Created by Tina Fey, ‘30 Rock’ is an American satirical television series.‘30 Rock’ originally aired on NBC from 11 October, 2006 to 31 January 2013. ‘30 Rock’ is based on Fey’s experience as head writer for Saturday Night Live.A hilarious sitcom, ‘30 Rock’, it is a show within a show. With some marvelous acting, and savage comedy, this show is considered to be one of the best comedy sitcoms of the decade. Fey’s writing is spot on and her fictional character of Jack Donaghy is loved by all. Jack Donaghy quotes on punctuality, Jack Donaghy quotes on relationships, Jack Donaghy quotes on freedom, Jack Donaghy quotes on ties, Jack Donaghy quotes about war, Jack Donaghy quotes about business, Jack Donaghy quotes about synergy, Jack Donaghy quotes on Hans Gruber, Jack Donaghy quotes about capitalism, Jack Donaghy quotes on family, Jack Donaghy quotes from season 2 and Jack Donaghy quotes on business are much appreciated by everyone. Given below are some hilarious quotes by Jack Donaghy that is sure to make your day.For more relatable content, check out Tina Fey quotes and Gilda Radner quotes.‍Minimalist Jack Donaghy QuotesJohn Francis ‘Jack’ Donaghy is a fictional character in the NBC sitcom ‘30 Rock’. The character is played by none other than Alec Baldwin. The following is a list of Jack Donaghy quotes from NBC TV episodes of ‘30 Rock.‘1. “In some ways, with a man, I can be more direct, but with you, uh, I have to have a conversation, talk things through more.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘2. “When it comes to hair, no one is more bitchy than conservative males.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘3. “It doesn’t matter how long you’ve lived in New York. It’s still fun to look up and pretend all the buildings are giant severed robot penises.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘4. “Lemon, I would like to teach you something. I would like to be Michelle Pfeiffer to your angry black kid who learns that poetry is just another way to rap.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘5. “No, Tracy took advantage of my white guilt, which is supposed to be used only for good, like over-tipping and supporting Barack Obama.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘6. “I know it’s a problem, and I’m handling it.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘7. “I don’t know, but I have the entire liberal media establishment at my disposal.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘8. “Liz: Why are you wearing a tux?Jack: It’s after 6. What am I, a farmer?"-Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘9. “Well, I’m glad you’re trying, but I wish you didn’t have to. Lemon, are you wearing a cup?”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘10. “As he is reading the end of ‘The Giving Tree’ he looks at the camera and says, ‘Shel Silverstein was a communist.’”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘11. “Lemon, women your age are more likely to get mauled at the zoo than get married.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘12. “Push, Liz Lemon! Here comes your baby.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘13. “My mother once won a radio contest to announce the starting lineups at a Red Sox game and used the opportunity to get me to promise never to put her in a home.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘14. “That’s what your mother said to me last night! Booyah!”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘15. “If reality TV has taught us anything, it’s that you can’t keep people with no shame down.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘16. “Lemon, what happened in your childhood to make you believe people are good?”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘17. “Lesbian Mario Brothers!”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘18. “Jack: Lemon, the grown-up dating world is like your haircut. Sometimes, awkward triangles occur.Liz: I feel like you’ve been saving that one.”- ‘30 Rock’.19.  “Let the rest of the world tear your kid down. Your job is to support him no matter what.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘20.” I do admire Willy Wonka. He’s a true capitalist. His factory has zero government regulation, slave labor, and an indoor boat. Wonderful.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘‘30 Rock’ Jack Donaghy QuotesDonaghy was a man of many contradictions. While this mostly extends to real-world people, he does have a soft spot for the likes of Willy Wonka. Given below are some best Jack Donaghy quotes from the NBC TV ‘30 Rock’.21. “Liz Lemon: Hey Jack, do you treat me any differently because I’m a woman?Jack Donaghy: Well, I pay you a little less, yes.”- ‘30 Rock’.22. “Milton: Listen to me damn it, I’m a doctor.Jack: Of history. In what emergency would you be necessary?”- ‘30 Rock’.23. “Ambition is the willingness to kill the things you love and eat them to survive. Haven’t you ever read my throw pillow?”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘24. “The third generation snowboards and takes improv classes.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘25. “Liz Lemon: I’m feeling pretty drunk.Jack Donaghy: Well, it’s business drunk, it’s like rich drunk. Either way drunk, it’s legal to drive.”- ‘30 Rock’.26. “Business doesn’t get me down, business gets me off.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘27. “The only way you’re like Socrates is you have the body hair of a Greek man.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘28.” But I don’t care, because I thrive in crisis mode. It is when I am really at my best."- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘29. “I believe that when you have a problem, you talk it over with your priest, or your tailor, or the mute elevator porter at your men’s club.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘30." You know how the media are. They wait for a mistake and that’s all you are."- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘31. “I didn’t get a bathroom door that looks like a wall by not being good at business.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘32. “That being said, in his world of business and politics, being gay is sometimes thought to be a negative thing.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘33. “Well, then you best go home and put on your daddy’s shoes, boy. This is a man’s game.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘34. “Ghostface, you think you could mention at any point?”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘35. “I’m not a creative type like you, with your work sneakers and left-handedness.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘36. “I even stopped to catch a snowflake with my tongue, but apparently that’s some signal in Chelsea.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘37. “Then you take that problem and you crush it with your mind vice. But for lesser beings, like curly haired men and people who need glasses, therapy can help.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘38. “l fake a hurricane and all regularly scheduled programming is preempted.”- Jake Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘39. “Never go with a hippie to a second location.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘40. “A year ago I was two inches shorter. Sheer willpower.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘Jack Donaghy Quotes About Life(Jack Donaghy quotes are unique.)“30 Rock” is a clever, wacky comedy that benefits from a strong ensemble cast that made people from all over the world fall in love with this show. Let’s take a look at some of golden business nuggets from the fictional head of NBC. The following is a list of some of the best Jack Donaghy quotes about life.41. “Did you take an Ambien with your Franzia and sleepwalk here?”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘42. “When I got home I threw away my microscope, my shell collection, my map of the stars.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘43.  “I’m going to use that to find my dad a kidney.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘44. “Human empathy. It’s as useless as the Winter Olympics.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘45. “Fifty is the new forty for men. Fifty is still sixty for women.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘46.“There are no bad ideas. Only good ideas that go horribly wrong.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘47. “Those shoes are definitely bi-curious.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘48. “Now that’s the spirit. But if they’re not taking resignations, there’s only one way out: we have to work together to get fired.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘49. “Rich 50 is middle-class 38.”- Jack Donaghy.50. “I’ve got two ears and a heart, don’t I?”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘51.  “The whole Kabletown deal is resting on this and Austin is pro-business.”- Jack Donaghy, ‘30 Rock.‘Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Jack Donaghy quotes then why not take a look at ‘Miss Congeniality’ quotes or Adam Sandler quotes?‍

Created by Tina Fey, ‘30 Rock’ is an American satirical television series.