Jackfruit, unlike other tropical fruits, is quite unique in nature.It is a tropical fruit with a musky smell and a distinctive texture. Its taste has been described as that of juicy fruity gum.The jackfruit is the fruit of the jackfruit tree which is found in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. Gaining popularity in the United States and other countries in the west, it is famous for its health benefits and as a good source of nutrients. Famous as an ‘underutilized crop,’ this fruit is a nutritional jackpot.It is highly rich in minerals like protein, potassium, and vitamin C, among many others. It was majorly cultivated in the Indian subcontinent because of the moist and warm climates but now has fallen out of favor. In different parts of the world where food insecurity is prevalent, the cultivation of jackfruit could serve as a major boon because, unlike the major crops such as wheat and rice, the jackfruit tree requires relatively lesser care and produces fruits that are rich in nutrients and have several health benefits. Moreover, the tree itself is a perennial hence it does not require replanting throughout the passage of seasons. As a food item, jackfruit is a great addition to any diet and can be enjoyed as a snack or added to recipes. Also, jackfruit is a natural source of cyanide, so intake in regulated amounts is recommended as cyanide can potentially be lethal.Fun Facts About JackfruitJackfruit is one of the tropical fruits which is known for its unique look, taste, and qualities, both productive and nutritional. It also has several health benefits, which are good for multiple reasons. Bearing such distinct qualities truly makes this fruit stand out among others.The scientific name of Jackfruit is Artocarpus heterophyllus, and unlike other tropical fruits, it is one of the least known superfoods.Jackfruit is said to be the largest fruit in the world that grows on a tree, sometimes weighing up to 79 lb (36 kg) and reaching a length of 4 ft (120 cm).The jackfruit is believed to have originated from India or Malaysia, or maybe somewhere else on the Indian subcontinent.Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, along with the Indian states of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala, have proclaimed it as their national and state fruit, respectively.It has a meaty texture and a sweet/sour taste that can be compared to bananas, pineapples, or grapes.Jackfruit is an excellent source of dietary fiber, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B-complex, and protein.It is also a good source of antioxidants, which helps in scavenging harmful toxins from the body.Jackfruit is low in calories and has a high water content, which is why, unlike other fruits, it is comparatively safer for consumption for people who are ill.The unripe or raw jackfruit, even though categorized as a fruit, is used as a vegetable in curries and stir-fries in several Southeast Asian countries like India.The ripe jackfruit, like several other ripe fruits, can be eaten raw or made into jams, jellies, juice, and desserts.Jackfruit is also a popular ingredient in vegan and vegetarian dishes.Because of its texture and taste on the inside, Jackfruit is often used as a meat substitute in recipes.Since jackfruit is considered as a meat substitute in several recipes, like any other fresh fruit, it has to be washed and cleaned properly before being cooked because almost every tropical fruit contains toxins on its surface.The health benefits of jackfruit are mainly attributed to the presence of dietary fiber, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients.It has anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stomach ulcers, and cancer.The health benefits of jackfruit make it an excellent addition to the diet for people looking for ways to improve their health, especially people suffering from blood sugar and blood pressure issues.Jackfruit is also beneficial for pregnant women as it helps in the development of the fetus and prevents birth defects. Nutritional Facts About JackfruitThe nutritional composition of jackfruit is impressive. It is extremely rich in beneficial nutrients and has a high nutritive value. It has been utilized as a source of high amounts of minerals and vitamins, which have been known to have health benefits for people suffering from various diseases. Let’s learn about its nutritional facts in detail.3.52 oz (100 g) of the fruit provides 89 calories, 0.01 oz (0.36 g) of protein, 0.71 oz (20.48 g) of carbohydrate, and 0.02 0z (0.81 g) of dietary fiber.It also contains small amounts of minerals like zinc, copper, magnesium, and iron while being a good source of vitamin C with about 0.0004 oz per 3.52 oz (12 mg per 100 grams).Jackfruits are known to be high in carbohydrates and sugars but do not contain any amount of saturated fat.One cup of raw jackfruit provides about 234 % of the daily recommended intake of vitamin C.Consumption of ripe jackfruits has multiple health benefits, such as improvement in digestion, control of blood sugar levels, and maintenance of oral health.There are several health benefits of consuming a jackfruit, like prevention and treatment of constipation due to high content of dietary fiber, good for heart health due to presence of antioxidants and other phytonutrients, etc.It also lowers bad cholesterol levels and prevents atherosclerosis, along with aiding in preventing cancer and other heart diseases as it is a rich source of antioxidants.Eating jackfruit slices can boost the immune system and help in weight loss as it is low in calories but high in fiber, only if taken in moderate quantity.Green jackfruit flour is also very effective at lowering the plasma glucose level in diabetes patients.Along with the benefits, this one of the rare fruits has a few disadvantages as well.Excessive intake of dietary fiber contained in the fruit can lead to health complications such as gas formation, cramps, and constipation in some people.Jackfruits are also known to contain oxalates, which can harm individuals with a history of kidney stones, and are hence advised to limit their intake of it.The latex present in jackfruit can cause skin irritation, so people with sensitive skin should avoid contact with it.While ripe jackfruit is healthy, unripe jackfruits are mostly toxic because they contain a glucoside called synsepalum dulcificum, which, when consumed, causes a sour taste in the mouth leading to irritation and swelling in the tongue.Facts About Jackfruit SeedsOne jackfruit can contain around 100-500 jackfruit seeds inside it, which are both edible and nutritious in nature. Even though they are usually discarded as a fruit residue, their characteristics are quite healthy, and a person can eat jackfruit seeds under any ordinary circumstance.The seeds the fruit consists of are edible and have a nutty taste.The seeds are a good source of protein, minerals and vitamins, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin C & B-complex.3.52 0z (100 g) of seeds provide about 0.81 oz (23 g) of protein, which is equivalent to the amount found in lean beef.Jackfruit seeds can be roasted and consumed as a snack or added to various dishes for flavor and nutrition.In some parts of the world, such as Southeast Asia, these seeds are very popular as regular snack items.Unhusked jackfruit seeds can also be ground into flour and used to make breads, cakes, and other food items.They are also used to make desserts and health drinks.Jackfruit seeds contain fiber and resistant starch, which pass through the body undigested and have been linked with benefits like hunger control, reduced blood sugar levels, enhanced digestion, and insulin sensitivity.Unripe jackfruit seeds can also be boiled and consumed like green beans because they are a good source of vitamins and other nutrients.Jackfruit seeds are also known to have medicinal properties and are being studied for their potential health benefits, like maintaining blood sugar and regulating blood pressure.As part of natural medicine, these seeds have been known to treat diarrhea, have antimicrobial effects, and reduce cholesterol levels.On the other hand, raw jackfruit seeds contain antinutrients that can interfere with the digestion process.Moreover, if consumed with certain drugs, it may increase the risk of bleeding. Facts About Jackfruit’s HabitatKnowing about all the fascinating facts about jackfruit and its seeds may also interest you to know about the origins of this unique fruit. Used as a prominent food item in today’s time, this fruit and its tree have their tale of origin deeply rooted in the medieval times when the Portuguese first discovered it on the western coast of India.The jackfruit is thought to have grown in the rain forests of Southeast Asia for the first time, especially on the western coast of India or Malaysia.Even though it has recently gained public attention, nature historians have known it for almost 300 years.It is a member of the Moraceae family, which means that jackfruit is related to the fig and mulberry plants.In modern times, jackfruit usually is found in tropical and sub-tropical lowland parts of the world, prominently in India, Malaysia, Central, and East Africa, the Caribbean, and South American countries.In Brazil, jackfruit is considered an invasive species because it was originally artificially introduced into the ecosystem but now outnumbers the growth of other local trees in the region.Unlike other fruit-bearing trees, jackfruit trees are not grown in orchards.In native regions, the jackfruit trees are usually found alongside the road, wildly cultivated, acting as a shade.They are also found in forests and are sometimes grown purposely in woodlots for the sake of the production of their fruit.Jackfruit tree requires minimal resources to grow and sustain, reducing human effort and providing essential products like timber, animal fodder, etc.

Jackfruit, unlike other tropical fruits, is quite unique in nature.