‘Mad Men’ is an American drama television series created by Matthew Weiner and produced by Lionsgate Television.‘Mad Men’ begins at the fictional Sterling Cooper agency on Madison Avenue in Manhattan, New York. And in the latter half of the series, at the freshly created firm of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce.The series’ main character is the womanizing advertising executive Don Draper (played by Jon Hamm), who is the talented creative director at Sterling Cooper, and later a commencement partner at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce. The plot tracks the characters in their personal and professional lives. As the series progresses, it depicts the ever-changing moods and social norms of the United States throughout the ’60s and ’70s. The characters consist of Don Draper, Betty Draper, Joan Harris, Roger Sterling, Peggy Olson, Pete Campbell, Bert Cooper, and Matthew Weiner.‘Mad Men’ received widespread approval for its writing, acting, directing, visual style, and historical authenticity; it also won several awards. It also has many famous quotes and sayings that we have collected for you. You should definitely check out these ‘Mad Men’ quotes, alongside these ‘The West Wing’ quotes and ‘Downtown Abbey’ quotes too.‍The Best ‘Mad Men’ Quotes To Live ByHere are some of the best ‘Mad Men’ quotes from Roger, Peggy and more, that we have collected for you. If you don’t know ‘Mad Men’ very well, this is a good place to start!1. “Make it simple, but significant.”- Don Draper, ‘Mad Men’.2. “You’re going to need a stronger stomach if you’re going to be back in the kitchen seeing how the sausage is made.”- Bert Cooper, ‘Mad Men’.3. “If you don’t like what’s being said, change the conversation.”- Don Draper, ‘Mad Men’.4. “This is America. Pick a job and become the person who does it.”- Bobbie Barrett, ‘Mad Men’.5. “He may act like he wants a secretary, but most of the time they’re looking for something between a mother and a waitress.”- Joan Harris, ‘Mad Men’.6. “One never knows how loyalty is born.”- Bert Cooper, ‘Mad Men’.7. “Am I to entertain your ballad of dissatisfaction, or has something actually happened? Because I am at work, dear.”- Lane Pryce, ‘Mad Men’.8. “If I’m going to die, I’m going to die in Manhattan.”- Pete Campbell, ‘Mad Men’.9. “Men don’t take time to end things. They ignore you until you insist on a declaration of hate.”- Joan Harris, ‘Mad Men’.10. “Roy: Perpetuating the lie. How do you sleep at night?Don Draper: On a bed made of money.”- ‘Mad Men’.Funny ‘Mad Men’ QuotesSome hilarious ‘Mad Men’ quotes that readers will love every time, from Peggy, Don and more.11. “Well, I’ve got to go learn a load of people’s names before I fire them.”- Roger Sterling, ‘Mad Men’.12. “I keep going to a lot of places and ending up somewhere I’ve already been.”- Matthew Weiner, ‘Mad Men’.13. “I should’ve known it was near the end. Every time an old man starts talking about Napoleon, you know they’re going to die.”- Roger Sterling, ‘Mad Men’.14. “Am I the only one who can work and drink at the same time?”- Peggy Olson, ‘Mad Men’.15. “Well, you know what they say about Detroit. It’s all fun and games till they shoot you in the face.”- Roger Sterling, ‘Mad Men’.16. “She was born in 1898 in a barn. She died on the thirty-seventh floor of a skyscraper. She’s an astronaut.”- Bert Cooper, ‘Mad Men’.17. “That poor girl. She doesn’t know that loving you is the worst way to get to you.”- Betty Draper, ‘Mad Men’.18. “This never happened. It will shock you how much it never happened.”- Don Draper, ‘Mad Men’.19. ““Who knows why people in history did good things? For all we know Jesus was trying to get the loaves and fishes account.”- Roger Sterling, ‘Mad Men’.20. “I don’t think I ever wanted to be the man who loves children. But from the moment they’re born, that baby comes out and you act proud and excited and hand out cigars.”- Don Draper, ‘Mad Men’.Don Draper QuotesHere are some ‘Mad Men’ quotes for Don Draper fans.21. “People will show you who they are, but we ignore it because we want them to be who we want them to be.”- Don Draper, ‘Mad Men’.22. “What you call love was invented by guys like me… to sell Nylons.”- Don Draper, ‘Mad Men’.23. “I have a life and it only goes in one direction. Forward.”- Don Draper, ‘Mad Men’.24. “We’re flawed because we want so much more. We’re ruined because we get these things and wish for what we had.”- Don Draper, ‘Mad Men’.25. “Nostalgia: It’s delicate but potent… In Greek, ’nostalgia’ literally means ’the pain from an old wound.’ It’s a twinge in your heart far more powerful than memory alone.”- Don Draper, ‘Mad Men’.26. “You’re good. Get better. Stop asking for something.”- Don Draper, ‘Mad Men’.27. “It’s useless to be creative unless you can sell what you create.”- Don Draper, ‘Mad Men’.28. “The day you sign a client is a day you start to lose them.”- Don Draper, ‘Mad Men’.29. “I’m glad this is an environment where you feel free to fail.”- Don Draper, ‘Mad Men’.30. “You can’t tell people what they want. It has to be what you want.”- Don Draper, ‘Mad Men’.Joan Harris QuotesHere are some Joan ‘Mad Men’ quotes for our readers.31. “I am not a solution to your problems. I am another problem.”- Joan Harris, ‘Mad Men’.32. “Go home, take a paper bag, and cut some eye hole out of it. Put it over your head, get undressed and look at yourself in the mirror. Evaluate where your strength and weaknesses are.”- Joan Harris, ‘Mad Men’.33. “Sometimes when people get what they want, they realize how limited their goals were.”- Joan Harris, ‘Mad Men’.34. “You want to be taken seriously? Then don’t dress like a little girl.”- Joan Harris, ‘Mad Men’.35. “Remember, when you are over there in the jungle, and they are shooting at you - you’re not dying for me. Because I don’t like you or never will.”- Joan Harris, ‘Mad Men’.36. “I’m in charge of thinking of things before people know they need them.”- Joan Harris, ‘Mad Men’.37. “They just want you to be as miserable as they are. I say let them have it.”- Joan Harris, ‘Mad Men’.38. “I want to burn this place down.”- Joan Harris, ‘Mad Men’.39. “If they’ve tried to make you feel you’re different from them, you are. That’s a good way to be.”- Joan Harris, ‘Mad Men’.40. “I’m glad the army makes you feel like a man. Because I’m sick and tired of trying to do it.”- Joan Harris, ‘Mad Men’.One-Liner ‘Mad Men’ QuotesHere are some one-liner ‘Mad Men’ quotes that we have collected for you.41. “Those people – in Manhattan – they are better than us. Because they want things they haven’t seen.”- Peggy Olson, ‘Mad Men’.42. “What would you do if you were me? Would you love you?”- Betty Draper, ‘Mad Men’.43. “I’m just acknowledging that life, unlike this analysis, will eventually end, and somebody else will get the bill.”- Roger Sterling, ‘Mad Men’.44. “Is this some sort of thing like in the movies where I have a gun and you don’t think I’m going to shoot you?”- Pete Campbell, ‘Mad Men’.45. “At some point, we’ve all parked in the wrong garage.”- Roger Sterling, ‘Mad Men’.46. “Change is neither good or bad; it simply what life is.”- Don Draper, ‘Mad Men’.47. “Peggy, just think about it. Deeply. Then forget it. And an idea will jump up in your face.”- Don Draper, ‘Mad Men’.48. “Don’t think just try it.”- Matthew Weiner, ‘Mad Men’.49. “Our worst fears lie in anticipation.”- Don Draper, ‘Mad Men’.50. “I will shoot you.”- Pete Campbell, ‘Mad Men’.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 50 of the best ever ‘Mad Men’ quotes, then why not take a look at these ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ quotes or ‘That 70s Show’ quotes too?‍

‘Mad Men’ is an American drama television series created by Matthew Weiner and produced by Lionsgate Television.