in nature."-Ysera (referring to Malygos and Neltharion)78. “The other orcs are lost. They have served their purpose."-Ner’zhul79. “So predictable… I knew you would come… and I see you brought the mighty Hellscream."-Mannoroth (addressing Thrall and Grom Hellscream)80. “Lord Garithos: What’s the matter demon? Are you afraid?Varimathras: Watch your tongue, human dog.“81. “This is not a glimpse into the future that we can verify. It is only your hunch."-Archimonde (speaking to Velen)82. “Wake up! Time to die!"-Varimathras83. “Believe me, brother. Neither the Lich King nor his undead lackeys will jeopardize the Legion’s return!"-Tichondrius84. “Know that I am Balnazzar. Know, as I drink your life, that I will take up residence in this weak shell your soul once called home. Know that I will corrupt and destroy everything and everyone you have ever loved."-Balnazzar (uttered when he killed and possessed Saidan Dathrohan)85. “I’m always on the winning side."-Varimathras86. “Today’s victory belongs to all who stood against the shadow. You are Azeroth’s true guardians, and the future of this world is in your hands, for the dawning of the age of mortals has begun."―Alexstrasza87. “We will take this world with the unending strength of the Legion. The time for subtlety has passed."-Archimonde88. “It is my fate and curssse to know such things and be unable myssself to prevent them. Know that I now asssk for forgiveness for the wrongs I will caussse you in the future, but I mussst be what I am destined to be… as Malygos is."-Nozdormu89. “From this point on, all that we gain will be ours alone. I am the Horde, and I will survive. Choose me, or choose death!"-Ner’zhul90. “The Lich King’s young death knight has been performing well… almost too well. I begin to wonder if Ner’zhul has ulterior motives for his new… champion."-Tichondrius91. “Neltharion… this is not you! You always sought to make the world one of peace, of harmony…"―Alexstrasza92. “The Legion may be defeated, but we are the Nathrezim! We’ll not let some upstart human get the best of us! Arthas must fall!"-Detheroc93. “Invaders, you dangle upon the precipice of oblivion! The Burning Legion comes and with it comes your end."-Kazzak the Supreme94. “My Onslaught will wash over the Lich King’s forces! Your time has come to an end; you’ll never defeat the Lich King without my forces! I’ll have my revenge… on him AND you!-Mal’Ganis95. “I lost much - too much! But you, you who call yourself Krasus, you who once also wore the form of dragon, you lost all, too!"-Malygos96. “Do not mock me dreadlord, I am aware of the orcs’ failure, and when I find them I will discipline them myself!"-Mannoroth (while talking to Tichondrius)97. “We would sense it if he used his talents on any level that would pose a threat. Let him rot on some world, bereft of everything that mattered to him."-Archimonde98. “Don’t worry about the fine print. The soul consumption clause is never exercised."-Varimathras99. “ENOUGH! I waste my time here. I must gather my strength on the homeworld."-Mal’Ganis100. “You will be asked to drink. Refuse. It is the blood of twisted souls, and it will twist yours and those of all who imbibe."-Ner’zhul101. “As you can see, your people…are now mine! I will now turn this city household by household…until the flame of life has been snuffed out…Forever!"-Mal’Ganis102. “Now the shadow of the Legion falls over this world. It is only a matter of time until all of your failed creation… is undone."-Kazzak the Supreme103. “Embrace the dreaming, champions! It can save you!"-Ysera104. “I am Tichondrius. Like Mal’Ganis, I am a dreadlord, but I am not your enemy. In truth, I’ve come to congratulate you."-Tichondrius (to Prince Arthas)105. “You disappoint me, brother. Poor Detheroc must have been stunned by your treachery! How dare you even call yourself Nathrezim!"-Balnazzar (to Varimathras)106. “You hear the voice of the Dark Lord; he whispers to you through the blade you wield… What does he say, young human? What does the Dark Lord of the Dead tell you now?"-Mal’Ganis107. “We’re not a cult so much as a maniacal group of fanatical, blade-wielding zealots."-Varimathras108. “I remember well the sting of defeat at the conclusion of the Third War. I have waited far too long for my revenge."-Kazzak the Supreme109. “I was always envious of you. Your gift, your faith, your vision. I never believed that Sargeras could be stopped; perhaps you will prove me wrong."-Kil’jaeden (his last words to Velen)110. “So, you’ve taken up Frostmourne at the expense of your comrade’s life… Just as the Dark Lord said you would, you’re stronger than I thought."-Mal’Ganis111. “The boy believed you could be saved… But he didn’t know, what burns within your soul… when in your heart, you know, we are the same!"-Mannoroth (to Grom Hellscream)112. “By killing your own father and delivering this land to the Scourge, you have passed your first test. The Lich King is pleased with your… enthusiasm."-Tichondrius (to Prince Arthas)113. “Gul’dan and his twisted schemes — they reach out and destroy lives even from beyond the grave! You and your plans! And how much power would you gain from success?"-Ner’zhul114. “Our only concern is that the Scourge accomplishes what it was created to do. Archimonde will have all our heads if we do not keep control of this situation!"-Anetheron115. “Varimathras: You sound more like one of us with every passing day, Milady.Sylvanas: Watch it, Dreadlord.“116. “The Legion… will never… fall."-Kazzak the Supreme117. “Not powerful enough to escape death, that is for certain. Suffice to say, the work he began, we will finish… today. Let the summoning commence!"-Tichondrius118. “Mention not that one! He is one whose dreams I will never enter - again. He is one who is quite possibly more terrible in his sleep than even waking."-Ysera119. “The universe will be remade."-Kazzak the Supreme120. “The Dark Lord said you would come! This is where your journey ends…boy. Trapped and freezing at the roof of the world, with only death to sing the tale of your doom!"-Mal’Ganis121. “I…have dreamed of you. I have had visions of death, and now you are here."-Ner’zhul122. “All mortals will perish!"-Kazzak the Supreme123. “To the night elves, who have lost their hopes, I give forth the ability to Dream again. To Dream, to Imagine, for in that is the best hope of rebuilding, of recovering, of growing."-YseraHere at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for  Yogg-Saron quotes, then why not take a look at [Yasuo Quotes], or for something different, check out [Zamasu Quotes].  

As per the ‘World of Warcraft’ lore, Yogg Saron is one of the 4 Old Gods of Azeroth whom the Titans defeated during the primordial ages of Azeroth.