Sally Kristen Ride was an American astronaut born on 26 May 1951, who became the first American woman in space.Being born in Los Angeles, Sally Ride joined NASA in 1978. Sally Ride became the first American woman in space at the age of 32 in 1983.To date, she is the youngest female American astronaut in space, making women proud all around the world. She went to space twice in the Orbiter Challenger and left NASA in the year 1987. After this, she served on the committees involved in investigating the Columbia and Orbiter space shuttle disasters. She became the only person to have participated in both committees.Here are some famous Sally Ride quotes. If you like these Sally Ride quotes, check out these astronaut quotes and Mae Jemison quotes to read more notable quotes.‍The Best Sally Ride Famous QuotesHere are some of the most famous quotes by Sally Ride for you to read. These Sally Ride quotes can make you feel motivated and inspired to achieve your dreams!1. “I would like to be remembered as someone who was not afraid to do what she wanted to do, and as someone who took risks along the way in order to achieve her goals.”- Sally Ride.2. “All adventures, especially into new territory, are scary.”- Sally Ride.3. “Three secrets to success: Be willing to learn new things. Be able to assimilate new information quickly. Be able to get along with and work with other people.”- Sally Ride.4. “Ever been to Disneyland? That was definitely an E-ticket!”- Sally Ride.5. “When you’re getting ready to launch into space, you’re sitting on a big explosion just waiting to happen.”- Sally Ride.6. “I did not come to NASA to make history.”- Sally Ride.7. “The space shuttle is a better and safer rocket than it was before the Challenger accident.”- Sally Ride.8. “I think maybe it’s too bad that our society isn’t further along and this is such a big deal.”- Sally Ride.9. “Our future lies with today’s kids and tomorrow’s space exploration.”- Sally Ride.10. “Yes, I did feel a special responsibility to be the first American woman in space.”- Sally Ride.11. “The thing I’ll remember most about the flight is that it was fun.”- Sally Ride.12. “I have a lot of common sense. I know what needs to be done and how to approach it. I have an ability to work with people on large enterprises.”- Sally Ride.13. “I find myself looking around for other new, interesting opportunities to dive into.”- Sally Ride.14. “If I think I’ve accomplished what I set out to accomplish, then that’s achievement.”- Sally Ride.Interesting Sally Ride QuotesGet to know all about the space shuttle and life in our solar system with these Sally Ride quotes.15. “It’s easy to sleep floating around — it’s very comfortable. But you have to be careful that you don’t float into somebody or something!”- Sally Ride.16. “Different astronauts sleep in different ways.”- Sally Ride.17. “The view of earth is absolutely spectacular.”- Sally Ride.18. “I think that the two things that almost any astronaut would describe as most fun about being in space are the weightlessness and the view of Earth. Weightlessness is just a lot of fun!”- Sally Ride.19. “It takes a couple of years just to get the background and knowledge that you need before you can go into detailed training for your mission.”- Sally Ride.20. “The feeling of looking back and seeing your planet as a planet is just an amazing feeling. It’s a totally different perspective, and it makes you appreciate, actually, how fragile our existence is.”- Sally Ride.21. “Well, we spend an awful lot of our time working and doing experiments. It’s very busy up on the shuttle.”- Sally Ride.22. “Science is fun. It is curiosity. We all have a natural curiosity. Science is a process of investigating. It’s posing questions and coming up with a method.”- Sally Ride.23. “Studying whether there’s life on Mars or studying how the universe began, there’s something magical about pushing back the frontiers of knowledge.”- Sally Ride.24. “We can see cities during the day and at night, and we can watch rivers dump sediment into the ocean, and see hurricanes form.”- Sally Ride.25. “I’ve discovered that half the people would love to go into space and there’s no need to explain it to them. The other half can’t understand and I couldn’t explain it to them. If someone doesn’t know why, I can’t explain it.”- Sally Ride.26. “There might be very primitive life in our solar system—single-cell animals, that sort of thing.”- Sally Ride.Inspirational Sally Ride QuotesGet some inspiration from these quotes from the woman who became the first American woman to go into space. Read inspirational Sally Ride quotes below.27. “I have been a bit of a risk-taker all my life.”- Sally Ride.28. “I haven’t written my memoirs or let the television movie be made about my life.”- Sally Ride.29. “I’m sure it was the most fun that I’ll ever have in my life.”- Sally Ride.30. “My parents must have done a great job. Anytime I wanted to pursue something that they weren’t familiar with, that was not part of their lifestyle, they let me go ahead and do it.”- Sally Ride.31. “Once you are assigned to a flight, the whole crew is assigned at the same time, and then that crew trains together for a whole year to prepare for that flight.”- Sally Ride.32. “Rocket science is tough, and rockets have a way of failing.”- Sally Ride.33. “I’m not a goal-oriented person. I don’t look out into the future and say, ‘Five or ten years from now, this is what I want to be doing, this is where I want to be.’ I’m very much a person who gets very, very involved in whatever I happen to be doing now.”- Sally Ride.34. “The experience of being in space didn’t change my perspective of myself or of the planet or of life. I had no spiritual experience.”- Sally Ride.35. “When you can feel that close to something you’re used to seeing from this great distance, it changes a person.”- Sally Ride.36. “For whatever reason, I didn’t succumb to the stereotype that science wasn’t for girls. I got encouragement from my parents. I never ran into a teacher or a counselor who told me that science was for boys.”- Sally Ride.37. “The rockets light! The shuttle leaps off the launch pad in a cloud of steam and a trail of fire.”- Sally Ride.38. “I never went into physics or the astronaut corps to become a role model. But after my first flight, it became clear to me that I was one.”- Sally Ride.Top Sally Ride QuotesHere are some top Sally Ride quotes that tell us about women, astronaut life, and more.39. “The stars don’t look bigger, but they do look brighter.”- Sally Ride.40. “I was always very interested in science, and I knew that for me, science was a better long-term career than tennis. So I decided on science when I was in college.”- Sally Ride.41. “If we want scientists and engineers in the future, we should be cultivating the girls as much as the boys.”- Sally Ride.42. “If girls are interested, they have the potential to go further.”- Sally Ride.43. “We need to make science cool again.”- Sally Ride.44. “If it wasn’t for the women’s movement, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”- Sally Ride.45. “There are lots of opportunities out there for women to work in these fields. Girls just need support, encouragement, and mentoring to follow through with the sciences.”- Sally Ride.46. “I suggest taking a high road and a little sense of humor and let things roll off your back. I think that’s very important.”- Sally Ride.47. “Weightlessness is a great equalizer.”- Sally Ride.48. “It’s too bad our society isn’t further along.”- Sally Ride.49. “I had both male and female heroes.”- Sally Ride.50. “The fact that I was going to be the first American woman to go into space carried huge expectations along with it.”- Sally Ride.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 50 Sally Ride quotes from the first American woman in space, then why not take a look at these Buzz Aldrin quotes and space exploration quotes for more?‍

Sally Kristen Ride was an American astronaut born on 26 May 1951, who became the first American woman in space.