Thomas Jonathan ‘Stonewall’ Jackson was a commander at the Confederate States of America from 1824 to 1863.With his meticulousness in military discipline, he was a great strength for the Confederate.  The only battle he failed was the Battle of Kernstown of 1862.  Here are some important quotes from Stonewall Jackson that could unleash the warrior within us.  For more inspirational quotes, please refer to Tecumseh quotes and Civil War quotes.‍Stonewall Jackson Famous Quotes On BattleBarnard Elliot Bee Jr., a US army officer, accredited Thomas Jackson for his distinguished capability, saying that he stands like a stone wall, resulting in his nickname. Here are some quotes which give valuable advice on a warrior’s attitude towards a battle.1.“Captain, my religious belief teaches me to feel as safe in battle as in bed. God has fixed the time for my death. I do not concern myself about that, but to be always ready, no matter when it may overtake me. That is the way all men should live, and then all would be equally brave."-Stonewall Jackson.2.“Who could not conquer with such troops as these?"-Stonewall Jackson.3.“The hardships of forced marches are often more painful than the dangers of battle."-Stonewall Jackson.4.“This army stays here until the last wounded man is removed. Before I leave them to the enemy, I will lose many more men."-Stonewall Jackson.5.“My troops may fail to take a position, but are never driven from one!"-Stonewall Jackson.6.“I yield to no man in sympathy for the gallant men under my command; but I am obliged to sweat them tonight, so that I may save their blood tomorrow."-Stonewall Jackson.7.“The only true rule for cavalry is to follow the enemy as long as he retreats."-Stonewall Jackson.8.“Don’t say it’s impossible! Turn your command over to the next officer. If he can’t do it, I’ll find someone who can, even if I have to take him from the ranks!"-Stonewall Jackson.9.“Shoot the brave officers, and the cowards will run away and take the men with them."-Stonewall Jackson.10.“The time for war has not yet come, but it will come, and that soon; and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard."-Stonewall Jackson.11.“Under divine blessing, we must rely on the bayonet when firearms cannot be furnished."-Stonewall Jackson.12.“People who are anxious to bring on war don’t know what they are bargaining for; they don’t see all the horrors that must accompany such an event."-Stonewall Jackson.13.“I am more afraid of alcohol than of all the bullets of the enemy."-Stonewall Jackson.14.“Once you get them running, you stay right on top of them, and that way a small force can defeat a large one every time."-Stonewall Jackson.15.“War means fighting. The business of the soldier is to fight…To move swiftly, strike vigorously, and secure all the fruits of victory is the secret of successful war."-Stonewall Jackson.16.“I find I like it too much."-Stonewall Jackson.17.“Then, Sir, we will give them the bayonet!"-Stonewall Jackson.18.“Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible; and when you strike and overcome him, never let up in the pursuit so long as your men have strength to follow; for an army routed, if hotly pursued, becomes panic-stricken, and can then be destroyed by half their number."-Stonewall Jackson.19.“Never fight against heavy odds, if by any possible maneuvering you can hurl your own force on only a part, and that the weakest part, of your enemy and crush it. Such tactics will win every time, and a small army may thus destroy a large one in detail, and repeated victory will make it invincible."-Stonewall Jackson.20.“Armies are not called out to dig trenches, to throw up breastworks, to live in camps, but to find the enemy and strike him; to invade his country, and do him all possible damage in the shortest possible time."-Stonewall Jackson.21.“Up, men! Up, Virginians! Hold your fire until they are within fifty yards, and then give them the bayonet! And when you charge, yell like furies!"-Stonewall Jackson.Quotes By Stonewall Jackson On DutySome people believe that duty is God, and so does Thomas J. Jackson, as revealed in the quotes listed here.22.“If officers desire to have control over their commands, they must remain habitually with them, industriously attend to their instruction and comfort, and in battle lead them well."-Stonewall Jackson.23.“Do your duty and leave the rest to Providence."-Stonewall Jackson.24.“Duty is ours; consequences are God’s."-Stonewall Jackson.25.“You may be whatever you resolve to be."-Stonewall Jackson.26.“Through life let your principal object be the discharge of duty."-Stonewall Jackson.27.“The patriot volunteer, fighting for country and his rights, makes the most reliable soldier on earth."-Stonewall Jackson.28.“Through the broad extent of country over which you have marched by your respect for the rights and property of citizens, you have shown that you were soldiers not only to defend but able and willing to defend and protect."-Stonewall Jackson.29.“I am more anxious than I can express that my men should be not only good soldiers of their country, but also good soldiers of the cross."-Stonewall Jackson.30.“There are but few commanders who properly appreciate the value of celerity."-Stonewall Jackson.31.“I want my army to be an army of the living God."-Stonewall Jackson.32.“He is cautious. He ought to be. But he is not slow. Lee is a phenomenon. He is the only man whom I would follow blindfolded."-Stonewall Jackson.33.“I was afraid the fire would not be hot enough for me to distinguish myself."-Stonewall Jackson.34.“Arms is a profession that, if its principles are adhered to for success, requires an officer do what he fears may be wrong, and yet, according to military experience, must be done, if success is to be attained."-Stonewall Jackson.35.“Sir! Men who desert their comrades in war deserve to be shot! And Officers who intrude for them deserve to be hung!"-Stonewall Jackson.36.“I like liquor — its taste and its effects — and that is just the reason why I never drink it."-Stonewall Jackson.37.“All I am and all I have is at the service of my country."-Stonewall Jackson.38.“Never take counsel of your fears."-Stonewall Jackson.39.“Our movement was a great success; I think the most successful military movement of my life. But I expect to receive more credit for it than I deserve."-Stonewall Jackson.40.“My duty is to obey orders."-Stonewall Jackson.General Stonewall Jackson Quotes On God And ReligionA spiritual person believes that we should do our duty at our best and leave the result to God. The quotes of Thomas J. Jackson collated here show that he, too, believed this ideology.41.“Why should the peace of a true Christian be disturbed by anything which man can do unto him? Has not God promised to make all things work together for good to those who love him?"-Stonewall Jackson.42.“I simply took advantage of circumstances as they were presented to me in the providence of God. I feel that His hand led me - let us give Him the glory."-Stonewall Jackson.43.“I see from the number of physicians that you think my condition dangerous, but I thank God, if it is His will, that I am ready to go…it is the Lord’s Day; my wish is fulfilled…I have always desired to die on Sunday."-Stonewall Jackson.44.“Be content and resigned to God’s will."-Stonewall Jackson.45.“We are all but instruments of God."-Stonewall Jackson.46.“I have so fixed the habit in my mind that I never raise a glass to my lips without asking God’s blessing."-Stonewall Jackson.47.“I never take a letter from the post without a brief sending of my thoughts heavenward."-Stonewall Jackson.48.“Our God was my shield. His protecting care is an additional cause for gratitude."-Stonewall Jackson.49.“Let us cross over the river and rest under the shade of the trees."-Stonewall Jackson.These were General Jackson’s last words before his death on the Sabbath on 10 May, 1863.Movie Quotes By Stonewall JacksonIt is noteworthy that the real-life of Stonewall Jackson has inspired the director Ronald F. Maxwell to make a movie named ‘Gods And Generals’ in 2003, in which Stephen Lang played the lead role.  Here are some Stonewall Jackson quotes from the movie.50.“Just as we would not send any of our soldiers to march in other states, and tyrannize other people… so will we never allow the armies of others to march into our states and tyrannize our people."-Stephen Lang as Stonewall Jackson, ‘Gods And Generals,’ 2003.51.“I do not expect to live to see the end of this war. Nor can I say that without victory I would desire to do so."-Stephen Lang as Stonewall Jackson, ‘Gods And Generals,’ 2003.52.“But if I know myself, all I am and all I have…is at the service of my home, my country."-Stephen Lang as Stonewall Jackson, ‘Gods And Generals,’ 2003.53.“I regard the crime of desertion as a sin against the army of the Lord."-Stephen Lang as Stonewall Jackson, ‘Gods And Generals,’ 2003.Quotes On Stonewall JacksonAs an inspirational warrior, Thomas J. Jackson has been the topic of several well-known quotes, a few of which are listed here, from the soldier who rarely experienced defeat, the Battle of Kernstown being the only one.54.“There is Jackson standing like a stone wall. Let us determine to die here, and we will conquer. Rally behind the Virginians."-General Barnard Bee.55.“You are better off than I am, for while you have lost your left, I have lost my right arm."-Robert E. Lee, In a letter to Thomas Jackson.56.“Jackson fought for the constitutional rights of the South, and any one who imagines he fought for slavery knows nothing of Jackson."-William C. Chase, ‘Story of Stonewall Jackson : A Narrative of the Career of Thomas Jonathan (Stonewall) Jackson’, 1901.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for  Stonewall Jackson quotes from the famous Civil War general, then why not take a look at Andrew Jackson quotes, or Chief Joseph quotes.‍

Thomas Jonathan ‘Stonewall’ Jackson was a commander at the Confederate States of America from 1824 to 1863.