The remarkable accomplishments of Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo all over the Atlantic Ocean, are the exact definition of bravery and of a person who repudiated fear and gender inequalities to stop her from pursuing her ambitions.Early on, she pursued her studies to become a doctor after finishing high school. She finally made up her mind about clinical research.Things changed when Amelia and her dad went to an aviation display in California in 1920. That day, she was on her maiden flight as a passenger. Later she recalled discovering her love for exploration once the aircraft took off. The American aviator had often considered that the lure of flying was the allure of beauty. Earhart joined Purdue University as a visiting professor in 1935, where she advised girl students interested in careers in aviation. At the same time, she aspired to become the first woman to orbit the globe. Earhart, with navigator Noonan,  in a double-engine mono aircraft, started their adventurous journey. It was the morning of July 2, 1937, and the last communication from Amelia Earhart had been recorded confirming the location of her plane. The aircraft was soaring across Howland Island on a north-west to the south-east route. Tragically,  Earhart and Noonan were unable to accomplish their goals because of cloudy skies, wireless transmission problems, and fuel scarcity. She is a hero, and her courage and love for flying last forever and has done things others cannot. Read these famous Amelia Earhart quotes about flying to ignite your determination.Amelia Earhart Quotes about Flying(These Amelia Earhart Quotes will assure you that flying is the lure.)These profound Amelia Earhart quotes inspire you to soar high.“No borders, just horizons – only freedom.““As soon as we left the ground, I knew I had to fly.““The stars seemed near enough to touch, and never before have I seen so many.““Preparation, I have often said, is rightly two-thirds of any venture.““Among all the marvels of modern invention, that with which I am most concerned is, of course, air transportation. Flying is perhaps the most dramatic of recent scientific attainment.““There’s more to life than being a passenger.““I lay no claim to advancing scientific data other than advancing flying knowledge. I can only say that I do it because I want to.““My ambition is to have this wonderful gift produce practical results for the future of commercial flying and for the women who may want to fly tomorrow’s planes.““After midnight, the moon set, and I was alone with the stars. I have often said that flying is the lure of beauty, and I need no other flight to convince me that the reason flyers fly, whether they know it or not, is the aesthetic appeal of flying.““Flying might not be all plain sailing, but the fun of it is worth the price.““In soloing - as in other activities - it is far easier to start something than it is to finish it.““In aviation as a whole, women are outnumbered forty to one, but I feel that more will gain admittance as a greater number knock at the door. If and when you knock at the door, it might be well to bring an axe along; you may have to chop your way through.““Everyone has oceans to fly, if they have the heart to do it. Is it reckless? Maybe. But what do dreams know of boundaries?““Aviation, this young modern giant, exemplifies the possible relationship between women and the creations of science. Although women have not taken full advantage of its use and benefits, air travel is as available to them as to men.“Amelia Earhart Quotes Reflecting Courage(People should not be afraid to fail, their failure can inspire others to face challenges.)These awesome Amelia Earhart quotes are just heartening.“I believe that a girl should not do what she thinks she should do but should find out through experience what she wants to do.““Please know that I am aware of the hazards. I want to do it because I want to do it. Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail, their failure must be a challenge to others.““You can act to change and control your life, and the procedure, the process is its own reward.““Now and then, women should do for themselves what men have already done—occasionally what men have not done—thereby establishing themselves as persons and perhaps encouraging other women toward greater independence of thought and action.““Decide whether or not the goal is worth the risks involved. If it is, stop worrying.““In soloing - as in other activities - it is far easier to start something than it is to finish it."“Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace,/The soul that knows it not knows no release/From little things/Knows not the livid loneliness of fear/Nor mountain heights where bitter joy can hear/The sound of wings.““Obviously, I faced the possibility of not returning when first I considered going. Once faced and settled, there really wasn’t any good reason to refer to it.““Perhaps I have something of a chip on my shoulder when it comes to modern, feminine education. Often youngsters are sadly miscast. I have known girls who should be tinkering with mechanical things instead of making dresses and boys who would do better at cooking than engineering.““The soul’s dominion? Each time we make a choice, we pay with courage to behold restless day and count it fair.““The most difficult thing is the decision to act; the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do.““You will find the unexpected everywhere as you go through life. By adventuring about, you become accustomed to the unexpected.““I accept these awards on behalf of the cake bakers and all of those other women who can do some things quite as important, if not more important, than flying, as well as in the name of women flying today.““Times are changing, and women need the critical stimulus of competition outside the home. A girl must nowadays believe completely in herself as an individual. She must realize at the outset that a woman must do the same job better than a man to get as much credit for it.“Amelia Earhart Quotes Spreading KindnessThese Amelia Earhart quotes say that even a single act of kindness can spread love and empathy and how sometimes anticipation exceeds realization.“Kindness is one of the keys to life. Kindness is contagious and can have a chain reaction to others.““The more one does and sees and feels, the more one is able to do, and the more genuine may be one’s appreciation of fundamental things like home, love, and understanding companionship."“Anticipation, I suppose, sometimes exceeds realization.““I think of God as a symbol for good—thinking good, identifying good in everybody and everything. This God I think of is not an abstraction, but a vitalizing, universal force, eternally present, and at all times available.““You haven’t seen a tree until you’ve seen its shadow from the sky.““A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves.““Better do a good deed near at home than go far away to burn incense.““The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves.““Don’t criticize someone doing something you said couldn’t be done.““Human crises have a way of happening at inconvenient times.““The field was wet, the lane was wet, and the spirits of my mechanic and helper were damp.““I hope that such equality could be carried out in other fields so that men and women may achieve equally in any endeavor they set out"Famous Amelia Earhart QuotesThese thoughtful Amelia Earhart quotes make you ponder that plain sailing in life does not make you adventurous.“Worry retards reaction and makes clear-cut decisions impossible.““Step out! Try the job you are interested in! Use the talents which give you joy! There’s plenty of time.““In my life, I had come to realize that, when things were going very well, indeed, it was just the time to anticipate trouble. And, conversely, I learned from pleasant experience that at the most despairing crisis, when all looked sour beyond words, some delightful “break” was apt to lurk just around the corner.““One of my favorite phobias is that girls, especially those whose tastes aren’t routine, often don’t get a fair break… It has come down through the generations, an inheritance of age-old customs, which produced the corollary that women are bred to timidity.““Experiment! Meet new people. That’s better than any college education . . . By adventuring; about, you become accustomed to the unexpected. The unexpected then becomes what it really is . . . the inevitable.““The woman who can create her own job is the woman who will win fame and fortune.““Never do things others can do and will do if there are things others cannot do or will not do.““If enough of us keep trying, we’ll get someplace.““Women must pay for everything. They do get more glory than men for comparable feats, but, they also get more notoriety when they crash.““Mostly, my flying has been solo, but the preparation for it wasn’t. Without my husband’s help and encouragement, I could not have attempted what I have.““Some of us have great runways already built for us. If you have one, take off! But if you don’t have one, realize it is your responsibility to grab a shovel and build one for yourself and those who will follow you.““Girls are shielded and sometimes helped so much that they lose initiative and begin to believe the signs ‘Girls don’t’ and ‘Girls can’t’ which mark their paths.““It was generally called the ‘powder puff derby’ and those who flew in it variously as ‘Ladybirds’, ‘Angels’ or ‘Sweethearts of the Air’. We are still trying to get ourselves called just ‘pilots’.”

The remarkable accomplishments of Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo all over the Atlantic Ocean, are the exact definition of bravery and of a person who repudiated fear and gender inequalities to stop her from pursuing her ambitions.