What is the first thing that strikes your mind when someone utters the word creepy?Have you ever thought about what could be the creepiest thing in the world? We suggest you read further to learn about the different creepy things around us.According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word creepy is an adjective that defines something that causes uneasiness or unpleasant fear.Synonyms of the word ‘creepy’ are: disturbing, weird, eerie, awful, disgusting, and others. Creepiness is the quality or attribute of something that seems unnatural, unsafe, or uneasy. Some people object that even the internet is eventually growing more and more creepy. The Yorkshire Museum of the United Kingdom called out to the galleries around the city to put out their creepiest objects for showcasing. The turnout on the eve was rather interesting. The figurines were kept in the York castle museum this consisted of models made of crab limbs and depicted figures of gold miners and gamblers playing cards. Well, we recommend you to stay away from these museums if you have any phobias related to crustaceans.If you have seen the movie Annabelle, you might know that the doll named Annabelle is not merely a fictional character and that it actually exists in real life. The doll was known to move from places, and many believed some evil spirit actually possessed it. No wonder the doll is regarded among the creepiest objects in the world.The limestone statue of the goddess of death is often said to be cursed. It was crafted More than 5000 years ago and was found in Cyprus in 1878. Its cursed nature was discovered when the family to which it belonged ended with the death of every member within six years of the statue’s ownership. Later, the statue was sold to Ivor Menucci, whose whole family died within four years. The third owner of the statue, Lord Thomson, also lost his entire family within four years. Sir Alan Beaverbrook was the last owner of the cursed object, but his fate was similar to the previous ones. He lost his family of four within two years of the ownership of the statue.Talking of creepy places, the Island of Dolls in Mexico, close to Mexico City, has claimed the title of the world’s creepiest site. But due to this uniqueness, the place is generally favored by tourists.The Aokigahara forest (which means a sea of trees) is also known as the suicide forest. It is located near Mount Fuji and is a part of the Fuji Hakone National Park in Japan. Although the region can seem to be a nice picnic spot, the place can seem rather scary to visitors with its dense woods and a past of recording more than 500 suicides every year.The Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo are located near Sicily, Southern Italy. These are burial catacombs that provide a tourist attraction by extraordinarily preserving the historical record and seem scary to many viewers.Creepy But True Facts On The Human BodyDid you know that there is a probability of your feet getting bigger as you grow older? Strange right? You might have heard that women’s feet tend to grow during pregnancy to adapt to the changing body weight.In older people, this happens due to the flattening of the arc in our feet, which occurs due to the weakening of ligaments and tendons. However, doctors suggest that if you have taken care of your diet and your ligaments and tendons are strong enough, you won’t experience this problem.You might have heard of the blood-sucking hair mites. Scientists say these mites can survive in the harshest conditions and are estimated to belong from the Jurassic period. But we bet that you did not know that these tiny little creatures can also live on your eyelashes. Although these insects are not a matter of concern, it might sound creepy to know that there’s some Strange parasite living in your eyebrows.We all know that our stomach is a bag of muscles. All the organs inside our abdomen are tucked inside a pouch of different muscles. But did you know that if you ever went on a rollercoaster ride,  there is a probability that you might upset or disturb the setting of your stomach or intestines? Yes, this is true, the organs inside our body move during a roller coaster ride, but doctors say the situation is not dangerous. However, there is no escaping the dizziness.A study conducted by National Geographic reported that the human body makes a teaspoon of tear, that is 0.6 fluid oz (20 ml), in an hour. So if you multiply this with 24, that’s a lot of tears for a day.Have you ever wondered how many times you blink your eye in a minute? Well, for an average human being, that number is 20. If you look at the larger picture, that’s 10 million blinks in a year.Stretch out your palm and observe. Is it bigger than it was when you were seven? Our bodies grow vigorously in our childhood and eventually stop growing by the time we reach our 20s. But did you know that our earlobes don’t stop growing? Also, did you know that ear wax is actually a form of sweat secreted by the walls of the ears?Have you ever absorbed your tongue by peeking closely into a mirror? If you have, you must have absorbed those tiny little red spots scattered all over your tongue. Yes, those are your taste buds, and they are actually 8000 in number, with up to 100  receptor cells present on each taste bud.Think about that food you have been craving to have for a long time. Mouthwatering right? But have you ever wondered how much saliva does our mouth produces? According to a study, an average human being will produce more than 10,566 gals (40,000 l) of saliva in his lifetime. That’s definitely a lot of drooling.Since we are talking about body fluids, did you know that our nose can produce Around 3.38 fluid oz (100 ml) of mucus every day?A somewhat befuddling phenomenon caused by the compression of our cartilage present between the sections of our backbone causes our height to decrease by 0.39 in (1 cm) in the course of the day. But worry not; this compression eases once you go to bed after that long tiring day.Did you know that the entire skin present on the surface of the human body gets replaced in approximately a month? This means you are bound to have more than 1000 skin replacements in your lifetime. Also, by the time you finish reading this article, your body will have lost more than 300,000 skin cells.Have you ever wondered why you get goosebumps when you watch horror movies? Well, that’s because your body understands that you are feeling scared watching a Japanese giant, broken bones, headless chicken, a dead body rolled up in toilet paper, deceased people, or watching a corpse wax squirt blood on the screen. Sometimes it might even affect your body temperature or the digestive system. A human face can express many emotions.The human body does some very creepy things, such as going numb when they watch people dying. Sometimes people may puke due to how their digestive system reacts. People often have a defense mechanism to cope with it. It may be a young woman getting a  therapy cat, therapy dog, different habits, or anything. In ancient England, the brain-eating amoeba was first discovered, people had many creepy reactions.We usually have difficulty dealing with a brain tumor and brain trauma. We feel creepy watching an animal with human-like teeth or fake skeletons or hearing about a haunted Island or hollowed human skulls or watching someone melt human flesh or watching someone drinking blood. It is human anatomy that dead bodies swell. As a body decomposes, the dead bodies swell. The brain stem remains intact, but as a body decomposes, the entire body swells.Creepy But True Facts On PlanetsSpace and our solar system is a network that’s negligibly explored by the human race. If we take in all the observations that humans have conducted towards space exploration, that wouldn’t even sum up two one % of the entire known universe.Not only this, even our own solar system is relatively unexplored, with discoveries being made every year. From the mysterious moons of Saturn and Jupiter to the strange behavior of the comets, the entirety of space has been full of mysterious interventions.You must have heard about the Grand Canyon in the US. Well, did you know that there is a Grand Canyon on the earth’s twin, Mars? The only difference is, while the former one is present in the United States, the latter one is as large as the United States.At first sight, Uranus might appear to be a featureless ball of gas. But a close inspection in 1977 confirmed that the planet had rings just like Saturn when it passed in front of a star.There is a moon on Jupiter named Io. But you might wonder what’s so distinct about this moon when you compare it to the ones present in the entire solar system. While we are accustomed to the relatively inactive or moderately active volcanoes present on the earth, Io’s volcanoes are so active that the plumes reach heights of more than 250 mi (400 km). This magnificent phenomenon was captured by the New Horizon spacecraft in 2007.Talking about extreme weather conditions, Venus has the most powerful winds circulating the planet almost all the time. Also, it claims the title to be the hottest planet of the entire solar system. The environmental conditions are so extreme that the Venera spacecraft from the Soviet Union, which was heavily shielded to withstand the extremity, lasted only a few minutes upon its landing on the surface of the planet.Did you know that the planet mercury is actually shrinking? This is happening due to a gradual decrease in the temperature of the planet’s layers, causing a reduction in its size.With increasing discoveries on our neighboring planets, scientists are regularly progressing towards discovering possibilities of inhabited life. Microbial life on Mars is estimated to be a possibility by many.Traces of life are also expected to be found on various moons scattered around the solar system. The icy moons Europa from Jupiter and Enceladus from Saturn are amongst the top contenders.Creepy But True Facts About EarthAccording to a scientific story that revolves around the existence of microbes, suggests that our planet, which appears blue from space, was actually purple due to a molecule called retinal used to absorb the sun’s rays, rather than chlorophyll.Have you ever seen a shooting star? Well, most of us know what it is. What we don’t know is that more than 300 tons (272.15 t) of cosmic dust fall on the surface of the earth every day. This is formed by the burnt remains of objects falling from space.According to a computer model-based story, the earth had two moons. This was postulated to counter the fact as to why the other side of the moon has a thicker crust when compared to the other.Our planet is not a perfect sphere, but it actually bulges around the middle. This bulginess is further enhanced by oceanic water, which gets pulled at the equator.We all might agree that it gets pretty cold for us during November and December in the northern hemisphere. But did you know that temperatures over Antarctica dip to – 133 F during June when there is winter in the southern hemisphere?It is estimated that the human race came into being two million years ago on this planet. but scientists have estimated that our planet is more than 4.5 billion years old.Creepy But True Facts About AnimalsAlthough polar bears might seem to be sweet and cuddly animals, they are counted amongst the most vicious predators on the planet. These animals are so brutal in their search for food that they have a habit of stocking breathing holes made by seals in ice.With their excellent senses, they can perceive the presence of the animal and can drag it to the surface.Dolphins, the animals expected to be more intelligent than humans, never fail to amaze us with their exceptional capabilities. These marines are mostly known for their friendly behavior. But did you know that these loving animals like to bully and torture their prey if they are in a playful mood? This turnout could end up being pretty violent.Penguins are known for their cuteness and calm and subtle behavior. But you will be surprised to learn those female Penguins tend to kidnap chicks of other Penguins.Some species of baby spiders are known to eat their mother. This phenomenon is called Matriphagy, wherein the offspring tends to eat and nurture itself by eating the mortal remains of its mother after she has depleted all her resources in the process of reproduction. What an ungrateful baby!Loris Monkeys are known to have poisonous elbows and are among the only few poisonous mammals.

What is the first thing that strikes your mind when someone utters the word creepy?