After the crucifixion of Jesus, which was in the timeline 30 and 33 AD, what we know today as the Christian religion started forming its roots in the hearts of the people.When it comes to Christianity, the history is densely consumed by the Roman Empire and the Roman Catholic church, since Christianity was practiced largely in these communities. Talking about the starting of the religion, Jewish people were known to be the first Christians as they saw Jesus as a messiah and the one god.The Roman empire was greatly influenced by the sacrifices that Jesus Christ made and adapted the Christian bible and saw Jesus Christ as the one god. Thanks to the rich history of Christianity in the Roman empire, the majority of the Christian orthodox today are Roman Catholics.Origin Of ChristianityThe origins of Christianity and the holy book have a very rich history that dates back a thousand years back.When Christianity started spreading its roots, the initial communities that accepted Jesus with open arms were the Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox.Since the origins of Christianity dates back to biblical times, it’s assumed that during the timeline of 392 AD Christianity became the largest practiced religion among Roman people.There are many stories that portray the crucifixion of Jesus Christ; the most accepted story is that Roman soldiers were behind the crucifixions of Jesus Christ.In Christianity, taking part in a communal prayer is a big part of worshipping the holy trinity and the holy spirit.As Christianity spread quickly, people from all around the world started practicing it the way their nearby church convinced them to. This didn’t sit right with the German monk, Martin Luther, he not only challenged the very functioning of the Christian churches, but also argued about the enormous power which the pope acquired at that time.After Martin Luther openly argued about the norms of the church, he came up with a movement called reformation, which proved to be the reason why western Christianity divided into two sides.Today Christianity is the largest religion of the word and is practiced by Christians of all ethnicity and race.Christian catholics worship the Virgin Mary, the one god, Jesus Christ and the sacred sites that are marked as pious under the Christian religion.As time passed, Christianity emerged to be more than just a religion and birthed several ideas which can be seen in the holiest city of Christians in form of their architecture and ancient paintings.As Christianity is such a widespread religion, different countries and their churches practice them slightly differently from one another with a tiny hint of their own cultural reference.There are many cultural differences among Christians; western Christians still follow the Roman Christian sentiments, believe in the pope, and the power that the pope holds.When the subject of eastern orthodoxy arrives, this regards Christians who, typically, belong to Greek and Russian ethnicity - their ideas and practice of Christianity is slightly different from the Romans. Eastern orthodoxy does not believe in the pope and doesn’t have any alliance with the pope as well.To simply put, Christianity has its own three branches, which are Catholicism, Orthodox, and Protestantism.Christianity has been practiced for thousands of years now and it’s anything but simple. When we go further into the very essence of Christianity, it leaves us to the subject of practicing Christianity, and this part of the religion is again divided into five other sub-segments.Different Christians practice their religion and pray to Jesus, the son of God in a different way. There are mainly five groups in which the Christians of today’s times are divided, which are the Church of the East, the Catholic, the Oriental Orthodox, the Eastern Orthodox, and Protestantism.In the earlier times, Christian philosophers used to take the responsibility of spreading Christianity to non-Jews, which during that time, used to follow their own holy book known as the Hebrew bible.For Christians, the holiest day in Christianity is Sunday.Under Christianity, a number of festivals are celebrated, one of the most famous among them is easter, which started with good Friday.Many Christians believe that there is only one God, however, such beliefs were originally received from the Jewish religion and their practices.The Gutenberg Bible is the first-ever bible that was accepted in Christianity, although before this, there were 144 different books with different teachings ,which were then combined and formed as one bible.The Christian beliefs tell that the birth of Jesus Christ was hinted in the old testament of the bible.After the death of Jesus Christ, the Bible, which was read in churches, was known as the new testament.Beliefs Of ChristianityChristianity teaches and focuses on certain main points which shape Christians into ideal followers of Jesus Christ.In Christianity, one of the main goals is to ask forgiveness from God, and Jesus Christ.In Christianity, it is believed that it is essential to have the strength to forgive the people who have caused you wrong in any possible way.To simplify the teaching of Christianity and the philosophy of Jesus Christ, Christianity is divided into seven basics about which every Christian should be aware.All Christians pray to Jesus, the holy spirit, and the father.Christians deem the holy spirit as the presence of God among humans on this earth to comfort us and to release us from our sins.In Christianity, the bible is accepted as closest to what Jesus Christ followed and taught.Christians like to live in a Christian community, which also promotes the essence of communal prayers. Due to the need to stay in the community in olden times, the church came into the picture, which binds all Christians with one thread.Grace and prayer are two of the seven pillars of Christianity.Saint Peter is known to be the first pope.What is more interesting to know is the differences in beliefs under Christianity.Some Christians celebrate Christmas while come celebrate easter, then there are some Christians who don’t celebrate either of these two holidays.The differences in opinions about Christianity occurred when one group believed that the birth of Jesus is the most important event of Christianity while some believed that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is more valuable.Due to the differences in the beliefs, two holidays emerged, one of which is Christmas and the other is Easter.Christmas is celebrated as the birthday of Jesus Christ and Christians all across the world celebrate it with the highest of spirits.Easter came into the picture when one group of Christians believed that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is more auspicious and they started celebrating that day as Easter, which starts with good Friday.There are some other groups of Christianity who don’t celebrate Christmas at all, since the Bible doesn’t mention Christmas and it doesn’t teach about Christmas either.In Christianity, the holy trinity is very important and every prayer starts with the cross symbol, praying Jesus, the father, and the holy spirit.The majority of the teaching that Christianity spread is based on the life of Jesus and the principles that Jesus followed.The concept of community in Christianity is so deep-rooted that it led to the formation of the first catholic church.When we refer to the word church in Christianity it doesn’t refer to a building or mean a building, it means a group of people that pray together as a family. Church refers to the group of people and not the building in which this group of people pray in.In the earlier times when Christianity was just getting introduced into the holy Roman Empire, Christian philosopher Paul traveled for over 30 years to teach Christian beliefs to the Roman Empire to the busiest and most important cities of that time.Paul traveled to cities that were home to the poor, who were in desperate need of a direction and needed some guidance in their life.Jesus only taught his preachings to Jewish people, however, Paul went beyond that and taught the teaching to non-Jewish people as well, that time they were called the gentiles. Paul did so by going home to home, informing people about Christianity in the very comfort of their own home.Earlier Judaism and Christianity were not so different, more so, Jews were the first Christians. However, the difference in opinion started when Christianity started teaching more relaxed laws that did not sit right with the Jewish tradition. As Christianity spread, non-Jewish people who were now converting to Christianity started following the more relaxed laws now and eventually Judaism and Christianity became different religions.Symbols And Creed Of ChristianityThe cross symbol in Christianity is one of the most important symbols. The holy trinity talks about Jesus, the son of God, the holy spirit, and the father.Although, as the years passed, Christianity became legal in the holy Roman Empire, but the start of Christianity wasn’t so easy.Christian philosophers were an easy target in the roman empire and they were often portrayed as cannibals or people who perform incest.As in earlier times, Christian philosophers were held in a bad light, and they also had to pay a hefty price for teaching Christianity in ancient Rome. Nero, who was a Roman Emperor at that time, punished Christian philosophers by crucifying them or setting them on fire.Despite the regular attempts of shutting down the Christian roots in the Roman Empire, during the first century, Christian philosophers weren’t punished in other parts of Rome.During 313 AD the Christian faith took over Rome and grew among people. After the Roman emperor accepted Christianity, it became the official religion in Rome.The most important sign and symbol in the Christian religion is the holy cross, although as the religion is spread across various countries the cross is started developing in different sizes as well.Crosses were used earlier as well, even before Christianity came into the picture. During the earlier times the cross symbol was used as possession or belief.The Greek cross is another important symbol in the Christian religion. This Greek cross has four equal sides and it is known as the crux immissa.The other kind of important cross is the Latin cross, in the Latin cross the base is longer than the other three arms of the cross, it’s known as the crux commissa.The Greek cross is sometimes also called st. Anthony’s cross.Countries That Practice ChristianityToday you can find Christianity being practiced in almost every country in the world. Christianity continues to rule western countries with its teachings, although as the religion spread to countless countries, it also been induced by their own culture as well.The crux immissa is also another famous cross, this is also the cross on which Christ was crucified.The Christian devotion to the cross can also be seen through the presentation of crosses on the maps of United Kington.When we see ancient german history, they also made a cross out of stone. Not just Christianity, other religions also use their different varieties of the cross as a religious symbol.In Asia especially, the belief in Jesus, son of God spread via missionaries, who focused on the teachings of Jesus.Missionaries first started the preaching of Jesus from Vietnam in the year 1300, and from there on they began exploring the east side of Asia and telling more and more people about Jesus.One of the most interesting facts about Christianity in Asia is there are more Christians in China than in Britain.The spread of Christianity in Asia and Europe is due to the missionaries who traveled for years to reach the common people and introduce them to Jesus and the life of Jesus Christ.

After the crucifixion of Jesus, which was in the timeline 30 and 33 AD, what we know today as the Christian religion started forming its roots in the hearts of the people.