Oswald Chambers was an evangelist teacher who was part of the Scottish Baptist and Holiness Movement.Chambers also served as the principal at the Bible Training College in London. Oswald Chambers is remembered for his book, ‘My Utmost For His Highest,’ which helped Christians find their daily devotion.In 1917, Chambers met his death in Cairo, Egypt. His widow, Biddy, compiled the published books from the shorthand notes left by him. Oswald Chambers quotes teach us humility and patience. He was one of those evangelist teachers who help us understand the importance of submitting to God regularly.If you find these Oswald Chambers quotes moving, check out Billy Graham quotes and Ram Dass quotes for more insights on spirituality.Christian Oswald Chambers QuotesOswald Chambers embraced Jesus Christ at the age of fifteen. He knew from the very start that his spiritual journey was about making others believe in the Holy Christian messiah. In this section, you will find some Oswald Chambers quotes that will tell you about his devotion and guide the true path of your faith.1. “The life of Abraham does not stand for the life of a saint but for the life of the Father of a faithful."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘Not Knowing Whither’.2. “The life of Abraham is an illustration of two things: of unreserved surrender to God, and of God’s complete possession of a child of His for His own highest end."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘Not Knowing Whither’.3. “Jesus Christ can afford to be misunderstood; we cannot. Our weakness lies in always wanting to vindicate ourselves."‒ Oswald Chambers.4. “The Bible reveals that there is anarchy somewhere, real thorough-going anarchy in the heart of men against God."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘Biblical Ethics’.5. “Never be hurried out of the relationship of abiding in Him."‒ Oswald Chambers.6. “There is no condition of life in which we cannot abide in Jesus."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘Our Brilliant Heritage’.7. “Determine to abide in Jesus wherever you are placed."‒ Oswald Chambers.8. “At His baptism, our Lord accepted His vocation, which was to bear away the sin of the world.” ‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘The Psychology Of Redemption’.9. “We never enter the Kingdom of God by having our head questions answered, but only by commitment."‒ Oswald Chambers.10. “I have no right to say I believe in God unless I order my life as under His all-seeing Eye."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘Disciples Indeed’.11. “Am I learning how to use my Bible? The way to become complete for the Master’s service is to be well-soaked in The Bible."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘Approved Unto God’.12. “The Bible does not reveal all truth; we have to find out scientific truth and common sense truth for ourselves; but knowledge of the Truth, our Lord Himself, is only possible through the reception of the Holy Spirit."‒ Oswald Chambers.13. “Beware of reasoning about God’s word. Obey it."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘Disciples Indeed’.14. “The thing that startles us is not the thing that startles God."‒ Oswald Chambers.15. “The culture of the Christian life is to learn to be carefully careless over everything saving our relationship to God."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘Conformed To His Image’.Oswald Chambers Quotes On Prayer And GodIn this section, we will learn more about Oswald Chambers quotes that deal with God and praying for him. It is important to begin on the holy and spiritual journey as early as possible while getting things straight quickly. You will also get a hint through these Oswald Chambers quotes on why we surrender and how it helps us to find God’s true path.16. “We have nothing to do with what will happen if we obey; we have to abandon to God’s call in unconditional surrender and smilingly wash our hands of the consequences."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘Not Knowing Whither’.17. “We have to surrender our mean little notions for a tremendous revelation that takes our breath away."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘The Love Of God’.18. “God has no respect to anything we bring Him; He is after one thing only; and that is our unconditional surrender to Him."‒ Oswald Chambers.19. “Whichever way God engineers circumstances, the duty is to pray."‒ Oswald Chambers.20. “The exercise of prayer is the work of drawing now."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘Facing Reality’.21. “When I see Jesus Christ, I simply want to be what He wants me to be."‒ Oswald Chambers.22. “Prayer, says Jesus, is to be looked at in the same way as philanthropy, viz., with your eyes on God, not on men."‒ Oswald Chambers.23. “See that you do not use the trick of prayer to cover up what you know you ought to do."‒ Oswald Chambers.24. “Prayer is not a question of altering things externally."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘If Ye Shall Ask’.25. “There is a marvellous rejuvenescence when once you let God have His way."‒ Oswald Chambers.26. “God looks at what we cannot see, viz., at the heart."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘Biblical Psychology’.27. “God never vindicates Himself; He deliberately stands aside and lets all sorts of slanders heap on Him, yet He is not in any hurry."‒ Oswald Chambers.28. “The purity God demands is impossible unless we can be re-made from within, and that is what Jesus Christ undertakes to do through the Atonement."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘Biblical Ethics’.29. “If you say you believe God is love, stick to it."‒ Oswald Chambers.30. “To believe in Jesus means retiring and letting God take the mastership inside. That is all God asks of us."‒ Oswald Chambers.Moving Quotes From Oswald ChambersOswald Chambers was one such personality who has given us a treasure chest of understanding when it comes to the subject of God. To get closer to receiving God’s blessing, you can read these Oswald Chambers quotes, as they will help in your spiritual journey. Check out these Oswald Chambers quotes to understand how to tackle Christian envy.31. “Spiritual courage is the high heart that sees the difficulty and faces it."‒ Oswald Chambers.32. “Doctrine is never the guide into Christian experience; doctrine is the exposition of Christian experience."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘Disciples Indeed’.33. “If we do not fit ourselves by practice when there is no crisis, we shall find that our nature will fail us when the crisis comes."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘Biblical Ethics’.34. “Love for the Lord is not an ethereal, intellectual, dream-like thing, it is the intensest, the most vital, the most passionate love of which the human heart is capable."‒ Oswald Chambers.35. “Love is not blind; love sees a great deal more than the actual."‒ Oswald Chambers.36. “If your conception of love does not agree with justice and judgement, and purity and holiness, then your idea of love is wrong."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘The Love Of God’.37. “Abandon to the love of Christ is the one thing that bears fruit."‒ Oswald Chambers.38. “Undaunted radiance is not built on anything passing, but that on the love of God that nothing can alter."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘My Utmost Of His Highest’.39. “Unless your mind is free from jealousy, envy, spite; your pious words only increase your hypocrisy."‒ Oswald Chambers.40. “In Jesus Christ, there was nothing secular and sacred; it was all real, and He makes His disciples like Himself."‒ Oswald Chambers.Oswald Chambers Daily Devotional QuotesWe human beings do not know what God wants, so Oswald Chambers offers us the advice to pray daily to receive God’s blessing. Here are some quotes on prayer by Oswald Chambers and other quotes about daily devotion that will help you to connect with the Holy entity.41. “It is easier to serve God without a vision."‒ Oswald Chambers.42. “The surf that distresses the ordinary swimmer produces in the surf-rider the super joy of going clean through it."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘My Utmost For His Highest’.43. “If God sows you, you will bring forth fruit."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘My Utmost For His Highest’.44. “You no more need a holiday from spiritual concentration than your heart needs a holiday from beating."‒ Oswald Chambers.45. “Beware of making a fetish of consistency to your convictions instead of being devoted to God."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘My Utmost For His Highest’.46. “Learn to associate ideas worthy of God with all that happens in nature."‒ Oswald Chambers.47. “Trust entirely in God, and when He brings you to the venture, see that you take it."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘My Utmost For His Highest’.48. “We must build our faith, not on the fading light, but on the light that never fails."‒ Oswald Chambers.49. “Never live for the rare moments; they are surprises."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘My Utmost For His Highest’.50. “As workers for God, we have to learn to make room for God."‒ Oswald Chambers, ‘My Utmost For His Highest’.51. “Always be in the state of expectancy, and see that you leave room for God to come in as He likes."‒ Oswald Chambers.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Oswald Chambers quotes, then why not take a look at faith in God quotes, and Chuck Swindoll quotes?

Oswald Chambers was an evangelist teacher who was part of the Scottish Baptist and Holiness Movement.