Carbon is a necessary element on Earth.There are different forms of carbons that are known today. The most common are graphite and diamond.Life exists on Earth due to various life processes which are ongoing. Among the various life processes, everyone should be aware of the water cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, phosphorus cycle, and many more. The carbon cycle, as the name suggests, involves the element carbon. The carbon cycle is a two-step process, and it is a cyclic process with no end.Firstly, since the cycle involves the chemical element, you should know what exactly carbon is; Carbon is an atom. The word carbon is known to have been derived from the Latin word ‘carbo’. The word ‘carbo’ means coal. The carbon cycle is also an important part of the ecosystem. The organisms on Earth are involved in the cycle, along with the non-living things. Food webs and food chains help in the transfer of carbon from one living organism to another.Humans have been burning fuel and releasing carbon dioxide into the air since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Let us find out how it has impacted Earth.What are the steps in the carbon cycle?The carbon cycle is a step-by-step process that keeps happening in the biosphere without humans noticing it.The very first step of the carbon cycle is carbon being moved to plants in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2).The plants pick up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere via the process of photosynthesis.After this step, carbon moves from plants into animals. This is due to the food chain.Herbivore animals eat the plant parts, and then those animals are eaten by other big animals.In this way, the carbon dioxide keeps on moving from one body to another.Carbon dioxide is also dissolved in the soil when plants and animals die.It is to be noted that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, and it traps heat in the atmosphere.The decayed bodies of dead animals and plants cause carbon dioxide to get mixed up in the soil.The next step is that carbon dioxide is released back into the atmosphere.This happens due to the fact that every living organism on Earth gives out carbon dioxide during the expiration process.Then, carbons are also released from factories, fossil fuel content, power plants, and so on. The carbon then also moves to the oceans.Carbon is further dissolved into the ocean water.A major role is played by the living beings involved in these processes of transferring carbons.It is also to be noted that though this cycle is necessary, the carbon dioxide which is released is considered to be a greenhouse gas, the excess amount of which is causing us issues.The issue is that this excess amount makes the Earth warmer as it traps more heat, thereby contributing to global warming.Characteristics Of The Carbon CycleThe carbon cycle is being rigorously studied and taught everywhere.Firstly, it is clear from the facts above that this cycle is nothing but a way to keep on reusing the carbon atoms present in the atmosphere.Carbons are consumed by every living organism.Most carbon compounds are found in rocks and sediments.Also, you can find an ample amount of these compounds in the ocean, atmosphere, and living organisms.Carbon is not found in a single form, and it is just like other elements.It is found in a complex form, which means that it is mixed up with other elements.Importance Of The Carbon CycleCarbon is an element that helps in capturing heat.The carbon cycle is essential as it helps in maintaining a stable climate for the different regions of the Earth.The cycle, which involves the back and forth transfer of carbon, also helps in keeping the exact balance of the element carbon.This cycle also helps in maintaining the Earth’s temperature.So here comes the big question; is the recent rise in global warming due to the presence of carbon or specifically because of the carbon cycle?Well, to answer this question, you must know that global warming has a lot to do with carbon dioxide.In recent years, there have been many shreds of evidence that show that the practices of human beings have led to global warming and that climate change is hurting the planet.Interesting Facts About The Carbon CycleYou can say that carbon is one of the most abundant elements on Earth.In fact, some scientists even say that carbon is the fourth most abundant element in the whole universe.Carbon is an element that easily bonds with other elements.One of the most amazing facts about carbon is that nearly 20% of the body of humans is believed to contain carbon. Too much carbon is also not great. Despite that, these compounds are used extensively today.The first form of carbon that was discovered was soot or charcoal.The carbon cycle involves the elements used by plants as it helps the plants to prepare food.Also, the atmosphere in which humans live is made up of 30% of carbon dioxide gas.Nearly every organism on this Earth consumes carbon and is a contributor to the very cycle.Last but not least, carbon is the second most abundant element in the body of humans, so learning about its impact on the Earth’s atmosphere due to human activity and other living organisms is important. It helps you change your habits to contribute positively to the environment.Did You Know…It is interesting how fast the carbon cycle can have an impact on the Earth’s surface.When animals and plants die, they decay.Some of these dead plants and animals may become fossil fuels.Carbon moves from fossil fuels to the atmosphere when these fossil fuels are burned.Humans burn fossil fuels to power automobiles and factories; these fossil fuels enter the atmosphere quickly.You should know that carbon is attached to oxygen in carbon dioxide.Carbon dioxide helps in plant growth and for plants to prepare their own food. This process of preparing their own food is termed photosynthesis.Carbon moves from plants to animals through the food chain process.If carbon is a part of rocks, natural gas and fossil fuels like coal, it may be held away from the carbon cycle for a long time.It is possible that a carbon atom becomes a part of the skeleton and then a part of sedimentary rock as living beings die.When we speak of carbon, we might as well learn some more chemical reactions.As much as the carbon cycle along with human contributions causes climate change and harms the Earth’s land, nitrogen oxides do too.Nitrogen oxides lead to the formation of acid rain and smog. Nitrogen dioxide reacts with water vapor to form acid in acid rain.Atmospheric carbon combines with water to form carbonic acid.Anyone studying Earth science can learn more about how carbon, nitrogen, and other compounds form excessive greenhouse gases and hurt the natural fluxes.While automobiles are major contributors of nitrogen oxides, they are formed due to high-temperature combustion as oxygen combines with nitrogen.These are some of the vital life processes on Earth which support various life forms. There is a never-ending path of knowledge about the carbon cycle. It is always interesting to keep learning the various facts.

Carbon is a necessary element on Earth.