According to Malcolm Muggeridge, all that is western is not necessarily good.In a century where the world had conflicting ideas, Malcolm Muggeridge was a man of staunch resolve and bold opinion. If you enjoy reading this article, make sure you check out Malcolm Gladwell and Edward R Morrow quotes as well! Malcolm Muggeridge Quotes On God And SpiritualityMalcolm Muggeridge was one of the few journalists with a staunch belief in God. He was also a satirist, and frequently used his profession to mock others. Throughout his years, no matter who may sway public opinion, he did not find any appeal in switching over.1. “All other freedoms, once won, soon turn into new servitude. Christ is the only liberator whose liberation lasts forever."-Malcolm Muggeridge.2. “All happenings, great and small, are parables whereby God speaks. The art of life is to get the message. To see all that is offered us at the windows of the soul, and to reach out and receive what is offered, this is the art of living."-Malcolm Muggeridge.3. “St. Teresa of Avila described our life in this world as like a night at a second-class hotel."-Malcolm Muggeridge.4. “Behind the debris of these self-styled, sullen supermen and imperial diplomatists, there stands the gigantic figure of one person, because of whom, by whom, in whom, and through whom alone mankind might still have hope. The person of Jesus Christ."-Malcolm Muggeridge.5. “This, of course, is what the Cross signifies. And it is the Cross, more than anything else, that has called me inexorably to Christ."-Malcolm Muggeridge.6. “One of the peculiar sins of the twentieth century which we’ve developed to a very high level is the sin of credulity. It has been said that when human beings stop believing in God they believe in nothing. The truth is much worse: they believe in anything."-Malcolm Muggeridge.7. “That is what faith is: God perceived by the heart, not be the reason.”-Malcolm Muggeridge.8. “God, stay with me, let no word cross my lips that is not your word, no thoughts enter my mind that is not your thoughts, no deed ever be done or entertained by me that is not your deed.”-Malcolm Muggeridge.9. “In the end, coming to faith remains for all a sense of homecoming, of picking up the threads of a lost life, of responding to a bell that had long been ringing, of taking a place at a table that had long been vacant."-Malcolm Muggeridge.10. “People say that the Bible is a boring book…but they don’t say that about Shakespeare, because the people who teach Shakespeare are zealous for Shakespeare."-Malcolm Muggeridge.11. “If God is dead, somebody is going to have to take his place.”-Malcolm Muggeridge.12. “Jesus himself, even in his obscurity, dreaded the gathering of crowds, and where possible avoided them."-Malcolm Muggeridge.13. “Christianity . . . sees the necessity for man to have spiritual values and it shows him how to get at those through physical sacraments.”-Malcolm Muggeridge.14. “What he gives us is truth carried on the wings of love, not slogans carried on the thrust of power."-Malcolm Muggeridge.15. “What will finally destroy us is not communism or fascism, but man acting like God."-Malcolm Muggeridge.16. “The trouble with kingdoms of heaven on earth is that they’re liable to come to pass, and then their fraudulence is apparent for all to see."-Malcolm Muggeridge.17. “Organized religion kills the living beauty of God.”-Malcolm Muggeridge.18. “I can say that I never knew what joy was like until I gave up pursuing happiness, or cared to live until I chose to die. For these two discoveries, I am beholden to Jesus."-Malcolm Muggeridge.19. “As Man alone, Jesus could not have saved us; As God alone, He would not; Made flesh, He could and did."-Malcolm Muggeridge.20. “In the beginning was the Lie and the Lie was made news and dwelt among us, graceless and false."-Malcolm Muggeridge.21. “Christianity . . . sees the necessity for man to have spiritual values and it shows him how to get at those through physical sacraments.”-Malcolm Muggeridge.22. “There’s far more truth in the Book of Genesis than in the quantum theory."-Malcolm Muggeridge.23. “The whole social structure is now tumbling down, dethroning its God, undermining all its certainties."-Malcolm Muggeridge.24. “The essential feature and necessity of life is to know the reality, which means knowing God."-Malcolm Muggeridge.Thoughtful Malcolm Muggeridge QuotesMany of these quotes were ahead of their times, and are bound to leave you thinking. Read on for some Malcolm Muggeridge quotes on pain and how you may find salvation in your years of life.25. “For us humans, everything is permanent - until it changes, as we are immortal until we die”-Malcolm Muggeridge.26. “The only thing that really teaches one what life’s about the joy of understanding, the joy of coming in contact with what life really signifies - is suffering, the affliction."-Malcolm Muggeridge.27. “One of the many pleasures of old age is giving things up."-Malcolm Muggeridge.28. “History will see advertising as one of the real evil things of our time. It is stimulating people constantly to want things, want this, want that."-Malcolm Muggeridge.29. “People do not believe lies because they have to, but because they want to."-Malcolm Muggeridge.30. “Secrecy is as essential to intelligence as vestments and incense to a Mass or darkness to a spiritualist séance and must at all times be maintained, quite irrespective of whether or not it serves any purpose."-Malcolm Muggeridge.31. “Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream."-Malcolm Muggeridge.32. “The genius of Man in our time has gone into jet-propulsion, atom-splitting, penicillin-curing, etc. There is none over for works of imagination; of spiritual insight or mystical enlightenment."-Malcolm Muggeridge.33. “Travel, of course, narrows the mind."-Malcolm Muggeridge.34. “The pursuit of happiness, which American citizens are obliged to undertake, tends to involve them in trying to perpetuate the moods, tastes, and aptitudes of youth."-Malcolm Muggeridge.35. “There is no such thing as darkness; only a failure to see."-Malcolm Muggeridge.36. “The only ultimate disaster that can befall us is to feel ourselves at home on this earth."-Malcolm Muggeridge.37. “There’s a large strain of irony in our human affairs… Interwoven with our affairs is this wonderful spirit of irony which prevents us from ever being utterly and irretrievably serious, from being unaware of the mysterious nature of our existence.”-Malcolm Muggeridge.38. “The depravity of man is at once the most empirically verifiable reality but at the same time the most intellectually resisted fact."-Malcolm Muggeridge.39. “Looking for freedom, we infallibly fall into the servitude of self-gratification or, collectively, of a Gulag Archipelago.”-Malcolm Muggeridge.40. “Few men of action have been able to make a graceful exit at the appropriate time."-Malcolm Muggeridge.41. “My opinion, my conviction, gains immensely in strength and sureness the minute a second mind as adopted it."-Malcolm Muggeridge.42. “The moment that limits are set… then the flavor is gone."-Malcolm Muggeridge.43. “I asked for bread and was given a tranquilliser."-Malcolm Muggeridge.44. “The only people I’ve met in this world who never doubt are materialists and atheists."-Malcolm Muggeridge.45. “Surely the glory of journalism is its transience."-Malcolm Muggeridge.46. “Indeed, I can say with complete truthfulness that everything I have learned in my seventy-five years in this world, everything that has truly enhanced and enlightened my existence, has been through affliction and not through happiness, whether pursued or attained."-Malcolm Muggeridge.47. “All new news is old news happening to new people."-Malcolm Muggeridge.48. “Television was not intended to make human beings vacuous, but it is an emanation of their vacuity."-Malcolm Muggeridge.Malcolm Muggeridge Quotes On Politicians And PoliticsVery resentful of authoritarian rule, Malcolm Muggeridge did not find politics worthy of his coverage, and frequently criticized it.49. “I hate government. I hate power."-Malcolm Muggeridge.50. “Future historians will surely see us as having created in the media a Frankenstein monster whom no one knows how to control or direct”-Malcolm Muggeridge.51. “Politicians get their power too late, and I think that he has inherited an impossible situation in which he is ill-equipped to deal."-Malcolm Muggeridge.52. “I think that man’s existence, insofar as he achieves anything, is to resist power, to minimize power, to devise systems of society in which power is the least exerted."-Malcolm Muggeridge.53. “In politics, as in womanizing, failure is decisive."-Malcolm Muggeridge.54. “In the cycle of a great civilization, the artist begins as priest, and ends as a clown or buffoon."-Malcolm Muggeridge.55. “Old politicians, like old actors, revive in the limelight. The vacancy which afflicts them in private momentarily lifts when, once more, they feel the eyes of an audience upon them."-Malcolm Muggeridge.56. “I doubt whether the Revolution has, in essentials, changed Russia at all."-Malcolm Muggeridge.57. “He was not only a bore; he bored for England."-Malcolm Muggeridge.58. “Reading Gogol, or Dostoevsky for that matter, one realizes how completely the Soviet regime has fallen back on to, and perhaps invigorated, the old Russia."-Malcolm Muggeridge.59. “I think Winston Churchill is an appallingly bad politician”-Malcolm Muggeridge.60. “I believe that the visit of the Queen to the United States is an admirable occasion to produce an historical, truthful, sincere, genuine analysis of how the British Monarchy evolved into its present situation."-Malcolm Muggeridge.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Malcolm Muggeridge quotes then why not take a look at Gloria Steinem quotes, or Dorothy Day quotes.

According to Malcolm Muggeridge, all that is western is not necessarily good.