The formation of a salt lake is as fascinating as its name.A salt lake is generally formed when a lake that possesses certain natural minerals or salt cannot find a natural outlet to flow itself into. The water, due to naturally occurring processes, evaporates leaving behind liquified salt and minerals which consequently escalate the salinity of the water.Due to the presence of high salt content, these bodies of water make an inhospitable home for aquatic animals but a few fish do thrive in even the saltiest bodies of water. One of these animals is brine shrimp.Here we will uncover some interesting facts about the saltiest lake in the world, Gaet’ale Pond in Ethiopia. Afterward, also check out lake names from around the world to inspire your world building and all of the finger lakes names so you can plan your trip.The Saltiest Lake In The Entire WorldLocated in the midst of one of the world’s hottest places, Danakil Depression in Ethiopia, the title of the saltiest lake in the world can be attributed to Gaet’ale Pond.The percentage of salt in the water body is about 43.3% (mainly calcium chloride and magnesium chloride). The Don Juan Pond is the second saltiest lake in the world, situated in Wright Valley, Antarctica, at 40.2%. It’s an ankle-deep pond.The location in which Gaet’ale Pond resides is one of the world’s most tectonically active regions. The region shows after-effects of volcanic activity. Although the temperature of the so-called lake is 122-155 F (50-68 C), do not even think about having a nice hot dip in the water. The pond itself is extremely toxic, oozing out harmful chemicals which can kill small birds, insects and even potentially cause damage to humans.The sheer amount of salinity this salt lake possesses is so high that there is a name for lakes containing exorbitant and excessive concentrations of salt than ocean water: they are termed hypersaline lakes. Gaet’ale Pond is one of them.This lake, because of its toxic gases and chemicals, should not be approached. This is just one of the things to look out for if you ever visit Ethiopia.Where is the saltiest lake in the world located?Gaet’ale Pond is located near the dallol crater in the Danakil Depression of Ethiopia. In case you aren’t familiar with the location, let us give you some insights.What we are talking about is the saltiest lake in the world, with a salinity of 43%, which is a staggering amount of salt concentration. The location, atmosphere, and environment of this lake contribute a lot to its salinity and excessive toxic discharges.The Danakil Depression of Ethiopia is the hotspot for the divergence of three tectonic plates. It’s riddled with volcanic activity and dust. The environment is also one of the hottest places on Earth contributing to Gaet’ale Pond’s toxic salinity. The fragmented volcanic activity in the region is what makes the place inhospitable and dangerous, bestowing the lake the title of being the saltiest lake in the world.Top 10 Saltiest Lakes In The WorldHere is the list of the top 10 saltiest lakes in the world.Gaet’ale Pond: Located in the northernmost part of Ethiopia, this lake grabs the first spot. The level of salinity this lake possesses is 10 times more than that of any other sea or ocean. It contains 43% salinity, more than that of other hypersaline water bodies like the Dead Sea which contains only 33.7% salinity.Don Juan Pond: Don Juan Pond is the second saltiest lake in the world, having a salinity of 40.2%. Located in the midst of Wright Valley in Antarctica, this second saltiest lake is composed of melted snow and parched and saline soil.Lake Vanda: Located in the region of Antarctica, the length of this lake is about 3 mi (5 km) and the depth varies to 226 ft (69 m). Being the third saltiest water body, it still contains a higher percentage of salinity than the Dead Sea. This lake is home to numerous microorganisms like algae.Lake Assal: The literal translation of Lake Assal refers to it being a honey lake, but do not fall for the name; located in the region of Djibouti city, it is one of the most saline locations on Earth.The Dead Sea: The Dead Sea is located in the landlocked region of Israel and Jordan, and this water body resides 1,419 ft (432.5 m) below sea level. The Dead Sea is also one of the well-known saline water bodies. No form of life apart from some microorganisms can survive in the Dead Sea.Garabogazkol Aylagy: This particular water body is located in the inhabitable region of Turkmenistan.  It possesses the characteristics of being extremely salty and shallow.Quartan Lake: Quartan Lake is located in China. The salt lake contains elevated levels of potassium salts. This characteristic is being taken advantage of by the Chinese government in potassium production.Other saltiest lakes which are the bottom three of the saltiest lakes in the world is the Great Salt Lake, Salar de Uyuni, and Salar de Atacama. Salar de Uyuni and Salar de Atacama are both located in South America and are also amongst the top saltwater bodies in the world.Which is the deepest, saltiest lake in the world?The world’s deepest, saltiest lake in the world is the Caspian Sea.Otherwise, Gaet’ale Pond in Ethiopia and Don Juan Pond in Antarctica are hypersaline water bodies and the Caspian Sea does not even come close to being the saltiest.Did you know that the Caspian Sea isn’t really a sea? The Caspian Sea is, in fact, the largest salt lake in the world that can also be called a sea with a length of 760 mi (1,223 km) and an area of 143,550 sq mi (371,793 sq km).Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for saltiest lake in the world, then why not take a look at John Peter Zenger facts, or Alexa Canady facts.

The formation of a salt lake is as fascinating as its name.