The rising sign, moon sign, and star sign help reflect the personality of a person.Different types of astrology are adopted throughout the world. This so-called science has stemmed from the position of planets and stars and has always fascinated us since time began.The human mind yearns to peek into the future. An astrologer can reveal possible future outcomes as well as zodiac compatibility. And who doesn’t like flicking through the pages of horoscopes on the Sunday magazines and discovering what’s written in the stars? Let’s find out the roots of astrology in the following sections.Origin Of AstrologyThe origin of astrology dates back to prehistoric days. The Babylonians were the first to engross themselves in the celestial bodies and their alignments. Horoscope concepts were first brought into light by these people, and soon the popularity spread across Eastern Mediterranean.The influence of the planets and the stars on our life is called astrology, which first originated in Babylon.Ancient Egyptians were the first people to identify constellations and interpret different meanings associated with them.Various mythological characters, animals, and even inanimate objects are represented by the different constellations.The records of Babylonian astrology have been derived from the first Mesopotamian dynasty in the seventh century.Evidence of the study of celestial bodies to predict seasonal cycles dates back to the third millennium BC; however, more recent researches claim that astrology was into being since the second millennium BC.Although the study of astrology is not a popular course to opt for in college these days, it was considered a scholarly tradition by West Eurasian people until the 17th century. In fact, the earliest astrologers were recognized as divine beings who were the only ones to predict the future.The origin of astronomy is attributed to astrology. The study of planetary science is called astronomy, and with its advancements, astrology has become more of a pseudoscience.The most common form of the zodiac, the tropical zodiac, was developed by the ancient Greeks. It involves the 12 zodiac signs beginning with Aries at 0 degrees and is the widely used form of horoscope.Did you know the word zodiac is derived from a Greek phrase? It essentially means ‘animal figures sculpted’ and is ‘Zōidion’ in Greek.The 12 zodiac signs and their interpretations were used by the ancient Romans as well, which was based on Hellenistic concepts.The earliest zodiac constructions were put forth by the Roman mathematician, astrologer, and astronomer, Claudius Ptolemy in his scientific treatise, ‘The Almagest’.Enuma Anu Enlil was the first omen-based astrological text, which was created during the Kassite period in the early 16th century BCE. About 7000 omens in 70 cuneiform tablets are described in this compilation that mostly represented the political matters and helped in weather predictions.By the 4th Century BC, the advancement in mathematics improved calculations of the planetary paths, which enabled astrologers to predict the future. This newly added advantage of astrology soon became extremely popular among the masses.The exact time of birth, along with the date, is a mandate for creating an astrological chart.Many new revelations on horoscopes and the impact of planets and stars on human beings came into being when western astrology flourished. Many such revelations are about the effect of the moon on the human body. Considering the various lunar effects on tides, several studies claim that it also brings out significant effects on our body as it is made up of 60% water.Sumerians were the first to predict the cosmic powers of Mars. They also marked Venus as the planet that represents muliebrity.It is a common belief that the Three Wise Men, who bestowed gifts on baby Jesus, were astrologers, and therefore, their gifts; gold, incense, and myrrh, signified kingship, divinity, and death, respectively.Types Of AstrologyHoroscope readings are quite commonly found in magazines, newspapers, and websites these days. However, the world hosts a plethora of astrology types, most of which originated during the rule of the Incas, Aztecs, Celtics, and Egyptians. The three major types of astrology are Western astrology (also called tropical astrology), Vedic astrology, and Chinese astrology.Let’s first peek into Western astrology in brief:Tropical astrology is quite similar to that of Chinese astrology. The Greeks and Babylonians brought it out approximately 3000 years ago.The Sun’s position is determined in this type of astrology, whose closeness to the Earth is measured and is of utmost importance.It uses 12 zodiac signs for each month, which are the Bull, Ram, Twins, Lion, Crab, Virgin, Scorpion, Scales, Centaur, Water Bearer, Sea-Goat, and Fish.It uses a normal calendar and is based on the Earth’s revolution around the Sun.The movement of the planets also plays a significant role in tropical astrology, which influences the human mind in various ways.The four elements in this type of astrology are associated with each astrological sign, and these are the fire signs signifying spontaneity, water signs symbolic of emotion, air signs controlling thoughts and ideas, and finally, earth signs, which denotes practicality.Vedic astrology highlights are listed below:The origin of this astrology is from Vedas, one of the oldest Indian scriptures, which dates back to approximately 2000 BCE.This type of astrology brings out remarkable predictions, and its modern-day name was given by the famous Vedic astrologer David Frawley.The main theme of Vedic astrology is based on karma, which is the deed of the soul. It reflects the consequences of various karmas of the past, which can be both negative and positive.Vedic astrology believes in the planet’s role of balancing past deeds.Vedic charts include ayurvedic medicines, yoga, affirmations, and gemstones.Unlike tropical astrology, Vedic astrology focuses more on the position of stars and is, therefore, regarded as a sidereal zodiac system.Owing to the precession of equinoxes, Vedic astrology does not believe in the Earth’s relationship to the Sun and its distance from it.After every 72 years, the different star signs move one day behind in order to stay put in the original astronomical position.Predictions are generally based on the influence of planetary periods.Here is a small list of Chinese astrology highlights:Typically, 12 signs make up the Chinese system of astrology, and these are the Ox, Rat, Tiger, Dragon, Rabbit, Horse, Snake, Goat, Dog, Rooster, Monkey, and Pig.The 12 zodiac signs are considered to have mythical origins, and many believe that at the time of the creation of the calendar, all the animals were summoned by God to participate in a race. These 12 animals were the first ones to cross the finish line.Chinese star signs do not denote similar personality traits of people born in the same month but represent the traits of people born in certain birth years.The lunar phase plays a significant role in determining the personality of the people, and each phase of the moon determines specific traits.Other important aspects of Chinese astrology include birth year, birth date, birth month, and birth time.The different zodiac signs use five specific elements, which are the fire signs, earth signs, metal signs, water signs, and wood signs.Planets And Stars In AstrologyAstrology is actually determined by the position of the planets and stars in the sky. The astrological wheel comprises of the 12 zodiac signs that further include the different elements.The planets are placed in the house of 12 signs that essentially make up the zodiac wheel.The birth sign is usually determined by the position of the moon.Jupiter and Mercury’s positions play a significant factor in identifying the birth signs in any horoscope.The strength of the planet is also determined according to time. For example, Mars, Saturn, and Moon are the most powerful at night, while the effect of Jupiter and Venus are quite strong during the day.The influence of Mercury remains powerful throughout the day and night, and its position is particularly important in determining the correct zodiac sign.The planets and stars are considered to chalk out horoscopes and predict the future.The constellation of stars is used to determine the zodiac sign of each person, which is further involved with the different elements.Depending on the position of the planets and stars, there are 12 zodiac signs that are commonly used to understand the personality of the individual, and these are Sagittarius, Capricorn, Libra, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus, Pisces, Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Leo, and Cancer.Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are fire signs, and their characteristics are ruled by Jupiter at night and by Sun during the daytime.Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo are Earth signs and ruled by Venus in the day and the moon at night.Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra are air signs, and the planet Saturn is their day ruler, while Mercury rules at night.Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are water signs ruled by Venus during the day and by Mars at night.The Sun sign, star sign, and Moon sign represent the various emotions of human beings. For example, those with a fire Sun sign are considered to have a fiery nature with immense motivation to complete their goals and are born leaders.Effects And Use Of AstrologyAstrology plays a significant role in predicting one’s future. The demand for astrologers and fortune-tellers is quite high in most parts of the world. Although the growth of science has achieved heights, it is the human mind and nature that likes to unravel the mysteries of the future.Star signs help to denote the course of one’s life depending on the constellation and its complexity.Sign compatibility of those who are about to get married is also determined by the zodiac sign of each planet.The zodiac sign, star sign, and moon sign are used by astrologers to contemplate the similarity of the people with different zodiac signs.Cancer and Scorpio, Aries and Aquarius, Pisces and Sagittarius are some common sign types that bond well with each other.The calculations by an astrologer based on the planetary period, and the zodiac sign, are also widely used by some famous world leaders, including Barack Obama.Astrology and its predictions have revealed the possibility of Scorpio and Aquarius being popular world leaders. For example, Joe Biden, as well as five other US Presidents, are all Scorpios, and the two least common signs are the Aries and Virgo.People born between the time frame of November 22 and December 21 bear the most common sign, Scorpio, along with Sagittarius, for being celebrities.According to astrology, the moon sign is responsible for bringing out the different emotions in you.People who fall under the Aquarian moon sign are extremely friendly, but at the same time, crave personal space.The date of birth is essentially used to tag the sun sign, but other important birth details are a mandate to know the full personality of a person.An astrologer first asks for the sun sign, moon sign, and rising sign to judge your personality and predict your future.The very first impression of a person is determined by the rising sign.In astrology, retrograde refers to a planet’s apparent backward movement. This is due to the fact that the planet is not actually moving backwards – it is only an illusion.

The rising sign, moon sign, and star sign help reflect the personality of a person.