Stokely Carmichael was a Trinidad-born African American.He was born on June 29, 1941 in Port of Spain, Trinidad, and Tobago. His family relocated to the US when he was two years old.He was a prominent activist during the Civil Rights movement. His activism started at Bronx high school and continued to Howard and SNCC. He became a field organizer and took up a full-time activist role in SNCC Mississipi.Stokely Carmichael adopted ‘Kwame Ture’ as his new name in honor of his two patrons, Guniea President Ahmed Toure, and exiled Ghana President Kwame Nkrumah. Kwame Ture breathed his last on November 15, 1998 at Conakry, Guinea.Here we bring a few inspiring Stokely Carmichael quotes from his books and speeches. If you are looking for more inspirational movements and activists, read Angela Davis quotes and [Black history inspirational quotes].‍Best Quotes From Stokely Carmichael On Civil RightsStokely Carmichael played a significant role in the Civil Rights movement in the US and Africa. His contribution to the liberties of Black People has been immense. Here we bring you a collection of motivational quotes from the civil rights movement.1.“So that the failures to pass a civil rights bill isn’t because of Black Power, isn’t because of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee; it’s not because of the rebellions that are occurring in the major cities."-Stokely Carmichael.2.“I maintain that every civil rights bill in this country was passed for white people, not for black people."-Stokely Carmichael.3.“This is perfectly understandable in terms of the strategy and goals of the older organizations, the concept of the civil rights movement as a kind of liaison between the powerful white community and the dependent black community."-Stokely Carmichael.4.“There has been only a civil rights movement, whose tone of voice was adapted to an audience of liberal whites."-Stokely Carmichael.5.“The call for Black Power was heard by more than a few, blacks and whites, as anti-white, defeatist, and bitterly rejecting the civil rights movement ’s traditional goal of integration."-Stokely Carmichael.6.“Civil rights leaders who, in the past or at present, rely essentially on ’national sentiment’."-Stokely Carmichael.7.“Unlike some other civil rights groups, SNCC saw that such demonstrations were political in character."-Stokely Carmichael.Stokely Carmichael Organize QuotesDuring his last 30 years, Stokely Carmichael was closely associated with the All African People’s Revolutionary Party and worked as a full-time organizer. Here are a few quotes from his speech at the University of California, Berkeley.8.“It is clear to me that we have to wage a psychological battle on the right for black people to define their own terms; define themselves as they see fit; and organize themselves as they see it."-Stokely Carmichael.9.“It doesn’t make a difference, ‘cause we’re gonna organize our way, anyway. We gonna do it."-Stokely Carmichael.10.“The need for psychological equality is the reason why SNCC today believes that blacks must organize in the black community."-Stokely Carmichael.Stokely Carmichael Black Power QuotesCarmichael became the Chairman of SNCC in 1966. His ‘Black Power’ speech gave him a national forum and put him in the spotlight. Here we bring some inspiring quotes from the author of ‘Black Power: The Politics of Liberation’, Stokely Carmichael.11.“Racism is both overt and covert."-Stokely Carmichael.12.“The creation of new values means the establishment of a society based on free people, not free enterprise."-Stokely Carmichael.13.“If indeed white liberals are going to help, their only job is to get the gun from the man and talk to him, because he is a sick man. The black man is not the sick man, it is the white man who is sick, he’s the one who picked up the gun."-Stokely Carmichael.14.“But that we are not going to wait for white people to sanction Black Power."-Stokely Carmichael.15.“Black power can be clearly defined for those who do not attach the fears of white America to their questions about it.”-Stokely Carmichael.16.“The black community perceives the ‘white power structure’ in very concrete terms."-Stokely Carmichael.17.“The adoption of the concept of Black Power is one of the most legitimate and healthy developments in American politics and race relations in our time."-Stokely Carmichael.Stokely Carmichael Racism QuotesCarmichael Stokely, also known as Kwame Ture, played a major role in defining the concept of racism during the civil liberties movement. He coined the term ‘Institutional Racism’ defining it as racism that occurs in public bodies and other institutions. Here we bring some of Stokely’s powerful quotes on racism.18.“I knew that I could vote and that that wasn’t a privilege; it was my right. Every time I tried I was shot, killed or jailed, beaten or economically deprived."-Stokely Carmichael.19.“Now we maintain that we cannot afford to be concerned about 6 percent of the children in this country, black children, who you allow to come into white schools."-Stokely Carmichael.20.“Seems to me that the institutions that function in this country are clearly racist, and that they’re built upon racism."-Stokely Carmichael.21.“Racism is not a question of attitude; it’s a question of power. Racism gets its power from capitalism."-Stokely Carmichael.22.“One of the tragedies of the struggle against racism is that up to now there has been no national organization which could speak to the growing militancy of young black people in the urban ghetto."-Stokely Carmichael.23.“In order for America to really live on a basic principle of human relationships a new society must be born. Racism must die."-Stokely Carmichael.24.“When white terrorists bomb a black church and kill five black children, that is an act of individual racism."-Stokely Carmichael.25.“Political modernization—a process which must take place if the society is to be rid of racism."-Stokely Carmichael.26.“The problems of the city and of institutional racism are clearly intertwined."-Stokely Carmichael.Stokely Carmichael Quotes On Voting RightsCivil Rights and liberties that Stokely fought for were mostly focused on the right to integrate and lead their organizations. Here are a few powerful quotes from Stokely Carmichael.27.“If someone wants to live in a white neighborhood and he is black, that is his choice. It should be his rights. It is not because white people will not allow him."-Stokely Carmichael.28.“Before a group can enter the open society, it must first close ranks."-Stokely Carmichael.29.“The philosophers Camus and Sartre raise the question whether or not a man can condemn himself."-Stokely Carmichael.30.“It is a call for black people in this country to unite, to recognize their heritage, to build a sense of community. It is a call for black people to define their own goals, to lead their own organizations."-Stokely Carmichael.31.“Dr. King’s policy was that nonviolence would achieve the gains for black people in the United States."-Stokely Carmichael.32.“In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none.”-Stokely Carmichael.33.“We are going to have to speak to change the foreign policy of this country."-Stokely Carmichael.34.“One does not fight to influence change and then leave the change to someone else to bring about.”-Stokely Carmichael.35.“An organization which claims to speak for the needs of a community must speak in the tone of that community."-Stokely Carmichael.36.“If we are going to eliminate that for the generation that comes after us, then black people must be seen in positions of power, doing and articulating for themselves.”-Stokely Carmichael.37.“We were aware of the fact that death walks hand in hand with struggle."-Stokely Carmichael.Stokely Carmichael Quotes On United StatesCarmichael was motivated to fight for the civil liberties of black people in the United States. Here are a few quotes from him on the United States and Americans.38.“American students are perhaps the most politically unsophisticated students in the world."-Stokely Carmichael.39.“The U.S. cannot justify its existence as the policeman of the world any longer. I do not want to be a part of the American pie."-Stokely Carmichael.40.“There is a higher law than the law of government. That’s the law of conscience."-Stokely Carmichael.41.“The time for running has come to an end. You tell them white folk in Mississippi that all the scared people are dead!"-Stokely Carmichael.42.“The secret of life is to have no fear; it’s the only way to function."-Stokely Carmichael.43.“Capitalism is a stupid system, a backward system.”-Stokely Carmichael.44.“I place my own hope for the United States in the growth of belief among the unqualified that they are in fact qualified: they can articulate and be responsible and hold power.”-Stokely Carmichael.45.“The tragedy of race relations in the United States is that there is no American Dilemma”-Stokely Carmichael.46.“The black communities of the United States do not export anything except human labor."-Stokely Carmichael.47.“Black people in the United States must raise hard questions, questions which challenge the very nature of the society itself: its long-standing values, beliefs and institutions."-Stokely Carmichael.48.“This black person is urged to adopt American middle-class standards and values."-Stokely Carmichael.49.” This is not to say that every single white American consciously oppresses black people. He does not need to."-Stokely Carmichael.Important Stokely Carmichael Quotes50.“No man can give anybody his freedom."-Stokely Carmichael.51.“The masses don’t shed their blood for the benefit of a few individuals."-Stokely Carmichael.52.“Our grandfathers had to run, run, run. My generation’s out of breath. We ain’t running no more."-Stokely Carmichael.53.“If you want to get rid of poverty, you give people money – period."-Stokely Carmichael.54.“The white political bosses could rule the black community in the same fashion that Britain ruled the African colonies—by indirect rule”-Stokely Carmichael.55.“A man is born free."-Stokely Carmichael.56.“Yes, it is we who are the hardest workers and the lowest paid."-Stokely Carmichael.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Stokely Carmichael Quotes then why not take a look at civil rights quotes, or Thurgood Marshall quotes.‍

Stokely Carmichael was a Trinidad-born African American.