Ho Chi Minh was a Vietnamese politician and revolutionary.He was the former Prime Minister of North Vietnam from 1945-1955. He was also the president of North Vietnam until his death.Ho Chi Minh inspired the people of Vietnam by leading the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in 1945. He was the leader of the Communist Party. Following are some of Ho Chi Minh’s Quotes that will help you understand the mind of this national hero!Famous Ho Chi Minh Quotes(Ho Chi Minh Quotes can inspire you to understand the leadership showcased by him during the Vietnam War).Ho Chi Minh was also a poet and writer. These quotes can show you how creative a politician can be!“A poet must learn to wage war.““Misfortune is a test of people’s fidelity.”- ‘Word Play’.“Love other human beings as you would love yourself.““Democracy means to rely on the masses, correctly follow the mass line.”- ‘To Practice Thrift and Oppose Embezzlement’.“The most important aspect of self-criticism is to practically and effectively correct one’s errors.““Revolutionary morality does not fall from the sky.”- ‘On Revolutionary Morality’.“After the rain, good weather./In the wink of an eye,/ the universe throws off its muddy clothes.““It is crystal clear that once victorious, socialism can never tolerate the personality cult and its harmful consequences.”- ‘Development of Ideological Unity Among Marxist Leninist Parties’.“Talent and swift feet give us the upper hand.““All men are created equal. They are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”- Vietnamese Proclamation of Independence.“In a war, to win a victory or suffer a defeat are common things.”- Conference 1950.Ho Chi Minh QuotesHo Chi Minh led Vietnam to be an independent country after fighting the war for over three decades. These statements made by him are considered iconic, even today!“Only in a socialist system are the interests of the individual, the state and the collective at one.”- ‘Report on the Draft Amended Constitution’.“The energetic measures taken by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to do away with the personality cult, and its consequence, set a brilliant example of unprecedented political boldness.““We have a secret weapon…it is called Nationalism.““Those who protest at injustice are people of true merit.”- ‘Word Play’.“Nothing is more precious than Independence and Liberty.”- ‘Ho Chi Minh and His Vietnam: A Personal Memoir’.“Every house was festooned with flowers and with lanterns. On the national day, the whole country went wild with joy, But on that very day, I was placed in chains and transferred: The wind remains contrary to the flight of the eagle.““Write in such a way as that you can be readily understood by both the young and the old, by men as well as women, even by children.““I’ve never cared for humming verse/ But what to do inside a jail?”- Poems from ‘The Prison Diary of Ho Chi Minh’.“All my life, U have served the fatherland, the revolution and the people with all my heart and strength.”- Testament 1969.“Remember, the storm is a good opportunity for the pine and the cypress to show their strength and their stability.““To be a man one must suffer the blows of misfortune.“Motivational Ho Chi Minh QuotesKeeping a country motivated for three decades to wage war for freedom is not a piece of cake. These statements made by Minh show how great of a vocal politician he was!“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.““I’m very moved to be here today, … Our lives are now much better, but Vietnam remains a very poor country. We need to work much harder.““When the prison doors are opened, the real dragon will fly out.”- On Revolution: Selected Writings, 1920-1966.“I only follow one party: the Vietnamese Party.““Our cause is just… We have a tradition of undaunted struggle and the great sympathy and support of the fraternal socialist countries and progressive people all over the world. We shall win.““I and others may be revolutionaries but we are disciples of Mahatma Gandhi, directly or indirectly, nothing more nothing less.““People who come out of prison can build up the country.”- ‘Word Play’.“Though frontiers and mountains stand between us, Proletarians of the whole world come together as one family.““To reap a return in ten years, plant trees. To reap a return in 100, cultivate the people.““Today we should make poems including iron and steel And the poet should know how to lead an attack.“Ho Chi Minh Quotes About IndependenceHo Chi Minh led North Vietnam against the Japanese, the French, and South Vietnam, who the we backed. These are some excerpts from his political speeches.“The entire Vietnamese people are determined to mobilize all their physical and mental strength, to sacrifice their lives and property in order to safeguard their independence and liberty.““In practice, the enemy has been making much more propaganda for us than we have ourselves.““Military action without politics is like a tree without a root.““Our resistance will be long and painful, but whatever the sacrifices, however long the struggle, we shall fight to the end, until Vietnam is fully independent and reunified.““The Vietnamese people deeply love independence, freedom and peace. But in the face of United States aggression they have risen up, united as one man.““Independence without freedom is worse than no independence.”- ‘Vietnam: The Betrayal of a Revolution’.“We want peace, we have made concessions. But the more concessions we made, the more encroachments have been carried out by the French colonialists, for they are bent on reconquering our country. Can we allow this? No!““Our mountains will always be, our rivers will always be, our people will always be, The American invaders defeated, we will rebuild our land ten times more beautiful.““A people who have courageously opposed French domination for more than eighty years, a people who have fought side by side with the Allies against the Fascists during these last years, such a people must be free and independent.““The fighting spirit of the people is mounting before our eyes! Let us unite and unify our action to overthrow the Japanese and the French.““For these reasons, we, members of the Provisional Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, solemnly declare to the world that Vietnam has the right to be a free and independent country and in fact it already has been so.““Embezzlement, waste, and bureaucracy are evils left by the old society. They spring from self-interest and selfishness.”- ‘Down with Colonialism!’“It was patriotism, not communism, that inspired me.”

Ho Chi Minh was a Vietnamese politician and revolutionary.