Alex Trebek was raised in Ontario, Canada, and both of his parents were immigrants.His father, who became a chef, came from Ukraine and his mother was a Franco-Ontarian, named Alex Trebek. He attended a boarding school and military college.He got his first job as a bellhop; it was the same hotel where his father worked. Alex Trebek then went to Sudbury High School and after that attended the University of Ottawa. He graduated in 1961 with a degree in philosophy.The famous game show host, Alex Trebek commenced his career with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. While studying, he worked on multiple events and grabbed his first job as a host on ‘Music Hop’ (a Canada-based music television series). After the television series, he hosted multiple programs as well. When Alex Trebek moved to the United States, he started working for the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) and hosted multiple game shows.Alex Trebek hosted the prominent game show, ‘Jeopardy!’ and his past shows include ‘Wheel Of Fortune’, ‘Classic Concentration’, ‘Pitfall’, ‘Pillsbury Bake-Off’, ‘Jeopardy! The Greatest Of All Time’, ‘Stars On Ice’, and ‘The Wizard Of Odds’. The game show host also acted in various television shows, and movies such as, ‘The X-Files’, ‘Hot In Cleveland’, ‘The Amazing Race Canada 3’, ‘Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?’, ‘Rain Man’, and ‘For Keeps’.Trebek hosted the quiz show ‘Jeopardy!’ for more than 35 seasons, and for his unparalleled contribution to hosting, he was awarded the George Foster Peabody Award in 2012. The game show host also holds a Guinness World Record, for hosting more than 6,000 episodes of a single show (‘Jeopardy!’). After leaving his position as “Jeopardy!” host, Trebek wanted to take on new challenges as well.Alex Trebek was also honored by the Canadian government when he received the Officer of the Order of Canada honor and was awarded the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television’s Icon Award. Alex Trebek also actively participated in charity welfare and multiple foundations around the world. Through his multiple career opportunities, Alex Trebek had received various accolades for his contribution to the industry.Alex Trebek Quotes about LearningThe game show host, Alex Trebek, led an extensive and progressively immaculate career. You might gain an understanding of Alex Trebek’s optimistic beliefs by reading some of these quotes!“I’m curious about everything. Even subjects that don’t interest me.”- ‘The Know-It-All’, A.J. Jacobs.“Learning something new is fun.““If you can’t be in awe of Mother Nature, there’s something wrong with you.““I think more people should include silliness as part of their daily routines.““Learn to laugh at yourself.”- ‘The Answer Is . . . Reflections On My Life’ (Memoir), Alex Trebek, 2020.“Take your job seriously, but don’t take yourself too seriously.““Keep your head up. Move forward. Keep going.”- ‘The Answer Is . . . Reflections On My Life’ (Memoir), Alex Trebek, 2020.“Courage is a conscious decision. You do it in a dangerous situation when you have a choice.”- ‘The Answer Is . . . Reflections on My Life’ (Memoir), Alex Trebek, 2020.“I did everything - I did newscasts, I did sports, I did dramas.““We are all experts in our own little niches.““I don’t spend any time whatsoever thinking about what might have been.““Don’t tell me what you believe in. I’ll observe how you behave and I will make my own determination.”- ‘What I’ve Learned: Alex Trebek’, Esquire Classic, March 2003.“I don’t gamble, because winning a hundred dollars doesn’t give me great pleasure. But losing a hundred dollars pisses me off.““Please phrase your answer in the form of a question.““Don’t minimize the importance of luck in determining life’s course.““There is nothing worse than deluding yourself and trying to make yourself out to be somebody you’re not–somebody you’re not comfortable being.”- ‘The Answer Is . . . Reflections On My Life’ (Memoir), Alex Trebek, 2020.“But don’t get me wrong…driving a truck doesn’t make me a redneck. I don’t have a gun rack in it. I have a wine rack.”- ‘The Answer Is . . . Reflections On My Life’ (Memoir), Alex Trebek, 2020.“There’s nothing wrong with a man shedding a tear.”- ‘The Answer Is . . . Reflections On My Life’ (Memoir), Alex Trebek, 2020.“Maybe I’ll take a little better care of myself, but I wouldn’t count on it.“Alex Trebek Quotes About Jeopardy(Check out more quotes by the famous personality, Alex Trebek!)Alex Trebek, through the prominent show, ‘Jeopardy!’ made a positive impact on his worldwide audiences and became an eminent personality. Let’s take a look at some of Alex Trebek’s quotes related to the show!“I think what makes ‘Jeopardy!’ special is that among all the quiz and game shows out there, ours tends to encourage learning.““It’s a quality program, and I think I do a good job hosting it, and when I start slipping, I’ll stop hosting.““Most of the great accomplishments of the world have not been made by people who were certain.““When I finish as the host of ‘Jeopardy!’ I’m going to go up to Taft in central California. They have a small college there that teaches you about oil drilling.““It’s very important in life to know when to shut up. You should not be afraid of silence.““Have you ever met a successful person who wasn’t restless- who was satisfied with where he or she was in life? They want new challenges. They want to get up and go…and that’s one of the reasons they’re successful.““My job is to provide the atmosphere and assistance to the contestants to get them to perform at their very best. And if I’m successful doing that, I will be perceived as a nice guy, and the audience will think of me as being a bit of a star.““I believe the ‘Jeopardy!’ test is more difficult than being a contestant on the program.““Even if you are learning facts that you are not going to be able to use in your daily life, it enriches you – the fact itself just enriches you as a human being and broadens your outlook on life and makes you a more understanding and better person.““They’re operating under a misconception and have been for many years. As long as they’re polite in their critique, we are polite in our response. But if they’re mean and rude, I tell them that.““Hey, way to go. I bet our writers that no one would get that.““The best part of the job is the 30 minutes I spend onstage with the contestants running the game.  I do – I really do – enjoy talking to the audiences.“Funny Alex Trebek QuotesAlex Trebek became a notable game show host with ‘Jeopardy!’, and he interpreted the show with ironic humor and intelligence for more than 35 years!“I tried to do my best impression of The Jonas Brothers, but no matter how hard I tried I ended up looking cool!““My musical development stopped when Frank Sinatra died.““I have an Apple computer, which I use to play Spider Solitaire and do research on the Internet.““I go through these cycles where I read a lot and then watch TV a lot.““You should never wear a baseball cap when working in close quarters in the attic: You never see that beam above you!““The sun is up in the sky. There’s nothing you can say that’s going to change that. You can’t say, The sun’s not up there, there’s no sky.““What goes 0-300 in less than 2 seconds? Your mother on a scale.““The only reason I got into broadcasting was, I needed money to pay for my junior and senior years at college, and they hired me, those fools!““It’s just as easy to be nice as it is to be unpleasant, and the rewards are far greater.““Viewers know that I have a weird sense of humor, but that I’m serious about the game.““I’m not a true wine connoisseur.  I’m just a drinker.““There will come a time to retire, but as long as I’m having fun and not slowing down too much because of age, I’ll continue to do it.““I would have loved to have a role in the HBO series ‘Deadwood.’ It was Shakespeare in the Old West.“Alex Trebek Quotes On LifeAlex Trebek, one of the greatest show hosts, died in 2020 at the age of 80 from pancreatic cancer. Alex Trebek’s quotes about life and the future will undoubtedly improve the perception of the looker!“My heart seems to heal, so that speaks well for my future.““Interestingly, the longer I’ve lived with the cancer, the more my definition of toughness has changed. I used to think not crying meant you were tough. Now I think crying means you’re tough. It means you’re strong enough to be honest and vulnerable. It means you’re not pretending.““My life is what it is, and I can’t change it. I can change the future, but I can’t do anything about the past.““A good education and a kind heart will serve you well throughout your entire life.”- ‘The Answer Is . . . Reflections on My Life’ (Memoir), Alex Trebek, 2020.“Yet I still believe in the will to live. I believe in positivity. I believe in optimism. I believe in hope, and I certainly believe in the power of prayer.““When you’re in your 30s and actively pursuing a career and a home life, a wife and children, you’re busy doing as opposed to busy thinking. As you get older, even as you don’t have as much time, I think you tend to think more and reflect more on what is happening in your own life."“My life has been a quest for knowledge and understanding, and I am nowhere near having achieved that.  And it doesn’t bother me in the least.  I will die without having come up with the answers to many things in life.““My wife and I have all the money we need to live, and we can’t take it with us.  So if there are groups in need, we try to help them.““I just enjoy the moment I’m in. For me, life is a whole experience, not just a series of isolated moments. It’s like submerging yourself into a warm bath rather than sticking your toe under the faucet. It’s the totality of life.”- ‘The Answer Is . . . Reflections on My Life’ (Memoir), Alex Trebek, 2020.“I had only been a citizen for two weeks when I received a summons to appear for jury duty!““The secret to happiness, of course, is not getting what you want; it’s wanting what you get.““People say, ‘You look to be in great shape for your age’, and I guess I am.““I leave home about 7 in the morning.““What the world needs now is love, sweet love / It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of.““Saying that I’ve THOUGHT about it doesn’t mean that I’m DOING it.”

Alex Trebek was raised in Ontario, Canada, and both of his parents were immigrants.