Consuming lentils is an excellent way of increasing your protein intake, whether or not you are a vegetarian.This nutrient-rich food item is consumed nearly all over the world. All the different types of lentils in the market make it possible for people to have a lot of variations.Green lentils, red lentils, yellow lentils, brown lentils, and black lentils are all the different types available in the market. These members of the legume family are very rich in many nutrients. This high nutritional value of lentils allows people to easily pick them up as a healthy addition to their daily diet.If you want to avoid heart diseases or enjoy a new addition to your salads and soups, lentils will become your best friends in the long run. Please keep reading to learn about how eating cooked lentils can be a healthy addition to your diet for yourself and your family.Fun Facts About LentilsLentils are found in all shapes and sizes. Right from green lentils to canned lentils, these legumes show a lot of possibilities across cuisines from around the world. For this reason, many people consume lentils as part of their usual diets. However, it is never a bad idea to get a proper insight into the nutritional value of a food group before consuming it.Lentils are part of the legume family and come in many sizes.In general, they are lens-shaped and can be split or whole.At the same time, lentils are sold with and without their husks.These legumes are famous in many parts of the world.Canada is currently leading in terms of lentil production.The health benefits of lentils have been found with the help of many animal studies.Many of these health benefits are based on the information acquired from these animal studies, and human studies are yet to confirm the positive effects that we may be able to get from consuming lentils.The protein content in these legumes makes them a sensible and flavorsome alternative for vegetarian or vegan people.Fake meat products made from lentils provide a large chunk of these proteins.At the same time, legumes often have more nutrients than meat products.Lentils also help in avoiding heart disease and breast cancer.They promote overall health and wellbeing in humans.Lentils have a low sugar content and a low glycemic index.The glycemic index of lentils is around 35, which is considered low.Varieties like split red lentils can be cooked quickly and make excellent dals and soups.Cooked lentils have roughly the same nutritional value as raw lentils.You may cook lentils in a couple of different ways.For example, some lentils are great additions to warm salads, while others can make for excellent soups.The larger varieties of lentils take considerably longer to finish cooking.Nutritional Facts About LentilsIt is better to get all the nutritional information about a food group before investing time and money. Let’s learn about some of the many health benefits that lentils promise.Lentils are rich in many components such as calcium, potassium, folate, and iron.Some of these components are hard to find in foods, and hence, many people worldwide suffer from deficiencies.One such common condition is an iron deficiency in which the body does not have enough iron for bodily processes.One of the main ways in which iron consumption is essential for the human body is that it helps produce blood cells.Iron helps produce red blood cells in the human body, which in turn carry oxygen and keep us alive.At the same time, iron deficiency is said to cause fatigue and an inability to use the body’s energy.Lentils have a high content of dietary fiber.Fiber intake is important since it keeps the digestive tract working.Since fiber does not get digested, it simply helps in keeping the food moving along the entire digestive tract.Fiber intake also enables people to have regularity in passing stool.Fiber is also important for people who are trying to lose weight.This is because fiber intake makes us feel full for a longer duration of time and, in turn, reduces appetite.Fiber intake has also been associated with reducing cholesterol in the body.Some studies show that people who eat more lentils as part of their daily diet have more significant percentages of good cholesterol than bad cholesterol.This essentially means that lentil consumption can help us have a healthier heart.This can also help in reducing the risk of colon cancer.Lentils are also rich in potassium.Potassium deficiencies are widespread, even though this nutrient is essential in several ways.Potassium helps in reducing the risk of heart disease.Potassium also makes sure that the nervous system is healthy and functional.Other nutrients present in lentils include protein and phytic acid.The protein content in lentils is relatively high.For this reason, it makes an excellent option for vegetarians who want to keep up with their protein intake.Lentils can also serve as meat substitutes.Lentils increase immunity and help people in fighting chronic diseases.Lentils also contain vitamin C and vitamin B6.The nutrients in lentils help in reducing blood pressure.Managed levels of blood pressure are essential for maintaining heart health.Lentils may be an excellent option for people who have type 2 diabetes.Additionally, some of the organic compounds in lentils show promising results in terms of reducing cancer risk.There are still other nutrients that reduce the chances of constriction in the heart’s blood vessels, thereby reducing the chances of heart ailments.Lentils are also very rich in folate.Folate is essential for pregnant women since it helps in the healthy development of the fetus.Consumption of a cup of lentils can provide you with 90% of the required folate.Facts About The Different Types Of LentilsIf you are looking for a suitable variety of lentils, here’s a detailed guide.Yellow and red lentils are small and easy to cook.Split red lentils are used in soups and dals.Lentils have a sweet and nutty taste.Some types of lentils, such as the brown varieties, are sold with the husk.Green lentils also have their husk.Black lentils are considerably larger and take longer to cook.Brown lentils are great if you want the product to hold its shape.All lentils are rich sources of protein.Lentils take different durations to cook, depending on their variety.Lentils have a low-fat content.Cooked lentils are also available in some supermarkets.Lentils are not the best for people who have kidney-related issues.Facts About The Side Effects Of LentilsWhile the high protein and low-fat content are exciting, lentils may also cause some adverse effects. If you suffer from any health conditions that the consumption of lentils could aggravate, it would be best to steer clear of cooked lentils.Lentils contain antinutrients. These are components that hinder the process of absorption of certain nutrients.The trypsin inhibitors in cooked lentils may cause trouble concerning the breaking down of protein.Some of these antinutrients can also cause trouble in the absorption of iron.People who have health conditions such as anemia should steer clear of lentils.

Consuming lentils is an excellent way of increasing your protein intake, whether or not you are a vegetarian.