Magnus Carlson is a chess prodigy who turned into a grandmaster at the age of 13 in 2004.At 22, Norwegian chess player Magnus Carlsen became the second-youngest world champion after winning the 2013 World Chess Championship. It suffices to say that Carlson is no ordinary person but a true genius.At only 19, Carlson was rated No. 1 in the world in 2010. He was the youngest player in chess history to hold the top spot at that moment.By the time Carlsen was just two years old, he could put together Lego sets designed for much older kids and complete 50-piece jigsaw puzzles. His father taught him chess after seeing his cerebral abilities, and the young kid quickly became addicted. When Carlsen was eight, he began competing in and winning renowned chess events. Over the next few years, his career reached unprecedented heights. Carlsen has also released a popular game that lets users compete against an artificial intelligence simulation of him at various ages.Magnus Carlsen Quotes On LifeMagnus Carlsen is someone who influences a lot of people as well as his young colleagues, and these quotes are proof of that.“It’s nice to be financially secure. Apart from that, I really don’t care too much about money.““For me, the most important thing is to continue to play well and to be a positive figure and hopefully a role model for kids as well.““Without the element of enjoyment, it is not worth trying to excel at anything.““My father, a fine chess player himself, has been a massive influence throughout my life.““Self-confidence is very important. If you don’t think you can win, you will take cowardly decisions in the crucial moments, out of sheer respect for your opponent. You see the opportunity but also greater limitations than you should.““I have always believed in what I do on the chessboard, even when I had no objective reason to. It is better to overestimate your prospects than underestimate them.““Learn from the masters.““I really enjoy the experience of playing humans. The psychological game is so much more important.““The Nanjing games are homework by Garry Kasparov and me, […] Today’s game was provided by Garry.““Maybe if I didn’t have the talent in chess I’d find the talent in something else. The only thing I know is that I have talent in chess, and I’m satisfied with that.““I have a very childish sense of humor; I will do a prank and my friends will shake their heads.““I don’t consider myself a particularly young chess player. I have been playing in the best tournaments in the world since I was 16 years old. In other sports, if you have been playing for seven years, you are not a young prodigy anymore. You’re one of the pros.““I don’t enjoy working to a timetable. Systematic learning would kill me.““There are so many games that I’ve seen that I’ve learned from. I never – that’s also part of the same – never single out a particular player or a particular game.““When you have fun then you’re more interested in learning.““I’m not really into rap.““All I expect are wins and to get pleasure from the game. And if someone thinks something about me, if someone’s dissatisfied with something… that’s not my headache. I hope someday I’ll become World Champion – and I’ll make all these people happy. But even if for some reason that doesn’t happen it won’t stop me getting pleasure from chess. I’m sure of that.“Magnus Carlsen Quotes On Hard WorkEveryone works hard in their life to achieve their goal, and these quotes will help you do so.“I feel sorry for players who are always lying awake at night, brooding over their games. I honestly don’t read that much.““I get more upset at losing at other things than chess. I always get upset when I lose at Monopoly.““I played like a child!““Self-confidence is very important. If you don’t think you can win, you will take cowardly decisions in the crucial moments, out of sheer respect for your opponent. … It is better to overestimate your prospects than underestimate them.““Not winning a tournament is not an option for me, unless it’s no longer theoretically possible – then of course winning becomes impossible. But up to that point, not winning is just not an option.““What I admired most about him (Fischer) was his ability to make what was in fact so difficult look easy to us. I try to emulate him.““I’m not … disciplined. Organization is not my thing; I am chaotic and tend to be lazy.““I got the travel bug when I was quite young. My parents took me and my sisters out of school and we travelled all over Europe. It was an eye-opening experience and, although I love Norway, I also enjoy visiting new countries. I don’t get homesick.““He (Kasparov) has an extreme capacity for work, extreme determination to win and extreme perfectionism.““Kids love games and chess is a game where you have to sit down and concentrate and it just helps in every way.““Of course, analysis can sometimes give more accurate results than intuition but usually it’s just a lot of work. I normally do what my intuition tells me to do. Most of the time spent thinking is just to double-check.““I learned an enormous amount, but there came a point where I found there was too much stress. It was no fun anymore. Outside of the chessboard, I avoid conflict, so I thought this wasn’t worth it.““I don’t think there is a thing like overconfidence in chess. It’s always better to be too confident than too reluctant.““I honestly don’t read that much. Obviously, I read chess books – in terms of favorites, Kasparov’s ‘My Great Predecessors’ is pretty good.“Magnus Carlsen Quotes About ChessThese Magnus Carlsen quotes are definite proof of his genius.“Some people think that if their opponent plays a beautiful game, it’s OK to lose. I don’t. You have to be merciless.““I love the game, and I love to compete, but I am not obsessed with the struggle.““I don’t look at computers as opponents. For me it is much more interesting to beat humans.““There wasn’t any particular player I modeled my game after. I tried to learn from everyone and create my own style. I studied past players. Truth be told I never had a favorite player. It’s just not my nature to go around idolizing people. I just go try to learn.““Once you’re a chess player, you spend a lot of time thinking about the game and you can’t get it completely out of your head.““It’s easy to get obsessed with chess. That’s what happened with Fischer and Paul Morphy. I don’t have that same obsession.““I was lucky enough to attend schools where they were understanding about when I needed to go abroad to play chess. Of course, socially it is important to go to school and interact with people your own age.““I am not some sort of freak. I might be very good at chess but I’m just a normal person. I am trying to beat the guy sitting across from me and trying to choose the moves that are most unpleasant for him and his style.““In my experience, when I went to school, and especially in after-school, and during breaks, a lot of people wanted to sit down and play chess up till a certain age when it was not supposed to be cool anymore and people wanted to do other things.““Contrary to many young colleagues I do believe that it makes sense to study the classics.““I started by just sitting by the chessboard exploring things. I didn’t even have books at first, and I just played by myself. I learnt a lot from that, and I feel that it is a big reason why I now have a good intuitive understanding of chess.““Chess only appeals to quite a small minority. It does not have the cachet of a mainstream popular sport.““One of the things that first attracted me to chess is that it brings you into contact with intelligent, civilized people – men of the stature of Garry Kasparov, the former world champion, who was my part-time coach.““It’s easy for me to get along with chess players. Even though we are all very different, we have chess in common.““I spend hours playing chess because I find it so much fun. The day it stops being fun is the day I give up.“Magnus Carlsen Quotes On SuccessThe journey of Magnus Carlson has been an inspiration to many, and we hope these quotes will surely inspire your hard-working nature.“For me right now I think being the world number one is a bigger deal than being the world champion because I think it shows better who plays the best chess. That sounds self-serving but I think it’s also right.““Without the element of enjoyment, it is not worth trying to excel at anything.““I’m more interested in the games than the people.““I can’t count the times I have lagged seemingly hopelessly far behind, and nobody except myself thinks I can win. But I have pulled myself in from desperate [situations]. When you are behind there are two strategies – counter-attack or all men to the defenses. I’m good at finding the right balance between those.““I don’t think there is a thing like overconfidence in chess. It’s always better to be too confident than too reluctant.““My former coach, Simen Agdestein, used to be the best player in Norway.““I’ve never been much of a computer guy at least in terms of playing with computers. Actually until I was about 11 I didn’t use a computer for preparing for games at all. I was playing a bit online, was using the chess club mainly. Now, obviously, the computer is an important tool for me preparing for my games.““You need to have that edge, you need to have that confidence, you need to have that absolute belief that you’re – you’re the best and you’ll win every time.““If you want to be a part of that 1%, you’re gonna have to do what the 99% don’t.““If you want to get to the top, there’s always the risk that it will isolate you from other people.““I’m definitely the first no.1 in the world since Fischer, and probably at least since Kasparov, who probably has the most potential to dominate for the foreseeable future.““I am trying to beat the guy sitting across from me and trying to choose the moves that are most unpleasant for him and his style.““People ask what my goal is. I don’t have a goal.““Most of all it is up to myself to improve because even the best coaches don’t fully understand what’s going on in my mind-haha.”

Magnus Carlson is a chess prodigy who turned into a grandmaster at the age of 13 in 2004.