in Tama is one of the animated series that originated in Japan.‘Manga’ refers to the comic works that originated in Japan. Gintama is one such series as was written, designed, and illustrated by Hideaki Sorachi.The anime is set against the backdrop of the Edo period which was between 1603-1868, a period ruled by the Tokugawa Shogunate when humanity is attacked by an alien group called ‘Amanto’ - Sky People. The story revolves around Gintoki Sakata who tries to defend the Earth along with his friends Shinpachi Shimura and Kagura.Here are some of the all-time favorite Gintama anime quotes about love, war, friendship, and life. In our list you will find serious and meaningful anime quotes as well as some of the best and funniest anime quotes from Gintama. So, read on for the best Gintama anime quotes, or if you are looking for other famous animation series quotes, please check Kermit the Frog quotes and ‘Kiki’s Delivery Service’ quotes.‍Best Gintama Quotes About LifeGintoki Sakata, the main character of the anime, is introduced as a freelancer doing odd jobs helping people differently. Here we bring some of the best lists of Gintama quotes and sayings by Gintoki Sakata. Though the story is set in the Edo-Japan era, this list of Gintama quotes makes us think through life even today.1.“Happiness depends on each person. If you think you ’re happy, then you must be happy.”-Gintoki Sakata.2.“If you have time to fantasize about a beautiful end, then just live beautifully ’til the end."-Gintoki Sakata.3.“Even if you’re the main character, you can still die… I better be careful-ttebayo."-Gintoki Sakata.4.“Life is like a mountain - you can say you’ve reached the top, but only after climbing back down."-Gintoki Sakata.5.“Honest feelings can sometimes lead to cruel endings."-Gintoki Sakata.6.“You can’t just run away, especially from the things you want to forget!."-Gintoki Sakata.7.“But men are always boys at heart until they die."-Gintoki Sakata.8.“Have faith in your inspiration. Feel the imagination!.”-Gintoki Sakata.9.“There’s no short-cut to becoming strong. Even if you try to look strong on the outside, that thin layer will soon fall off.”-Shimura Shinpachi.10.“Some lies are necessary for giving children dreams."-Shimura Tae.Best Gintama Quotes About Victory And DefeatGintama anime quotes provide us with thought-provoking quotes that inspire many. Being an action-entertainer, these anime quotes are worth visiting to keep the fire within us alive.11.“The night is darkest just before dawn. But keep your eyes open."-Gintoki Sakata.12.“I have an organ more important than my heart."-Gintoki Sakata.13.“Even if you can’t move anymore, or your back gets bent out of shape, it doesn’t matter!."-Gintoki Sakata.14.“Living without protecting what needs to be protected is the same as death…"-Hideaki Sorachi.15.“I stand on the battlefield to protect what’s important to me”-Kagura.16.“You know my sword, don’t you? If so, then it’s probably in memory of defeat you cannot wipe away: you know that your sword can’t reach me."—Utsuro, ‘Gintama Episode 314’.17.“A life without gambling is like sushi without wasabi!"-Gintoki Sakata.18.“Fair or unfair, it doesn’t matter to him."-Kondo Isao Gintama, ‘Gintama Episode 314’.19.“There are two things people fear… those are death and embarrassment. “– Gintoki Sakata.20.“If you have faith, your dreams will surely come true.”– Kotarou Katsura.21.“Sensei, you can’t control them. They won’t be defeated by any color, and neither will they be dyed by any color."—Kondo, ‘Gintama,Episode 102’.Cool Gintama QuotesKagura is a super-strong teenage alien girl who was once rescued by Gintoki Sakata and Shimura. She joins the duo in the fight against the Amanto group. Here are a few cool and funny anime quotes from Kagura. These are some of the best quotes!22.“Whether doing good or evil, I will be the boss.”-Kagura.23.“Kids these days just want to stuff their faces”-Kagura.24.“You don’t need a driver’s license to hit and run!"-Kagura.25. “How I live and where I live is up to me, got it!"-Kagura.26.“It doesn’t bother me. Everyone in Edo is like that. They’re somewhat cold and indifferent towards people."-Kagura.Best Gintama Quotes From YamazakiYamazaki Sagaru is known as ‘Mountain Zaki’. He is the one with neck-length hair and is usually seen amongst other Shinsengumi officers. These Yamazaki Gintama quotes work for everyone.27.“You need to look carefully both above and below. That’s an iron rule of surveillance, Crow-kun."-Yamazaki Sagaru.28.“How am I supposed to hit on a girl with this hair? I can’t play anything beyond a side role in Fist of the North Star."-Yamazaki Sagaru.Hijikata Toshiro Gintama QuotesHijikata Toshirou is a fearful police officer who is considered the brain behind Shinsengumi. He is shown to have a split personality. Let’s see few Gintama anime quotes from Hijikata Toshirou.29.“I don’t care if I lose an arm or a leg, as long as I am still breathing I’ll keep fighting, that’s a street fight for you."-Hijikata Toshiro.30.“Try to commit a crime that’s worthy of this punishment. What crime will you be guilty of?"-Hijikata Toshiro.31.“Before you try revolutionizing the country, why don’t you try revolutionize yourself first?"-Hijikata Toshiro.Funny Gintama QuotesFrom the plot, it appears that Gintama is an action entertainer. But that is not so. The funny conversations that happen between the trio and their friends in the series make it a witty watch. Here are a few anime quotes from tickling conversations that bring a smile. These really are some of the best and funniest anime quotes.32.“Having no money is like having a sinus infection. You just ignore it and it goes away."– Gintoki Sakata.33.“Do you have any idea how stupid we are? Don’t underestimate us!"– Gintoki Sakata.34.“Don’t try picking up a gun, if you are not ready to hurt somebody."– Gintoki Sakata.35.“You can’t sell dreams to someone who walked the path of Nightmare."– Gintoki Sakata.36.“Satan and Satan. One brings dreams, the other brings nightmare. They’re more or less the same."– Gintoki Sakata.37.“The best way to live your full life is to be a child, no matter your age."– Gintoki Sakata.38.“Listen up! What we need is this! Yes, calcium! If we have enough calcium, we can do anything!"– Gintoki Sakata.39.“The Other Side of the Other Side of the Other Side would be the Other Side."– Gintoki Sakata.Deep Gintama QuotesThough the Gintama series is entertaining in all aspects, here are a few Gintama quotes that will keep you thinking and applying them in your life as well. These deep and serious anime quotes make you a responsible human being.40.“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”– Gintoki Sakata.41.“Tears are handy for washing away troubling and sad feelings. But when you grow up, you’ll learn that there are things so sad, they can never be washed away by tears."-Obi Hajime.42.“Inside me, there is an organ more important than my heart. Although you can’t see it, I feel it going through my head and down to my legs, and I know that it exists inside me. “– Gintoki Sakata.43.“No matter whether you win or not, there’s no meaning to war."– Gintoki Sakata.44.“It lets me stand on my feet, it lets me walk forward without trembling. If I stop here, I feel like it would break… My soul will break."– Gintoki Sakata.45.“Sake sure is nice. You can forget your troubles if only for a moment. You’ll have to remember them tomorrow though, and they’ll be even more painful than they were the night before. You can’t run away from things like this”– Gintoki Sakata.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 45 Gintama Quotes About Love, War, And Friendship then why not take a look at Kim Namjoon quotes, or altruism quotes?‍

in Tama is one of the animated series that originated in Japan.