Wolverine, also known as James “Logan” Howlett or Weapon X, is one of the lead characters of the comic books published by the Marvel Comics.This comic book character was later interpreted in the various ‘X-Men’ series films. The films are superhero films with Wolverine as its lead fictional character.  The films and the comic books have so many of the catchphrases by Wolverine. The most famous Wolverine’s catchphrase is “I’m the best there is at what I do, but what I do best isn’t very nice.” The very popular ‘X-Men’ series films are ‘X-Men’ released in 2000, ‘X2’ released in 2003, ‘X-Men: The Last Stand’ released in 2006, ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’ released in 2009, ‘X-Men: First Class’ released in 2011, ‘The Wolverine’ released in 2013, ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ released in 2014, ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ released in 2016 and ‘Logan’ released in 2017.We have compiled the best of funny Wolverine quotes, ‘Wolverine’ movie quotes, Wolverine comic quotes, famous Wolverine quotes and best Wolverine quotes. If you like our suggestions for the Wolverine quotes then also have a look at our Marvel Quotes and [Superhero Quotes].‍Funny QuotesIn the ‘X-Men’ film series Wolverine used to call people ‘bub’. The term bub means fellow or buddy in the films. One of the Wolverine bub quotes is “You picked the wrong house, bub.” We have listed the best of ‘X-Men’ inspirational quotes and ‘Wolverine’ sayings. Below are funny quotes by Wolverine.  1. “You picked the wrong house, bub.”- Wolverine, ‘X2: X-Men United’.2. “What kind of monster are you?”- Wolverine, ‘The Wolverine’.3. “She’s gotta be one of the five… maybe three… top thieves in the whole world.”- James Howlett, Marvel Comics.4. “Before setting out on revenge, first dig ten graves. Saves time later.”  - James Howlett, Marvel Comics.5. “Well, I– –I killed her, Kitty. It was an accident.”- James Howlett, comic book ‘Death of Wolverine’.6. “Normal girls ain’t got wings, girly-girl.”- Wolverine, Marvel Comics.Movie QuotesThe films have various Wolverine inspirational quotes and Wolverine one-liners that will touch your heart. Actor Hugh Jackman has put all his efforts to make the films better through his Wolverine dialogues. One of the ‘X-Men’ film inspirational quotes by Logan is “Nature made me a freak. Man made me a weapon. And God made it last too long.” There are other lead characters in the films. One of them is Remy Lebeau, and one of the famous Remy Lebeau quotes is “See, the only difference between a winner and a loser is character. Every man has a price to charge, and a price to pay. Yeah, I’ve paid mine in spades.” We have also listed the old man Logan quotes, Wolverine quotes about love and famous Wolverine X-Men quotes for your deeper knowledge.7. “I’m the best there is at what I do but what I do best isn’t very nice.”- Wolverine, ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’.8. “Haven’t met anybody who’s invulnerable to a well-planted elbow in the groin.”- Wolverine, ‘X-Men Origins Wolverine’.9. “Wolverine: You going to tell me to stay away from your girl?Cyclops: If I had to do that, she wouldn’t be my girl.”- ‘X-Men’.10. “I come with you, I’m coming for blood. No law, no code of conduct.”- Wolverine.11. “Just because someone stumbles and loses their path, doesn’t mean they are lost forever.”- Wolverine, ‘X-Men: Days Of Future Past’.12. “My name is James Howlett and this is where I was born. This is also where I died.”- James “Logan” Howlett or Wolverine.13. “You have ten words, ten. How many words was that?”- Wolverine, ‘The Wolverine’.14. “My whole life, I felt like an animal. I ignored my instincts. I ignored what I really am. And that won’t ever happen again.”- Wolverine, ‘X-Men Origins’.15. “Logan: Everybody get out of here!Storm: Why?Logan: I can’t move.”- ‘X-Men’.16. “You might remember that ‘annoyed’ is my natural state.”- Wolverine, ‘The Wolverine’.17. “Logan: There’s someone here.Cyclops: Where?Logan: I don’t know. Keep your eye open.”- ‘X-Men’.18. “Logan: What do you want?Magneto: There are dark forces, Logan. Human forces building a weapon that could bring about the end of our kind. What do I want? I want your help.”- ‘The Wolverine’.19. “Nature made me a freak. Man made me a weapon. And God made it last too long.”- Logan, ‘Logan’.20. “Your grandfather called me a ronin, a samurai without a master. He said I was destined to live forever, with no reason to live.”- Logan, ‘The Wolverine’.21. “You know, sometimes when you cage the beast, the beast gets angry.”- Wolverine, ‘X-Men 3’.22. “Looks like stryker finally found a way to shut you up.”- Wolverine, ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’.23. “I’m Canadian.”- Wolverine, ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’.24. “What do they call you? ‘Wheels’? This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Students.”- Wolverine, ‘X-Men’.25. “Don’t be what they made you.”- Logan, ‘Logan’.26. “Call me old fashioned, but I thought being engaged meant you were done with this”- Wolverine, ‘Logan’.27. “Wolverine: There is a war coming. Are you sure you’re on the right side?Storm: At least I’ve chosen a side.”- ‘X-Men’.28. “If you cage the beast, the beast will get angry!”- Wolverine, ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’.29. “Yeah we’re outnumbered, I’m not gonna lie. But we lost Scott, we lost the professor, we don’t fight now everything they stood for will die with them. I’m not gonna let that happen, are you? Then we stand together, X-Men, all of us.”- Wolverine, ‘X-Men 3’.30. “Maybe the wolf is in love with the moon and each month it cries for a love it will never touch.”- Wolverine, ‘X-Men Origins’.31. “Logan: A lot of people have tried to kill me, and I’m still here.Yukio: Yeah, but you’re different now, aren’t you? They can hurt you. They can kill you.”- ‘The Wolverine’.32. “There’s so much more to you than you know, not just pain and anger. There’s good in you too, and you can harness all that. You have a power that no one can match, not even me.”-  Wolverine, ‘X-Men: First Class’.33. “Mankind has always feared what it doesn’t understand.”- Magneto, ‘X-Men’.34. “Wolverine: What’s a Magneto?Prof. Charles Francis Xavier: A very powerful mutant. He believes that a war is brewing between mutants and the rest of humanity.”- ‘X-Men’.35. “I used to think that I was the best there is. Turns out, I’m the worst. I can’t change that. So I’m gonna use it. I’m gonna use it to make ’em pay for what they did to me.”- Wolverine, ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’.36. “Victor Creed: Oooh, shiny! Tell me something, Jimmy. Do you even know how to kill me?Logan: I’m gonna cut your goddamned head off! See if that works!”- ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’.37. “I can ‘read’ folks pretty well. We have similarities– Treading an unsteady line in our quest to do good. It’s tough to balance instinct with intellect at times. You can return the favor if it looks like I’ve ever lost sight of the line.”- Wolverine.38. “See, the only difference between a winner and a loser is character. Every man has a price to charge, and a price to pay. Yeah, I’ve paid mine in spades.”- Remy LeBeau/Gambit, ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’.39. “It’s damn annoying how you keep calling me James. The name’s Logan.”- Wolverine, ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’.40. “Wolverine: You actually go outside in these things?Cyclops: Well, what would you prefer? Yellow spandex?”- ‘X-Men’.41. “A man comes at me with his fists, I’ll meet him with fists. But if he pulls a gun or threatens people I’m protectin’ then I got no sympathy for him. He made his choice. He’ll have to live or die with it. I never used my claws on someone who hadn’t tried to kill me first. I call that self-defense.”- Wolverine, ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’.42. “I’m Wolverine. I’m the best there is at what I do. I used t’ be a secret agent. I used t’ be a hero. Now, I’m drunk. An’ lovin’ ev’ry minute of it!”-  Wolverine, X-Men Comics.43.“This is bad, people! Cyke, you know that help I said we might be getting? Forget it! ‘Cause Ghost Rider has been infected by the Brood!”- James Howlett, X-Men Comics.Wolverine Cartoon QuotesHere we list some of the quotes from the X-Men comics. These quotes by James Howlett, who is Wolverine, are exciting and inspiring.44. “I’m not just a tough guy, it goes all the way to the core and it’s called courage. Do your best. You can’t hurt me now.”- James Howlett, X-Men Comics.  45. “All right, you freaks – just hold it! If you really want to tangle with someone – why not try your luck against the Wolverine!”- James Howlett, Marvel Comics.  46. “Days from now, I’ll still be asking myself what the hell dying ’like a man’ really means. I’ll probably never get an answer.”- James Howlett.47. “I might have lost some of my skills. I might be mortal now. I still got a lot of experiences.”- Wolverine, X-Men Comics.48. “There’s a time fer scrappin’ an’ a time fer bein’ sneaky. Either way, Wolverine’s the best there is.”- James Howlett, X-Men Comics.49. “Fill your heart with better memories. better actions. better friends.”- Wolverine, X-Men Comics.50. “Well, Sabretooth is as ‘unsavory’ as they come. If that animal represents part of my brain, he must be the part I ain’t never gonna let myself become.”- James Howlett, X-Men Comics.  51. “Still, I’m keepin’ me an eye on this one. For a guy with no scent……somethin’ don’t smell quite right about you, bub.”- Wolverine, X-Men Comics.52.  “I ask a few more questions. He answers ’em. He tells the truth. I can tell. I leave him with his honor. I got no use for it.”- James Howlett, Marvel Comics.Sad QuotesWolverine is very attractive both on-camera and off-camera. The strongest version of Wolverine is Phoenix Wolverine. Hugh Jackman has not only delivered inspirational and funny dialogues but some sad quotes also. Below are some of the Wolverine pain quotes for you.53. “Our best is enough. Trust me.”- Logan, ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’.54. “The pain lets you know you’re still alive.”- Wolverine/Logan, ‘Logan’.  55. “Life is a gift. Immortality a curse.”- Wolverine, ‘The Wolverine’.56. “Death is an unrequited love.”- Wolverine, ‘The Wolverine’.57. “Logan: [smiles] So… this is what it feels like.Charles Xavier: You know, Logan. This was, without a doubt, the most perfect night I’ve had in a very long time… and I don’t deserve it, do I?”- ‘Logan’.58. “Nobody suddenly discovers anything. Things are made slowly and in pain.”- Wolverine, X-Men Comics.  59. “Logan: This doesn’t change anything between us. We’re done.Victor Creed: We could never be done, James. After all, we’re brothers. And brothers look out for each other.”- ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’.60. “Funny…I was missing you and wanting you, tearing myself up inside. You’d come to me in dreams and that would be some sort of comfort. Then I’d wake up and you’d be gone. Now I know you’re not gone. You are with me.”- James Howlett, X-Men Marvel Comics.  61. “I am afraid to be alone with my own thoughts. I’m afraid of my own memories.”- James Howlett, X-Men Comics.  62. “If you accept the pain, it cannot hurt you.”- Logan, ‘Logan’.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Wolverine Quotes then why not take a look at Hulk Quotes, or [Avengers Quotes].‍

Wolverine, also known as James “Logan” Howlett or Weapon X, is one of the lead characters of the comic books published by the Marvel Comics.