Leonard Ravenhill is a Christian Evangelist from Yorkshire, England.He was born on 18 June 1908. His fascination with church history and Christian revival got him an opportunity to work with Minister Samuel Chadwick.He played a significant role as an Evangelist during the second world war. His meetings drew large crowds and saw many people adopt Christianity as a religion. Many of the converts dedicated themselves to Christian missions and ministries.Here we bring a collection of must-read Leonard Ravenhill quotes on prayer, revival, preaching, praying, and sinning shall help you to heal any sins and cleanse your soul. If you are looking for more spiritual quotes on God, you may want to check our latest work on God is Good quotes and Church quotes. Leonard Ravenhill Quotes On Revival And GodLeonard Ravenhill’s contribution towards Christianity is worth noting. He addressed the disparities between the New Testament Church and the Church of his times through his books and teachings. He called for biblical revival. Here are a few quotes from his works for you.1.“I want to see a fellowship where your burdens become mine!”- Leonard Ravenhill2.“Some Day Someone is going to pick up this book (The Bible) and believe it, and put us all to shame.”― Leonard Ravenhill, ‘Why Revival Tarries'3.“If we had more sleepless nights in prayer, there would be fewer souls to have a sleepless eternal night in hell.”― Leonard Ravenhill, ‘Revival God’s Way'4.“Is the world crucified to you or does it fascinate you?”― Leonard Ravenhill5.“There are three persons living in each of us: the one we think we are, the one other people think we are, and the one God knows we are.”― Leonard Ravenhill, ‘Why Revival Tarries'6.“We live too much in time, we’re too earthbound."― Leonard Ravenhill7.“You may fool your pastor; you may fool yourself, but you’ll never fool God.”― Leonard Ravenhill8.“When there’s something in the Bible that churches don’t like, they call it legalism.”― Leonard Ravenhill9.“The true church lives and moves and has its being in prayer."― Leonard RavenhillQuotes By Leonard Ravenhill On Jesus ChristHope, despair, and search for God were the spiritual scene during the Second World War. Leonard Ravenhill’s teachings and sermons strengthened the concept of God and gave hope to many. Here we bring some of his influential quotes by Leonard Ravenhill on how popular Jesus is.10.“Many pastors criticize me for taking the Gospel so seriously.?”― Leonard Ravenhill11.“Are the things you are living for worth Christ dying for?”― Leonard Ravenhill12.“I believe that the church of Jesus Christ needs a new revelation of the majesty of God."― Leonard RavenhillLeonard Ravenhill Preaching QuotesLeonard Ravenhill’s speeches were mostly focused on biblical revival. Through his sermons, he preached the importance of having faith in Jesus Christ. Here we bring a few Leonard Ravenhill quotes that inspired many to spread the word.13.“Preacher, keep your knees on the ground & your eyes on the throne.”― Leonard Ravenhill14.“If you don’t have a praying pastor, forget it!”― Leonard Ravenhill15.“Jesus did not come into the world to make bad men good. He came into the world to make dead men live!”― Leonard Ravenhill16.“True preaching is the sweating of blood.”― Leonard Ravenhill, ‘Why Revival Tarries’Leonard Ravenhill Quotes On SinningLeonard Ravenhill’s teachings motivated Christians to live the life of prayer and holiness. He considered sinning as human and called sinners to repent for their actions. These Leonard Ravenhill quotes help you understand the importance of life, holiness, and belief in God.17.“There are two kinds of people in the world—only two kinds. Not black or white, rich or poor, but those either dead in sin or dead to sin.”― Leonard Ravenhill18.“My goal is GOD HIMSELF. Not joy, not peace, not even blessing but HIMSELF…my GOD.”― Leonard Ravenhill19.“Christianity is NOT a sinning-repenting religion! It’s a victorious religion!”― Leonard Ravenhill, ‘Why Revival Tarries'20.“We have millions of Bibles, scores of thousands of churches, endless preachers—and yet what sin!”― Leonard Ravenhill, ‘Why Revival Tarries'21.“We are told that, despite our sin and carnality, we are seated with Him. Alas, what a lie!"― Leonard Ravenhill, ‘Why Revival Tarries’Famous Leonard Ravenhill QuotesLeonard Ravenhill’s quotes on spirituality though they date back to the mid-1900s they are still relevant to this day. Here we bring famous Leonard Ravenhill quotes for you!22.“How can you pull down the strongholds of Satan if you don’t even have the strength to turn off your TV?”― Leonard Ravenhill23.“Entertainment is the devil ’s substitute for joy. The more joy you have in the Lord the less entertainment you need.”― Leonard Ravenhill24.“A man who is intimate with God is not intimidated by man.”― Leonard Ravenhill25.“A man may study because his brain is hungry for knowledge, even Bible knowledge. But he prays because his soul is hungry for God.”― Leonard Ravenhill26.“We’re kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation.”― Leonard Ravenhill27.“Not all praying men are prophets, but all prophets are praying men.”― Leonard Ravenhill28.“If we displease God, does it matter whom we please? If we please Him does it matter whom we displease?”― Leonard Ravenhill, ‘Why Revival Tarries'29.“You can’t live wrong and pray right.”― Leonard Ravenhill30.“LORD strengthen me where I am too weak and weaken me where I am too strong!”― Leonard Ravenhill31.“You can’t love theology; you can’t even love your Bible. You can only love a Person.”― Leonard Ravenhill32.“If we can live without revival, then we’re not where God wants us to be!”― Leonard Ravenhill33.“The apostles had no gold, but lots of glories. We have lots of gold, but no glory.”― Leonard Ravenhill34.“Are you living for what people think? God help you if you are.”― Leonard RavenhillLeonard Ravenhill Quotes About Going To Church And About LifeLeonard Ravenhill’s teaching talks about the belief in God, to pray, and live a life of holiness.  These Leonard Ravenhill quotes could bring a different perspective on life.35.“We would never think of stealing somebody’s purse, but we’d steal their time..”― Leonard Ravenhill36.“If you’re not holy, you’ll never make it to heaven.”― Leonard Ravenhill, ‘Revival God’s Way'37.“The opportunity of a lifetime needs to be seized during the lifetime of the opportunity.”― Leonard Ravenhill38.“No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing.”― Leonard Ravenhill,  ‘Why Revival Tarries'39.“The Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Wisdom delivers us from ignorance in this holy art of prayer.”― Leonard Ravenhill, ‘Why Revival Tarries'40.“The Prayer Room is the boiler room for its spiritual life."― Leonard RavenhillBest Leonard Ravenhill Quotes From ‘Why Revival Tarries’‘Why Revival Tarries’ is one of the famous books written by Leonard Ravenhill. Considered as his heart’s message, the book mostly talks about prayer, revival, and spiritual excellence. These quotes from the book give you a glimpse of his thoughts.41.“When the hammer of logic and the fire of human zeal fail to open the stony heart, unction will succeed.”― Leonard Ravenhill, ‘Why Revival Tarries'42.“I’m sick to death of paper theology. I want to see it in flesh and blood!"― Leonard Ravenhill, ‘Why Revival Tarries'43.“To copy copies is not normally safe, but it is safe to copy Paul, for he was fully surrendered, wholly sanctified, completely satisfied,”― Leonard Ravenhill, ‘Why Revival Tarries'44.“One of these days some simple soul will pick up the Book of God, read it, and believe it.”― Leonard Ravenhill, ‘Why Revival Tarries'45.“John the Baptist’s training was in the God’s University of Silence. God takes all His great men there.”― Leonard Ravenhill, ‘Why Revival Tarries'46.“We are not Protestants any more—just ’non-Catholics’"― Leonard Ravenhill,  ‘Why Revival Tarries'47.“Yet ministers who do not spend two hours a day in prayer are not worth a dime a dozen, degrees or no degrees.”― Leonard Ravenhill, ‘Why Revival Tarries'48.“If we will do God’s work in God’s way at God’s time with God’s power, we shall have God’s blessing”― Leonard Ravenhill, ‘Why Revival Tarries'49.“You can’t offend a man that’s filled with the Spirit.”― Leonard Ravenhill50.“One good Baptist (once) said to Dr. Tozer, ‘If God withdrew the Holy Spirit tomorrow, my church would function just the same; we wouldn’t even know He was gone.’”― Leonard Ravenhill, ‘Why Revival Tarries'51.“The Cinderella of the church of today is the prayer meeting."― Leonard Ravenhill, ‘Why Revival Tarries’Inspiring Leonard Ravenhill QuotesRavenhill’s quotes were as relevant in the mid-1900s as they are today. These inspiring Leonard Ravenhill quotes will make us look at the concept of God in a different direction.52.“My main ambition in life is to be on the Devil ’s most wanted list."― Leonard Ravenhill53.“If Bible knowledge could change the world, we would’ve changed it long ago.”― Leonard Ravenhill54.“You have to be a man to pray (and) you have to have strength to pray.”― Leonard Ravenhill55.“Who or what takes priority over God in our lives?”― Leonard Ravenhill, ‘Revival God’s Way'56.“Most people can’t enjoy their religion; they just endure it.”― Leonard Ravenhill57.“The mighty Holy Ghost put this book [the Bible] together!”― Leonard Ravenhill58.“God wants to bring us into a glory we know nothing about.”― Leonard Ravenhill59.“God-hungry men find God."― Leonard Ravenhill60.“No good can come out of evil men and evil plans."― Leonard Ravenhill61.“Today’s church wants to be raptured from responsibility."― Leonard Ravenhill62.“Ten million years will not put a strain on the clock of eternity."― Leonard Ravenhill63.“We must alter the altar, for the altar is a place to die on. Let those who will not pay this price leave it alone!”― Leonard Ravenhill64.“If we had another Pentecost, we’d (all) be in jail in six days."― Leonard Ravenhill65.“Prayer makes the soul tender.”― Leonard Ravenhill, ‘Why Revival Tarries’Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Leonard Ravenhill Quotes then why not take a look at Trust God quotes, or Thank You God quotes.

Leonard Ravenhill is a Christian Evangelist from Yorkshire, England.