There are different types of bones in a human skeleton, such as frontal, parietal, occipital, clavicle, and several others which make up the human body.Different bones feature in the arms, feet, hip, cervical, femur, skeletal, vertebral column, and nasal regions as they have specific functions. For instance, irregular bones of the vertebral column offer protection to the spinal cord.Jaw Bone NamesThere are jawbones to hold your teeth that give a perfect shape to your face. Learn the names of bones in the lower and upper jaw present in the human body here!Alveolar Parts (Crest): These are cervical rims in the alveolar bone uniform in height.Condylar Process Or Condyloid Process: This is located at the superior end of the ramus in the lower jaw, the elongated part connected to the skull. Coronoid Process: The Greek word ‘coronoid’ means ’like a crow.’ The coronoid process is the triangular projected part with a convex anterior border. Interalveolar Septa: It is the alveolar wall located between dental alveoli. These ridges are thin plates of bone. Jaw Angle: It is also called the gonial angle; it is a 2D angle formed by the ramus of the mandible. The mean angle is 128 degrees in males, and it is 12 degrees for females. Lingula: It is present on the mandible and is the tongue-shaped bony projection bordering the mandibular foramen. Mandible: The lower jaw is the strongest, largest, and lowest of all the skull bones. Mandibular Foramen: A bony canal within the mandible holds a branch of the trigeminal nerve, maxillary artery, and alveolar vein. Maxilla: It is the bone that forms your upper jaw.Mental Foramen: It is on the anterior surface of the mandible and is one of the two openings (foramina) located here. The foramen is part of the mandibular canal.Mental Protuberance: It is enclosed in a triangular eminence and is depressed towards the center and raised at the ends. Mental Tubercle: The raised end of the mental protuberance is also called the genial tubercle. Mylohyoid Line: It is beneath the submandibular fossa and is a bony ridge located on the internal surface of the mandible. Oblique Line: It is a faint line that extends from the mental tubercle to the ramus. Pterygoid Fossa: It is located in the mandible and appears concave. It is a fat-filled, small, and clinically inaccessible space that lies at the crossroad of the oral cavity, nasal cavity, masticator space, nasopharynx, orbit, and middle cranial fossa. Ramis: It is the arm or branch of jawbones connected to the skull from either side. Sigmoid Notch Or Mandibular Notch: With a smooth lateral surface, these notches on either side are concave. Sublingual Fossa: It is beneath the tongue and is on the floor of the mouth. Submandibular Fossa: It is a concavity or impression in the lingual surface of the mandibular body. The Base Of Mandible: It is the lower part of the mandible that has the lower jaw and lower teeth. Leg Bone NamesSeveral skeletal bones run from thighs to feet in the human body, and here are their names! Calcaneus: It is a bone of tarsals in the foot called the heel bone. Cuboid Bone: The cuboid bone is one of the different types of tarsal bones in the foot.  Cuneiform Bone: Cuneiform, meaning ‘wedge-shaped,’ comprises three bones in the human foot, medial cuneiform bone, intermediate cuneiform bone, and lateral cuneiform bone. Femur: It is a proximal bone of the hindlimb; femur bones are also called thigh bones. These are the longest bones in the human skeleton.Fibula: It is located on the lateral side of the Tibia. The fibula is also called a calf bone. The fibula is also the most slender of all log bones in the human body.  Foot: The feet have 52 bones in total, with 26 in each foot. This terminal portion has a limb and carries weight, and enables locomotion. Metatarsals Or Metatarsus: These are located between tarsal bones and phalanges of toes—this group of five long bones in the foot lack individual names.  Navicular Bone: It is a small bone that most mammals have in their feet.  Patella: It is also called a kneecap. Patella is a rounded triangular but flat bone. Tetrapods like mice, birds, cats, and dogs have patella. Phalanges Of The Foot: Phalanges are the long digital bones that the vertebrates have in their hands and feet. They are of three types, proximal phalanges, intermediate phalanges, and distal phalanges.  Talus: This is also called astragalus or ankle bone and is among the group of foot bones or tarsus.   Tarsus/Tarsals: This cluster consists of seven bones in each foot. Midfoot and hindfoot join for tarsus.  Tibia: It is located below the knee. Tibia is also called ‘shin bone’ or ‘shan bone.’ These bones are frontal and large. They are very long and connect the knee with ankle bones.  Hand Bone NamesHere are the names of the different types of hand bones found in the human body, from arm bones to metacarpals.Capitate Bone: Commonly called wrist, capitate bone is the largest of carpal bones, situated in the center of the carpal bone region. Carpals: The word has Latin and Greek origins meaning ‘wrist.’ These are the eight small bones that join to form the wrist in the body.Clavicles: These are the collarbones and are S-shaped, slender, and long. These are between the sternum and scapula. Hamate Bone: A wedge-shaped bone in the wrist, it is the one seen projecting from the surface. Humerus: The humerus is the long bone in the arm, extending from shoulder to elbow. This consists of three sections. Lunate Bone: It is marked by a crescentic outline and concavity and is located in the center of carpal bones in the frontal row. Metacarpals: These are between phalanges and carpal bones that are 10 in all (five in each hand). Pectoral Girdles Or Shoulder Girdles: These are located in the appendicular skeleton and are connected to arms on both sides. This girdle consists of scapula and clavicles. Phalanges Of The Hand: As in the legs, these are the digital bones in the body that comprise proximal phalanges, intermediate phalanges, and distal phalanges.Pisiform Bone: The small knobbly bone forming the ulnar border of the carpal tunnel. Radius: It is the long bone of the forearm, like the ulna. The radius runs parallel to the ulna from the lateral side of the elbow to reach the thumb side of the wrist. Scaphoid Bone: One of the eight small bones, this is the largest of wrist bones in the proximal row. It is on the thumb side of the wrist, between hand and forearm. Scapula: It has several names like shoulder bone, wing bone, shoulder blade, blade bone, and the speal-bone. It connects the humerus with the clavicle in the body. Trapezium: Between the first metacarpal bone and scaphoid is the trapezium to the radial side of the carpus. Trapezoid Bone: Present in all tetrapods, it is the smallest of carpal bones in the body that has a wedge-shaped form. Triquetral Bone: Between the lunate and pisiform is the triquetral bone located on the ulnar side of the hand. The bone is connected to pisiform, hamate, and lunate. Ulna: The long bone extends from the forearm to the smallest finger. Skull Bone NamesSkull comprises 22 bones. This bone structure forming the head is composed of the cranium and mandible. The bones of the middle ear and hyoid bone also fall under these 22 bones.Cranial Bones: These comprise the eight bones of the skull. Ethmoid Bone: Like sphenoid bone, this is often regarded as a facial bone and is the one that separates the nasal cavity from the brain. Facial Bones: These are 15 bones under the head of the skull bones.   Frontal Bone: The bony part in the human forehead consists of the squamous part and the oral cavity.  Incus: It is also called an ‘anvil’ and receives vibrations from the malleus, transmitted to stapes. Inferior Nasal Concha: It runs along the lateral wall of the nasal cavity and is part of facial bones. Lacrimal Bone: It is a small but fragile bone. Lacrimal bone has two surfaces; lacrimal bone is the size of our little fingernails. Lacrimal is a flat bone on the skull. Malleus: The word ‘malleus’ in Latin means ‘hammer.’ It is a hammer-shaped ossicle attached to the eardrum.Maxillae Or Maxilla: It is the fixed upper bone of the jaw. Middle Ears: These have six bones or ossicles in total, with three on each side Nasal Bones: These are made up of two oblong bones of varying lengths and sizes for different individuals.  Occipital Bone: Itis the main bone of the occiput. The Occipital is trapezoidal and curved like a bowl. The occipital bone is a flat bone in the skull.Palatine Bones: They are irregular bones in the facial skeleton that constitute the hard palate and maxillae. Parietal Bones: Parietal has a Latin origin meaning ‘wall.’ These form the sides and roof of the cranium. There are two parietal bones in the head; parietal bones are flat bones in the skull.Sphenoid Bone: Though a skull bone, it is often regarded as a facial bone. It has a shape resembling a butterfly and is situated in the middle of the skull.  Stapes: It is also called ‘stirrup,’ it transmits sound vibrations to the inner ear and is the smallest and lightest bone present in the human body. Temporal Bones: Form the base and wall of the skull.  Vomer: It is one of the unpaired skull bones. Vomer forms the interior of the nasal septum; vomer is one of the facial bones; vomer is present in the skull region as a flat bone.Zygomatic Bone (Cheekbones): This bone is located at the upper and lateral part of the face and is an irregular bone.   

There are different types of bones in a human skeleton, such as frontal, parietal, occipital, clavicle, and several others which make up the human body.