Looking for interesting and catchy names for a House Elf?Then, you definitely are a Harry Potter fan! Every nerd fanatic of the Harry Potter series may have come to a point where they thought of creating a fantasy Hogwarts-like situation of their own.If you have done so too, creating such a magical fantasy world of your own cannot be complete without including the loyal magical creatures that house-elves are! These creatures serve the witches and wizards in the world of Hogwarts and became one of the most liked supporting characters in the Harry Potter series.In this article, we have collected some fun names that may be helpful to you if you are looking to name an imaginary house-elf of your own! Read through to find some evil Harry Potter house elf names, good house-elf names in harry potter, funny house-elf names from the series, and some imaginary names for a house elf.From funny to evil, you can find all names in this article.Evil Harry Potter House Elf NamesWhile numerous house-elves were shown throughout the Harry Potter series, such as Dobby and Winky, very few of them are well-known to all. Here is one of the house-elves not liked as much as the other characters.Kreacher is the only evil house-elf shown in the Harry Potter series. Kreacher is characterized as mean and bitter, serving Sirius Black until he died in 1996. While Kreacher is one of the most popular pet house elves, fans really do not miss him because Kreacher was not as friendly to Harry Potter as Dobby.Good House Elf Names in Harry PotterHere are some good names of the house-elves inspired by the Harry Potter series. It is believed that house-elves could be sold by the masters. While some of these names may represent some qualities, other names are created fictionally to match the essence of the funny-looking characters.Dobby is a well-known supporting protagonist character in the Harry Potter world. This character was a house-elf for Malfoy’s family. Dobby undoubtedly seems to be one of the most famous male elves in the series. In the movie, he appears in Harry Potter’s room for the first time and behaves like a stubborn child.Winky is the name of the female house-elf who worked at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.Hokey is the name of an old pet house-elf who was framed for her mistress’ murder.Jandy is an actual name that means ‘God is gracious’ in Hebrew.Kandy, similar to candy, is a name that means ‘whiteness.’Laddy is a British slang used for a ‘manservant’ or ‘young man.’Ranby is a fictional house elf name that is believed to represent compassion, reliability, and loyalty.Boldy is a fun name for good house-elves originating from ancient Scotland.Joodey is a variant of the British name Judy.Dalbey is an interesting name that originated from Old Norse.Larry is a common name of Latin origin that seems suitable for naming a house elf.Reeny may sound like an imaginary name, but it actually has the meaning of ‘being born again’ in English.Beely is also a good house-elf name, although it is originally used as a surname in West Yorkshire and Northumberland.Billey is created similar to the German name ‘Billy,’ which means ‘determined protector.’Bondy is a Jewish name that means ‘good day.’Keely is an actual Irish name you can use for your house elf. It means ‘beautiful.’Deepy is a simple and sweet name for a house elf. It can be defined as a variant of the Hindu name Deep, representing a ‘lamp.’Silmy is originally a Hindu name that means ‘gift of god.’Veeky is a good house-elf name similar to the Latin name ‘Vicky’ that means ‘victory.’Voply is another non-meaningful but funny name for a house elf.Bokpy, with no particular meaning, is a made-up name you can use for a house elf.Funny House Elf Names From The SeriesMost of the house-elf names do not have a significant meaning but instead a funny ring to them. Here are some funny house-elf names from the series.Borpy is a nice fictional name you can give to your fictional house elf.Foodey, like many others, is also a creative and fictional name for a house elf.Faddy is a name that means ‘disliking or liking things for no good reason.’Boopy is simply a funny house elf name with a funny ring to it as well.Babbey is another randomly created funny name you can give to your house elf.Vodky is a made-up name you can use for a house-elf with no particular meaning.Lisny is a nice fictional name you can give to your fictional house elf.Booby is also a term used to define someone as ‘a foolish, awkward person’.Donkey is a term we are all familiar with. It is also used to refer to someone who is obstinate or stupid.Doddy may sound like a non-sensical name, but it is originally derived from the German word ‘dudd,’ used to denote a stupid person as well.Nobby is a name derived from the noun ‘nob,’ which means ‘someone who is at a superior position in life.’Hoopey, like many others, is also a creative and fictional name for a house elf.Kissey is simply a funny name that can be used as a parody for ‘kiss.’Domkey can be a name used as a parody for ‘donkey.’ A unique and interesting name option for house elves.Noddy can be used as a house-elf name inspired by the famous cartoon character of the same name.Babkey is a funny name that has no meaning as such.Dommey is another random house elf name that rhymes with the word dummy.Hobmy is simply another fictional name you can use for your fictional character.Ponny, even though it sounds funny, is an actual name that means ‘second-born child.’Noobey, or ’noob,’ are actually parodical terms used for someone who is ‘a newbie.’Kisky is a funny name that has no meaning as such.Mokry is another fictionally created name with no meaning.Dookey is a fun-sounding name similar to ‘Dookie’ that refers to a person who behaves nobly.Imaginary Names For A House ElfHouse-elves are imaginary characters, and hence, the names given to these characters are imaginary as well. Find in this section a list of house-elf names that are imaginary.Cinmy is a randomly created name you can give to your house elf.Zimkey can be a cool name for your imaginary character.Takky is another fun and good house-elf name.Cooby is a cute and fun name for a house elf.Heeny, like many others, is also a creative and fictional name for a house elf.Jomny is an imaginary name with a similar sound to the name Johnny.Horbey is another imaginary name that sounds like the mix of the names of the two house-elves in the Harry Potter series called ‘Dobby’ and ‘Hokey.‘Pimly is a nice fictional name you can give to your fictional house elf.Jeeny is an imaginary name that sounds like a magical character known as a genie.Zinmey is also an imaginary name for your imaginary character.Barrey is a fun name that sounds similar to the Irish name Barry.Zeesy is a name that means different from others.Hinsey is an actual name of Anglo-Saxon origin.Biskey is another imaginary name that funnily sounds like saying short for biscuits.Reemey is a nice fictional name you can give to your fictional house elf.Mippy is an imaginary name we created that you can use to name your imaginary house elf.Roodey is a name with a pronunciation similar to the name Rudy.Kipny is a funny house elf name that sounds like a kidney.Zobley, like many others, is also a creative and fictional name for a house elf.Hoddy, like many others, is also a creative and fictional name for a house elf.Gokry is another imaginary name for your magical house elf.Sabbey is an imaginary house elf name with a pronunciation similar to ‘abbey.‘Wooky with no particular meaning is a made-up name you can use for a house elf.Caldey is a house-elf name inspired by one of the Welsh islands called Caldey Island.

Looking for interesting and catchy names for a House Elf?