‘The Universe Has Your Back: Transform Fear To Faith’ is a book written and published in 2006, by Gabrielle Bernstein.Bernstein’s book is a great book in a series of self-help books from her. She is an acclaimed American motivational speaker, author and life coach.The lessons from the book ‘The Universe Has Your Back’ help readers learn to let go of the need to control their destiny, and relax into a sense of freedom. The book is a great piece of motivational material for people who want some inspiration from Gabrielle Bernstein, a professional American motivational speaker, a best-selling author, and a life coach.  Mainly having a holistic approach to life and spirituality, she is best known for her unorthodox approach to life. The New York Times in 2009 named her a ‘Motivational Guru’ for the upcoming generation. Later on in her life, she founded HerFuture.com, a mentoring site for women. As well as this, she has six other self-help books on top of the famous ‘The Universe Has Your Back’.The author makes her presence felt throughout the words in the book as she teaches readers that they should choose to fight their fear, and turn that fear into faith in order to live a guided life. The aim of the book is to lead readers to the path of happiness, clear direction, and security. We have put together some quotes that you are certain to like from ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, to help you get inspired by Bernstein’s teachings.Let’s go through and see some of these great quotes, soon we will feel like anything is achievable as long as we apply ourselves. For more content, you can also take a look at these Christian quotes about faith and [Christian quotes about love].Quotes About Life From ‘The Universe Has Your Back’Spread joy with these great quotes about true power, and acquire the strength to get through to people. Think about the right way to make your life better, get better at it and make your life wonderful with these great quotes.1. “Your purpose is to live with ease. Your purpose is to surrender to the love of the Universe so you can live a happy life. Accept the purpose of love, and your life will radically change this instant."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.2. “In every situation, you have two choices: Will you learn through fear or will you learn through love?"― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.3. “That is the goal: to live in this world but believe in a peaceful loving world beyond it."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.4. “And when we live in love, we live a miraculous life."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.5. “I came to understand that it’s our resistance to love that keeps us in the dark."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.6. “Be mindful of how your thoughts, words, and energy disconnect you from the Universe."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.7. “It’s the journey that matters, not the destination."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.8. “Commit to your new prayers and affirmations and open your heart to continue on this beautiful journey of new perceptions."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.9. “I recognize that I have chosen wrongly, I forgive this thought, and I choose again. I choose love."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.10. “When we give time to a quieting experience, we have a different life because we have a different nervous system."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.Inspirational Quotes From ‘The Universe Has Your Back’Transform these top quotes and sayings from the book into energy and inspiration to feel free from the presence of struggles in life.11. “Your presence is your power."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.12. “When we surrender our will to the power of the universe, we receive miracles."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.13. “In the midst of the darkness, grab a flashlight."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.14. “Instead of obsessing about the outcome, focus on how you want to feel."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.15. “Those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait and wait without anxiety."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.16. “When you dwell in an energy of positivity and power, you become a magnet for miracles."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.17. “Our happiness, success, and safety can be measured by our genuine capacity to tune in to the loving vibration of the universe."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.18. “Instead of focusing on goals and outcomes, redirect your focus onto celebrating what you already have."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.19. “Honor the trauma, honor the pain, and honor the fear, knowing that all along the peace of love was always shining through you."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.20. “The moment you realign with love and stop relying on your own strength, clear direction will be presented. The presence of love will always cast out fear."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.21. “Accept the purpose of love, and your life will radically change this instant.."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.22. “When we choose the universe as our teacher, we can see with the eyes of love."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.23. “Joy is a choice you make."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.Philosophical Quotes From ‘The Universe Has Your Back’Feel free to share these great thoughts in the form of lessons to get them to people in need.24. “It’s invaluable for me to clearly know the difference between what it feels like to be connected to my presence versus what it feels like when I’m not.― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.25. Remember, the Universe will never give you anything that you cannot handle. No matter how difficult your universal assignment may seem, you can seek comfort in the fact that the Universe is always supporting what is of the highest good."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.26. “When we fulfill our function, which is to truly love ourselves and share love with others, then true happiness sets in."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.27. “Thank you, spirit, for your guidance. We surrender this grievance to you, and we welcome you in to reorganize all limiting beliefs back to love."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.28. “Accept the purpose of love, and your life will radically change this instant."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.29. “Through prayer, I allow the loving energy of the Universe to guide my thoughts from littleness and doubt back to love. I use this prayer: ‘I step back and let the Universe lead the way.’"― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.30. “Practice saying this prayer before every encounter that triggers the shadows from your past: ‘I want to see this person for the first time.’"― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.31. “I’d infuse the power of positive energy into my medicine."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.32. “Projection is perception."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.33. “I witness that I’m out of alignment with my power. I choose to see peace instead of this."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.34. “Being in union with the energy of the Universe is like an awesome dance where you trust your partner so much that you just surrender to the beat of the music."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.35. “The ego cannot survive without judgment. The ego seeks to divide and separate. Spirit seeks to unify and heal."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.36. “You have no idea of the great release and peace you will feel when you totally give up judgment."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.37. “Joy is our birthright. What blocks our joy is our separation from love."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.38. “Trust that your wounds are exactly as the Universe planned. They were divinely placed in your life in the perfect order so that you could show up for them with love and remember the light within."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.39. “The key to serenity is trusting that the universe has your back."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.40. “The universe will always conspire to lead you toward solutions of the highest good when you open up to receive them."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.More Gabby Bernstein QuotesFind the right and true words of encouragement from these great quotes from the author and choose to spread the love of the universe.41. “I forgive as often as possible. I think forgiveness is the bedrock of a spiritual practice."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘The Universe Has Your Back’, 2006.42. “The universe is always working on our behalf but not always working on our time."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘Miracles Now’, 2014.43. “I am willing to witness my fears.”- Gabrielle Bernstein.44. “I learned that real happiness doesn’t come from getting but from giving."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘May Cause Miracles’, 2013.45. “Relationships are assignments for optimal growth and healing."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘Miracles Now’, 2014.46. “Your request is backed with the energy of love, it will be received with love."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘Miracles Now’, 2014.47. “If you choose to see rejection as guidance, then what is there to fear?”- Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘Super Attractor: Methods For Manifesting A Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams’, 2019.48. “When we chase happiness externally, we’re simply looking for God in all the wrong places."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘Miracles Now’, 2014.49. “Be faithful that your authentic power is all you need to truly share your light with the world."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘Become Conscious of When You’re Out of Your Truth’.50. “The simple intention to surrender control is all you need to experience miracles."― Gabrielle Bernstein, ‘Miracles Now’, 2014.51. “Allow your passion to become your purpose, and it will one day become your profession."― Gabrielle Bernstein, Twitter.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ‘The Universe Has Your Back’ quotes, then why not take a look at these abundance quotes and altruism quotes to make you think?

‘The Universe Has Your Back: Transform Fear To Faith’ is a book written and published in 2006, by Gabrielle Bernstein.