Initially a music enthusiast, Robert Pattinson has gained prominence for the ‘Twilight’ series (2008-13).Born and brought up in London, Robert Pattinson developed a fascination for movies in his teenage years. Although he was never an ardent pursuer of a career in films, his entry into the theatrical world was marked by an instinct that led him to join the Barnes Theatre Company.Robert Pattinson ’s big break came with the most loved role of Edward Cullen, the vampire who fell in love with a fragile human, based on Stephenie Meyer’s novel of the same name. There are many loved Robert Pattinson quotes from the ‘Twilight’ series movies. Since then Pattinson has been unstoppable. Here are some Robert Pattinson quotes that will present a clearer picture of his ideologies. We also have Robert Pattinson quotes from his iconic roles and Robert Pattinson quotes to give you an insight into the life of the famous actor.If you like these Robert Pattinson quotes then don’t forget to look up ‘Twilight’ quotes and short Harry Potter quotes.‘Twilight’ Movie QuotesThese Edward Cullen quotes speak of the perfect fantastical love stories. Many fans around the world go crazy for these Robert Pattinson quotes!1. “And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.”- Edward.2. “It’s…extraordinary…to meet someone who you can bare your soul to and accept you for what you are.”- Edward.3. “I’d never given much thought to how I would die. But dying in place of someone I love, seems like a good way to go…They…brought me to Edward.”- Bella.4. “What if I’m not a hero. What if I’m the bad guy?”- Edward.5. “You’d better hold on tight, spidermonkey…”- Edward.6. “About three things I was absolutely certain…Edward was a vampire…there was part of him…that thirsted for my blood…I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.”- Bella.7. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for you."- Edward.8. “No one will surrender tonight, but I won’t give in.”- Bella.9. “You are my life now.”- Edward.10. “Is it not enough to have a long and happy life with me?”- Edward.Robert Pattinson Quotes About LoveRobert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have been more than friends. These Robert Pattinson quotes along with Robert Pattinson on Kristen Stewart quotes offer a glimpse of Pattinson’s views on love so check out some of these Robert Pattinson quotes.11. “When you love someone, you want that person to know that she’s your everything.”- Robert Pattinson.12. “Kristen and I have a special bond together. She is the sweetest, smartest and strongest…”- Robert Pattinson.13. “Even expensive clothes do not guarantee a good look. You must be yourself above all!”- Robert Pattinson.14. “We understand each other without the words…because she’s in the same position as I am.”- Robert Pattinson.15. “I think…people who love each other had some kind of thing at first sight…like, feel a different energy.”- Robert Pattinson.16. “I always like a kind of madness in a woman…when they hate me right from the beginning.”- Robert Pattinson.17. “When I met Kristen, there was instant chemistry. She brought something out of me.”- Robert Pattinson.Famous Robert Pattinson QuotesThese Robert Pattinson quotes tell us about his personal experiences leading us through the ups and downs of his journey in ‘Twilight’, ‘The Lighthouse’ (2019), and ‘Cosmopolis’ (2012) being some of the significant milestones.18. “Your ideas dry up sometimes, and you get lazy sometimes because you’re around the same people. That was the good thing about having different directors. You had to stay on your toes.”- Robert Pattinson.19. “When I was 17…I had…baseless confidence. This very clear idea of myself and how I would achieve success, which involved making decisions…Having control…I understood, with all that control…I wasn’t progressing…I’ll be a tiny bit naked.”- Robert Pattinson.20. “We didn’t have packed lunches…I was a lunch monitor…I used to take everyone’s chips!”- Robert Pattinson.21. “There’s a thing…about doing…series, especially when the characters remain the same…you can…try and improve whatever you did in the last movie, which never happens.”- Robert Pattinson.22. “People who are the most normal are probably the most crazy.”- Robert Pattinson.23. “I didn’t want to get stuck in pretty, public school roles, or I knew I’d end up as some sort of caricature.”- Robert Pattinson.24. “I’m best dressed at all times.”- Robert Pattinson.25. “Playing the part where you can’t get hurt…can’t die because there’s no framework…If you’re playing a normal human being, there’s always that.”- Robert Pattinson.26. “Twilight fans are literally on the verge of being clinically insane.”- Robert Pattinson27. “I guess I had to learn how to run properly. I spent a lot of time on a giant treadmill, like one of those wheels mice run around on.”- Robert Pattinson.28. “I don’t feel like I’m making a film…if someone is enthusiastic enough to convince you that it’s important it’s kind of magical.”- Robert Pattinson.29. “My dad says he likes to bask in my glow.”- Robert Pattinson.30. “Sometimes I think, ‘To hell with acting’ and then I realize I could be working at a shoe shop. Acting is much cooler.”- Robert Pattinson.31. “I think the most stressful thing in movies is when the weather is really random.”- Robert Pattinson.32. “I’m trying to make something every time that feels new…When I’m finishing one movie the next day I’m thinking about the next one.”- Robert Pattinson.33. “I really like Blade. I wish people would make hard R-rated fantasy movies again…I haven’t seen that many vampire things.”- Robert Pattinson.34. “A franchise is a Burger King or a Subway. It’s not a movie. The people who start to say it are generally the people who are making money off of it.”- Robert Pattinson.35. “I think that’s just a general English attitude [being abusive]. I did the same thing to famous people.”- Robert Pattinson.36. “People would be in hysterics if they saw that…So he wears lipstick, has a little bouffant, and does little circus acts as well.”- Robert Pattinson.37. “I never asked to be a poster-boy.”- Robert Pattinson.38. “A 17-year-old girl in Australia hacked into my e-mail…Then a 15-year-old girl in England did the same thing.”- Robert Pattinson.39. “I always think everything is going to be my last job so every single day is a gift. This whole life is an accident for me.”- Robert Pattinson.40. “I’ll probably go to London and hide.”- Robert Pattinson.41. “When I was flying to Rome, we flew over London; I felt like bursting into tears…I can’t leave London behind for good.”- Robert Pattinson.42. “Music means freedom to me.”- Robert Pattinson.43. “With Eclipse, I felt like I was doing a completely different movie…it was nice and challenging.”- Robert Pattinson.44. “I was at a small private school in London. I wasn’t very academic…I told him I wanted to stay for my A-levels…”- Robert Pattinson.45. “It’s always been strange to me that…they’re a vampire fan. I’m not a non-fan, but it’s…unusual…like saying, ‘I love zombie movies!…’.”- Robert Pattinson.46. “I haven’t really decided to be an actor yet!… I only did it because my dad saw a bunch of pretty girls in a restaurant and he asked them where they came from and they said drama group.”- Robert Pattinson.47. “Everybody would ask: ‘Where are you from?’ And I would say, ‘Oh, I’m from London.’”- Robert Pattinson.48. “Cosmopolis is the movie of my life. I didn’t consider myself an actor before…David Cronenberg gave me confidence in myself. He changed my way of acting and thinking.”- Robert Pattinson.49. “You’re trying to play someone [Edward Cullen] who’s seen by a lot of people as being this perfect thing…You’re trying to play an archetype on one hand and then a character on the other…I felt insanely frustrated right up until the last shot, and then it ended.”- Robert Pattinson.50. “I am a big fan of music and clothing style of the 1960s. Whether in England or the United States, I like everything…”- Robert Pattinson.51. “I did this movie about Salvador Dali…and had hair extensions and a little bob.”- Robert Pattinson.52. “Nothing can be good if you do it for money or for fame.”- Robert Pattinson.53. “I can’t see any advantage to fame…I can’t see that changing.”- Robert Pattinson.54. “This thing with everyone knowing you it’s weird, because…I don’t really know myself that well.”- Robert Pattinson.55. “I hate people who cry around me. I’m not friends with them anymore. Especially girls. Cuz girls are crying all the time.”- Robert Pattinson.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Robert Pattinson quotes then why not take a look at funny Harry Potter quotes, or ‘Vampire Diaries’ quotes.

Initially a music enthusiast, Robert Pattinson has gained prominence for the ‘Twilight’ series (2008-13).